A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 29 March 2014



Now if there’s anything you can say for sure about Nigel Farage and be confident you’re right it’s that he’s earnest in his views and beliefs, and with that earnestness of character you can sense his absolute honesty. Oh he may be forthright all right, but you know that he knows what he’s talking about, that he means what he says and what you’re getting is right. There’s no political fine art in Nigel. No posturing or clever prevarication. Nothing said for a handful of votes. He’s checked out his facts and they’re straight so he’s able to tell us how it is. As for Europe he’s been an elected, serving member of the European Parliament for more years than Nick Clegg’s been making false promises so he knows what he’s talking about.

You could tell that by the televised debate between the two men just a short while ago. Clegg earnest about Europe and like all the other big names of the British political class red hot to stay in. The really big issues for the British people like unchecked and uncontrollable immigration, the European Parliament taking over and superseding the British political and legal system, unlimited immigration forcing down the price of labour, while of concern to the Liberal Democrats are nonetheless clearly of secondary importance compared to the economic benefits of membership such as trade and the value of the EC as an export market. In other words Nick Clegg and his Liberal Democrats viewing it primarily from the standpoint of business opportunity while Nigel Farage and UKIP being equally concerned with the political, legal and social implications of membership. Clearly a more rounded view than the essentially narrow commercial approach which, as Farage was quick to point out, simply doesn’t hold up because of the serious economic crises faced by many of its member states.

Seeking to unhinge the political challenge from UKIP he faces, Deputy Prime Minister Clegg attacked the immigration figures circulated by UKIP and Farage as alarmist, pointing out that neither he or his Party are in favour of mass uncontrolled immigration from Europe and that it won’t happen anyway. His view runs counter to the recent statement from his colleague Vince Cable who said he saw nothing wrong with mass inward immigration from Europe and that the more immigrants who came here the better. This of course raises the problem of never knowing quite what you’re getting from them as a Party. They speak with many tongues it’s been pointed out. Farage’s concern over the effect of European immigration policy, however, comes on top of what he sees, indeed what we have all seen, as those that operated under the ten years of Labour Government during which totally unchecked Muslim immigration from South-East Asia to the tune of some three to four million arrivals was added to by one and a half million Poles in double quick time!

What Farage points to is the fact that uncontrolled immigration from economically depressed East European states, lawful under EC laws, will all but parallel the immigration into Britain of the previous decade and that such a new wave cannot be stopped given Britain’s membership of the Community. Clegg however was keen to emphasize that such immigration simply wouldn’t take place! During the debate Nigel Farage also stressed what was a key issue to him of Britain’s loss of ability to govern itself with its own laws. This saw him ridiculed by the Liberal Democrat leader as a little Englander whereas he, Clegg, was concerned with Britain as a whole.

During the debate Farage appeared altogether more forthright, patiently but clearly presenting a case whereas Nick Clegg struggled to justify Liberal Democrat support for wanting Britain to remain in Europe. In this he faced no uncertain difficulty conditioned as his case was, not only in his mind in the minds of viewers, by the historical issue of credibility and trust. It was all too easy for Farage to remind him that he and his Party had reneged on various key electoral promises such as student loans added to which, lurking in the background was the Liberal Democrat failure over promised electoral reform, failure to curb bankers bonuses as promised and then their grim failure to deal with energy price rises with the Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for Energy, Ed Davey, suspected of complicity in the creation of the Big Six energy price fixing cartel. Put plainly Nick Clegg had a whole lot of unpopularity and resentment hanging over him from the time that he his Party threw in their lot with the Tories! It’s one thing trying to make an unpopular case from a position of electoral popularity. Quite another trying to do it against a formidable opponent knowing that the electorate is with him and not you, and definitely not you in terms of your own political record. With all that hanging over him the pale pasty faced Clegg came over weak and defensive and played into the hands of a determined Nigel Farage. Newspaper polls taken soon after the debate clearly showed who was the victor. That said,

Now ee aint got time for bullshit our Nigel,
Don’t keep it in is tool kit do you Nigel,
Oh ees little but ees wise, likes is chips not euro-fries
And a blessing in disguise, is Nigel!



Not happy with its recent killing of a young giraffe that didn’t fit its breeding program, despite many offers from other parks and zoos in Europe to take it, a noxious event that lit the fuse of millions of animal lovers across the Internet and resulted in protests round the world, the Dirty Danes at this very same zoo have just done the nasties, or should I say Nazis all over again. In its latest message to the world its authorities have quite unashamedly informed us that they’ve recently put to death two young lion cubs and two adult lions. No problem! Just killed them quietly because they didn’t fit into Copenhagen Zoo’s breeding program and were therefore surplus to requirements!

Two young lion cubs, surplus to requirements and so put to death. One therefore has to ask, exactly what kind of breeding program are these people running? If it seems like anything at all it’s a filthy kind of animal eugenics. Yep, these bastards wanted to breed distinctly Danish Lions. Males with blue or green eyes, whispy little blonde beards and long faces that like sipping cider through a straw. There’s simply no other way of considering the actions of these people except to say that they’re ruthless killers who’d do anything to meet the cold heartless terms of a breeding program they’d somehow justify as scientific but is what it actually is… MURDEROUS.

In their defence they’ve put it about that they tried to give the lions away to other zoos but no-one would take them. What, no-one? No-one anywhere in the world? I can hardly believe this to be true but if it is and no-one would take them then why not release them out into the wild? Give them a fighting chance out there on their own. After all, you kept the cubs caged. That’s all they knew before you killed them so why not be human and let them taste freedom, but you didn’t. It wasn’t good enough for you that they weren’t born free, oh no, you had to make sure that they died that way too!

Shame on you Denmark. I for one will never buy anything Danish again. No dairy products, no beer, no Lego, no nothing! Shame on you Mrs Danish Prime Minister who allowed it to happen and incidentally happens to be the wife of Neil Kinnock’s son. As though you people ever cared about anything except creating political careers for yourselves! But beware Kinnock Jnr, the people of Wales where you’re planning to become a Labour M.P. - nothing to do with nepotism of course - are rather partial to lions.

Finally I hope that no institution of science or learning will have anything at all to do with Copenhagen Zoo again for a very long time, at least until it abandons its animal eugenics program. And if you plan to kill any more animals that you say are surplus to your breeding requirements, Copenhagen Zoo, then kindly state your intentions on the internet beforehand and let people across the world know in good time so they can organise an alternative to unnecessary death.


There’s something special about the rasping tone of Tory-boy tosspot William Hague who for weeks now has been threatening, warning and cautioning Russian President Vladimir Putin like a puerile little Yorkshire policeman who thinks he can say or do whatever he likes to anybody without being found out.  Whether it’s Hillsborough, Jimmy Savile or the Yorkshire Ripper its all the same kind of thing. The puerile ignorant nastiness of some jumped up little squirt who thinks he’s more important than anyone else and as the policeman of British Foreign Affairs is going to make the leader of a world superpower fearful, terrified and cringing with threats of sanctions and political isolation! It’s a bit like the American President telling Russia it will be ‘politically isolated’ if it doesn’t do what he wants.

None of it matters. Not when bully-boy Hague has found new friends to play with like the axe and club wielding Nazis in the Ukraine. Yes, they definitely seem to be his kind of people. Not a thought about who these people might be before jumping into bed with them! Well done, you and your puppeteer John Kerry, walking cadaver from the American State Department. One with his childish threats, the other sounding like some clapped out old bit of vinyl with a bad scratch in it. Just think of these two Nazi friendlies representing Western Foreign policy now offering these killers their full support against a Russia that lost 29 million dead in the Second World War and currently having to deal with the same kind of thugs!

Having lost out to the Russians in the Crimea during the middle of the 19th century, the British Foreign Office of today, with Dasher Hague leading the charge of the Tory Light Brigade, hopes to make up for previously getting its arse kicked only this time it’s got a special weapon going for it. Yes, you guessed it, BBC Television with its singularly dirty, biased reporting, most of which quite frankly has been a tissue of lies from start to finish with BBC Reporters busily acting as agents provocateurs throughout. In fact to anyone only listening in to the British and American version of events while ignoring all the other international news media you might well have thought that the world had gone mad. Never mind the fact that the Referendum put to the Crimean people for ties with Russia gained the support of 90 plus of its population, the American resolution put before the United Nations condemning it gained the support of 100 of its member states with only 11 voting against. It all looked pretty solid for Kerry, Hague and the West until you remember that 58 member states of the UN abstained in the vote and that those nations contain over two-thirds of the world’s population!

Looked at in the cold light of day it must be remembered that what the Governments of Britain, the United States and Western Europe actually did was support gangs of Nazi thugs in an illegal and murderous takeover of a country and that said can only come out of it all morally dirty with a bad taint of right wing extremism. Britain and America acted as collaborators of fascism and if their populations don’t mind the smell that’s fair enough. As for you Mr Obama, if your dirty friends in the Ukraine weren’t high enough moral ground for you over the last week then cheers for going to Saudi Arabia and telling us more about your high moral ground! Supping with your gangster friends there and taking their gifts. Didn’t anyone tell you that your good friend the King has kept two of his young daughters locked away in a compound for twelve years or more without any freedom or human rights. Didn’t anyone tell you that they do things to women there that you wouldn’t want to have done to your own wife and daughters. Are you really that dumb or are you just a plain hypocrite? Yes, we all appreciate that you couldn’t say anything on your visit! That you can’t intervene in the internal affairs of other countries, joke-joke. But then, what’s the point of being President if you’re dirty and tarnished like all the rest and that your high moral ground is just another channel in the gutter?

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