A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 8 March 2014


So, the United States is threatening Russia with severe economic sanctions and political isolation if it doesn’t hand back its main naval base in the Crimea to the gang of Nazi led Ukrainian nationalists who staged a violent and illegal coup d’état in Kiev. Bit of a joke really, what with the United States economy totally bankrupt to the tune of 16 trillion dollars and politically isolated itself around much of the world  with no dictator friends anymore in South America and European heads of state seriously unhappy about being spied on by the US Government intelligence agency! Only British Tories like Bomber Hague are  extra friendly along with America’s fundamentalist Islamist Al Qaeda friends fighting for them in Syria!

Perhaps that’s why the aid package President Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry offered on his jolly old pals visit to the Nazi-nationalists in Kiev was only a paltry billion dollars when the gangsters there were asking for thirty! Reason? America’s skint! All the same Bomber Hague, otherwise known as the Yorkshire Amoeba, and Bomber Kerry, both red hot just a few weeks ago to bomb the hell out of Syria, are just a tad hypocritical, warning Russia about the consequences of its intervention to protect its citizens and naval base when for many weeks previously, Britain’s Baroness Ashton, EU Foreign Minister, together with other top EU politicians had been visiting Kiev on a regular basis to meet with the leaders of the pro-Nazi groups offering them advice while cheerleading on their supporters in the demonstrating crowds. This so called European Foreign Minister with the British Tories fully behind her fully supported the takeover and illegal ousting of the democratically elected pro-Russian President so let’s have no more mealy-mouthed hypocrisy from warmonger, Bomber Hague.

The Kiev Gang want another 29 billion but hey, wait a minute, some of these new self-appointed Ministers are themselves from Western Ukraine’s financial elite and live in luxury villas or houses in gated communities or multi-million dollar flats. There are at least three Oligarchs in economic posts in the so-called new Government while the Chief of Defence is the boss of a Nazi admiration political group. So why do they want western taxpayers to cough up so much and where’s it all going?

Nicely in the mix has been the behaviour of the British and American Governments throughout the whole course of this fascist takeover with Secretary of State Kerry and British Foreign Secretary Hague both personally expressing their admiration and support for the Ukrainian Government whose members have openly Nazi sympathies. This is particularly interesting because in recent weeks there have been many attacks on Jews in Kiev and other cities along with the bombing of synagogues, all of it paralleling the rise of the Nazi groups in Kiev. These groups, clearly responsible for the fast rising tide of anti-Semitism while at the same time acting as the organising force behind the coup, clearly have the support of Kerry and Hague so one needs to ask, what does this say?   

Key to the whole situation is the strategic territorial position of the Ukraine with its northern border running across southern Russia and Kiev not too far from Moscow. Here the involvement of a key arm of American military power comes into play with the entry of NATO into the conflict. A pro-Western, nationalist, anti-Russian Ukraine means one thing above all and that’s America having military bases there close to the border with Russia. In other words a further stretching of NATO’s military arm almost into Russia itself which would come sooner rather than later! Before that however the Nazi murder squads will dominate the streets of Kiev and other towns in both the western and eastern parts of the country. Something that’s already happening right now. So when Tory Foreign Secretary Hague lays flowers in Kiev and shakes hands with the new leaders, make no mistake, he’s showing that he stands side by side with these people and lends them British support!

This raises the delicate question as to whether the British Foreign Secretary has Nazi sympathies? I doubt it. Not that he gives two hoots for the plight of the large Jewish community in the Ukraine because why would he give the unqualified support of the British Government to the Gang that took over in Kiev and its openly Nazi Ministers? It’s possibly more simple than that. The Jews don’t figure in the equation because he’s playing the role of toe-rag to the Americans with Kerry himself acting as shoeshine boy to the financiers of Wall Street and the City of London, hot to get their hands on Ukraine’s industrial output for the loans they’ll soon have to drum up on the backs of British and American taxpayers! A word of warning then to British benefit claimants and savers. Better watch out! Ukrainian Nazis are after your money!

Meanwhile a really neat little touch. Something for all right thinking liberal minded people to note. The on-the-ground news reporters for BBC and Channel Four Television News are having the coziest conversations imaginable with politicians from Ukraine’s Fatherland Party and other fascist groups. No hard tough questions asked but the kind of pleasant chat you might have with old pals. That’s the so-called left end of the news media for you, basically playing a propaganda role for British Intelligence at GCHQ. As we see on our screens, BBC reporters have been busy alongside Ukrainian troops, in one particular case walking with them towards Russian personnel taking camera shots in a contrived provocation while in recent weeks we’ve seen them provocatively egging on Ukrainian nationalist demonstrators. In all these cases BBC Television is playing a provocateur’s role on behalf of British intelligence services and the British Government.

It can’t be any more plain and I again ask why British people should have to pay a license fee to the BBC for its overt political partiality when we the public require that it provides a neutral, balanced and unbiased reporting service. That’s its public remit for the license money we pay. Quite frankly the conduct of BBC Television in the Ukraine is an absolute disgrace. Bias may be one thing but becoming engaged in actively provoking hostility towards one side in the conflict for political purposes is shameless and dirty. I repeat. In a conflict such as this BBC Television is clearly acting on behalf of the intelligence services and Government and is no longer a force for independent reportage.

Meanwhile, because the Russian Government won’t hand over its naval base in the Crimea to the United States military via its Nazi friends in Kiev, President Obama, David Cameron and their leery mates in the EU have decided that the Russians have got to be punished. No more travel to Europe or America for Russians and if they don’t mend their ways they’ll be chucked out of the G8 Club. That’s a Finance Club whose members get together to organise the robbery of Third World Countries, exchanging financial loans of worthless money that their Central Banks print out in trillions in exchange for mineral wealth, oil and political control. The Russians should ask themselves whether they really want to belong to a gang of gangsters or tell them where they can stick all their sanctions!

1 comment:

  1. Second Nurenberg is necessary for western ukrainian nazi-gangsters, for Yatsenyuk, Kolomoyskiy, Yarosh, for other monsters and for Obama`s government
