A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 23 March 2014


The whereabouts of the vanished Malaysian Boeing that disappeared into thin air with 239 men, women and children aboard on its journey to Peking is still puzzling the maritime nations of the world and a wide range of experts. Following its disappearance from radar screens and with its detection facilities deliberately switched off the mystery has deepened day after day, particularly as evidence from satellite detection equipment remains inconclusive. Maybe it’s a mystery that will never be solved but I doubt it. Actually if you consider the matter calmly maybe it’s really no mystery at all. There are two key factors that have come into play over the last week both of which arouse suspicion. One is that the Malaysian Government has clearly withheld information it was in possession of early in its investigation in tracking the aircraft. The other, their all too rapid dismissal of any Iranian involvement.

Let’s look at some facts.

1). Two young Iranian men board a flight heading for Peking
2). Both get on the flight using false passports.
3). The day after the plane disappeared the Malaysian Government announced that they were actually heading for Germany to begin courses of study. In short there was clearly a rush to clear the Iranians from any involvement.

Taken together the above detail should have immediately raised serious questions. Rung alarm bells round the world, especially in Europe and America. That in itself is important because of the wider political issues and considerations that come into play, particularly those relating to the much closer diplomatic ties recently established between America, its allies in the European Union and Iran.

The Malaysian Government, itself Islamic with ties to Iran, has said that the two Iranians had left their country to go to Germany to study. In that case why did they take a flight eastward to Peking when any number of flights would have taken them from Malaysia to Germany? And of crucial importance, why did both men get on the flight to Peking using false passports, documents stolen in Thailand and any facial disparity not picked up at Kuala Lumpur Airport? These are questions that the Malaysian Government has failed to answer, perhaps because they have never been forcefully asked.

So for unexplained reasons, two Iranian men board a flight to Peking using stolen passports and the flight vanishes without trace. Oh golly gosh! Could these facts possibly arouse suspicion? Well having so quickly taken the Iranians out of the loop isn’t it only fair to ask,

exactly why did the Malaysian authorities  do this and what information did they have to hand that made them so certain, so quickly? Furthermore, why has none of this information been made public to date?

Very visible on our television screens since the plane vanished has been the large numbers of grieving relatives of those who have vanished… with the singular exception it should be said of any family members of the two men in question. Surely we might have expected to see their family on screen from wherever they came from but no, absolutely no-one and nothing!

Indeed, exactly who were these two men and exactly where did they come from? Quite simply, the Malaysian authorities have chosen to downplay and ignore all these facts and that itself is suspicious but so too has been the manner in which they are now casting around, looking here, there and everywhere for possible culprits. Apart from the checks on passenger manifests now taking place the main suspicion seems to have fallen on the two Malaysian pilots, the most senior of whom has a long and exemplary flying record and has been vouched for by professional colleagues and friends. Even so there have been attempts to smear him in the Malaysian media as being associated with the heavily censored leader of the political opposition in that country added to which has been the discovery of a flight simulator at his home. As the man was something of a flying fanatic who loved his job this might be to a degree understandable. His co-pilot too seems to be in the frame. Both men it’s claimed would have exactly the right experience and knowledge to have switched off all the electronic communication systems aboard the aircraft.

Without having any clear or serious reason then the Malaysian authorities are fastening on the pilots. The only problem with this is motive. As the international terror regime par excellence, Iran, with a record as long as anyone’s arm, fits the bill perfectly, especially since it is now guaranteed of having a certain degree of American protection given the newly established close relationship between the Obama Administration and the Mullahs in Tehran and with this, of course goes the new found warmth between Baroness Ashton, European Union Foreign Secretary and the Iranian fundamentalists.

The fit is all too tight to be dismissed or put to one side, even so the problem with all this is motive. It’s now fairly clear that given the evidence of the aircraft’s communications systems being tampered with the plane was hijacked but compared to all other past hijackings this one is different. There seems to be no reason for it. No motive. Nothing made public to date. Most aircraft are hijacked for a reason, one that is announced early on by the perpetrators, their motive in most cases being publicity. They’ve taken over the aircraft for a reason, a cause which they support so their action has a purpose behind it. That being the case and the perpetrators seeking to create international sympathy for their cause it would be unlikely that they’d intend causing harm to the passengers, otherwise they’d show themselves to be unworthy of such sympathy. In the case of the vanished Malaysian Boeing however nothing makes any sense. It’s been hijacked and the action of the hijackers must have a motive or else there’d be no reason for doing it in the first place and that simply doesn’t make sense, yet so far they’ve chosen not to reveal it.

As I’ve said, in nearly all hijackings its perpetrators reveal their motives early on. If it’s for publicity, in support of a cause, it makes no sense keeping it hidden, unless that is its perpetrators have calculated that creating a mystery to build up world-wide publicity is advantageous, as it certainly is in this case. Running against this however is the anger generated over concerns for the welfare of the passengers so keeping the world waiting for any announcement is hardly likely to increase sympathy for those responsible.

No apparent reason… The creation of an international incident without any justification or cause…  That’s the real heart of the mystery.    

The whole scenario can be looked at two ways. Both make grim reading. If this was the work of the pilots they’d have locked the passengers out of the cockpit to control the whole situation. All those men, women and kids knowing something was badly wrong and increasingly terrified. Frightened for their lives hour after hour. Parents desperately trying to console their children. Looking for answers but unable to find any. Maybe trying to get into the cockpit. Alternatively, if the plane was hijacked, one armed terrorist inside the cockpit controlling the pilots, another inside the plane waving a gun, there might have been a concerted attempt by the passengers to intervene. Risk their lives trying to grab hold of the man with the gun. If so shots may have been fired in any struggle. Rounds of automatic smashing through the fuselage or windows, instantly depressurizing the aircraft and causing it to dive out of control

What we do know is that the plane was still flying five hours after it disappeared from all contact. Why is that and where was it going? Maybe its destruction was an unintended accident. Something that went wrong during a hijack and couldn’t be righted so they all died for nothing. Even so those responsible might have said something, left some kind of message even so close to the end.

However there’s another consideration I’d like to put to you. A more simple reason that explains things. Something almost too awful to contemplate. In recent days it’s been revealed that the family of the pilot walked out on him the day before the flight. To my mind this information puts all other theories to rest, with the exception perhaps of any Iranian involvement. Here we have a very singular cause, an extremely powerful motive. That of a seriously disturbed mind. A matter of deep discontent, emotional turbulence and anger in a man who’d suddenly lost everything that was really meaningful in his life. He’d taken his inner turmoil and trauma board with him on the flight. All that pain, all those thoughts going through his head until he finally resolved on an action to destroy himself. Shut his fellow pilot out of the cockpit and flew on alone over the ocean. Alone with all his thoughts and despair. If this information put out about his loss of his family is true then here is a very singular, very personal motive but then with so many other lives at stake and now probably destroyed it doesn’t mean very much. This maybe is the real answer to all the mystery. Much may become apparent if the aircraft is found and the content of its black boxes revealed. Having now put my own theory my thoughts are for the terrified passengers aboard, especially the children, and their last moments alive.

Trouble is, only a day back the Malaysian authorities changed their story and put it about that the pilot’s family problem never happened. That they’d made a mistake! It’s almost like they’re changing their tune every few hours! Well I for one think that the family angle is by far the most plausible. Nonetheless it doesn’t detract in any way from the dreadful plight of the passengers and it is this that should be the main consideration for everyone following the story round the world… the state of the passengers and their conduct once they knew that something was wrong. How they all must have felt when everything they thought was safe and routine suddenly and dramatically changed. Traumatic moments and hours that cannot be understated. Now they were no longer passengers but victims. Victims at the mercy of others. This sudden and dramatic turnaround in their status and how they may of reacted to it is the essentially human side of the drama because we’re talking of people’s lives here not just an aircraft. People who are terrified. Who don’t know how the situation might end.

Quite frankly not enough consideration has been given in the media to seeing things from the passengers point of view with reporters from BBC Television and Channel Four particularly to blame. There’s simply been little to no consideration of their state of mind by these media jockeys, only too hyped up to create an endless drama  for the telly-addicts. For me on the other hand the state of mind of the passengers, their anxieties, their fears and their terror is at least as important as the whereabouts of the plane.

Just imagine for a moment your own thoughts and feelings if you’d been a passenger on the flight and part of anything that I’ve described above. Or how about you and your family on a package holiday flight to one of the Costas when some guy sitting two rows in front of you gets up holding a can of Heinz Minestrone claiming that it’s a bomb and screams that if you don’t behave yourselves you won’t be landing in Mecca at midnight. Well that’s the plan anyway only it’s their plan not yours and little Ryan needs to go for a piss but he can’t, not yet anyway so suddenly one of the seats is all wet and your wife’s in a serious tizz. As for you, you’re thinking back to the time of the Malaysian hijack and how it all ended.

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