A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Friday 14 March 2014


Now there will undoubtedly be many good folk out there who, having read the title of this Post, ask themselves, what kind of man uses such a rude, horrid title for his Post too which I reply with the simple recommendation that you pick up a copy of the Great and Good book and read Ecclesiastes because there you’ll find all manner of admonition and expletive. And if you look carefully enough, hidden away somewhere in the text is the suggestion that… Horrid is as Horrid Does! Maybe some of you have already come across it. Actually it’s always most likely to be men who just happen in a Doctor’s or Dentists Waiting Room just sitting there waiting and there’s nothing for you to read except Women’s World or Homes and Gardens or some other kind of shit and then you see the only book there and it’s the Bible and suddenly what comes into your head is adultery… wife stealing… dusky Queens of Sheba…and the whole idea of ‘begetting’… so you open it up looking for a bit of licentiousness. But then what kind of a guy would read  the Bible if there was a well fingered copy of Rumanian Babes available for consumption?

Well actually there’s nothing in Ecclesiastes that says anything remotely like Horrid is as Horrid Does, or anywhere else in the Bible for that matter and furthermore I never read it anyway! What I am trying to say is just like so many other things in life, words and ideas have a context. I mean most people wouldn’t use Ratfuckers to describe really nice people, say, like Ant and Dec, but then there may well be some who really can’t stand them and definitely would use such a word. For myself I’d like to consider this matter of context with especial reference to what I think are very definite, accurate and laudable associations of this magical word to various groups of people. And yes, you know who they are!

There are many things for which we have to be grateful about for the whole Ukrainian Crisis, some of which are directly political, for example in showing us exactly how close to fascism British and American foreign policy actually is, but there’s something else, equally interesting though less obvious, that I’d draw your attention to. This crisis with its endlessly rolling news has mercifully blotted out a whole raft of other things and saved us from having to listen to so much other plain unadulterated political crap, so the Ukraine has done me and countless others the simply huge favour of keeping the Liberal Democrats Conference out of our heads! Thank you Ukraine for keeping the Lib-Dem Gang of Ratfuckers off our television screens for much of the last week! You’ve done the British people an enormous service by keeping these lying, thoroughly self-satisfied, parasitic, opportunist political creeps off the airwaves. Honestly, I simply can’t thank you enough.

However, I’d briefly like to tell you about some of the offensively lying and squirmy things that I heard simply to justify my use of the word. Actually I can think of others that are far nastier but in all truth there’s nothing better I can think of, nothing more satisfyingly than to ascribe the word of my Title to this scurrilous crew. Firstly there was the hand on heart promise from Danny Alexander, George Osborne’s favorite Lib- Dem crony to increase the tax relief for married couples by a few thousand quid if the Coalition Government was re-elected in 2015. A big financial promise from a senior Liberal-Democrat… Absolutely sincerely and Hand on Heart! I mean, do these people actually expect us to believe that kind of thing? It’s nothing less than a bribe. If you vote for us we’ll give you more money…

If you voted for these people last time I can only ask whether you’d do it again on that kind of promise? Surely you know that these people specialize in breaking promises. They are political opportunists. Liars by nature. People who can’t help themselves. In a word, Ratfuckers… Creepy-crawlies who feel so awfully  good about themselves because they do their shopping in Waitrose and love munching sun-ripened goat’s cheese made in a tent with a flag on it all the way from Outer Mongolia… But here’s a sample of what they’re actually like. A few weeks back, Vince Cable, Lib-Dem Business Secretary, was boasting of his role in helping the Minimum Wage rise by 3%, the highest in real terms for years as he claimed. It works out at just NINETEEN PENCE AN HOUR or £7.60 for a 40 hour week, less tax! What bankers and business executives earn A MINUTE in their bonuses and salary scams! However news already released showed that Tory Chancellor George Osborne had wanted it to be more which meant that Lib-Dem Cable had personally welcomed a lower rate. Yet in an interview at the Liberal Democrat Spring Conference last weekend he happily presented himself as a champion of the lower paid! Bravo, but today, alas, figures just released about pay for public sector workers in the NHS for the coming year show that most won’t even be getting a promised annual 1% rise! NOT EVEN ONE PERCENT!

Here then is a gap between words, promises and reality. Promises that are never kept… Intentions they always betray… Electoral Reform? Ditched! Curbing bankers and executive bonuses? Ditched! Giving hardworking people in the Public Sector a decent wage? Abandoned by these so called champions of the lower paid! That’s why these people are Ratfuckers.

Furthermore, in an attempt to create liberal cred and put public distance between his Party and the Tories the nation’s favourite scarecrow put it about that he supported mass immigration from the European Union into Britain and that the greater it was the better! This was a view deliberately put up to support the Conference speech of Coalition colleague, Deputy Prime Minister Clegg who having given endless support for the European Union turned to personally attack his greatest political rival Nigel Farage and UKIP. Consider what this hypocrisy means for the Liberal Democrats in real political terms. In a recent council election in Nottingham their candidate came last, trailing an Elvis Presley look-alike campaigning for better bus services. They came last behind a joke candidate… A Party that simply can’t be taken seriously anymore!   

In politics if you make people a promise you never go back on it, only the Liberal Democrats did. They betrayed their promises for the sake of political power just as they later betrayed the promises of their Manifesto. They’ve been parasites who’ve fed on the hopes of young people and old so Ratfuckers isn’t such a bad name for them after all.

The Liberal Democrats are Ratfuckers all right but they’re not the only ones making the rounds. The term in fact is a perfect description for the bureaucrats and leading politicians of the European Community and indeed some of its member states. Like Latvia for example which today hands out pensions to its former Nazi SS killers from the Second World War. Or Lithuania which blithely allows former Nazi killers of yesterday to enjoy the good life today, and then far right Poland which maintains the stunning pretense of being Jew friendly, something of a sick joke but never mind, they’re David Cameron’s closest allies in Europe! These places apart, the European Union itself is now hands on Fascist Friendly with its new buddies in Western Ukraine while recently falling over itself to be Iranian Friendly for all the right economic reasons such as Germany doing a roaring export trade with a country described by a former senior member of the American State Department as Islamic-fascist, but that of course was before the time of Obama!

Now of course everything has changed with America opening its arms to the new gang of fundamentalist leaders in Tehran while maintaining a barely disguised hostility towards the State of Israel, all of which is perfectly paralleled by the policies and actions of the European Union and mirrored in the conduct of its Foreign Minister Baroness Ashton. On behalf of all its member states this lady who seems to have come out of nowhere spent much time in Kiev talking to and encouraging the leaders of fascist political groups, after which she rushed to put in an affable appearance in Tehran, hot courting approval with a neatly togged up headscarf and effusively making with friendly smiles and handshakes when she could have been asking questions about the origin of a huge shipload of rockets and other weapons bound for the Gaza Strip on a Panamanian tanker that was seized by Israel’s Navy in the Red Sea. Questions from Baroness Ashton to the Iranians? You’ve got to be joking! Not from this foreign policy head of the EU Gang of Ratfuckers. When it comes to asking unpleasant questions or being endlessly critical the good lady has only one target ever in mind. Yes it’s those nasty Israelis all over again!

Talk about turning a blind eye! She’s got to be blind and deaf not to know that there’s more democracy and fundamental human rights in play in Israel than all the other states in the Near and Middle East put together but never mind about that, or the fact that Israel’s Arabs enjoy the same political, economic and religious rights as that country’s Jews. The fact somehow escapes her and the entire gang of Ratfuckers in the European Union one of which, by the way, includes Portuguese supreme Man About Europe Manuel Barroso who specializes in telling its nation states how to behave and what they can do and can’t. This little pipsqueak, here, there and just about everywhere, specializes in mouthing off about anything or anyone he doesn’t like while passing round the begging bowl for his own comprehensively bankrupt and knee deep in shit Portugal!

There are of course countless other Euro-Ratfuckers like him including nonentity President from Luxemburg Rumpuy-Stiltskin but right now the busiest player in town is undoubtedly the Baroness, busily engaged in a love-in with the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism. Still, it takes one gang of Ratfuckers to know another and the Iranians are and have been for many years the world’s slimiest masters of deception.

Why not ask your new and very good friends to tell you the truth about who organised and carried out the bombing of the Jewish Cultural Centre in Buenos Aeries some years back killing five hundred Jewish men, women and children, Baroness Ashton, and see if they’re still smiling at you? Okay, I understand! You just couldn’t do something like that and embarrass your new very good friends, especially because they’ve got lots of oil and gas that you and your fellow Ratfuckers need to get your hands on now that Libya’s been bombed to pieces and there may be trouble ahead with Russian supplies! That of course is why you went to Tehran to play kiss-kiss with a gang of Holocaust-deniers. All in it together! All for one and one for all like  a gang of Ratfucking Musketeers!       

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