A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Saturday 8 March 2014



1) BOMBER HAGUE: For his performance in Kiev in the Tory opera, ‘Nazis are Okay’

2) OSCAR PISTORIUS: For his performance as Christ in the Johannesburg Courtroom drama, ‘They Done Him Wrong’

3) NICK CLEGG: For playing his favorite role in the British political drama, ‘Silent as the Grave’

4). REBEKKAH BROOKS: For her commanding performance in the televised soap opera serial, Hear No Evil. 

5). OWEN PATTERSON: In the Somerset Levels Production Company drama, King Canute.

Surely few people deserve an Oscar more than Bomber Hague who’s dignified  performance as British Foreign Secretary in Kiev when laying flowers at the Nazi Memorial of Martyrs to those who died in the fascist takeover of the city. His sorrowful demeanor and gravelly voice seen and heard around the world captured hearts everywhere. All that was needed was the presence of his former leading lady Margaret Thatcher to create a screenplay that would have rivalled Gone With the Wind. Yes, who needs reminding of those heady days they shared on the political screen together in the 1980’s when she was his Lady and he her dashing Tory-boy Man. He may not know it yet but should The Charge of the Light Brigade be remade he may yet be chosen to reprise Errol Flynn’s role of the hero who led the charge against the Russians. The venue of the Crimea is of course once again suitable!

Having turned down the role offered him last year as The Virgin Mary, Oscar Pistorius has returned to play the starring role of history’s great victim of Fate in a modern setting. His contrite, sincere, wonderfully convincing performance he hopes, will convince millions of followers of his complete innocence so let us remind ourselves of the story, The Passion of Oscar Pistorius.

To set the scene he fires four shots through a closed bathroom door because he suspects an intruder has got in and shoots his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp who’s in there instead! Oh dear! Well just a few questions for you Oscar.

1). When you got out of bed and reached for your gun because you say you heard a noise coming from the bathroom weren’t you surprised that your girlfriend wasn’t lying next to you and wondered whether it might be her in there?

2). Didn’t you by any chance ask yourself , if you thought it was an intruder, how such a person might have got into your bathroom given the size of the window or alternatively think that it might have been a midget in there who didn’t need shooting four times rather than a big burly robber?

3). Did your Mum or Dad never tell you to count up to ten before firing a loaded gun four times through a door at someone you couldn’t see, or for that matter firing one under a table in a crowded restaurant?

And finally Mr Pistorius, given your performances so far in Court, if you are found Not Guilty and released would you consider auditioning for the starring role in Woody Allen’s new film about the life of Jonny Ray, with the proposed title, Crying in the Rain?

Next on our Honours List is that great star of the Silent Screen making his return in the grey on grey classic masterpiece The Phantom of Westminster… blink and you’ll miss him, it’s the incomparable Chamomile Clegg. He doesn’t need to move let alone talk and the critics are all over him wanting to know what he’s thinking but week after week he’s got nothing to say. That’s the genius of the man really. He’ll let his silence on just about everything stand as his record… Remember his recent performance in those little Wellington Boots somewhere Over the Rainbow on the Somerset Levels looking all dashing as he heroically waded through floodwater? People remember him most however for his recent magnificent performance in the RBS bankers bonuses reprise, Silent as the Grave in which his co-star Vince Cable won an award for best supporting actor. With his remarkable aptitude for blending into the background then suddenly popping out like a jack-in-box, rumour has it that he’s being tipped to star in lead role of a proposed remake of The Scarlet Pimpernel… They seek him here, they seek him there… they seek that Cleggy everywhere…  

For her outstanding performance in courtroom drama Hear No Evil, latest epic of the Old Bailey Production Company, a best actress award surely for sumptuous redhead Rebekkah Brooks, lead actress in this classic film noir tale of a beautiful, sophisticated career woman in the newspaper industry wrongly accused and defending herself in a lifetime performance worthy of Garbo herself. Almost like her immortal rendition of Queen Christina,  marching into history with her head held high as a model for all women of courage in the modern age!  

And here an honorable mention of Tory Flood Supremo, Owen Patterson, seen here, there and everywhere reprising the role of King Canute in the Somerset Levels comedy, We’ll Have to Go Dutch. In a lifetime  performance supported by a five star cast from the Environment Agency Studios he demonstrates a sparkling ability to persuade a bedraggled populace of farmers and villages just about everywhere that they’ll all do their Level best from now on to make it stop raining. If he succeeds then surely a BAFTA Award for the latest star on our television screens who has given us all so much entertainment!

Please don’t stop coming on our television screens sincerely promising that you’ll sort everything out. You’re such a great laugh that the public just can’t get enough of you!

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