A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Friday 14 March 2014


A videotape has recently emerged showing a policeman punching a woman shoplifter he’d apprehended three times on the head while she was sitting on the ground and defenceless against the blows. No problem doing it in public with other people around but more to the point, no problem in doing it at all! The Court heard she’d been abusive, so it was said. The Court heard that the good officer had been provoked, so it was said! The Court heard that the woman had taken drugs and been no angel, so it was said. So the magistrate smiled kindly on the good officer and leniently handed out a bit of Community Service! And this, exactly at a time when the police are increasing becoming involved intervening in cases of domestic violence!

So a policeman publically punches a defenceless woman three times in the head while she’s lying on the floor. It’s only one more thing about police conduct towards civilians in recent years. Do you want me to go through the extremely long list; tampering with evidence… withholding evidence from defence lawyers which show their clients are innocent… withholding evidence from Courts… actively conspiring to fit up and frame innocent people… acting undercover to infiltrate anti-fascist and other protest movements then engaging in sexual relations with their participants… falsifying evidence such as in the Hillsborough Disaster and blaming dead children for being drunk… accepting money from journalists for information about news stories… undercover spying on the family of murder victim Stephen Lawrence, attempting to damage his parent’s marriage, corruptly manipulating their own enquiry into his murder on behalf of the drug dealing father of one of those accused of the crime along with purposefully withholding evidence from the formal Enquiry into his death… making false allegations against a Minister of the Crown and causing his resignation from office… a long list of people dying alone in cells while in police custody… the public shooting by police of innocent people regarded as suspects such as Charles de Menezes on a London tube train, and of course many others… But most important of all perhaps, conspiring to have innocent people convicted and falsely imprisoned, often for many years, for crimes they did not commit while knowing all along that these people were innocent. Many names come to mind from the past such as Judith Ward, the Birmingham Six, the Guildford Four, Stepan Kiszco the genial giant with learning difficulties so shamelessly fitted up… And then a whole raft of recent cases involving the South Wales Police such as that of the Cardiff Three…

Equally foul has been the practice of undercover police using the names of dead children as identities. Conduct without any sense of shame or morality like all the rest.

This is not simply a case of evil behaviour by the Metropolitan Police. It’s a national phenomenon having involved the Serious Crime Squad in the Midlands, the South Wales Police Force and that in South Yorkshire with its extraordinary close long term relationship with serial paedophile Jimmy Savile to say nothing of its involvement in the Hillsborough Disaster… Countless horror stories of corruption, violence, despicable lying, the deliberate and purposeful deprivation of personal liberty, endless bullying, thuggery and deception. The list of evil and immoral behaviour is endless!

All of which being true and having been proven by events leads to the question, exactly who are these people and how is it that they are able to do such things? A general and often repeated defence of the police for this vast slough of immoral and illegal conduct is that 99% are honest and decent and do a good job but their efforts are always spoiled by the occasional ONE BAD APPLE in the barrel who tarrs the reputation of all of them. This ONE BAD APPLE defence has been making the rounds for more years than the Bible. Yes, they’re all good as gold and it’s all being spoiled by that one bad apple! Well I’m afraid that this kind of bullshit excuse, mainly put about by politicians and other apologists simply won’t wash anymore because there’s been too many bad apples in too many barrels. Furthermore the role of the police has become increasingly political. Particularly since the time of the Thatcher Governments of the 1980’s. If the police are given a political remit it’s not their fault but they took the remit they were given to keep order during the Coal Miner’s Strike far beyond the matter of supervision and control and viciously attacked thousands of striking coal miners in a manner of barely disguised brutality. Again, if they were instructed to infiltrate various protest movements by both Tory and Labour Governments did such instructions include politically and emotionally manipulating the participants of these groups and having sexual relations with them? Presumably it didn’t, so again one needs to simply ask, what kind of people are they?

The answer to this question is simple enough. These people are shamelessly and morally dirty, however of  equal importance is the question as to whether the police themselves should rightly be blamed for their vast ocean of foul conduct? And my answer to this question will undoubtedly shock many. No, I don’t think the police are to blame for all their filthy behaviour. These people are given and have more power to intervene in the lives of almost the entire population than anyone else. They have more actual power on an individual level than anyone else in any other social group, and while it is true that they are given certain training, THEY ARE FUNDAMENTALLY NO DIFFERENT TO ANYONE ELSE IN OUR SOCIETY WITH THE SAME TENDENCIES, SAME FAULTS OF CHARACTER AND SAME EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS. The fact that they are police does not mean to say that they are more morally or intellectually superior, self-controlled or virtuous than all the rest of us! They are people just like anyone else yet people who are given enormous power over everyone and required to operate in the community as though they are somehow different or special WHICH THEY SIMPLY ARE NOT! They are individuals given enormous power to intervene and act in the lives of millions yet be entirely unaffected by who and what they are… unaffected by their own attitudes, temperament, emotions and value judgments, and not least the behaviour of all the people they have to deal with. In short they are somehow expected to be rise above so many of their own personal characteristics along with those of their surroundings and yet be able to perfectly manage the power given to them. Quite frankly such a demand is simply impossible. As fatuous as is the demand of trust.

The police are imperfect people. As imperfect as anyone else, who are given great power over others. Imperfect people, often with poor education and often lacking any fundamental morality, is a seriously fraught and dangerous basis for making complex judgements over others in matters of law or ethics… good  or bad, right or wrong, and all too many fail in the task. Given such a background with the police no better or worse than anyone else and with the personal power given to them should we really expect anything else?

However it also needs to be said that the many who behave in a criminal manner do so because so much of the general public allows it. More accurately, perhaps this should read, an all too complacent and unintelligent general public allows it. In short, most people simply don’t care and that is a fact. Recent statistics show that despite a tidal wave of revelations of violent, corrupt and plainly immoral police conduct over recent decades, 66% percent of the population still believe they are doing a good, honest and decent job and that by far the greater majority of those surveyed had confidence in the police. A statistic such as this cannot be ignored. Knowing everything they know the great majority of the population is happy with its police and their conduct!

Sounds like a great one up and show of support for the police. However just one note of caution. The police are the cement for the general maintenance of social order, a psychological necessity in the lives of the vast majority of people as opposed to chaos and disorder. Order as a psychological necessity in a complex yet dynamic modern industrial society is the fundamental basis of stability. A quintessential protection from loss. Disorder, chaos and loss, underpinned by such crucial psychological factors as insecurity, anxiety and fear, are contrary to the desired character of daily life and the stability of work, family and prosperity. In the minds of so many, the police, representing authority and the cement ordering daily life, are a indeed a much needed psychologically stabilizing factor. An on-the-ground symbol of permanence. Something that those most fearing change such as the lower middle class so desperately need. As those who exist and are paid to counter criminality and disorder the police represent assurance and reassurance and maybe this psychological value is of far greater importance to the majority of people than any considerations of honesty and integrity, honor or justice, right or wrong. Things that can be put to one side as a moral luxury when inside so many heads there’s a far greater fear.

Injustices are things that happen to just a few others but they’re not likely to happen to me! That said I’ll leave it to you. If you think that the police in general are Ratfuckers that’s your choice. If you think they’re mostly nice guys that’s your choice too. Or do you think that apples are always likely to turn bad?

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