A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 2 March 2014



So British Tory Foreign Secretary William Hague is visiting Kiev today to meet the leaders of a new Government there where he will undoubtedly offer them British taxpayers’ money to help shore up their bankrupt economy. They need 30 billion fast and need Britain, the United States and Germany to open their wallets. That of course means taxpayers’ wallets so let’s think for a moment about where the money is going and who these new friends of ours are!

As is now well known, the so called new Government of the Ukraine in Kiev is actually a Government of Western Ukraine, by far the largest part of that country being in the east with most of its population Russian speakers. More important perhaps, these new friends of the British Conservative Party, as was already known but is now established as definite fact after recent television interviews, are gangs of fascists and Nazi sympathizers, all with a marked anti-Semitic agenda. It is these gangs that orchestrated the street violence and provocations among the crowds in Kiev forcing the departure of democratically  elected President Yanukovych and instantly creating a new Parliament whose members no-one had ever voted for! Indeed, four ministerial posts in this new Government have been given to leaders of these Nazi gangs!

This might be bad enough in itself but for the fact of William Hague’s visit, undoubtedly suggested by American Secretary of State John Kerry. So the British and American Governments, having supported if   not sponsored a fascist coup d’état in Kiev, are shortly to have an on the ground chinwag with the anti-Semitic violence merchants who did the business. No doubt asking the Ukraine’s new Nazi boys if they can do anything more to help. I highlight the word new because these West Ukrainian nationalists sympathetic to  Nazi views have been around for a long time. They were busy during the Second World War helping Hitler and his armies invade the Ukraine and supplied most of the guards at Nazi death camps in Poland and Germany. Their work was disrupted by the Ukrainian Armies fighting for the Soviet Union against the Nazis during the War and all but broken by Stalin. Now, seventy years later they’ve surfaced all over again. These are facts William Hague so your visit to chat with these people is politically dirty at best. In fact it stinks.

But alas, the plans that you and the Americans had of getting your grabs on the Crimean Peninsula and the Russian naval base at Sebastopol as I reported in last week’s NEWS POST have gone down the tubes. Your strategic intentions were more than transparent and Putin was wise to your game. However, your cooperation with gangs of fascists and Nazis in Western Ukraine, especially in the capital Kiev, to prepare the way for this is simply appalling and soon you’ll expect British taxpayers to cough up for your gambit with fascists just as you got them to fork out for the swindling schemes of your bankers. Let’s put it plain. David Cameron’s Tory Government with the Liberal Democrats in his pocket conspired with fascist street gangs in Kiev to overthrow the legitimate Government of the Ukraine.

And by the way, has anyone heard the Liberal Democrats say a word about any of this? After all, you might have expected them to be at least anti-fascist. Oh dear. Not a peep! The only thing you’ll hear from these rascals is a deafening silence, especially when it comes to bonuses for bankers. RBS, made a staggering loss of TWELVE BILLION in the last year alone and now handing out TWO BILLION in bonuses to those responsible! And from the Liberal Democrats who faithfully promised to put a stop to it all not a peep or a word. NOTHING! Just words of satisfaction from Scarecrow Vince Cable on the 3% offered to the lowest paid workers on minimum wage by the Pay Commission when Tory Chancellor George Osborne had earlier suggested that they ought to have more!

So for anyone to expect that Liberal Democrats in Government would condemn the actions of their Coalition Partners in conniving with the fascists in Ukraine is nothing but fantasy!


With figures for immigration into Britain over the last year recently published it’s clear that Tory plans to control the flow of purely economic migrants from East Europe have failed in the extreme and double the number of David Cameron’s promised projection have joyfully arrived. As if he and his cronies didn’t know it would happen in the first place! It’s not quite Tony Blair and New Labour forecasts in respect of the Poles, you remember don’t you, the assurance of a few tens of thousands that turned into a million, well it’s looking that way with the Tories. Britain the dustbin for just about everywhere else some might say.

In this matter especially comes UKIP’s criticism of the European Union and its policies regarding the free movement of labour and its leader’s sharp distancing himself from David Cameron and the latter’s plans to reform those policies, both of which have made important news stories this week. The Tory leader’s plans fell into sharp focus just a few days ago with the one day visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Britain and her speech to the British Parliament. The speech and its content were important. As commented on by BBC Television and reported in some newspapers, it was put about that both she and David Cameron would work together on his wish to create political reform in the EU and hard as this might be, attempt to resolve any difficulties together. One of the major reforms he is of course known to be seeking is the issue of the free movement of labour, i.e. immigration. Alas, what Angela Merkel actually said in her speech about the reforms the British Prime Minister wanted was substantially different.

You only needed to see the look on his face when she made her remarks to get the real picture. That he could go whistle for any cooperation from her and what he was hoping for was close to impossible!

Just a few sentences from Angela Merkel drove a coach and horses for any hopes or plans he might have had for reforming one of the key European Union policies of the free movement of labour in Europe and thus reduce European immigration into Britain. In short he could kiss any intention he and his Government had about reducing the flood of East European labour into Britain. Despite all their plans and statistics it wasn’t even a starter, unless of course you’re someone who actually believes in angels and fairies! Well this may be music to ears of the Liberal Democrats who wouldn’t mind seeing millions of Albanians and Romanians settling in Peterborough but for Nigel Farage such promises and plans plainly stink. He rightly has no truck with any of it. Knows as plain as the nose on his face that it’s never going to happen and that the only solution to unending mass immigration from Europe is to get the hell out of the Union.

He could never have put it more calmly, more succinctly or plainly than he did in his opening speech to the UKIP Conference in Torquay. Simple words that powerfully chimed in the heads of most people in Britain. That he simply didn’t recognise many places he went to as British anymore... That most people living in these places simply didn’t speak English nor wanted to… And for most people who hear this kind of thing there’s really only one kind of thought. THAT BRITAIN HAS TO GET THE HELL OUT OF EUROPE IF IT WANTS TO STAY BRITISH. It’s not a crime to say this kind of thing or believe it. It’s the plain truth. Even long established Asians living in Britain believe it, perhaps because they themselves are now finding themselves marginalized in an East European abyss. Leftist multi-culturalism  used to sound good in the early 2000’s if you watched Channel Four News and cheered Palestinian terrorists. Today it stinks. For Nigel Farage and the fast growing faithful’s of UKIP, getting the hell out is the only way of keeping Britain British albeit with a sprinkle of curry powder and a packet of noodles. It’s not that we don’t like you guys from East Europe but WE’RE BRITISH AND YOU’VE GOT YOUR OWN COUNTRY SO WHY LIVE IN OURS?

Can you imagine how he feels when he hears politicians from the three main parties talking about the valuable contributions immigrants have historically made to the British economy and how much they’re doing for the British economy today. The past experience may have contained genuine truth but to his mind it doesn’t necessarily guarantee the same for the future. Not when the bulk volume immigration of recent times has far outstripped that of the past. For the new political kid on the block the issue is plain. He’s talking of national survival and Europe is an obstreperous incubus that has to be exorcised. A boil that needs to be lanced by the needle of a free public choice. A plain referendum. In or out? It’s simple enough.


This subject has returned to the news because the Daily Mail has got dirty all over again. Dirty, or really how dirty is that? This charming little lower middle class rag has pointed to the fact that while working for the National Council for Civil Liberties, Harriet Harman, one of the Labour Party’s Parliamentary stalwarts for so many years along with her husband Jack Dromey, turned a blind eye to the fact that the NCCL was   affiliated with the Paedophile Information Exchange, a nasty little group of adults whose primary mission in life was sexual intercourse with children. How could Harman, her husband and Patricia Hewitt its chairman and another Labour Party stalwart, have allowed themselves to be associated with an organisation connected in any way with paedophiles, they ask?  

I’ve head the arguments and earnest counter-arguments of those at whom the Daily Mail has pointed its finger. I’ve listened to the interviews and read the filthy headlines in the Mail but more especially the Sun and do you know what, I think that the Mail has a very fair point. And I’ll put the point even more bluntly than they! If Harman, Dromey and Hewitt even had a scintilla, a small bloody sniff about what these people believed in or were up to THEN WHY THE HELL DID THEY REMAIN ASSOCIATED FOR ONE MINUTE WITH AN ORGANISATION THAT HAD ANY CONNECTION WHATSOEVER WITH PEOPLE LIKE THAT? Even one little sniff and it was a matter of getting the hell out. If the National Council for Civil Liberties wants to have anything to do with these people then WE won’t have anything to do with them. All they had to say was get rid of them right now or we’re getting the hell out, but they didn’t!

But then maybe there are those who might think, well paedophilia, I suppose it wasn’t such a big issue in the sixties, seventies or eighties as it is today. Well to my mind such thinking is lame. A lousy excuse! Sex between adults and children is a fundamental moral issue and has to be dealt with as such. After all, Harriet and Jack, you were supposed to be Labour, people who supposedly had some kind of morality. A moral compass… So where was your moral compass in respect of paedophilia I want to ask and like the Daily Mail need to know. For myself it’s the belief that those without a moral compass aren’t fit to belong to the Labour Party, only maybe this isn’t so plain anymore. Indeed, maybe the Labour Party has lost its own moral compass. Something that Tony Blair chucked in the dustbin when he thought he had big ideas and was more important than anyone else. Forgot about the millions of ordinary people who voted for him and came to believe in some abstract concept called the nation. There are many who accuse the Daily Mail of punching dirty but that doesn’t mean that in this instance they’re right. Their targets in this case should have known better and acted immediately and there’s simply no excuse for their failure to do so.


The sentencing of the two murderers of Gunner Lee Rigby to life imprisonment this week, one without any possible parole, was more than just. The murder of an innocent young British soldier and family man by two Nigerian Islamic monsters brought up and educated in this country then turned to hatred by propaganda from fundamentalist preachers blithely allowed into this country was a salutary lesson. Yes, the welcome signs held up for years by British Home Secretaries to fundamentalist Islamic preachers to go about their business unhindered on British streets should be well remembered. Its result in the murder of innocents and the conversion of young British Muslims to go overseas to fight for jihadi causes may well have long term consequences. One of these seen in the last week has been the media reaction to the sentencing where, in some of the lower end press the call for hanging has returned.

This gut reaction, clearly and justly one of utter revulsion has been accompanied by the graphic display of a hangman’s noose on a front page broadsheet and may well have found a sympathetic response in many. The revulsion is justified only where does it go and where does it lead… because once hanging returns its symbolism stays and the mentality behind it can be far more than simply wanting a life for a life in hands that are dirty, tainted and maybe as sick as those who murder for other ideological reasons. Issues like these can cut both ways. Even the great British war hero and leader Winston Churchill wanted those responsible for creating and maintaining the Nazi mass murder regime taken out and summarily shot without being brought to trial, yet there were other voices demanding that they be publically brought to trial as a lesson for history. So they were tried, many found guilty and hung. Today, there are voices saying hang the murderers of Lee Rigby just as they’d probably wanted IRA terrorist murderers to be hung for only too recent crimes on the British mainland. And yet there’s the thing. It’s now become public knowledge for the first time that hundreds of these people were given amnesty by the last Labour Government and allowed to walk free as part of a framework for a peace deal in Northern Ireland!

So the issue of life for life may be somewhat more complex than it first seems. Do we begin from a fundamental biblical morality and stick to it or do we move on and if so where do we go to? Gut reaction and anger… sanity and quiet contemplation are more than tough to reconcile but humanity must make the effort if it wishes to remain human.

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