A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 23 March 2014


There are quite a few senior Russian politicians who think that mad people have taken over the American State Department. That’s their department of Foreign Affairs to us Europeans. Others somewhat more generously call them neo-cons… short for neo-conservatives. The kind of people who’d think that Nick Clegg’s a raving communist and Nazis are the best thing since sliced toast. And by the way, if you think that I’m joking, well I’m definitely not. Recorded conversations by some of its most senior officials reveal exceedingly hostile attitudes towards Russia not seen or heard for years which seem to fly directly in the face of the supposedly liberal Obama Presidential regime. It’s like the McCarthyites of early 50’s America have taken over their foreign policy.

To the British people the rasping anti-Russian rhetoric coming from Foreign Secretary Hague, backed up by David Cameron, is also something new with its uncompromising hostility and sound of right wing extremism. We’re not used to hearing this kind of thing in recent years, the last time being the strident, threatening language of Margaret Thatcher. What is really disturbing about the Conservative Party’s hostility towards Russia however is that it’s in support of the new political regime in Kiev, Western Ukraine, brought to power by openly Nazi political groupings and military gangs such as Right Sector and Svoboda which make no secret whatsoever of their support for Nazi views and are also actively anti-Semitic, having conducted attacks on Jews in Kiev and elsewhere along with desecrating synagogues. Leading members of both groups have been given key Ministries in the new Kiev administration.

Central to their views is their support for the small Ukrainian Nazi-inspired nationalist movement of the Second World War led by Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, a man personally responsible for organising the murder of large numbers of Jews in the Ukraine during that period. How is it then, one must ask, that the British Conservative Party led Coalition Government gives its support to a political administration in Kiev dominated by openly anti-Semitic, Nazi inspired political  groups? Indeed, not to mince any words, what are David Cameron and William Hague doing supporting anti-Semitic and Nazi inspired groups and individuals? It’s one thing to be anti-Russian and anti-Soviet, gentlemen, but to fail to condemn the attacks  on Jews and synagogues by these people in the Ukraine simply because they are also anti-Russian must be deeply disturbing to all Jewish people throughout the UK. This might be understandable in the case of the United States whose politics has always had a serious thread of anti-Semitism running through it but this has rarely featured in British political life. Sure there’s always been Establishment anti-Semitism, from the Church of England running all the way through to the Aristocracy but it’s rarely tainted the leadership of the political class. SO I AGAIN ASK YOU, WILLIAM HAGUE AND DAVID CAMERON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING GIVING YOUR SUPPORT TO NAZI-INSPIRED ANTI-SEMITES IN THE UKRAINE?

Interestingly enough the Israeli Parliament has just sent an open letter to the European Union about the Nazi and anti-Semitic groups now holding key posts in the new Kiev Government, something that the BBC has failed to report!  

The Crimean Peninsula, previously part of the Russian Empire for 200 years was handed to the Ukraine by Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1954 when the Ukraine was a republic of the Soviet Union. This went with a deal to keep a Russian Naval Base there with a compliment of twenty-five thousand Russian military personnel, a bit like the old American deal with Cuba to keep a military base at Guantanamo Bay. With the break-up of the Union the Ukraine became an independent nation though still part of the Russian Commonwealth of States. One thing though has always been clear. The Western powers led by the United States had always sought to gain control of the Ukraine and install NATO military bases on its territory despite the fact that a very large number of its citizens are Russian. In the Crimea some 90%, in the eastern, industrial part of the territory, some 60%. The immediate aims of the new nationalist administration in Kiev are to do away with Russian as a national language and force its Russian citizens to give up their Russian passports in favour of Ukrainian ones or else leave the territory. Furthermore, there is now more than enough evidence to support the view that the nationalist takeover in Kiev, promoted and supported by political leaders from the European Union, was the work of gangs of Nazi thugs acting as provocateurs who engaged in mass street shootings and terror attacks for which they were paid 50 dollars a day out of EU finances, according to Russian President Putin.    

From day one the United States has sought to occupy the moral high ground, dragging Britain behind it! They are describing the nationalist take-over in Kiev as a democratic revolution, refusing to acknowledge the part played by armed Nazi thugs, instead viewing the genuinely democratically held Referendum in the Crimea as illegal and a violation of all international norms which quite frankly is a bad joke if not an open lie. Now I ask you, isn’t the notion of the United States wanting to claim the moral high ground a bit of a laugh when one considers how the intelligence services of that country have admitted to tapping the private telephone conversations of most of Europe’s political leaders and furthermore illegally listening to and recording  the phone conversations of countless millions of European citizens, illegally accesses data from their PCs and committing many further crimes of personal data interception. These facts are out in the open and well known, thanks to the heroic conduct of Edward Snowden. So as to the matter of moral high ground, wasn’t the supposedly morally high minded Obama administration also responsible for bailing out large numbers of American financial institutions up to their eyeballs in mortgage fraud and just about every kind of illegal and immoral practice, ultimately causing mass unemployment and the mass repossession of homes throughout the United States!

So to the morally superior and high minded Nazi supporting Obama political administration that spies on most European citizens as well as its own I say quite earnestly, shut the fuck up! I don’t want to hear another word from you moralizing about how righteous and honorable you are and how dishonorable and wrong everyone else is when ACTUALLY what you are doing is supporting bloodthirsty Islamic fundamentalists in Syria today after previously bombing the hell out of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, financing the invasion of Cuba and Nicaragua, bombing Serbia and Libya, dismantling Yugoslavia, overthrowing the democratically elected Government in Chile and installing fascist dictator Pinochet there while doing the same throughout Latin America over the last 100 years from Guatemala, Bolivia and Ecuador to Brazil and Argentina where you installed a gang of fascist colonels!  Meanwhile you invaded the British Commonwealth territory of Grenada recently and threw out the political leader elected by its people. Oh yes, you are also currently trying to blackmail the Jewish State of Israel into giving up parts of its territory to murderous fundamentalist Islamic terrorists and thugs. But hey, wait a minute, somehow I forgot that one of your previous regimes did some work in Iraq.


Yes, that’s America’s high minded moral way of being a force for good in the world!

Yet you actually have the damnable audacity to tell the people of the Crimea that their referendum and democratically made decisions are illegal and against international law and all this while you’re actually economically bankrupt and 16 trillion dollars in debt to China and Saudi Arabia! Sounds to me like you’ve turned into some nasty little Banana Republic of the kind that you regularly set up in South America from 1920-1980, so please don’t lecture us about ethics or morals and go around all the time telling us that you’re the good guys because quite frankly you’re not, but then compared to the behaviour of some countries in Europe, hypocrites and gangsters though you may be you still come up smelling of roses!

That’s because of Spain and its utterly brutal colonisation and conquest of Central and South America… Belgium’s King Leopold’s mass murder, rape and enslavement of millions of natives during his private colonisation of Africa’s Congo… Italy’s murderous period of fascism under Mussolini… Germany’s brutality in the First World War and mass murder in the Second… The British controlled filthy and degrading slave trade along with their brutal colonisation of Africa… France’s vicious and brutal colonisation in North and Saharan Africa… The Turkish genocide of Armenians… The Portuguese enslavement of Brazil… The nasty colonial rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire… I could go on and on but all I ask of you America is this, have you learned absolutely no lessons from the history of Europe so that you want to be absentee colonialists yourselves? 

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