A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Friday 4 April 2014


I’ve already posted two items on this subject but now, after a month’s careful deliberation, with all the twists and turns of the news story in the media, dribs and drabs of carefully released information about passengers and pilots, satellite and search technology, changing search areas, so called expert opinion on a whole range of subjects along with the daily Malaysian Government briefing I have come to the conclusion that the real truth about what we actually have is a plain seriously stinking cover up.

In this respect let me say immediately that I am certainly no conspiracy theorist. I have seriously considered all the information to hand and have concluded that taken together, from the timeline of events to the various searches and technology used, that there is very little of this story that fits together, that none of it makes any sense and that something is seriously wrong. I am also convinced that a whole catalogue of misinformation had been put about by various agencies including the Malaysian Government, probably at the behest of the United States and the Obama Administration whose recent activities have included a vast world-wide spying operation and facilitation of a fascist take-over of the Ukraine by clearly Nazi-inspired thugs. In my last post on the subject I suggested the possibility of an Iranian hijack but came down much more firmly on the view that both cause and motive were to be found with the pilot, namely personal breakdown due to family loss.

Over the last week, considering the situation overall, I have concluded from evidence already to hand but primarily ignored, that the truth lies elsewhere. What I notice more than anything is the continual change in the so-called search areas over the last 4 weeks and the huge loss of time that this has entailed, particularly important in finding the black box flight recorders that would record just about everything that transpired on the flight. Now, with so much time wasted and the signalling technology of these boxes about to give out, the chance of finding them is close to zero and I have to ask what it all actually means?

I have to consider the fact that none of the searches so far by aircraft or ships have found any debris or wreckage but far more important perhaps, why none of this seeming armada of ships failed to reach any of these search sites for weeks let alone days. All that we’ve heard from an only too easily accepting media are reports of bad weather hindering search efforts, stories of problematic technology and conflicting detail of ocean depth and floor character from smooth plateaus to mountains and valleys. All of this in my view has been stitched together to create a vast tissue of bullshit.

The continuing change of information about the Boeing’s flight path is only one side of the story. Of equal importance has been the details released about the people aboard. If anything stands out over the weeks it’s the news we’ve had about the passengers and crew and the sight of their relatives, friends and loved ones  coming forward. In all of it there’s been one glaring exception. We’ve heard nothing from the families of the two Iranians aboard and nothing from the Iranian Government to confirm or contradict the story that they were supposedly heading for Germany. We’ve heard from just about everyone else but the silence from the Iranians is quite frankly deafening. It is inconceivable that these two men simply came out of nowhere. According to the Malaysian Government they were checked out and okayed by Interpol but quite frankly that says little to nothing given that this agency’s a CIA affiliate. No, the mystery of the two Iranians aboard on false passports stands out like a sore thumb, same as the changing information about the aircraft’s flight path and the strange, deadly delays in the sea search for debris and flight recorders.

On precisely the same day the aircraft disappeared off the radar screens a large fireball was clearly seen coming out of the skies by a New Zealand worker on an oil rig out at sea. At Latitude 08º 22’ 30.23” N: Longitude 108º 42’ 22.26” E, far closer to the position of the last radar contact than the area in the southern Indian Ocean off the coast of Australia, a supposed five hours flight time away. I’m firmly of the opinion that the five hours flight time scenario recorded by satellite along with the change of flight path in the well trumpeted southern so called arc are part of a fiction. A blind worked up to cover the truth which brought the Australians, currently only too willing collaborators with the United States, into the act. It’s not that these people couldn’t find a kangaroo in a bath tub, just that they’re looking in the wrong place.

I now provide the email sent by Michael Jerome McKay at 6.24 on 12th March 2014. It begins,



I believe I saw the Malaysian Airlines plane come down. The timing is right.
I tried to contact the Malaysian and Vietnam officials several days ago. But I do not know if the
message has been received…

This email I think is fairly explicit. Note that the plane was burning but appeared to be in ONE piece as stressed. Its siting and position could not be clearer. The red dot on the Google Map below shows it precisely.

The red dot position is a short distance flying time east of Kuala Lumpur across the Gulf of Thailand, NOT thousands of miles south, west of Australia. It was certainly off course for Ho Chi Minh City but not by that much. Its flight path is clearly observed. The plane was burning when first observed then the flames went out ten to fifteen seconds later. When first observed it appeared to be in one piece. All this says much and all the information was indeed relayed to the Malaysian Government.

Astoundingly the email and precise geographical location of the siting have been generally ignored by the media but then perhaps it would be of more interest to the families and friends of the passengers along with the Government of China than anyone else. The media in the UK such as BBC Television, Channel Four and all the rest have simply played silly and dumb, basically reporting what they are told to report same as with the Ukraine so it’s quite natural that crucial information such as this would be casually mentioned, if indeed mentioned at all, then dropped out of sight… after which a whole story made up about flight arcs, five hours flying time, wreckage spotted by satellite, new specialist equipment being brought weeks later, and on it goes!

Until finally the wretched Deputy Malaysian Transport Minister wringing his hands at the daily press conference for the world’s media and wailing that the aircraft may never be found.

So what happened then? Probably that there was a hijack in progress on route to Ho Chi Minh City by the two Iranians and the plane diverted south-east. There may have been weapons fired aboard during a struggle between passengers and terrorists or maybe a bomb or grenade had been detonated. Small arms fire is the more likely. The terrorists had early announced a hijack, gained access to the cockpit and ordered the disconnection of all communication equipment after which possibly the struggle had occurred.

It’s not that hard to put together now we have a much better understanding of the position of the plane. This of course was seriously bad news to the Government of the United States in view of President Obama’s current overtures to the terror regime governing Iran, along with those from Britain and the EU. From DAY ONE when the presence of the two Iranians aboard the missing flight was made known A WHOLE NEW STORY WAS MADE UP PIECE BY PIECE AND WENT INTO OVERDRIVE FOR THE WORLD’S MEDIA! It had to be! And quite frankly it wasn’t such a big deal. Not after all the recent revelations about America’s world-wide spying operation and more recently its sponsorship of the fascist takeover in the Ukraine! Support for its Obama-led rapprochement with Iran, dragging the EU along with it, was strategically more important for the interests of the United States than anything else. Set against this an Iranian hijack job was just about the worst thing that could happen which is why perhaps no ships or planes will start search for wreckage close to the red dot on the map.

That is, with the possible exception of the Chinese!

This is NOT a conspiracy theory. If you doubt it take another look at the email then a look at the map!

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