A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Saturday 29 March 2014



Now if there’s anything you can say for sure about Nigel Farage and be confident you’re right it’s that he’s earnest in his views and beliefs, and with that earnestness of character you can sense his absolute honesty. Oh he may be forthright all right, but you know that he knows what he’s talking about, that he means what he says and what you’re getting is right. There’s no political fine art in Nigel. No posturing or clever prevarication. Nothing said for a handful of votes. He’s checked out his facts and they’re straight so he’s able to tell us how it is. As for Europe he’s been an elected, serving member of the European Parliament for more years than Nick Clegg’s been making false promises so he knows what he’s talking about.

You could tell that by the televised debate between the two men just a short while ago. Clegg earnest about Europe and like all the other big names of the British political class red hot to stay in. The really big issues for the British people like unchecked and uncontrollable immigration, the European Parliament taking over and superseding the British political and legal system, unlimited immigration forcing down the price of labour, while of concern to the Liberal Democrats are nonetheless clearly of secondary importance compared to the economic benefits of membership such as trade and the value of the EC as an export market. In other words Nick Clegg and his Liberal Democrats viewing it primarily from the standpoint of business opportunity while Nigel Farage and UKIP being equally concerned with the political, legal and social implications of membership. Clearly a more rounded view than the essentially narrow commercial approach which, as Farage was quick to point out, simply doesn’t hold up because of the serious economic crises faced by many of its member states.

Seeking to unhinge the political challenge from UKIP he faces, Deputy Prime Minister Clegg attacked the immigration figures circulated by UKIP and Farage as alarmist, pointing out that neither he or his Party are in favour of mass uncontrolled immigration from Europe and that it won’t happen anyway. His view runs counter to the recent statement from his colleague Vince Cable who said he saw nothing wrong with mass inward immigration from Europe and that the more immigrants who came here the better. This of course raises the problem of never knowing quite what you’re getting from them as a Party. They speak with many tongues it’s been pointed out. Farage’s concern over the effect of European immigration policy, however, comes on top of what he sees, indeed what we have all seen, as those that operated under the ten years of Labour Government during which totally unchecked Muslim immigration from South-East Asia to the tune of some three to four million arrivals was added to by one and a half million Poles in double quick time!

What Farage points to is the fact that uncontrolled immigration from economically depressed East European states, lawful under EC laws, will all but parallel the immigration into Britain of the previous decade and that such a new wave cannot be stopped given Britain’s membership of the Community. Clegg however was keen to emphasize that such immigration simply wouldn’t take place! During the debate Nigel Farage also stressed what was a key issue to him of Britain’s loss of ability to govern itself with its own laws. This saw him ridiculed by the Liberal Democrat leader as a little Englander whereas he, Clegg, was concerned with Britain as a whole.

During the debate Farage appeared altogether more forthright, patiently but clearly presenting a case whereas Nick Clegg struggled to justify Liberal Democrat support for wanting Britain to remain in Europe. In this he faced no uncertain difficulty conditioned as his case was, not only in his mind in the minds of viewers, by the historical issue of credibility and trust. It was all too easy for Farage to remind him that he and his Party had reneged on various key electoral promises such as student loans added to which, lurking in the background was the Liberal Democrat failure over promised electoral reform, failure to curb bankers bonuses as promised and then their grim failure to deal with energy price rises with the Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for Energy, Ed Davey, suspected of complicity in the creation of the Big Six energy price fixing cartel. Put plainly Nick Clegg had a whole lot of unpopularity and resentment hanging over him from the time that he his Party threw in their lot with the Tories! It’s one thing trying to make an unpopular case from a position of electoral popularity. Quite another trying to do it against a formidable opponent knowing that the electorate is with him and not you, and definitely not you in terms of your own political record. With all that hanging over him the pale pasty faced Clegg came over weak and defensive and played into the hands of a determined Nigel Farage. Newspaper polls taken soon after the debate clearly showed who was the victor. That said,

Now ee aint got time for bullshit our Nigel,
Don’t keep it in is tool kit do you Nigel,
Oh ees little but ees wise, likes is chips not euro-fries
And a blessing in disguise, is Nigel!



Not happy with its recent killing of a young giraffe that didn’t fit its breeding program, despite many offers from other parks and zoos in Europe to take it, a noxious event that lit the fuse of millions of animal lovers across the Internet and resulted in protests round the world, the Dirty Danes at this very same zoo have just done the nasties, or should I say Nazis all over again. In its latest message to the world its authorities have quite unashamedly informed us that they’ve recently put to death two young lion cubs and two adult lions. No problem! Just killed them quietly because they didn’t fit into Copenhagen Zoo’s breeding program and were therefore surplus to requirements!

Two young lion cubs, surplus to requirements and so put to death. One therefore has to ask, exactly what kind of breeding program are these people running? If it seems like anything at all it’s a filthy kind of animal eugenics. Yep, these bastards wanted to breed distinctly Danish Lions. Males with blue or green eyes, whispy little blonde beards and long faces that like sipping cider through a straw. There’s simply no other way of considering the actions of these people except to say that they’re ruthless killers who’d do anything to meet the cold heartless terms of a breeding program they’d somehow justify as scientific but is what it actually is… MURDEROUS.

In their defence they’ve put it about that they tried to give the lions away to other zoos but no-one would take them. What, no-one? No-one anywhere in the world? I can hardly believe this to be true but if it is and no-one would take them then why not release them out into the wild? Give them a fighting chance out there on their own. After all, you kept the cubs caged. That’s all they knew before you killed them so why not be human and let them taste freedom, but you didn’t. It wasn’t good enough for you that they weren’t born free, oh no, you had to make sure that they died that way too!

Shame on you Denmark. I for one will never buy anything Danish again. No dairy products, no beer, no Lego, no nothing! Shame on you Mrs Danish Prime Minister who allowed it to happen and incidentally happens to be the wife of Neil Kinnock’s son. As though you people ever cared about anything except creating political careers for yourselves! But beware Kinnock Jnr, the people of Wales where you’re planning to become a Labour M.P. - nothing to do with nepotism of course - are rather partial to lions.

Finally I hope that no institution of science or learning will have anything at all to do with Copenhagen Zoo again for a very long time, at least until it abandons its animal eugenics program. And if you plan to kill any more animals that you say are surplus to your breeding requirements, Copenhagen Zoo, then kindly state your intentions on the internet beforehand and let people across the world know in good time so they can organise an alternative to unnecessary death.


There’s something special about the rasping tone of Tory-boy tosspot William Hague who for weeks now has been threatening, warning and cautioning Russian President Vladimir Putin like a puerile little Yorkshire policeman who thinks he can say or do whatever he likes to anybody without being found out.  Whether it’s Hillsborough, Jimmy Savile or the Yorkshire Ripper its all the same kind of thing. The puerile ignorant nastiness of some jumped up little squirt who thinks he’s more important than anyone else and as the policeman of British Foreign Affairs is going to make the leader of a world superpower fearful, terrified and cringing with threats of sanctions and political isolation! It’s a bit like the American President telling Russia it will be ‘politically isolated’ if it doesn’t do what he wants.

None of it matters. Not when bully-boy Hague has found new friends to play with like the axe and club wielding Nazis in the Ukraine. Yes, they definitely seem to be his kind of people. Not a thought about who these people might be before jumping into bed with them! Well done, you and your puppeteer John Kerry, walking cadaver from the American State Department. One with his childish threats, the other sounding like some clapped out old bit of vinyl with a bad scratch in it. Just think of these two Nazi friendlies representing Western Foreign policy now offering these killers their full support against a Russia that lost 29 million dead in the Second World War and currently having to deal with the same kind of thugs!

Having lost out to the Russians in the Crimea during the middle of the 19th century, the British Foreign Office of today, with Dasher Hague leading the charge of the Tory Light Brigade, hopes to make up for previously getting its arse kicked only this time it’s got a special weapon going for it. Yes, you guessed it, BBC Television with its singularly dirty, biased reporting, most of which quite frankly has been a tissue of lies from start to finish with BBC Reporters busily acting as agents provocateurs throughout. In fact to anyone only listening in to the British and American version of events while ignoring all the other international news media you might well have thought that the world had gone mad. Never mind the fact that the Referendum put to the Crimean people for ties with Russia gained the support of 90 plus of its population, the American resolution put before the United Nations condemning it gained the support of 100 of its member states with only 11 voting against. It all looked pretty solid for Kerry, Hague and the West until you remember that 58 member states of the UN abstained in the vote and that those nations contain over two-thirds of the world’s population!

Looked at in the cold light of day it must be remembered that what the Governments of Britain, the United States and Western Europe actually did was support gangs of Nazi thugs in an illegal and murderous takeover of a country and that said can only come out of it all morally dirty with a bad taint of right wing extremism. Britain and America acted as collaborators of fascism and if their populations don’t mind the smell that’s fair enough. As for you Mr Obama, if your dirty friends in the Ukraine weren’t high enough moral ground for you over the last week then cheers for going to Saudi Arabia and telling us more about your high moral ground! Supping with your gangster friends there and taking their gifts. Didn’t anyone tell you that your good friend the King has kept two of his young daughters locked away in a compound for twelve years or more without any freedom or human rights. Didn’t anyone tell you that they do things to women there that you wouldn’t want to have done to your own wife and daughters. Are you really that dumb or are you just a plain hypocrite? Yes, we all appreciate that you couldn’t say anything on your visit! That you can’t intervene in the internal affairs of other countries, joke-joke. But then, what’s the point of being President if you’re dirty and tarnished like all the rest and that your high moral ground is just another channel in the gutter?

Sunday 23 March 2014


There are quite a few senior Russian politicians who think that mad people have taken over the American State Department. That’s their department of Foreign Affairs to us Europeans. Others somewhat more generously call them neo-cons… short for neo-conservatives. The kind of people who’d think that Nick Clegg’s a raving communist and Nazis are the best thing since sliced toast. And by the way, if you think that I’m joking, well I’m definitely not. Recorded conversations by some of its most senior officials reveal exceedingly hostile attitudes towards Russia not seen or heard for years which seem to fly directly in the face of the supposedly liberal Obama Presidential regime. It’s like the McCarthyites of early 50’s America have taken over their foreign policy.

To the British people the rasping anti-Russian rhetoric coming from Foreign Secretary Hague, backed up by David Cameron, is also something new with its uncompromising hostility and sound of right wing extremism. We’re not used to hearing this kind of thing in recent years, the last time being the strident, threatening language of Margaret Thatcher. What is really disturbing about the Conservative Party’s hostility towards Russia however is that it’s in support of the new political regime in Kiev, Western Ukraine, brought to power by openly Nazi political groupings and military gangs such as Right Sector and Svoboda which make no secret whatsoever of their support for Nazi views and are also actively anti-Semitic, having conducted attacks on Jews in Kiev and elsewhere along with desecrating synagogues. Leading members of both groups have been given key Ministries in the new Kiev administration.

Central to their views is their support for the small Ukrainian Nazi-inspired nationalist movement of the Second World War led by Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, a man personally responsible for organising the murder of large numbers of Jews in the Ukraine during that period. How is it then, one must ask, that the British Conservative Party led Coalition Government gives its support to a political administration in Kiev dominated by openly anti-Semitic, Nazi inspired political  groups? Indeed, not to mince any words, what are David Cameron and William Hague doing supporting anti-Semitic and Nazi inspired groups and individuals? It’s one thing to be anti-Russian and anti-Soviet, gentlemen, but to fail to condemn the attacks  on Jews and synagogues by these people in the Ukraine simply because they are also anti-Russian must be deeply disturbing to all Jewish people throughout the UK. This might be understandable in the case of the United States whose politics has always had a serious thread of anti-Semitism running through it but this has rarely featured in British political life. Sure there’s always been Establishment anti-Semitism, from the Church of England running all the way through to the Aristocracy but it’s rarely tainted the leadership of the political class. SO I AGAIN ASK YOU, WILLIAM HAGUE AND DAVID CAMERON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING GIVING YOUR SUPPORT TO NAZI-INSPIRED ANTI-SEMITES IN THE UKRAINE?

Interestingly enough the Israeli Parliament has just sent an open letter to the European Union about the Nazi and anti-Semitic groups now holding key posts in the new Kiev Government, something that the BBC has failed to report!  

The Crimean Peninsula, previously part of the Russian Empire for 200 years was handed to the Ukraine by Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1954 when the Ukraine was a republic of the Soviet Union. This went with a deal to keep a Russian Naval Base there with a compliment of twenty-five thousand Russian military personnel, a bit like the old American deal with Cuba to keep a military base at Guantanamo Bay. With the break-up of the Union the Ukraine became an independent nation though still part of the Russian Commonwealth of States. One thing though has always been clear. The Western powers led by the United States had always sought to gain control of the Ukraine and install NATO military bases on its territory despite the fact that a very large number of its citizens are Russian. In the Crimea some 90%, in the eastern, industrial part of the territory, some 60%. The immediate aims of the new nationalist administration in Kiev are to do away with Russian as a national language and force its Russian citizens to give up their Russian passports in favour of Ukrainian ones or else leave the territory. Furthermore, there is now more than enough evidence to support the view that the nationalist takeover in Kiev, promoted and supported by political leaders from the European Union, was the work of gangs of Nazi thugs acting as provocateurs who engaged in mass street shootings and terror attacks for which they were paid 50 dollars a day out of EU finances, according to Russian President Putin.    

From day one the United States has sought to occupy the moral high ground, dragging Britain behind it! They are describing the nationalist take-over in Kiev as a democratic revolution, refusing to acknowledge the part played by armed Nazi thugs, instead viewing the genuinely democratically held Referendum in the Crimea as illegal and a violation of all international norms which quite frankly is a bad joke if not an open lie. Now I ask you, isn’t the notion of the United States wanting to claim the moral high ground a bit of a laugh when one considers how the intelligence services of that country have admitted to tapping the private telephone conversations of most of Europe’s political leaders and furthermore illegally listening to and recording  the phone conversations of countless millions of European citizens, illegally accesses data from their PCs and committing many further crimes of personal data interception. These facts are out in the open and well known, thanks to the heroic conduct of Edward Snowden. So as to the matter of moral high ground, wasn’t the supposedly morally high minded Obama administration also responsible for bailing out large numbers of American financial institutions up to their eyeballs in mortgage fraud and just about every kind of illegal and immoral practice, ultimately causing mass unemployment and the mass repossession of homes throughout the United States!

So to the morally superior and high minded Nazi supporting Obama political administration that spies on most European citizens as well as its own I say quite earnestly, shut the fuck up! I don’t want to hear another word from you moralizing about how righteous and honorable you are and how dishonorable and wrong everyone else is when ACTUALLY what you are doing is supporting bloodthirsty Islamic fundamentalists in Syria today after previously bombing the hell out of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, financing the invasion of Cuba and Nicaragua, bombing Serbia and Libya, dismantling Yugoslavia, overthrowing the democratically elected Government in Chile and installing fascist dictator Pinochet there while doing the same throughout Latin America over the last 100 years from Guatemala, Bolivia and Ecuador to Brazil and Argentina where you installed a gang of fascist colonels!  Meanwhile you invaded the British Commonwealth territory of Grenada recently and threw out the political leader elected by its people. Oh yes, you are also currently trying to blackmail the Jewish State of Israel into giving up parts of its territory to murderous fundamentalist Islamic terrorists and thugs. But hey, wait a minute, somehow I forgot that one of your previous regimes did some work in Iraq.


Yes, that’s America’s high minded moral way of being a force for good in the world!

Yet you actually have the damnable audacity to tell the people of the Crimea that their referendum and democratically made decisions are illegal and against international law and all this while you’re actually economically bankrupt and 16 trillion dollars in debt to China and Saudi Arabia! Sounds to me like you’ve turned into some nasty little Banana Republic of the kind that you regularly set up in South America from 1920-1980, so please don’t lecture us about ethics or morals and go around all the time telling us that you’re the good guys because quite frankly you’re not, but then compared to the behaviour of some countries in Europe, hypocrites and gangsters though you may be you still come up smelling of roses!

That’s because of Spain and its utterly brutal colonisation and conquest of Central and South America… Belgium’s King Leopold’s mass murder, rape and enslavement of millions of natives during his private colonisation of Africa’s Congo… Italy’s murderous period of fascism under Mussolini… Germany’s brutality in the First World War and mass murder in the Second… The British controlled filthy and degrading slave trade along with their brutal colonisation of Africa… France’s vicious and brutal colonisation in North and Saharan Africa… The Turkish genocide of Armenians… The Portuguese enslavement of Brazil… The nasty colonial rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire… I could go on and on but all I ask of you America is this, have you learned absolutely no lessons from the history of Europe so that you want to be absentee colonialists yourselves? 


The whereabouts of the vanished Malaysian Boeing that disappeared into thin air with 239 men, women and children aboard on its journey to Peking is still puzzling the maritime nations of the world and a wide range of experts. Following its disappearance from radar screens and with its detection facilities deliberately switched off the mystery has deepened day after day, particularly as evidence from satellite detection equipment remains inconclusive. Maybe it’s a mystery that will never be solved but I doubt it. Actually if you consider the matter calmly maybe it’s really no mystery at all. There are two key factors that have come into play over the last week both of which arouse suspicion. One is that the Malaysian Government has clearly withheld information it was in possession of early in its investigation in tracking the aircraft. The other, their all too rapid dismissal of any Iranian involvement.

Let’s look at some facts.

1). Two young Iranian men board a flight heading for Peking
2). Both get on the flight using false passports.
3). The day after the plane disappeared the Malaysian Government announced that they were actually heading for Germany to begin courses of study. In short there was clearly a rush to clear the Iranians from any involvement.

Taken together the above detail should have immediately raised serious questions. Rung alarm bells round the world, especially in Europe and America. That in itself is important because of the wider political issues and considerations that come into play, particularly those relating to the much closer diplomatic ties recently established between America, its allies in the European Union and Iran.

The Malaysian Government, itself Islamic with ties to Iran, has said that the two Iranians had left their country to go to Germany to study. In that case why did they take a flight eastward to Peking when any number of flights would have taken them from Malaysia to Germany? And of crucial importance, why did both men get on the flight to Peking using false passports, documents stolen in Thailand and any facial disparity not picked up at Kuala Lumpur Airport? These are questions that the Malaysian Government has failed to answer, perhaps because they have never been forcefully asked.

So for unexplained reasons, two Iranian men board a flight to Peking using stolen passports and the flight vanishes without trace. Oh golly gosh! Could these facts possibly arouse suspicion? Well having so quickly taken the Iranians out of the loop isn’t it only fair to ask,

exactly why did the Malaysian authorities  do this and what information did they have to hand that made them so certain, so quickly? Furthermore, why has none of this information been made public to date?

Very visible on our television screens since the plane vanished has been the large numbers of grieving relatives of those who have vanished… with the singular exception it should be said of any family members of the two men in question. Surely we might have expected to see their family on screen from wherever they came from but no, absolutely no-one and nothing!

Indeed, exactly who were these two men and exactly where did they come from? Quite simply, the Malaysian authorities have chosen to downplay and ignore all these facts and that itself is suspicious but so too has been the manner in which they are now casting around, looking here, there and everywhere for possible culprits. Apart from the checks on passenger manifests now taking place the main suspicion seems to have fallen on the two Malaysian pilots, the most senior of whom has a long and exemplary flying record and has been vouched for by professional colleagues and friends. Even so there have been attempts to smear him in the Malaysian media as being associated with the heavily censored leader of the political opposition in that country added to which has been the discovery of a flight simulator at his home. As the man was something of a flying fanatic who loved his job this might be to a degree understandable. His co-pilot too seems to be in the frame. Both men it’s claimed would have exactly the right experience and knowledge to have switched off all the electronic communication systems aboard the aircraft.

Without having any clear or serious reason then the Malaysian authorities are fastening on the pilots. The only problem with this is motive. As the international terror regime par excellence, Iran, with a record as long as anyone’s arm, fits the bill perfectly, especially since it is now guaranteed of having a certain degree of American protection given the newly established close relationship between the Obama Administration and the Mullahs in Tehran and with this, of course goes the new found warmth between Baroness Ashton, European Union Foreign Secretary and the Iranian fundamentalists.

The fit is all too tight to be dismissed or put to one side, even so the problem with all this is motive. It’s now fairly clear that given the evidence of the aircraft’s communications systems being tampered with the plane was hijacked but compared to all other past hijackings this one is different. There seems to be no reason for it. No motive. Nothing made public to date. Most aircraft are hijacked for a reason, one that is announced early on by the perpetrators, their motive in most cases being publicity. They’ve taken over the aircraft for a reason, a cause which they support so their action has a purpose behind it. That being the case and the perpetrators seeking to create international sympathy for their cause it would be unlikely that they’d intend causing harm to the passengers, otherwise they’d show themselves to be unworthy of such sympathy. In the case of the vanished Malaysian Boeing however nothing makes any sense. It’s been hijacked and the action of the hijackers must have a motive or else there’d be no reason for doing it in the first place and that simply doesn’t make sense, yet so far they’ve chosen not to reveal it.

As I’ve said, in nearly all hijackings its perpetrators reveal their motives early on. If it’s for publicity, in support of a cause, it makes no sense keeping it hidden, unless that is its perpetrators have calculated that creating a mystery to build up world-wide publicity is advantageous, as it certainly is in this case. Running against this however is the anger generated over concerns for the welfare of the passengers so keeping the world waiting for any announcement is hardly likely to increase sympathy for those responsible.

No apparent reason… The creation of an international incident without any justification or cause…  That’s the real heart of the mystery.    

The whole scenario can be looked at two ways. Both make grim reading. If this was the work of the pilots they’d have locked the passengers out of the cockpit to control the whole situation. All those men, women and kids knowing something was badly wrong and increasingly terrified. Frightened for their lives hour after hour. Parents desperately trying to console their children. Looking for answers but unable to find any. Maybe trying to get into the cockpit. Alternatively, if the plane was hijacked, one armed terrorist inside the cockpit controlling the pilots, another inside the plane waving a gun, there might have been a concerted attempt by the passengers to intervene. Risk their lives trying to grab hold of the man with the gun. If so shots may have been fired in any struggle. Rounds of automatic smashing through the fuselage or windows, instantly depressurizing the aircraft and causing it to dive out of control

What we do know is that the plane was still flying five hours after it disappeared from all contact. Why is that and where was it going? Maybe its destruction was an unintended accident. Something that went wrong during a hijack and couldn’t be righted so they all died for nothing. Even so those responsible might have said something, left some kind of message even so close to the end.

However there’s another consideration I’d like to put to you. A more simple reason that explains things. Something almost too awful to contemplate. In recent days it’s been revealed that the family of the pilot walked out on him the day before the flight. To my mind this information puts all other theories to rest, with the exception perhaps of any Iranian involvement. Here we have a very singular cause, an extremely powerful motive. That of a seriously disturbed mind. A matter of deep discontent, emotional turbulence and anger in a man who’d suddenly lost everything that was really meaningful in his life. He’d taken his inner turmoil and trauma board with him on the flight. All that pain, all those thoughts going through his head until he finally resolved on an action to destroy himself. Shut his fellow pilot out of the cockpit and flew on alone over the ocean. Alone with all his thoughts and despair. If this information put out about his loss of his family is true then here is a very singular, very personal motive but then with so many other lives at stake and now probably destroyed it doesn’t mean very much. This maybe is the real answer to all the mystery. Much may become apparent if the aircraft is found and the content of its black boxes revealed. Having now put my own theory my thoughts are for the terrified passengers aboard, especially the children, and their last moments alive.

Trouble is, only a day back the Malaysian authorities changed their story and put it about that the pilot’s family problem never happened. That they’d made a mistake! It’s almost like they’re changing their tune every few hours! Well I for one think that the family angle is by far the most plausible. Nonetheless it doesn’t detract in any way from the dreadful plight of the passengers and it is this that should be the main consideration for everyone following the story round the world… the state of the passengers and their conduct once they knew that something was wrong. How they all must have felt when everything they thought was safe and routine suddenly and dramatically changed. Traumatic moments and hours that cannot be understated. Now they were no longer passengers but victims. Victims at the mercy of others. This sudden and dramatic turnaround in their status and how they may of reacted to it is the essentially human side of the drama because we’re talking of people’s lives here not just an aircraft. People who are terrified. Who don’t know how the situation might end.

Quite frankly not enough consideration has been given in the media to seeing things from the passengers point of view with reporters from BBC Television and Channel Four particularly to blame. There’s simply been little to no consideration of their state of mind by these media jockeys, only too hyped up to create an endless drama  for the telly-addicts. For me on the other hand the state of mind of the passengers, their anxieties, their fears and their terror is at least as important as the whereabouts of the plane.

Just imagine for a moment your own thoughts and feelings if you’d been a passenger on the flight and part of anything that I’ve described above. Or how about you and your family on a package holiday flight to one of the Costas when some guy sitting two rows in front of you gets up holding a can of Heinz Minestrone claiming that it’s a bomb and screams that if you don’t behave yourselves you won’t be landing in Mecca at midnight. Well that’s the plan anyway only it’s their plan not yours and little Ryan needs to go for a piss but he can’t, not yet anyway so suddenly one of the seats is all wet and your wife’s in a serious tizz. As for you, you’re thinking back to the time of the Malaysian hijack and how it all ended.

Friday 14 March 2014


Okay, hands up all you conspiracy theorists who think that it was somehow brought down by the Royal Family because they discovered that Princess Diana was really alive and well and travelling incognito on the flight wanting to have a holiday in Vietnam?

Okay, hands up all of you who think that it was transported into the Cargo Bay of an alien starship from the future who discovered that one of the little Chinese children on board would grow up and become the scientist who discovered warp drive which would then become the basis for Earth’s powerful Starfleet that would challenge their own domination of the Galaxy? And that by travelling back into the past they’d find the aircraft with the kid on it and stop it all happening?

Okay, let me see. Hands up all of you who think that the two Iranians on board weren’t happy go lucky young guys who wanted to escape from their country and go to Germany to study geography because they were in fact heading east to Vietnam and that according to President Obama and William Hague nobody can point a finger at Iranians anymore so it’s all being dumbed down?

Right… hands up all those who think it was a conspiracy organised by the world’s most powerful Jews who’d built a gigantic submarine which surfaced in the South China Sea and switched on a magnet which brought down the plane and forced it to land on deck from where it was cunningly transferred into the Cargo Hold after which the vessel submerged. The reason for the abduction being that the Jews wanted to introduce many of the Chinese kids on board to gefilte fish and chicken soup so that Israel could start manufacturing millions of tons of the stuff and start exporting it all to China in oil tankers going through the Suez Canal. Yes, it’s another world-wide Jewish conspiracy and right now there are dozens of Chinese kids eating kosher in a Jewish submarine.

Okay, hands up all of you who really know the truth i.e. that all the Intelligence Services know but no-one is saying because the real truth is just too horrible to talk about so all ‘the powers that be’ are encouraging all the conspiracy theorists to talk shit in order to distract attention from something so awful that not even they can possibly imagine it. So let me assure you immediately, none of it has got ANYTHING whatsoever to do with a gigantic plane eating spider produced by a top secret American bio-nuclear test. I mean, trust me on this one.

All this said perhaps it’s now time for the truth. A view that might seem strange to many but simply cannot be discounted because in cases like this all things are possible. That the plane itself was experimental and its flight, still ongoing, is a miracle of science. You see, the plane isn’t just something that flies through the air but can also safely fly underwater. That when it ‘disappeared’ from radar screens what it actually did was switch into a long downward glide then gently pass into the ocean continuing its descent for hundreds of feet with its special aqua-jets switched on. Exploring the ocean in a kind of excursion for four or five days with everyone aboard having great fun before it will slowly ascend to break the waves to the astonishment of the world with everyone aboard safe and sound. Now frankly I’m not at all convinced about this theory myself but I’m sure that there will be many who are and that all true conspiracy theorists out there will pause for reflection and take it in as a genuine possibility.

Finally, it is a view shared by many that the disappearance of the aircraft was caused by a group of rich and powerful conspiracy theorists who decided to create a genuine mystery just to see if anyone might have the imagination to work out that it was conspiracy theorists themselves who were really behind it. Tragically however, one of the group who did it was a double agent who said that the thing never happened at all but was just a made up story and that there’s no missing plane. In which case no-one really knows what to believe, so if by chance some plane is actually found somewhere or other there will be many people who just won’t believe it and maybe many others who are having such fun with the whole thing that they just won’t want it to stop and sooner or later they’ll set themselves up in business finding missing things like some kid’s little lost Teddy!

Okay, have you now had enough conspiracy theories for now about some aircraft that vanished? You haven’t? Well, let me wait a few days before I can think up some others!


A videotape has recently emerged showing a policeman punching a woman shoplifter he’d apprehended three times on the head while she was sitting on the ground and defenceless against the blows. No problem doing it in public with other people around but more to the point, no problem in doing it at all! The Court heard she’d been abusive, so it was said. The Court heard that the good officer had been provoked, so it was said! The Court heard that the woman had taken drugs and been no angel, so it was said. So the magistrate smiled kindly on the good officer and leniently handed out a bit of Community Service! And this, exactly at a time when the police are increasing becoming involved intervening in cases of domestic violence!

So a policeman publically punches a defenceless woman three times in the head while she’s lying on the floor. It’s only one more thing about police conduct towards civilians in recent years. Do you want me to go through the extremely long list; tampering with evidence… withholding evidence from defence lawyers which show their clients are innocent… withholding evidence from Courts… actively conspiring to fit up and frame innocent people… acting undercover to infiltrate anti-fascist and other protest movements then engaging in sexual relations with their participants… falsifying evidence such as in the Hillsborough Disaster and blaming dead children for being drunk… accepting money from journalists for information about news stories… undercover spying on the family of murder victim Stephen Lawrence, attempting to damage his parent’s marriage, corruptly manipulating their own enquiry into his murder on behalf of the drug dealing father of one of those accused of the crime along with purposefully withholding evidence from the formal Enquiry into his death… making false allegations against a Minister of the Crown and causing his resignation from office… a long list of people dying alone in cells while in police custody… the public shooting by police of innocent people regarded as suspects such as Charles de Menezes on a London tube train, and of course many others… But most important of all perhaps, conspiring to have innocent people convicted and falsely imprisoned, often for many years, for crimes they did not commit while knowing all along that these people were innocent. Many names come to mind from the past such as Judith Ward, the Birmingham Six, the Guildford Four, Stepan Kiszco the genial giant with learning difficulties so shamelessly fitted up… And then a whole raft of recent cases involving the South Wales Police such as that of the Cardiff Three…

Equally foul has been the practice of undercover police using the names of dead children as identities. Conduct without any sense of shame or morality like all the rest.

This is not simply a case of evil behaviour by the Metropolitan Police. It’s a national phenomenon having involved the Serious Crime Squad in the Midlands, the South Wales Police Force and that in South Yorkshire with its extraordinary close long term relationship with serial paedophile Jimmy Savile to say nothing of its involvement in the Hillsborough Disaster… Countless horror stories of corruption, violence, despicable lying, the deliberate and purposeful deprivation of personal liberty, endless bullying, thuggery and deception. The list of evil and immoral behaviour is endless!

All of which being true and having been proven by events leads to the question, exactly who are these people and how is it that they are able to do such things? A general and often repeated defence of the police for this vast slough of immoral and illegal conduct is that 99% are honest and decent and do a good job but their efforts are always spoiled by the occasional ONE BAD APPLE in the barrel who tarrs the reputation of all of them. This ONE BAD APPLE defence has been making the rounds for more years than the Bible. Yes, they’re all good as gold and it’s all being spoiled by that one bad apple! Well I’m afraid that this kind of bullshit excuse, mainly put about by politicians and other apologists simply won’t wash anymore because there’s been too many bad apples in too many barrels. Furthermore the role of the police has become increasingly political. Particularly since the time of the Thatcher Governments of the 1980’s. If the police are given a political remit it’s not their fault but they took the remit they were given to keep order during the Coal Miner’s Strike far beyond the matter of supervision and control and viciously attacked thousands of striking coal miners in a manner of barely disguised brutality. Again, if they were instructed to infiltrate various protest movements by both Tory and Labour Governments did such instructions include politically and emotionally manipulating the participants of these groups and having sexual relations with them? Presumably it didn’t, so again one needs to simply ask, what kind of people are they?

The answer to this question is simple enough. These people are shamelessly and morally dirty, however of  equal importance is the question as to whether the police themselves should rightly be blamed for their vast ocean of foul conduct? And my answer to this question will undoubtedly shock many. No, I don’t think the police are to blame for all their filthy behaviour. These people are given and have more power to intervene in the lives of almost the entire population than anyone else. They have more actual power on an individual level than anyone else in any other social group, and while it is true that they are given certain training, THEY ARE FUNDAMENTALLY NO DIFFERENT TO ANYONE ELSE IN OUR SOCIETY WITH THE SAME TENDENCIES, SAME FAULTS OF CHARACTER AND SAME EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS. The fact that they are police does not mean to say that they are more morally or intellectually superior, self-controlled or virtuous than all the rest of us! They are people just like anyone else yet people who are given enormous power over everyone and required to operate in the community as though they are somehow different or special WHICH THEY SIMPLY ARE NOT! They are individuals given enormous power to intervene and act in the lives of millions yet be entirely unaffected by who and what they are… unaffected by their own attitudes, temperament, emotions and value judgments, and not least the behaviour of all the people they have to deal with. In short they are somehow expected to be rise above so many of their own personal characteristics along with those of their surroundings and yet be able to perfectly manage the power given to them. Quite frankly such a demand is simply impossible. As fatuous as is the demand of trust.

The police are imperfect people. As imperfect as anyone else, who are given great power over others. Imperfect people, often with poor education and often lacking any fundamental morality, is a seriously fraught and dangerous basis for making complex judgements over others in matters of law or ethics… good  or bad, right or wrong, and all too many fail in the task. Given such a background with the police no better or worse than anyone else and with the personal power given to them should we really expect anything else?

However it also needs to be said that the many who behave in a criminal manner do so because so much of the general public allows it. More accurately, perhaps this should read, an all too complacent and unintelligent general public allows it. In short, most people simply don’t care and that is a fact. Recent statistics show that despite a tidal wave of revelations of violent, corrupt and plainly immoral police conduct over recent decades, 66% percent of the population still believe they are doing a good, honest and decent job and that by far the greater majority of those surveyed had confidence in the police. A statistic such as this cannot be ignored. Knowing everything they know the great majority of the population is happy with its police and their conduct!

Sounds like a great one up and show of support for the police. However just one note of caution. The police are the cement for the general maintenance of social order, a psychological necessity in the lives of the vast majority of people as opposed to chaos and disorder. Order as a psychological necessity in a complex yet dynamic modern industrial society is the fundamental basis of stability. A quintessential protection from loss. Disorder, chaos and loss, underpinned by such crucial psychological factors as insecurity, anxiety and fear, are contrary to the desired character of daily life and the stability of work, family and prosperity. In the minds of so many, the police, representing authority and the cement ordering daily life, are a indeed a much needed psychologically stabilizing factor. An on-the-ground symbol of permanence. Something that those most fearing change such as the lower middle class so desperately need. As those who exist and are paid to counter criminality and disorder the police represent assurance and reassurance and maybe this psychological value is of far greater importance to the majority of people than any considerations of honesty and integrity, honor or justice, right or wrong. Things that can be put to one side as a moral luxury when inside so many heads there’s a far greater fear.

Injustices are things that happen to just a few others but they’re not likely to happen to me! That said I’ll leave it to you. If you think that the police in general are Ratfuckers that’s your choice. If you think they’re mostly nice guys that’s your choice too. Or do you think that apples are always likely to turn bad?


Now there will undoubtedly be many good folk out there who, having read the title of this Post, ask themselves, what kind of man uses such a rude, horrid title for his Post too which I reply with the simple recommendation that you pick up a copy of the Great and Good book and read Ecclesiastes because there you’ll find all manner of admonition and expletive. And if you look carefully enough, hidden away somewhere in the text is the suggestion that… Horrid is as Horrid Does! Maybe some of you have already come across it. Actually it’s always most likely to be men who just happen in a Doctor’s or Dentists Waiting Room just sitting there waiting and there’s nothing for you to read except Women’s World or Homes and Gardens or some other kind of shit and then you see the only book there and it’s the Bible and suddenly what comes into your head is adultery… wife stealing… dusky Queens of Sheba…and the whole idea of ‘begetting’… so you open it up looking for a bit of licentiousness. But then what kind of a guy would read  the Bible if there was a well fingered copy of Rumanian Babes available for consumption?

Well actually there’s nothing in Ecclesiastes that says anything remotely like Horrid is as Horrid Does, or anywhere else in the Bible for that matter and furthermore I never read it anyway! What I am trying to say is just like so many other things in life, words and ideas have a context. I mean most people wouldn’t use Ratfuckers to describe really nice people, say, like Ant and Dec, but then there may well be some who really can’t stand them and definitely would use such a word. For myself I’d like to consider this matter of context with especial reference to what I think are very definite, accurate and laudable associations of this magical word to various groups of people. And yes, you know who they are!

There are many things for which we have to be grateful about for the whole Ukrainian Crisis, some of which are directly political, for example in showing us exactly how close to fascism British and American foreign policy actually is, but there’s something else, equally interesting though less obvious, that I’d draw your attention to. This crisis with its endlessly rolling news has mercifully blotted out a whole raft of other things and saved us from having to listen to so much other plain unadulterated political crap, so the Ukraine has done me and countless others the simply huge favour of keeping the Liberal Democrats Conference out of our heads! Thank you Ukraine for keeping the Lib-Dem Gang of Ratfuckers off our television screens for much of the last week! You’ve done the British people an enormous service by keeping these lying, thoroughly self-satisfied, parasitic, opportunist political creeps off the airwaves. Honestly, I simply can’t thank you enough.

However, I’d briefly like to tell you about some of the offensively lying and squirmy things that I heard simply to justify my use of the word. Actually I can think of others that are far nastier but in all truth there’s nothing better I can think of, nothing more satisfyingly than to ascribe the word of my Title to this scurrilous crew. Firstly there was the hand on heart promise from Danny Alexander, George Osborne’s favorite Lib- Dem crony to increase the tax relief for married couples by a few thousand quid if the Coalition Government was re-elected in 2015. A big financial promise from a senior Liberal-Democrat… Absolutely sincerely and Hand on Heart! I mean, do these people actually expect us to believe that kind of thing? It’s nothing less than a bribe. If you vote for us we’ll give you more money…

If you voted for these people last time I can only ask whether you’d do it again on that kind of promise? Surely you know that these people specialize in breaking promises. They are political opportunists. Liars by nature. People who can’t help themselves. In a word, Ratfuckers… Creepy-crawlies who feel so awfully  good about themselves because they do their shopping in Waitrose and love munching sun-ripened goat’s cheese made in a tent with a flag on it all the way from Outer Mongolia… But here’s a sample of what they’re actually like. A few weeks back, Vince Cable, Lib-Dem Business Secretary, was boasting of his role in helping the Minimum Wage rise by 3%, the highest in real terms for years as he claimed. It works out at just NINETEEN PENCE AN HOUR or £7.60 for a 40 hour week, less tax! What bankers and business executives earn A MINUTE in their bonuses and salary scams! However news already released showed that Tory Chancellor George Osborne had wanted it to be more which meant that Lib-Dem Cable had personally welcomed a lower rate. Yet in an interview at the Liberal Democrat Spring Conference last weekend he happily presented himself as a champion of the lower paid! Bravo, but today, alas, figures just released about pay for public sector workers in the NHS for the coming year show that most won’t even be getting a promised annual 1% rise! NOT EVEN ONE PERCENT!

Here then is a gap between words, promises and reality. Promises that are never kept… Intentions they always betray… Electoral Reform? Ditched! Curbing bankers and executive bonuses? Ditched! Giving hardworking people in the Public Sector a decent wage? Abandoned by these so called champions of the lower paid! That’s why these people are Ratfuckers.

Furthermore, in an attempt to create liberal cred and put public distance between his Party and the Tories the nation’s favourite scarecrow put it about that he supported mass immigration from the European Union into Britain and that the greater it was the better! This was a view deliberately put up to support the Conference speech of Coalition colleague, Deputy Prime Minister Clegg who having given endless support for the European Union turned to personally attack his greatest political rival Nigel Farage and UKIP. Consider what this hypocrisy means for the Liberal Democrats in real political terms. In a recent council election in Nottingham their candidate came last, trailing an Elvis Presley look-alike campaigning for better bus services. They came last behind a joke candidate… A Party that simply can’t be taken seriously anymore!   

In politics if you make people a promise you never go back on it, only the Liberal Democrats did. They betrayed their promises for the sake of political power just as they later betrayed the promises of their Manifesto. They’ve been parasites who’ve fed on the hopes of young people and old so Ratfuckers isn’t such a bad name for them after all.

The Liberal Democrats are Ratfuckers all right but they’re not the only ones making the rounds. The term in fact is a perfect description for the bureaucrats and leading politicians of the European Community and indeed some of its member states. Like Latvia for example which today hands out pensions to its former Nazi SS killers from the Second World War. Or Lithuania which blithely allows former Nazi killers of yesterday to enjoy the good life today, and then far right Poland which maintains the stunning pretense of being Jew friendly, something of a sick joke but never mind, they’re David Cameron’s closest allies in Europe! These places apart, the European Union itself is now hands on Fascist Friendly with its new buddies in Western Ukraine while recently falling over itself to be Iranian Friendly for all the right economic reasons such as Germany doing a roaring export trade with a country described by a former senior member of the American State Department as Islamic-fascist, but that of course was before the time of Obama!

Now of course everything has changed with America opening its arms to the new gang of fundamentalist leaders in Tehran while maintaining a barely disguised hostility towards the State of Israel, all of which is perfectly paralleled by the policies and actions of the European Union and mirrored in the conduct of its Foreign Minister Baroness Ashton. On behalf of all its member states this lady who seems to have come out of nowhere spent much time in Kiev talking to and encouraging the leaders of fascist political groups, after which she rushed to put in an affable appearance in Tehran, hot courting approval with a neatly togged up headscarf and effusively making with friendly smiles and handshakes when she could have been asking questions about the origin of a huge shipload of rockets and other weapons bound for the Gaza Strip on a Panamanian tanker that was seized by Israel’s Navy in the Red Sea. Questions from Baroness Ashton to the Iranians? You’ve got to be joking! Not from this foreign policy head of the EU Gang of Ratfuckers. When it comes to asking unpleasant questions or being endlessly critical the good lady has only one target ever in mind. Yes it’s those nasty Israelis all over again!

Talk about turning a blind eye! She’s got to be blind and deaf not to know that there’s more democracy and fundamental human rights in play in Israel than all the other states in the Near and Middle East put together but never mind about that, or the fact that Israel’s Arabs enjoy the same political, economic and religious rights as that country’s Jews. The fact somehow escapes her and the entire gang of Ratfuckers in the European Union one of which, by the way, includes Portuguese supreme Man About Europe Manuel Barroso who specializes in telling its nation states how to behave and what they can do and can’t. This little pipsqueak, here, there and just about everywhere, specializes in mouthing off about anything or anyone he doesn’t like while passing round the begging bowl for his own comprehensively bankrupt and knee deep in shit Portugal!

There are of course countless other Euro-Ratfuckers like him including nonentity President from Luxemburg Rumpuy-Stiltskin but right now the busiest player in town is undoubtedly the Baroness, busily engaged in a love-in with the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism. Still, it takes one gang of Ratfuckers to know another and the Iranians are and have been for many years the world’s slimiest masters of deception.

Why not ask your new and very good friends to tell you the truth about who organised and carried out the bombing of the Jewish Cultural Centre in Buenos Aeries some years back killing five hundred Jewish men, women and children, Baroness Ashton, and see if they’re still smiling at you? Okay, I understand! You just couldn’t do something like that and embarrass your new very good friends, especially because they’ve got lots of oil and gas that you and your fellow Ratfuckers need to get your hands on now that Libya’s been bombed to pieces and there may be trouble ahead with Russian supplies! That of course is why you went to Tehran to play kiss-kiss with a gang of Holocaust-deniers. All in it together! All for one and one for all like  a gang of Ratfucking Musketeers!       

Saturday 8 March 2014



1) BOMBER HAGUE: For his performance in Kiev in the Tory opera, ‘Nazis are Okay’

2) OSCAR PISTORIUS: For his performance as Christ in the Johannesburg Courtroom drama, ‘They Done Him Wrong’

3) NICK CLEGG: For playing his favorite role in the British political drama, ‘Silent as the Grave’

4). REBEKKAH BROOKS: For her commanding performance in the televised soap opera serial, Hear No Evil. 

5). OWEN PATTERSON: In the Somerset Levels Production Company drama, King Canute.

Surely few people deserve an Oscar more than Bomber Hague who’s dignified  performance as British Foreign Secretary in Kiev when laying flowers at the Nazi Memorial of Martyrs to those who died in the fascist takeover of the city. His sorrowful demeanor and gravelly voice seen and heard around the world captured hearts everywhere. All that was needed was the presence of his former leading lady Margaret Thatcher to create a screenplay that would have rivalled Gone With the Wind. Yes, who needs reminding of those heady days they shared on the political screen together in the 1980’s when she was his Lady and he her dashing Tory-boy Man. He may not know it yet but should The Charge of the Light Brigade be remade he may yet be chosen to reprise Errol Flynn’s role of the hero who led the charge against the Russians. The venue of the Crimea is of course once again suitable!

Having turned down the role offered him last year as The Virgin Mary, Oscar Pistorius has returned to play the starring role of history’s great victim of Fate in a modern setting. His contrite, sincere, wonderfully convincing performance he hopes, will convince millions of followers of his complete innocence so let us remind ourselves of the story, The Passion of Oscar Pistorius.

To set the scene he fires four shots through a closed bathroom door because he suspects an intruder has got in and shoots his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp who’s in there instead! Oh dear! Well just a few questions for you Oscar.

1). When you got out of bed and reached for your gun because you say you heard a noise coming from the bathroom weren’t you surprised that your girlfriend wasn’t lying next to you and wondered whether it might be her in there?

2). Didn’t you by any chance ask yourself , if you thought it was an intruder, how such a person might have got into your bathroom given the size of the window or alternatively think that it might have been a midget in there who didn’t need shooting four times rather than a big burly robber?

3). Did your Mum or Dad never tell you to count up to ten before firing a loaded gun four times through a door at someone you couldn’t see, or for that matter firing one under a table in a crowded restaurant?

And finally Mr Pistorius, given your performances so far in Court, if you are found Not Guilty and released would you consider auditioning for the starring role in Woody Allen’s new film about the life of Jonny Ray, with the proposed title, Crying in the Rain?

Next on our Honours List is that great star of the Silent Screen making his return in the grey on grey classic masterpiece The Phantom of Westminster… blink and you’ll miss him, it’s the incomparable Chamomile Clegg. He doesn’t need to move let alone talk and the critics are all over him wanting to know what he’s thinking but week after week he’s got nothing to say. That’s the genius of the man really. He’ll let his silence on just about everything stand as his record… Remember his recent performance in those little Wellington Boots somewhere Over the Rainbow on the Somerset Levels looking all dashing as he heroically waded through floodwater? People remember him most however for his recent magnificent performance in the RBS bankers bonuses reprise, Silent as the Grave in which his co-star Vince Cable won an award for best supporting actor. With his remarkable aptitude for blending into the background then suddenly popping out like a jack-in-box, rumour has it that he’s being tipped to star in lead role of a proposed remake of The Scarlet Pimpernel… They seek him here, they seek him there… they seek that Cleggy everywhere…  

For her outstanding performance in courtroom drama Hear No Evil, latest epic of the Old Bailey Production Company, a best actress award surely for sumptuous redhead Rebekkah Brooks, lead actress in this classic film noir tale of a beautiful, sophisticated career woman in the newspaper industry wrongly accused and defending herself in a lifetime performance worthy of Garbo herself. Almost like her immortal rendition of Queen Christina,  marching into history with her head held high as a model for all women of courage in the modern age!  

And here an honorable mention of Tory Flood Supremo, Owen Patterson, seen here, there and everywhere reprising the role of King Canute in the Somerset Levels comedy, We’ll Have to Go Dutch. In a lifetime  performance supported by a five star cast from the Environment Agency Studios he demonstrates a sparkling ability to persuade a bedraggled populace of farmers and villages just about everywhere that they’ll all do their Level best from now on to make it stop raining. If he succeeds then surely a BAFTA Award for the latest star on our television screens who has given us all so much entertainment!

Please don’t stop coming on our television screens sincerely promising that you’ll sort everything out. You’re such a great laugh that the public just can’t get enough of you!


So, the United States is threatening Russia with severe economic sanctions and political isolation if it doesn’t hand back its main naval base in the Crimea to the gang of Nazi led Ukrainian nationalists who staged a violent and illegal coup d’état in Kiev. Bit of a joke really, what with the United States economy totally bankrupt to the tune of 16 trillion dollars and politically isolated itself around much of the world  with no dictator friends anymore in South America and European heads of state seriously unhappy about being spied on by the US Government intelligence agency! Only British Tories like Bomber Hague are  extra friendly along with America’s fundamentalist Islamist Al Qaeda friends fighting for them in Syria!

Perhaps that’s why the aid package President Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry offered on his jolly old pals visit to the Nazi-nationalists in Kiev was only a paltry billion dollars when the gangsters there were asking for thirty! Reason? America’s skint! All the same Bomber Hague, otherwise known as the Yorkshire Amoeba, and Bomber Kerry, both red hot just a few weeks ago to bomb the hell out of Syria, are just a tad hypocritical, warning Russia about the consequences of its intervention to protect its citizens and naval base when for many weeks previously, Britain’s Baroness Ashton, EU Foreign Minister, together with other top EU politicians had been visiting Kiev on a regular basis to meet with the leaders of the pro-Nazi groups offering them advice while cheerleading on their supporters in the demonstrating crowds. This so called European Foreign Minister with the British Tories fully behind her fully supported the takeover and illegal ousting of the democratically elected pro-Russian President so let’s have no more mealy-mouthed hypocrisy from warmonger, Bomber Hague.

The Kiev Gang want another 29 billion but hey, wait a minute, some of these new self-appointed Ministers are themselves from Western Ukraine’s financial elite and live in luxury villas or houses in gated communities or multi-million dollar flats. There are at least three Oligarchs in economic posts in the so-called new Government while the Chief of Defence is the boss of a Nazi admiration political group. So why do they want western taxpayers to cough up so much and where’s it all going?

Nicely in the mix has been the behaviour of the British and American Governments throughout the whole course of this fascist takeover with Secretary of State Kerry and British Foreign Secretary Hague both personally expressing their admiration and support for the Ukrainian Government whose members have openly Nazi sympathies. This is particularly interesting because in recent weeks there have been many attacks on Jews in Kiev and other cities along with the bombing of synagogues, all of it paralleling the rise of the Nazi groups in Kiev. These groups, clearly responsible for the fast rising tide of anti-Semitism while at the same time acting as the organising force behind the coup, clearly have the support of Kerry and Hague so one needs to ask, what does this say?   

Key to the whole situation is the strategic territorial position of the Ukraine with its northern border running across southern Russia and Kiev not too far from Moscow. Here the involvement of a key arm of American military power comes into play with the entry of NATO into the conflict. A pro-Western, nationalist, anti-Russian Ukraine means one thing above all and that’s America having military bases there close to the border with Russia. In other words a further stretching of NATO’s military arm almost into Russia itself which would come sooner rather than later! Before that however the Nazi murder squads will dominate the streets of Kiev and other towns in both the western and eastern parts of the country. Something that’s already happening right now. So when Tory Foreign Secretary Hague lays flowers in Kiev and shakes hands with the new leaders, make no mistake, he’s showing that he stands side by side with these people and lends them British support!

This raises the delicate question as to whether the British Foreign Secretary has Nazi sympathies? I doubt it. Not that he gives two hoots for the plight of the large Jewish community in the Ukraine because why would he give the unqualified support of the British Government to the Gang that took over in Kiev and its openly Nazi Ministers? It’s possibly more simple than that. The Jews don’t figure in the equation because he’s playing the role of toe-rag to the Americans with Kerry himself acting as shoeshine boy to the financiers of Wall Street and the City of London, hot to get their hands on Ukraine’s industrial output for the loans they’ll soon have to drum up on the backs of British and American taxpayers! A word of warning then to British benefit claimants and savers. Better watch out! Ukrainian Nazis are after your money!

Meanwhile a really neat little touch. Something for all right thinking liberal minded people to note. The on-the-ground news reporters for BBC and Channel Four Television News are having the coziest conversations imaginable with politicians from Ukraine’s Fatherland Party and other fascist groups. No hard tough questions asked but the kind of pleasant chat you might have with old pals. That’s the so-called left end of the news media for you, basically playing a propaganda role for British Intelligence at GCHQ. As we see on our screens, BBC reporters have been busy alongside Ukrainian troops, in one particular case walking with them towards Russian personnel taking camera shots in a contrived provocation while in recent weeks we’ve seen them provocatively egging on Ukrainian nationalist demonstrators. In all these cases BBC Television is playing a provocateur’s role on behalf of British intelligence services and the British Government.

It can’t be any more plain and I again ask why British people should have to pay a license fee to the BBC for its overt political partiality when we the public require that it provides a neutral, balanced and unbiased reporting service. That’s its public remit for the license money we pay. Quite frankly the conduct of BBC Television in the Ukraine is an absolute disgrace. Bias may be one thing but becoming engaged in actively provoking hostility towards one side in the conflict for political purposes is shameless and dirty. I repeat. In a conflict such as this BBC Television is clearly acting on behalf of the intelligence services and Government and is no longer a force for independent reportage.

Meanwhile, because the Russian Government won’t hand over its naval base in the Crimea to the United States military via its Nazi friends in Kiev, President Obama, David Cameron and their leery mates in the EU have decided that the Russians have got to be punished. No more travel to Europe or America for Russians and if they don’t mend their ways they’ll be chucked out of the G8 Club. That’s a Finance Club whose members get together to organise the robbery of Third World Countries, exchanging financial loans of worthless money that their Central Banks print out in trillions in exchange for mineral wealth, oil and political control. The Russians should ask themselves whether they really want to belong to a gang of gangsters or tell them where they can stick all their sanctions!

Sunday 2 March 2014



So British Tory Foreign Secretary William Hague is visiting Kiev today to meet the leaders of a new Government there where he will undoubtedly offer them British taxpayers’ money to help shore up their bankrupt economy. They need 30 billion fast and need Britain, the United States and Germany to open their wallets. That of course means taxpayers’ wallets so let’s think for a moment about where the money is going and who these new friends of ours are!

As is now well known, the so called new Government of the Ukraine in Kiev is actually a Government of Western Ukraine, by far the largest part of that country being in the east with most of its population Russian speakers. More important perhaps, these new friends of the British Conservative Party, as was already known but is now established as definite fact after recent television interviews, are gangs of fascists and Nazi sympathizers, all with a marked anti-Semitic agenda. It is these gangs that orchestrated the street violence and provocations among the crowds in Kiev forcing the departure of democratically  elected President Yanukovych and instantly creating a new Parliament whose members no-one had ever voted for! Indeed, four ministerial posts in this new Government have been given to leaders of these Nazi gangs!

This might be bad enough in itself but for the fact of William Hague’s visit, undoubtedly suggested by American Secretary of State John Kerry. So the British and American Governments, having supported if   not sponsored a fascist coup d’état in Kiev, are shortly to have an on the ground chinwag with the anti-Semitic violence merchants who did the business. No doubt asking the Ukraine’s new Nazi boys if they can do anything more to help. I highlight the word new because these West Ukrainian nationalists sympathetic to  Nazi views have been around for a long time. They were busy during the Second World War helping Hitler and his armies invade the Ukraine and supplied most of the guards at Nazi death camps in Poland and Germany. Their work was disrupted by the Ukrainian Armies fighting for the Soviet Union against the Nazis during the War and all but broken by Stalin. Now, seventy years later they’ve surfaced all over again. These are facts William Hague so your visit to chat with these people is politically dirty at best. In fact it stinks.

But alas, the plans that you and the Americans had of getting your grabs on the Crimean Peninsula and the Russian naval base at Sebastopol as I reported in last week’s NEWS POST have gone down the tubes. Your strategic intentions were more than transparent and Putin was wise to your game. However, your cooperation with gangs of fascists and Nazis in Western Ukraine, especially in the capital Kiev, to prepare the way for this is simply appalling and soon you’ll expect British taxpayers to cough up for your gambit with fascists just as you got them to fork out for the swindling schemes of your bankers. Let’s put it plain. David Cameron’s Tory Government with the Liberal Democrats in his pocket conspired with fascist street gangs in Kiev to overthrow the legitimate Government of the Ukraine.

And by the way, has anyone heard the Liberal Democrats say a word about any of this? After all, you might have expected them to be at least anti-fascist. Oh dear. Not a peep! The only thing you’ll hear from these rascals is a deafening silence, especially when it comes to bonuses for bankers. RBS, made a staggering loss of TWELVE BILLION in the last year alone and now handing out TWO BILLION in bonuses to those responsible! And from the Liberal Democrats who faithfully promised to put a stop to it all not a peep or a word. NOTHING! Just words of satisfaction from Scarecrow Vince Cable on the 3% offered to the lowest paid workers on minimum wage by the Pay Commission when Tory Chancellor George Osborne had earlier suggested that they ought to have more!

So for anyone to expect that Liberal Democrats in Government would condemn the actions of their Coalition Partners in conniving with the fascists in Ukraine is nothing but fantasy!


With figures for immigration into Britain over the last year recently published it’s clear that Tory plans to control the flow of purely economic migrants from East Europe have failed in the extreme and double the number of David Cameron’s promised projection have joyfully arrived. As if he and his cronies didn’t know it would happen in the first place! It’s not quite Tony Blair and New Labour forecasts in respect of the Poles, you remember don’t you, the assurance of a few tens of thousands that turned into a million, well it’s looking that way with the Tories. Britain the dustbin for just about everywhere else some might say.

In this matter especially comes UKIP’s criticism of the European Union and its policies regarding the free movement of labour and its leader’s sharp distancing himself from David Cameron and the latter’s plans to reform those policies, both of which have made important news stories this week. The Tory leader’s plans fell into sharp focus just a few days ago with the one day visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Britain and her speech to the British Parliament. The speech and its content were important. As commented on by BBC Television and reported in some newspapers, it was put about that both she and David Cameron would work together on his wish to create political reform in the EU and hard as this might be, attempt to resolve any difficulties together. One of the major reforms he is of course known to be seeking is the issue of the free movement of labour, i.e. immigration. Alas, what Angela Merkel actually said in her speech about the reforms the British Prime Minister wanted was substantially different.

You only needed to see the look on his face when she made her remarks to get the real picture. That he could go whistle for any cooperation from her and what he was hoping for was close to impossible!

Just a few sentences from Angela Merkel drove a coach and horses for any hopes or plans he might have had for reforming one of the key European Union policies of the free movement of labour in Europe and thus reduce European immigration into Britain. In short he could kiss any intention he and his Government had about reducing the flood of East European labour into Britain. Despite all their plans and statistics it wasn’t even a starter, unless of course you’re someone who actually believes in angels and fairies! Well this may be music to ears of the Liberal Democrats who wouldn’t mind seeing millions of Albanians and Romanians settling in Peterborough but for Nigel Farage such promises and plans plainly stink. He rightly has no truck with any of it. Knows as plain as the nose on his face that it’s never going to happen and that the only solution to unending mass immigration from Europe is to get the hell out of the Union.

He could never have put it more calmly, more succinctly or plainly than he did in his opening speech to the UKIP Conference in Torquay. Simple words that powerfully chimed in the heads of most people in Britain. That he simply didn’t recognise many places he went to as British anymore... That most people living in these places simply didn’t speak English nor wanted to… And for most people who hear this kind of thing there’s really only one kind of thought. THAT BRITAIN HAS TO GET THE HELL OUT OF EUROPE IF IT WANTS TO STAY BRITISH. It’s not a crime to say this kind of thing or believe it. It’s the plain truth. Even long established Asians living in Britain believe it, perhaps because they themselves are now finding themselves marginalized in an East European abyss. Leftist multi-culturalism  used to sound good in the early 2000’s if you watched Channel Four News and cheered Palestinian terrorists. Today it stinks. For Nigel Farage and the fast growing faithful’s of UKIP, getting the hell out is the only way of keeping Britain British albeit with a sprinkle of curry powder and a packet of noodles. It’s not that we don’t like you guys from East Europe but WE’RE BRITISH AND YOU’VE GOT YOUR OWN COUNTRY SO WHY LIVE IN OURS?

Can you imagine how he feels when he hears politicians from the three main parties talking about the valuable contributions immigrants have historically made to the British economy and how much they’re doing for the British economy today. The past experience may have contained genuine truth but to his mind it doesn’t necessarily guarantee the same for the future. Not when the bulk volume immigration of recent times has far outstripped that of the past. For the new political kid on the block the issue is plain. He’s talking of national survival and Europe is an obstreperous incubus that has to be exorcised. A boil that needs to be lanced by the needle of a free public choice. A plain referendum. In or out? It’s simple enough.


This subject has returned to the news because the Daily Mail has got dirty all over again. Dirty, or really how dirty is that? This charming little lower middle class rag has pointed to the fact that while working for the National Council for Civil Liberties, Harriet Harman, one of the Labour Party’s Parliamentary stalwarts for so many years along with her husband Jack Dromey, turned a blind eye to the fact that the NCCL was   affiliated with the Paedophile Information Exchange, a nasty little group of adults whose primary mission in life was sexual intercourse with children. How could Harman, her husband and Patricia Hewitt its chairman and another Labour Party stalwart, have allowed themselves to be associated with an organisation connected in any way with paedophiles, they ask?  

I’ve head the arguments and earnest counter-arguments of those at whom the Daily Mail has pointed its finger. I’ve listened to the interviews and read the filthy headlines in the Mail but more especially the Sun and do you know what, I think that the Mail has a very fair point. And I’ll put the point even more bluntly than they! If Harman, Dromey and Hewitt even had a scintilla, a small bloody sniff about what these people believed in or were up to THEN WHY THE HELL DID THEY REMAIN ASSOCIATED FOR ONE MINUTE WITH AN ORGANISATION THAT HAD ANY CONNECTION WHATSOEVER WITH PEOPLE LIKE THAT? Even one little sniff and it was a matter of getting the hell out. If the National Council for Civil Liberties wants to have anything to do with these people then WE won’t have anything to do with them. All they had to say was get rid of them right now or we’re getting the hell out, but they didn’t!

But then maybe there are those who might think, well paedophilia, I suppose it wasn’t such a big issue in the sixties, seventies or eighties as it is today. Well to my mind such thinking is lame. A lousy excuse! Sex between adults and children is a fundamental moral issue and has to be dealt with as such. After all, Harriet and Jack, you were supposed to be Labour, people who supposedly had some kind of morality. A moral compass… So where was your moral compass in respect of paedophilia I want to ask and like the Daily Mail need to know. For myself it’s the belief that those without a moral compass aren’t fit to belong to the Labour Party, only maybe this isn’t so plain anymore. Indeed, maybe the Labour Party has lost its own moral compass. Something that Tony Blair chucked in the dustbin when he thought he had big ideas and was more important than anyone else. Forgot about the millions of ordinary people who voted for him and came to believe in some abstract concept called the nation. There are many who accuse the Daily Mail of punching dirty but that doesn’t mean that in this instance they’re right. Their targets in this case should have known better and acted immediately and there’s simply no excuse for their failure to do so.


The sentencing of the two murderers of Gunner Lee Rigby to life imprisonment this week, one without any possible parole, was more than just. The murder of an innocent young British soldier and family man by two Nigerian Islamic monsters brought up and educated in this country then turned to hatred by propaganda from fundamentalist preachers blithely allowed into this country was a salutary lesson. Yes, the welcome signs held up for years by British Home Secretaries to fundamentalist Islamic preachers to go about their business unhindered on British streets should be well remembered. Its result in the murder of innocents and the conversion of young British Muslims to go overseas to fight for jihadi causes may well have long term consequences. One of these seen in the last week has been the media reaction to the sentencing where, in some of the lower end press the call for hanging has returned.

This gut reaction, clearly and justly one of utter revulsion has been accompanied by the graphic display of a hangman’s noose on a front page broadsheet and may well have found a sympathetic response in many. The revulsion is justified only where does it go and where does it lead… because once hanging returns its symbolism stays and the mentality behind it can be far more than simply wanting a life for a life in hands that are dirty, tainted and maybe as sick as those who murder for other ideological reasons. Issues like these can cut both ways. Even the great British war hero and leader Winston Churchill wanted those responsible for creating and maintaining the Nazi mass murder regime taken out and summarily shot without being brought to trial, yet there were other voices demanding that they be publically brought to trial as a lesson for history. So they were tried, many found guilty and hung. Today, there are voices saying hang the murderers of Lee Rigby just as they’d probably wanted IRA terrorist murderers to be hung for only too recent crimes on the British mainland. And yet there’s the thing. It’s now become public knowledge for the first time that hundreds of these people were given amnesty by the last Labour Government and allowed to walk free as part of a framework for a peace deal in Northern Ireland!

So the issue of life for life may be somewhat more complex than it first seems. Do we begin from a fundamental biblical morality and stick to it or do we move on and if so where do we go to? Gut reaction and anger… sanity and quiet contemplation are more than tough to reconcile but humanity must make the effort if it wishes to remain human.