A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Thursday 30 April 2015


Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first send mad is a well known saying from Greek mythology though whether ancient or modern there’s no-one who’s ever been better with bullshit. Today they’re running rings round their German paymasters in the European Union using delaying tactics and making endless excuses about paying back all the bailout money they’ve borrowed. Meanwhile their new Left wing Government keeps laying down conditions and promising reforms, coming out with any old guff they think sounds good. Trouble is it needs more and more money by the day to pay bills at home such as public service workers salaries but with nothing more on offer keep going round in circles without a hope in hell of playing catch up. The Greeks don’t make anything, and they don’t export much of anything either except drama, false promises and bullshit. In that sense they’re very much like the Liberal Democrats before the General Election. Full of tales about all the wonders they’ve worked and full of dramatic promises about the amazing things that they’ll do if people vote to put them back into Coalition Government!

Tales about all the wonders they’ve worked and promises to work more wonders and miracles… Quite frankly, anyone listening to all of this coming out of their mouths might ask whether they themselves have gone mad or whether it’s the Liberal Democrats, who like the Greeks have simply lost it! Or maybe it isn’t like that at all. The Greek Government knows it can’t pay the Germans a penny and the whole population is deep in the shit so whatever they say or whatever they do it won’t make a difference! In which case why not simply go on saying anything when nothing actually matters and furthermore there’s nothing that anyone can actually do! Right now it’s exactly the same with the Lib-Dems. They’re endlessly talking up their record in Government to the electorate, asking for understanding and sympathy while making more and more promises like the lying toe-rags they are, knowing that none of it matters. For five years they threw in their lot with the Tories voting for welfare and benefits cuts and there’s nothing they can do now except come out with bullshit, trying to justify their conduct and spend all their time talking it up, down or sideways!     

It’s like listening to some old French tart on a gramophone record. She’s got nothing to regret and will keep on opening her legs all over again. Some kind of promise that is! Keep on giving people another dose of the clap and all self righteous that she’s making a difference and would you believe it, promising to protect the NHS at the same time. And for that you’ve really got to have nerve. That’s the message, the promise of integrity that the Liberal Democrats are coming out with daily, nationally and all over the board. Trouble is, too many people already believed in virgins and fairies and went down with a dose like the jobseekers, the poor and the students and what the Germans think of the Greeks is the same that British people now think of those old talk it up tarts wearing orange. They’re so far down in the polls that every time they open their mouths you can’t help smelling the rot.

Let me give you a current example of such Liberal Democrat electioneering promises made at the local level of politics. The Party has long controlled Bath & North East Somerset Council and one of their recent manifestos leaflets, Bath’s traffic… We all know the problems tells its own story, or does it? It was printed in response to endless complaints from angry motorists in and around Bath and throughout much of the area. Over the last eighteen months they’ve experienced an endless series of catastrophic road-works instigated by the Liberal Democrat controlled authority which have enormously added to the already existing and quite frankly needless congestion. Two of these schemes incorporate so-called fancy pavement improvement in an effort to give the respective areas what might best be described as a more green villagey character. In one of these, a major transportation conduit, the works, already extensive and causing staggering traffic chaos throughout the day were suspended when the builders used by the Council declared themselves bankrupt. Since then, all building activity incorporating various roads and pavement ‘improvement’ has been virtually abandoned resulting in astounding traffic chaos to a wide southern area of the City.

Along the London Road, leading to the M4 Motorway and the old A4 road to London, the Council’s road widening and fancy pavements scheme has been running for many months with no end in sight. If it wasn’t already plain bad getting into the City from the east because one of the two available lanes was given over to infrequent taxis and buses, the entire area has now become a staggering rat run of cones which keeps extending along both sides with no foreseeable end in sight. For over a year sanity has been dumped down the tubes with businesses along the road suffering devastating loss. But that’s nothing compared to the general loss of trade by shops throughout the City. In the last year what may best be described as FLASH-WORKS have appeared just about everywhere. “It’s like going to bed at night and waking up and finding the street you live in suddenly dug up and everywhere surrounded with fencing, and workmen with digging machines causing traffic chaos that’s never been there before,” is how one resident described it to me.

These FLASH-WORKS and the suddenness with which they appear have been an astonishing experience for the motorist. Both for those who live in the City or travel through it. The traffic chaos over the last year or more has been astounding. What was initially bad was made far worse by Liberal Democrat council controlled works over the last eighteen months which, for both motorists and small business has turned the place into a hell-hole. Alas, that’s not the end of the story! A main arterial, the A36, leading to Wiltshire has completely disappeared from use and for how long nobody knows. Or if anyone from the council does they’re not telling! It’s oh so very Liberal Democrat!  

But wait! In response to all the many complaints, your friendly Lib-Dem team whose new business rates have all but strangled the life out of most small shops, have brought out a flash pre-election leaflet telling people how, if re-elected, they will do away with all Bath’s traffic problems… Making Bath even better

This is a truly astonishing document detailing plans build a huge road tunnel under a main railway line, river and canal just a few miles outside the City together with a new rail station and giant car park. The scheme is so enormous that it is comparable to the size of the works needed for the Channel Tunnel. Nothing on the little map illustrating the scheme shows a railway, river or canal in the vicinity but they’re there all the same! It’s an interesting thought that if the chaos caused by the roadwork schemes elsewhere are anything to go by along with the time spent, the effect of this new Lib-Dem proposal would be to stuff up the entire City and take at least twenty years to complete. It might even mean ending much of the use of road transport throughout the City itself and its suburbs.

The Liberal Democrats who control the Council make their intentions plain. GET COMMUTER CARS OUT OF BATH their leaflet roars, and in a little inset they say, ‘The government welcomes the strategy… Approval from Westminster for our plans (November 2014)’

Just a brief word about this. There’s a big difference between the government welcoming the strategy and approving it. Alas for the Liberal Democrats no formal approval for the scheme was ever given, mainly because of cost and furthermore the original plan they submitted NEVER INCLUDED A TUNNEL UNDER A RAILWAY LINE, RIVER AND CANAL SO IMPLYING IT DID IS SLIMY IF BEST AND PLAIN UNTRUTHFUL!

But never mind that. The Liberal Democrats of Bath as with Liberal Democrats everywhere are at their most friendly when it comes to supporting cyclists who most motorists in Bath regard as rats on two wheels. Here is a list of their new cyclist friendly intentions

We aim to spend 10% of the Highways budget to support cycling.

We will introduce cycle traffic lights to give cyclists a head start.

We will encourage bus companies to fit racks to carry cycles up hills.

We will review junctions to make them more cycle friendly.

As stated in a previous post, BICYCLE FIENDS, cyclists in Bath rule its streets and pavements, jumping the town’s traffic lights with impunity and thinking nothing of knocking over and abusing pedestrians, yet they are thought by the nimby-namby Lib-Dems to give the town greenness and character!

The road traffic scheme these Greeky Liberal Democrats intend for Bath is verging on madness. It would cost hundreds of millions, money that can’t be obtained from central Government funding and which the council they run doesn’t have. Apart from the little problem of finance, given the slower than snail’s pace progress of current road-works in the City, regarded by most of its residents as a very sick joke, the time scale is likely to be run into decades. As someone recently said, they’ll be at in for the grandkids to see…

At the back of the leaflet there’s a photo of the ex Lib-Dem MP Don Foster with his arm on the candidate’s shoulder, both of them looking into the camera like something out of the film Total Recall with the evil administrator of Mars and his buddy, Hauser, Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie. If you know the film and then see the photo you’ll know what I mean! Under it are the words spoken by the former MP…  

‘These schemes will make our city a much better place and Steve knows how to get the money for them out of the government.’

Some boast! Especially as the candidate has never had anything to do with government before yet is said to know how to get hundreds of millions out of Labour or the Tories. Well for this completely mad Liberal Democrat promise to free the City of Bath of its road traffic chaos with such a scheme, all he’s ever likely to get is a resounding kick in the butt. Thinking they could assuage the fury of Bath’s motorists before the General Election with this kind of thing, the Liberal Democrats rushed it out hoping it might win them back a few votes and maybe save them losing control of the council. The scheme however is mad, its costing unspecified and its technical complications simply unstated. Yet there it is. A leaflet with a crazy little map and full of clever little photos of what the Liberal Democrats think makes people happy. Of course it’s nothing new. It was first proposed ten years or more back and abandoned as totally impractical. And now it’s been rushed out all over again with Bath’s skanky Lib-Dems hoping to save face for all the wretched traffic chaos they’ve caused.

It’s like a Greek kind of promise, but then as I said earlier, it’s a very Greek kind of thing! Those whom the Gods seek to destroy they first send mad… and this is clearly the way the Party is heading, not only in Bath but all over the country. They can make promises, any old promises, till they’re blue in the face but people know these clapped out political tarts for what they are. They’ll do anything… say anything to keep hold of power and that’s the most terrible thing really. They honestly believe that they’re the best guys in town and what makes it worse is that there are people around who actually believe them.

Now how sad is that!

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