A Conspiracy of Trash

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Friday 17 April 2015


On Wednesday this week hot in the footsteps of Labour and the Conservatives, a pallid but jollied up Nick Clegg brought out his offering on behalf of the Liberal Democrats in a glitzy colorful political jamboree well trumpeted by BBC television as one might expect given their undoubted favoritism for Lib-Dem middle of the road promises to just about everyone including a foreign policy of maintaining Britain’s overgenerous whacky overseas aid.  In contradistinction its coverage of UKIP’s manifesto launch was a much more moderate affair. Both manifestos deserve a few words of coverage here.

Promises are fabulously cheap at election time. That said and remembering their last election manifesto, such promises cannot come any more fabulous for their plain bare faced cheek than those coming from the boys in orange. Their main claim to the electorate above all other things is VOTE FOR US because we as Liberal Democrats guarantee to provide balance between future cost cutting attacks on welfare benefits by hard-nosed Tories and unnecessary expenditure by frivolous Labour who they accuse of being only too willing to increase benefits all over the place! As Clegg himself put it, Liberal Democrats would go into Coalition Government with whoever they thought might need them; be best for the country that is! And here his wonderful boast that they would give heart to the Conservatives and be the brains for Ed Miliband!

Oh how wonderful! How very good of him and his mates, one of whom by the way was caught by the cameras sitting in a corner and grinning his head off like a leery Chinaman! With those ever most noble Liberal Democrat values they’d be the true guide for what is right and best in Government on behalf of the people. Not too much cutting and not too many giveaways. The Lib-Dems would hold the middle ground and would be our good shepherd. Kind of biblical when you come to think of it! And this is precisely how they are portraying themselves!

IS THIS A JOKE OR SOMETHING? In the coming election the Lib-Dems are likely to lose at least half of their seats. Their opinion poll ratings are way down below even the Greens! Few people want them anymore. Clegg and his Party are seen as people who propped up the Tories and unashamedly voted for huge cuts in Welfare State benefits. Talk about betraying their promises to students, their current promise to increase expenditure in education by 3.2 billion is enough to make a cat laugh. They can promise this and they can promise that but with the Party likely to get a serious kick up the arse in May they’re hardly likely to be back in Government and they know it. That said they can make promises till they’re blue in the face . None of it matters. The best thing they could ever hope to do is prop up the Europhile wing of the Conservative Party, but with their ever friendly uncontrolled immigration policies that’s hardly likely to go down well with the backwoodsmen from the shires.

UKIP on the other hand are currently under attack from everywhere on the political party spectrum to which should be added the ever snide Channel 4 Television News and the BBC with their association of UKIP’s immigration policy with racism. It’s such an easy allegation to make. So ugly, untruthful and yet so damning because saying that you think control of Britain’s borders is necessary opens the door to the politically motivated accusation of being a racist when its actually got nothing to do with racism. Those who want immigration control for perfectly rational economic reasons experience this as a smear tactic employed only too often by those new political fascists. Coming this time from the Left.

UKIP and its leader firmly believe in immigration control. It’s a central plank in their Manifesto because of Britain’s membership of the EU. Along with it however are a raft of economic policies whose costs the Party claims will be funded by the cancellation of Britain’s payments to Brussels. These include a more generous tax regime for low paid British workers paid for by abolishing Foreign Aid and a diminution of money given to Scotland, policies likely to find favor with the Daily Mail and Express reading lower middle class electorate of Essex and Kent to whom the Scots are at best a grungy scowling anathema. And whereas the Party’s policies on the economy are broadly Left there is little to nothing said about the Trades Union Movement currently sidelines and ignored by all the main Parties.

UKIP’s Manifesto commitment to Defence and defence expenditure is clear as is their commitment to British armed forces services personnel. No cutbacks from current levels and a promise to build a large new hospital for their exclusive use. No talk though of salary increases for the armed forces with the Party seeming to take their fighting services for granted, same as all the others have traditionally done. Lots of the usual talk about bravery but little as ever about putting bread on the table for those who risk their lives in stupid places for ultimately stupid reasons! Shame on you Nigel, your heart wasn’t in the right place on this one. You could have made a real difference here!

The final point I wish to make here is this. How many of you have looked into buying an English-Scottish Foreign Language Dictionary lately? It might be as good an investment as one for English-Romanian!

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