A Conspiracy of Trash

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Friday 3 April 2015


In the last few days I was amazed to see that in the latest Election opinion poll the percentage of those interviewed who said they’d vote Liberal Democrat climbed from 6 to 8 percent. In all honesty I had to rub my eyes. I could scarcely believe it. Eight people out of one hundred thinking of voting Lib-Dem! It made me stop and think for a moment! Eight people out of a hundred thinking of voting for Nick Clegg’s Party as junior Coalition partners in what is essentially a Tory Government. It kind of took my breath away. That after all those things they said they’d do but forgot about, like bringing down energy prices, like helping to reform the electoral system, like coming down hard on rogue banking practices, all we ever saw them get up to was joining the Tories to attack the Welfare State and reduce benefits for poor and unemployed people.

No matter what kind of gloss you put on it that’s what their politics actually came down to during their time in Government! Energy prices only ever went one way and that was up! As Energy Secretary, Liberal Democrat Ed Davy set up a cartel of the Big Six Energy Suppliers some of whose executives worked in his offices and all that ever happened to prices was that they went the wrong way for their customers! And what about all their talk of reforming the electoral system? Something that seemed such a big deal to them. Well the Tories soon put a stop to all that so not another word said! And as for getting the bankers and banks to behave themselves, well all you can say for Vince Cable, Liberal Democrat Business Supremo is that people like HSBC must have been laughing their heads off at all your promises of change when all you ever did during your time in office was sweet f/a. And as for Danny Alexander, Lib-Dem Secretary of the Treasury and George Osborne’s favorite lackey, what did he ever do to control the antics of the Inland Revenue and their sweetheart tax deals with various billionaires and multinational corporations. Answer to all of that… NOTHING!

The main plank of Nick Clegg’s current election campaign is that he and his Lib-Dem buddies in Coalition Government stopped the Tories from doing many bad things. That’s the main thing we hear coming out of his mouth. That it would all have been a lot worse if he and his chums hadn’t put the brakes on David Cameron and his ‘evil’ intentions! What is astonishing to me is that there are people out there who actually believe it! Yes, the all powerful Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and his buddies actually got the Tories to do as they wanted… because if they didn’t?

Right now, after seeing even a small climb in the share of people thinking of voting Liberal Democrat I can only stand in wonder at the political naiveté and short term memory of the British electorate. Clearly most have forgotten the promise they made to students in their last election manifesto, forgotten all their talk about reforming the banks, forgotten their promises of electoral reform. So when Nick Clegg stands up and tells people about the good things that they did, all of which taken together don’t amount to a diddly squat compared to their support for Tory welfare cuts for the young, the poor and the unemployed, I can only turn round and ask myself… exactly what kind of people still intend voting for them when they might as well just go and vote Tory instead?

Please forgive me but I don’t understand! Why on earth are you thinking of voting Liberal Democrat? Except for being diehard supporters of the European Union whatever the cost, giving the same kind of support to unlimited and unchecked immigration and of course turning a seriously blind eye to Islamic extremism, what else do they offer? They only have one man doing the talking these days it seems so pray tell me, whatever happened to Vince Cable and who shoved the old Scarecrow back in his box? Indeed the same might be asked of all the rest of the Lib-Dem gang in Coalition. Has anybody had sight of Ed Davey or David Laws, of Danny Alexander or even the Bath mangle-wurzel Don Foster? And yet with so many of these Coalition front-liners invisible, there are actually people out there still thinking of voting for them!   

Something I find almost incredible.

Given this fact I for one cannot help thinking that it indicates something strange, something even peculiar in the British national psyche. That despite everything they know, the broken promises, the lies and the deceit of the Liberal Democrats for over five years or more there are still millions of people out there willing to give their support. I can only think of it as a peculiarly British kind of masochism. In this case a political masochism. In social terms a bit like wives loving their husbands who they know are lying on a regular basis, cheating and even beating them once in a while! Women who’ve seen and heard it all before yet keep on coming back for more… And so it is with the British electorate! They just keep on coming back for another dose of sweet smiling bullshit just like they want to be lied to! Nick saying… although you really didn’t know it at the time I really did it all for you and if you give me another chance I’ll make it up to you, make things all right, just for you! And here he gives you one of his famous sheepish innocent smiles!

And so you believe his promises. You somehow rationalize that he really cared all along and if you give him another chance he’ll do everything he can to make you happy and Britain prosperous again. Just one more chance so he can work to make Britain a better place! So that he can prise that old cadaver Vince Cable out of his box in the wall, turn the key in his back and make him talk fussy all over again.

Well you voted for them last time in spades. So did they actually come up with the goods? Do everything you expected and hoped for or were they only a political irrelevance all along? People who talked the talk but when it came to it walked the walk with the Tories. Or were they people who talked bullshit all along, a plain gang of lying political turds who never thought you’d check up on them much because as British people you’re not really interested in politics or what politicians do, except when it’s on the front page of the tabloids! From this point in time a month before the General Election it looks plain enough. All that they did in Government was prop up the Tories who once in a while fed them with a handful of peanuts. Well, if you’re the kind of person who thinks that’s good enough for a Party of political principles and values well you go ahead and give them your vote, but take a look at yourself in the mirror before doing so. On the other hand if you think you’re a bit better than that and won’t support a gang of opportunists second time around well just give your face a good rinse, dry off with a towel and go and kick them into the long grass come May 7th.   


This Post is about Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats. Thursday’s television debate has now come and gone and from polls taken immediately after it’s clear that his performance landed him firmly at the bottom of the pile of the Party leaders participating, well below even the Greens! After last night the Liberal Democrats as a national political Party are on their way out and most of their Westminster seats will be won by the Tories in the coming General Election. Clegg himself was put on the back foot most of the way through for being a Tory collaborator. He himself acknowledged the fact and apologized for some of the political decisions he and his Party had made, justifying them for the sake of national economic interest. For those interviewed later his excuse just didn’t wash.  

The Liberal Democrat leader spent most of the time during the debate on the back foot looking sheepish and acknowledging guilt. In the polls he came over as the most feeble and ineffectual of all the Party leaders and it was fascinating to see him turn angrily on David Cameron and accuse him of conducting harsh economic policies when he’d gone along with most of them over his five year time as Deputy Prime Minister, a fact pointed out by the other participants. Actually even Cameron himself looked surprised at this ‘betrayal’.

Clegg trying to distance himself from everything he’d done right at the end, only now it was simply too late! He’d collaborated!

That was the message that went out to millions of viewers. But still, some five or six percent of the electorate are willing to give him a second chance! Some in the Lib-Dem Gang must be rubbing their eyes. They’re a political irrelevance and in their heart of hearts know it. On their way down the tubes of political history without even making a splash and to 95% of the British electorate good riddance.

If any future British political leader wants to learn how they can destroy their own political party they can learn a good lesson here. Betray the promises you made, collaborate with the enemy and pretend you did it all for the good!

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