A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Saturday 25 April 2015


For sheer unashamed cheek you couldn’t do much better right now than consider the great Liberal Democrat offering made by Nick Clegg and his Ministerial Colleague David Laws, who by the way put in a dodgy Parliamentary expenses claim for his partner not long back, of promising millions of public sector workers a handsome salary increase in 2016 if the Party formed part of a Coalition Government after the Election! Now how do you like that? Firemen, policemen, teachers and many others working in the public sector would get joy if Nick came back as Deputy Prime Minister! It just begs the question, what kind of joy did they get from these monkeys in the last five years of Coalition?

Of course, Cleggy will tell you that because of him and his mates everyone’s pockets are full of cash except for all the above who lost out because of those nasty Tories… but never mind, give him a chance and next time round he’ll fix it! Just give him a chance and see what a difference he’ll make. Well last time round Nick, British people didn’t vote Liberal Democrat to see you jump into bed with George Osborne and vote for all round salary cuts. They voted for you because of the promises you made in your Election Manifesto then immediately broke. And right now you’re making more big promises to millions of people without being able to give any kind of guarantee that you’ll keep them.


Wait a minute! Did I say honestly? Sorry, I made a mistake. There’s nothing honest about such promises at all, there doesn’t have to be you know it! It’s just any old bullshit that desperate politicians, desperate for your vote pull out of a hat thinking they can persuade you that you’re virgins all over again and ready for shafting. Not only don’t they have to keep any promises but there’s little to no chance of them being able to. That’s the worst part of it with the Liberal Democrats. They know they’re a busted flush and that just about everybody’s had it with them. That in a couple of weeks a good half of their Parliamentary representation is going down the plug hole. It doesn’t matter. They’re still coming out with any old porky shit in the hope that people will have forgotten who they opened their legs for to get into Government. Trouble is, tarts always sound like tarts let alone look like them when they put it about and you can’t hide the dirt under the makeup. You’re known and if the electorate has got any sense they’ll smell you a mile off.

The Liberal Democrats are like a disease and people are savvy to that sort of thing second time round. The promise of making it up to the public sector workers whose standard of living they joined with the Tories to attack is only just that. A promise they have no way of keeping. Just words! Part of the Liberal Democrat spin by the new political whores on the block. Sorry Nick but you’ve got the look of a deep fried Mars bar about you and there’s no way of hiding it.

Nigel Farage and the BBC! Now here’s a delightful election cameo. If UKIP’s main man thought he could get even half an ounce of fair dealing for his anti-EU, anti immigration message from the terrorist friendly, liberal elitist, pro-EU broadcaster for the British Establishment then he really needed to think again. This is a nasty sanctimonious little outfit that thinks nothing of unconscionable bias in its reportage on a whole range of issues. They can make claims of neutrality in their selection of panels and audiences but most people know that they’re carefully chosen and all of those seemingly random questions carefully prepared. The questioning of Party Leaders is a case in point. If Nigel Farage expected anything less than being critically talked over, continually interrupted or having his words misinterpreted during his interview with Evan Davis then he was deluded right from the start. What he needed to do was show resolution. Either shut the man up or walk off the show. Instead he allowed himself to be continually put on the defensive without being allowed to develop any argument he was trying to make.

Alas he was too much of a gentleman and with the BBC that’s half way to surrender. He should have known he was in for a roughhouse and dealt with the tactics accordingly… played the roughhouse game instead of being the earnest politician who made no promises but said what he thought. We’ve all heard the leaders and spokesmen of the main Parties make plenty of promises. UKIP’s Farage however has concentrated on just a handful of key issues like immigration, defense and membership of the EU, things that most of the others have kept hidden away under the carpet.    

Actually, dealing with the immigration issue is of the utmost importance for this country. It’s now running unchecked into hundreds of thousands with the dregs of Eastern Europe arriving here on the make with opportunistic criminal activities in mind like state benefit robbery from places like Slovakia, once Hitler’s second most favorite Nazi State after Austria, Latvia that even today pays its citizens who once joined the wartime Nazi SS a generous pension for their murderous activities, and then of course there are always the Romanians, the biggest piss-takers in Europe to say nothing of the Poles. Over a million of them here on the make and cock of the walk with it. And quite frankly why shouldn’t they be? They’ve been purposefully brought in by business, fronted by the liberal intelligentsia full of ready-made excuses, to depress wages and operate as a reserve army of labor. And you’ll barely hear the argument from anyone else except Nigel Farage.

That’s the big trick really… the real purpose of the European Union. Depress wages throughout the economic bloc and make its goods competitive with those of cheap labor south-east Asia… and do the job through the so called free movement of labor across European borders. Forget any territorial border controls. Labor goes where it’s cheapest with so-called New Labour lads like businessman Tony Blair giving it a helping hand on the way. If there was ever anyone who didn’t give a diddly squat about the economic welfare of the British working class it was Blair. His message to millions of Poles with their eyes turned to Britain and hot to earn a shilling was bread, let them eat cake! Shame that the decent hardworking people of Britain should be forced to sink into the morass of purposefully imported alien values and cultures and be forced to give up what was once so much their own. This coming election then is a kind of last hurrah for what was once a culturally traditional British way of life. Ultimately, perhaps, that’s the real meaning of the Farage message. That the British people have to wake up before it’s too late!

Natalie Bennett of the Green Party certainly doesn’t think so. She comes to British politics from a different direction entirely to that of Nigel Farage. Can you at all imagine the strident dictatorship of a Green Party Government lead by Mme Bennett? Who would be her Chancellor of the Exchequer and who her Foreign Secretary? We haven’t seen any member of her Shadow Cabinet yet and we don’t know anything about the Foreign policy of a Green Government towards America, Russia or China! Why not? The Greens are fielding hundreds of candidates in the Election. What if the British people went mad and they all won? Do you think it’s impossible? Why, if millions of Londoners could elect a mumbling bumbling semi-idiot like Boris Johnson to be their Mayor then anything could happen! So you went to bed and woke next morning to find Natalie Bennett in power running a Coalition Government with Nick Clegg. Can you think of anything that’s more toe-curling, more cringe-worthy a proposition? A Green and Orange Coalition! Nick Clegg in bed with Natalie Bennett. Sounds like a perfect sketch for a Newzoid!

Well what does being Natalie Bennett mean? Well being out of power it naturally means stating your position on a whole raft of policies some of which actually sound good; like making the bankers whose jack the lad investments initially created the economic crisis actually pay for it, something that HSBC is most unhappy to do. Like guaranteeing the survival of a profits free National Health Service, reforming the tax collection system and cutting out all the Inland Revenue sweetener deals for the multinational corporations, scrapping university tuition fees, renationalizing the railways and creating a national Living Wage for millions of workers. Much of it sounds exactly what you once might have expected from Old Labour only it comes with a whole wave of Greenery, from taking action on Climate Change whatever that means and getting rid of most of Britain’s current power generation facilities. Such gifts come with strictures such as promising to promote walking and cycling to improve our health and undoubtedly sooner or later enjoying a cigarette will be turned into a crime! Promoting cycling? All motorists know what that means! Roads and pavements everywhere turned into a bicyclists’ dictatorship with hundreds of thousands of little two wheeler Fuhrers shouting the odds just about everywhere. No thanks! And neither do I want to be told to eat less meat and more vegetables.

Furthermore Green foreign policies have a virulent downside like a nasty animosity towards Israel bordering on anti-Semitism. Little to nothing about EU membership, dealing with uncontrolled immigration or Islamic fundamentalist terrorism home grown or away. There’s a big part of the dumpy little lady that’s suspect but even so her appeal is undoubted. Many of the values she stands for are decent and today fill a great hole in politics that was once filled by politicians when politics was honest and such people actually cared. Much of her domestic mileage has traction, especially with young people looking for something fresh but have nowhere to go. Maybe that’s why 10% of the electorate will support her. Trouble with the Greens is that some of their views are prescriptive and the British people traditionally don’t like being told what to do.

She’s a female figure quite unlike Nicola Sturgeon. Currently without any power she quietly campaigns for support whereas Nicola, with overwhelming regional support, is currently campaigning for national power. Both Party leaders have a very different kind of appeal. That of the feisty Scotswoman is of a certainty coming from strength; that of the Green Lady her commitment to an eclectic raft of good causes. The appeal of the latter is nothing like that of the former. One means business for Scotland, the other business for the universally disaffected, as they might wish to portray themselves! Natalie Bennett is fresh and green and highly prescriptive as fresh and green usually is. The current Queen of Scots is hard-nosed and cute and aiming for power. She has a certain way of swinging her hips as she prances along, something the dumpy Natalie could never do, yet she’s as equally hostile to the Jewish State and as fundamentally ignorant about its modern creation and character as is the Queen of the Greens. Ignorant and bigoted as so much of the Left is these days.    

It has sometimes been said, apropos writers, that they are best known, best understood, through their attitude towards Jews. That their attitude towards Jews is a kind of litmus test that reveals character. Perhaps this is applicable to everyone, not just writers. And not just Jews I think but also the Jewish State. Irrational ignorant dislike leaves me uncomfortable with people whose views I might otherwise find interesting or support and the same goes for the leaders of Labour and the Liberal Democrats as it does for the Green Party and the Scottish Nationalists. David Cameron on the other hand I firmly believe to be free of any such prejudice.

The presentation of these cameos are my own and express my own judgments. For example where would the campaign of Labour Party leader be without the pervasive image of his full, shiny set of teeth in a strangely pallid face. Given the factors that seem to motivate the British electorate these days, especially women, image and presentation are highly important. Maybe not quite as much as policy but probably running it close and the Miliband teeth along with the soft sell of the man as being caring and reasonable are all part of the carefully conveyed smiling image. It’s safe, just as much as the conveyed images of all four of the main Party leaders are safe. This is because they are fundamentally unchallenged. They present themselves to the public through carefully staged managed meetings of Party supporters or in meeting people situations such as workplaces or NHS hospitals where they are highly unlikely to come up against rowdy criticism or hostile questioning. In short they and their political associates make sure that all such situations are highly controlled and leave no room for chance difficulty. Like the personal images presented everything is smooth and agreeable like a good healthy set of teeth.

Nicola Sturgeon is feisty and challenging. Clegg is above all, reasonable. Cameron in control and reassuring and mild mannered just like any other politician who’s convinced that he’s done a good job running the country under difficult economic circumstances, conveying a reasonably satisfied image that he can stand on his record. And at the end, when the time comes for people to put a cross on their ballot paper, all these leaders will put their trust almost as much as the image they’ve conveyed as the policies they stand for. Image is crucial to what they are in a nutshell. The cameo of the Party leader that the voter has in mind along with what they stand for agreeably concur with the views of the man or woman holding the pencil then they get the vote! The carefully designed and constructed cameo image has been important in British politics since the 1950’s and perhaps never more so than now.

With a blurring of policy between the Labour and Conservative Parties in recent years the creation of sharp cameo image for this current election has been essential, as much to show difference between the two leaders themselves as in the things that they stand for. For Cameron it had been continuity, particularly in the sphere of the economy. For Miliband it has been the critique of unfairness and a lack of justice. And into the mix comes the forthrightness and challenge of Nicola Sturgeon and Nigel Farage along with the soft smiling integrity of Natalie Bennett.

The choices ahead of you are possibly the best ever yet!

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