A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 11 April 2015


If there’s anything guaranteed during this election campaign it’s that UKIP’s leader Nigel Farage is out there on a daily basis talking to people. Talking to them straight and talking direct. No behind closed doors cosy chats to selected audiences for him like Clegg, Cameron and the Milipede. That’s not for him. Nigel prefers talking to them about issues that concern just about everyone. He knows what they are, the three things we all have in mind. Not about second bedrooms or maternity leave, crumbs of tax relief or putting more coppers back on the beat but uncontrolled mass immigration, our membership of the EU and the British economy. Issues that are all seriously connected and can’t be separated.

Let the other politicians make promises or try and talk things away, Britain’s membership of the EU and our experience of mass immigration from EU member states is something that can’t be controlled and is directly connected to jobs in this country and the cheap labor immigrants who are taking them. That’s a fact so that when Nigel Farage talks about our EU membership he’s talking jobs. Talking about an issue of major importance to so many of us, especially our young British workers.

Membership of the European Union with its bureaucrats in Brussels hungry to control just about every aspect of life in this country from our politics and laws to our social policies and our economy have no qualms about dumping another million migrants from its once Nazi-happy Baltic States onto our labor market, just as much as Tony Blair’s New Labour Party had no qualms in allowing three million plus Muslim Asians into Britain in a wave of mass uncontrolled immigration from 1997 for ten years. And along with them, hundreds of fanatical Islamic Fundamentalist preachers who were allowed to spew out their religious and race hatred on British streets. Nigel Farage takes note of these facts simply by pointing out the consequences of unchecked mass immigration into Britain in general. For this he is condemned by the solidly Europhile Liberal Democrats and Labour Party both of whom welcome immigration from Europe.

Whether it’s jobs or uncontrolled immigration Nigel Farage makes no bones about where he stands and his Party along with him. In a recent speech to the workers of Grimsby’s fishing industry, one generally acknowledged to be fast disappearing, he talked to them straight and direct only it didn’t need Nigel Farage to tell them the worst. They all knew the score. The EU in Brussels had been choking the life out of the industry for years and handing it over to France and Spain. Norway, not an EU member, was able to protect its sea borders and has a thriving fishing sector with all its workers fully employed, In Britain, from Devon to Dover and from Hull up to Aberdeen it’s almost a thing of the past and to those who want to talk about jobs he pointed out that they’re all mostly gone… abroad!

The issue of jobs is at the heart of the British economy, linked as it is to our membership of the EU and to mass immigration and UKIP’s leader knows that these things are all interconnected. They can’t be separated and talk-talked about as Clegg, Miliband and Cameron all try to do. So when Nigel Farage brings them together he knows that we know where he’s coming from and that’s the place in our mind where they remain the most meaningful issues in this election campaign… job security, our personal prosperity, fairness in daily life and being able to speak our minds without looking over our shoulder for that tight little oh so right little political correctness.  

That’s also mighty important, being able to speak our mind about Europe. The Lib-Dem and Labour leaders won’t allow it. Won’t give the British people a Referendum! Won’t even give them the chance to express an opinion! No matter, UKIP’s leader says it all for us. Recently the dead hand of Tony Blair made an appearance in the debate. Whatever induced this political has-been of British politics to climb out of his coffin looking more like a cadaver than ever, his political strictures to Labour couldn’t have done Ed Miliband much good. There he was, this former friend of fun loving jazzerucci Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi whose holiday villas he and his family once frequented as special guests, sticking his oar in with strictures and warnings about the dangers of taking Britain out of Europe and the need to stay in.

Exactly who blew the trumpet for Tony Blair and why was never made clear but Nigel Farage would understand the message. Blair telling Miliband not to follow David Cameron’s promise of a Referendum on EU membership to the British people in 2017 if Labour was elected to Government. This is important. Tony Blair who did little to nothing for British working people during his ten years in office laying down political conditions! Telling them what Labour shouldn’t allow! Such a bright fellow that Tony Blair! Telling the British of all people what they shouldn’t be allowed to have via Ed Miliband. Didn’t you know Tony? Why, even Margaret Thatcher knew that the British people couldn’t be told. They’re ornery, a bit like Nigel himself. They might be persuaded at best but they just won’t be told! Maybe Blair, with his close business connections and never shy of earning a shilling himself these days giving advice was speaking on behalf of his friends most of whom want Britain to stay part of the EU with all its benefits of ever cheap labor costs, but it certainly wasn’t on behalf of British workers who this former New Labour Prime Minister never once offered an official Living Wage all the way through his years in office.

Blair’s intervention? Nigel Farage, merry fellow that he is must have been laughing his socks off. True the Daily Mail and the Express got all hot under their editorial collars but quite frankly, anyone with half a political brain would have seen it for what it all was. Blair chucking a boomerang for Labour! Not speaking to people direct but doing it as a third party with third party interests. Your days of power politics are over Tony Blair. True, you’ve been interfering in Israeli politics in recent years on behalf of hostile EU interests that you represented as special envoi but all you got for that was a well deserved flea in your ear and now you think you can do likewise in British politics on the EU’s behalf. Sorry, perhaps you should take your carcass back to where it does best and that’s earning a shilling to top up all the dosh you’ve acquired by being such a clever advisor!

Nigel Farage doesn’t have that kind of money but at least he’s talking straight and direct to millions of people. Earnest, direct and straight from the heart. I’m no supporter of UKIP but what I do know is that he’s on the right track and right now we need him. He deserves a slice of power at least. It was given to Clegg and his Liberal Democrats five years back who immediately chucked it back into the faces of all those who voted for him. Farage won’t do the same. He’s powered by hard-boiled conviction rather than opportunism or fantasy and despite all the smears about him being half-hearted about the NHS, that’s only the stuff of his worried opponents. Decisions lie with the British people, egged on as always by the mass media. The man’s message as always is that the British can take care of themselves. It’s not a nationalist message. The man is pro-European and believe it or not, pro-immigration, only friends with Europe not control, and managed well handled immigration. People with skills that this country needs not a wild stampede of cultural madness. His message then is one of plain common sense and it needs to be heard. Needs representation at one of those places he likes least of all. At the Westminster heart of establishment politics!

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