A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Thursday 25 December 2014


Yes, I can already hear the raucous complaints. Sense all the hot under the collar indignation. Coming from all the smelly self-righteous politicians of the main parties, center, right or anything else because there’s certainly nothing on the left, along with the equally self-righteous religious and judicial establishment of the middle and upper classes… What on earth is this writer doing, damn his hide, associating our most sacred British institution, the very apex of royalty, with something as awful and people as dreadful as those who appear on the Jeremy Kyle Show? Something that has the equivalence of casting the most lustrous of pearls among a host of truculent swine. How dare he!

Yet I have to tell you that there is a certain connection between what is our most sacrosanct institution and this Show, in its own way already on the cusp of becoming one of the country’s most popular and interesting television programs. Something that’s on the verge of becoming an institution in its own right, albeit for its endless revelation of awfulness and what has become an ever growing feature of modern British life, namely the trials and tribulations of Britain’s Underclass. So let me say it as it is. Underclass families who appear on the Show air their problems, yet the Queen and her royal family also have their own problems in spades. Yet are you likely to see Her Majesty appearing on the show to talk about them? Have a televised chat with Graham behind the scenes to work out a solution? Not a chance! They all had to be hidden best as they could from public gaze because those so magnificent cannot be allowed to be thought of as people with problems. A “problem family” if you will!

Indeed, do we ever see anyone from the middle or upper classes appearing on the Show to talk about their own problems? Problems such as addiction, infidelity, betrayal and violence. And why not? Are they immune from issues and experiences portrayed on the Show as characterizing only those at the lowest  socio-economic level of our society, those at the bottom of the social heap? I think not. But it’s only those in the Underclass who unfailingly and remorselessly appear, anguished and full of distress about such issues as those stated above. Adult family members experiencing and having to cope with the behaviour and conduct of those in their teens. Teenagers engaged in harmful or self-harming behaviour, and adults themselves conducting their lives in an entirely irresponsible manner. Yet isn’t this simply a middle class interpretation of what others do, they might justifiably argue, and that just about everyone in our society behaves in much the same way, only it’s hidden, just because Jeremy Kyle doesn’t want any of them on his Show? So why direct your comments at us?

Yes, all those at the top have got the same problems, and they’re also fucked up same as we are!

Well actually they may have similar problems but they’re not quite so fucked up as you are because they’re better at dealing with them and they’ve got more money to help them. They’re better at hiding their anguish and more often than not drown it in whisky. You externalize yours all over the place. Onto other family members and into the wider society in general. In any case, the Jeremy Kyle Show is a show. One that puts people from an instantly recognizable social class up on public display. Whether intentionally or not, it feeds these people, these members of a social class at economic rock bottom to the wider society for what is essentially public contempt. Turns them into a showcase that only too often reveals their cultural character as problem people in general.

Of interest here is the physical characterization of many of those who appear. Endlessly obese teenage girls who are simply plain ugly… desperately skinny teenage and adult males who look as though they could have stepped out of Belsen… Furious and uncontrolled individuals full of verbal filth, abuse and threatening conduct. All of the latter clearly the only way they see as resolving their problems and the situations they find themselves in. Often putting themselves about on stage in a manner that is quite frankly ludicrous and entirely unselfconscious of the spectacle they make of themselves. And here the audience reaction is interesting. Granted that such audiences are carefully selected for their appearance and social class character, mainly of the working and lower middle class with a handful of the Underclass thrown in, there’s a marked difference of appearance between them and the likewise carefully selected people who appear on the Show, those beset with desperately serious difficulties, dilemmas and problems. People whose behaviour these audiences clearly find shocking due to the televised close scanning of individual audience reaction.

The Jeremy Kyle Show wouldn’t be where it was, high up in mass entertainment if it wasn’t for the problems and appearance of the Underclass. The show’s portrayal of these problems, with a heavy accentuation on infidelity and drugs, may or may not characterize the whole class but the problems and situations conveyed are often extreme. How typical they are is another matter. One that is not given to audiences or viewers to question. They are just endlessly portrayed as being Underclass problems. Those of obese, often foul mouthed girls, skinny primordial looking youths, desperate mothers and semi-literate adult men. It’s always the same desperate showcase material. Incapable problem-people with a generalised vile temperament. Just imagine getting members of the middle class onto the Show… Getting some stockbroker or banker lie detector tested or lady so and so DNA tested for the bulge in her belly. Or indeed having a Jeremy Kyle show only for members of the middle and upper classes! Now wouldn’t that really be fun. I mean the Chief Executive of some bank or other, front page story on a national daily for shagging a black girl at his luxury hotel while he’s away on a business trip somewhere in Africa, she having gone to the local newspaper nine months later holding the baby and his wife lady so and so NOW ON THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW coming out waving her hands and screaming abuse! And there’s Jeremy with the results of the DNA test!

Now how about such a scenario for viewer appreciation? If Jeremy can do the unemployed and the van drivers why not the House of Lords, the Judiciary or the Financial Sector. It might be such fun! Having fat and skinny underclass audiences being shocked at the sleazy disgusting behaviour of their betters!

And then if you will, imagine the Queen appearing! Oh you know it was so hard on the Family… My sister and all that… Princess Margaret being at drugs and LSD parties… Photographed with married men every five minutes and drunk and sweaty all over the place…

More about the Windsors later on. For now there’s the whole dynamic of the Jeremy Kyle Show with its endlessly desperate people and their problems with the man himself adopting the role of an active well-meaning psychotherapist trying to resolve complex and desperate situations involving the often plain bad behaviour of willful teenagers making mistakes and adults doing things for which they ought to know better but clearly don’t. He’s television’s equivalent of a newspaper agony aunt but with a crucial difference. The agonies of people are widely open to broad consideration as a function of public entertainment in which he plays the part of a do-gooding healer for all the world to see. Indeed where human problems are concerned he is a man for all seasons, forever immersing himself in dodgy situations involving the Underclass and  particularly with individuals whose conduct has been harmful to family members who simply don’t know what to do anymore. In a way, with his caring manner and genuine concerns only too palpable, he might be considered as something of a one off in our society where only too increasingly no-one seems to care about anyone else!

But let’s be clear about the one thing. As I’ve said, this is an agony show involving only one sector of society, the Underclass… a social class comprising often unemployed people from families already burdened with problems and poverty who’ve lived a troubled lifestyle since childhood for a generation or more. Key here is the apparent lack of example from older family members or evidence of patient long term guidance from parents unable to do anything, either because their own lives are out of control or a fragility in surrounding family background circumstances. The Underclass is often comprised of one parent families. Familial situations fraught with instability and lacking example that might have come from a closely knit extended family situation of grandparents, uncles and aunts, even parents, able to provide the example of stability. Such families that once characterized the working class are virtually a thing of the past. The Underclass indeed has grown and developed out of the impoverished lower end of that class and taken on broad cultural characteristics of its own, often only too apparent in appearance and manner.

And it is these people who appear on the Jeremy Kyle Show. Maladjusted and agonised people, their agony aunt show-master, the well-tattooed heavies there to stop them attacking each other and Graham behind the scenes promising concrete help once the psychotherapist showman has diagnosed the root cause of their problems. If it sounds like fun that’s because to millions it is. And to those who think the Underclass and their problems are a singularly British phenomenon well think again! Jeremy’s show is big in America with exactly the same kind of people appearing with almost exactly the same kind of problems. And quite frankly if he were to do a program in Russia or Japan, Germany, China or Italy, you’d still find the same ugly obese girls pregnant in their mid-teens, the same scrawny looking undernourished youths, the same drugs habits, the same infidelity, the same DNA tests needed and the same lie detector requirements with Jeremy or some Russian, Chinese, German or Japanese equivalent holding them up for their audiences to hiss at or jeer. The economically depressed and culturally disfigured working class is now just about everywhere and exactly whose fault is that… that working people internationally have been socially and culturally disfigured so that they appear like pathetic dangerous ghouls on televised shows before a mass media to be considered in mockery?

And this brings me back to the Queen and her own problem family, known in some circles as the wonky Windsors. Join me will you in considering our own dear Majesty’s situation. Absolutely desperate about the situation in her family, she’s finally consented to appear on the Jeremy Kyle Show to talk about all the terrible family troubles she’s known over the last forty years or more. And there she is, being welcomed onto the stage by Jeremy himself to the rapturous cheers of a working class, underclass audience. She looks haggard but slim. That’s because while she doesn’t have to eat all the fatty cheap burgers and chips. All the problems she’s had have quite worn her out, but despite it all she’s still a touch cheery. First up of course is Andrew Duke of York whose affair with Koo Stark nearly gave her a nervous breakdown. How close he was to marrying the trollop caused a real fright so he was shoved off to Fergie. And in he swaggers, all of a fury at having his personal life dragged up. While she’s still sitting in her chair he goes on at her in a rage about it being all over a long time ago and that it’s really no-one’s business but his. In fact he’s so mad that one of the bouncers steps in. Yes Fergie took them all for a ride but that wasn’t his fault, being forced to marry the girl like that. Someone who seemed to spend most of her time eating, and neither was it his fault that she was caught sucking the toes of an Texan millionaire in public at the side of his swimming pool! I mean he did the right thing didn’t he, going through such a horrible divorce in public?

But the two of you didn’t do anything to hide all your troubles, the Queens wails. It makes her son feel even worse. You all forced me to marry her, he shouts, looking as fat as anyone in the audience. The Queen holds her hand up in dismay but Jeremy hurries to push the Show on and turning to the side introduces his next guest, Charles the Queen’s oldest son who bounces out muttering and livid from the side curtain. You really didn’t have to bring me here mother… All that thing with Diana’s well in the past, I’m with Camilla these days… But you always were with Camilla the Queens mutters accusingly. You were having an affair with Camilla all the way through your marriage to Diana! The girl said as much in her television interview. Don’t you remember, about the three of you being in your marriage.

Charles puts his hands to his ears and starts shouting. Why do you have to drag it up now Mummy, in front of all these bloody people? The Queen’s aghast… Charles! I’m nearly ninety you know! How could you speak like that in front of all these people. Soon you’ll be King and they’ll all be your subjects!  Charles won’t be mollified. It’s all her fault. She should never have dragged him out there in the first place. Jeremy is instantly consoling. Yes it’s all in the past. Poor Diana, everyone’s favourite! They should both think about the children! And even if his wife did have all those affairs like she said, they should still think of the children!

Instead of pacifying the situation it makes it all the more worse. Someone in the audience shouts about the Duke of Cambridge and Harry. Did his Royal Highness still think they were both his? Wouldn’t it be better if Harry at least was DNA tested like all the other people who came on the Show? After all the lad looked far more like James Hewitt, one of the men she admitted to having an affair with, than Charles. What with Harry’s red hair and all.

The suggestion causes an explosion, Charles losing it completely. He’s already down in the audience close to punching the lights out of some skinny Underclass swine, swearing out the top of his head and it’s only the bouncer whose rushed down that stops it. Pushed back on stage he’s still coming out with a mouthful and now even the audience are jeering. Jeremy Kyle turns their way in despair. Do they really want Harry DNA tested? He’s such a nice, such a very popular young man who does so much for charity! His intervention seems to have done the trick. The audience has quietened down and the Queen’s clearly glad that they’ve moved on. Edward must have given you all such pleasure, your Majesty, says Jeremy. The Queen approvingly confirms but before she can say anything there’s a long hollow laugh from Charles.

Oh yes, what about all his boyfriends in the theatre, he mutters. He was a disgrace to the whole family… Mummy had to do everything she could to keep it all out of the papers… Philip was hoping he’d go into the marines, the Queen sighs, but no, he didn’t want to leave his friends behind in the theatre. The nervous little laugh from the Queen is followed by more jeering from the audience. Well that was alright wasn’t it, the Duke of York says matter of fact, because he was soon married off to Sophie. Jeremy smiles affably. Well you’ve clearly had pleasure from your youngest son, your Majesty! Let’s bring him on the show!

The Queen smiles nervously. Edward’s antics with his so called friends in the theatre had caused his father to have a near fit more than once. All that and his refusal to join the marines. He’d brought the whole family to the verge of disgrace more than once. Well thank God it was over and he was respectably married. Jeremy takes his cue from her silence, introducing the dashing Earl of Wessex from the wings. From the audience little more than a hush.

Jeremy passes on to much safer things. You must have had such pleasure from your dear daughter, your Majesty! The Queen smiles appreciatively. The Princess Royal… Anne’s always been such a good girl, she enthuses. Charles grunts. Even if she married that nutter Mark Phillips! And you all thought he was such a great bloke. Just because they were both into horses you thought it made him so special… Didn’t everyone say at the time he was just a grinning idiot. It was just another bloody mistake you forced us into, same as me and Diana!

Suddenly there’s a furor coming from behind the stage and a thin cadaverous old man makes a sudden appearance swearing his head off. Phil-eep the Queen wails at the sight of her husband. Jeremy barely has time to introduce his latest guest when the venerable duke lunges at Charles with his tripod. How dare he speak about the Family like that, especially his mother and sister. The Duke’s clearly furious and most of his language is beeped. Furthermore one of the bouncers has now got in the way while Jeremy rushes to calm things. Everyone in the audience will acknowledge that the Princess Royal was a famous Olympian!

Alas to no avail! It didn’t stop her marrying that grinning shit, Charles shouts, pouring even more oil on troubled waters. Well nothing stopped you marrying that dopey Diana, the Duke of York comes in sharp. Even though you always wanted Camilla!

Well at least she wasn’t a fat old shag bag like Fergie, the Prince of Wales snaps back.

Jeremy raises his hands. Our special guest here tonight… Please give a special round of applause to Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal, he says breezily. Anne comes on looking haughty and horsy. She’s heard it all behind the curtain. Her brothers going on and Mamma having to listen. She can’t help herself and gives Charles an admonishing stare. That older brother of hers was always a bit of a bastard. That thing with Mark Phillips. She was much younger then. It was all over long in the past so why bring it up now?

Charles knows how she feels and can’t help a contemptuous stare. That sister of his was always too big for her boots. The Queen sitting in the middle of her family knows just how they feel. Three divorces in disastrous circumstances after three marriages gone badly wrong. And likewise for Margaret her sister. And now there’s scandal washing over one of her grandsons! All of her children out there squabbling, and sooner or later Charles would be king and Camilla his Queen! How on earth could he have preferred her to the much brighter Diana. And that was the worst of it really. She’d always hoped he’d give up the first for the second and he’d been having them both all along. Little wonder the Spencer girl had gone looking elsewhere. Spilled the beans all over television. Betraying her son and disgracing the family like that!

Suddenly as if from nowhere the Queen gives her audience, her Subjects, a warm natural smile and Jeremy instantly picks up on the new audience rapport. Throughout the Show he’d made minor gestures, hoping to bring the family members together but now it was different. With her own single solitary gesture the Queen has demonstrated her unique position. Despite upsetting individual family failures, she herself remained within the heart of her people as the nation’s institutional center and she knew it! Those personal family failures were small compared to the loyalty, indeed the affection of her much greater family. Insignificant really in the far greater context of her prime overriding position as the veritable mother of the nation.

And now with her children smiling around her, all was brought to a much greater quietude and Jeremy Kyle, her host of the evening couldn’t fail to acknowledge. Her Majesty herself had taken over his role, proving herself to be the true psychotherapist of the Show. Turning to her he graciously bows, then pointing to her, acknowledged the fact by raising his arm in gesture to his many millions of viewers. And his working class, underclass audience reciprocates its approval in its broad respectful applause for Her Majesty.

The Show is over and the national anthem is played with everyone joyfully singing God save the Queen. And Jeremy himself is guaranteed an OBE in the New Year’s Honours List!

Saturday 13 December 2014


There is now a new but already firmly established culture in Britain today best described as the abuse culture. Something that’s been steadily growing in recent years and is currently all pervasive. To many observers society has become divided into two broad groups of individuals… abusers and victims. It’s evolution may best be described as a process, one that has developed over the last decade though with a particular virulence in the last five years. On the one hand it is comprised of those people who claim to have been personally abused in some way and regard themselves as victims. On the other are those said to be perpetrating the abuse, in a word the abusers. Although the distinction seems clear enough it may in truth not be quite so well defined as it seems or is made out to be. That’s because both words have undergone a kind of metamorphosis into notions or concepts whose meaning has changed and evolved, achieving an elasticity that incorporates all kinds of things.

With the weight of all too easy public condemnation behind it, egged on by a morbid media attention driven with sales in mind rather than truth, this current culture of allegation, accusation and rush to judgement is already displaying the kind of nastiness once prevalent in Nazi Germany. Indeed there are disturbing similarities between the social, economic and political circumstances that prevail in Britain today and those of Germany in the late 1920s in the years preceding the Nazi takeover whose aspects I will explore later in this Post. For now I want to examine these two groups of people, abusers and victims, and consider the culture in which they’ve evolved.

Ever since the time of the Jimmy Savile revelations, there has been an avalanche of publicity of cases relating to historical allegations of sexual abuse, especially those involving adults working in the entertainment industry or on its periphery against children. Alongside this there have been a number of well publicised incidents detailing the wholesale abuse of vulnerable girls by gangs of Muslim youths in cities such as Oxford and Rotherham. It is now well known that the police in both areas were aware of such occurrences but failed to act because of what they claimed to be a lack of evidence, despite being made fully aware of the circumstances by some of those girls who were abused. Alas, the same can be said of the social services and child welfare departments of both local authorities. In other words what we have here is a plain in sight failure to act, similar to the failure by the police to do anything throughout the long historical record of abuse by Savile himself despite receiving complaints and surely being aware that something was seriously wrong.

Because of what can be called grand scale failure to promptly act at the time of some these now widely publicised cases, the police are currently engaged in a headlong rush to investigate just about anything. Anything whatsoever that has the slightest taint of impropriety, such as complaints of harassment for example, deemed by the complainant to be sexual in nature i.e. conduct deemed to be abusive. The problem here, one that is too often pervasive, is the understanding of what kind of conduct it is, exactly, that constitutes abuse and a very real problem it has become. For example, someone working in a shop may think that a customer has been rude. The judgement may be entirely subjective, depending on the character and personality of the individual making it. Indeed, a colleague might make a judgement that is exactly the opposite! However, let us say that the shop worker thinks the customer is rude and because of that feels angry, even demeaned. Here, personality comes into play. They may judge the customer to have been aggressive, somehow even abusive. So feeling abused they tell their manager who speaks to the customer, tells him that he’s been abusive and asks him to leave the shop!

But the customer may not think they’ve been abusive at all. For example maybe they’ve only insisted on having a carrier bag for their purchase or asked why the store has run out of the item they wanted to buy! Yet they’re judged to be something they’re not and next thing they know they’ve had a complaint made against them, been told they’re abusive and asked to leave the shop otherwise security will be called! Cases such as these based on erroneous judgement, personal dislike or just plain malice have become commonplace in British society today. Another example with an altogether more sinister dimension might involve a man inviting a lady to dinner at some restaurant or other. He might be some senior political figure or other while she herself, younger than he is, has been active in his Party. They’ve chatted in his office, he finds her interesting, even attractive, and invites her out. Maybe she’s thinking about what he can or might do to help her develop her political career! He on the other hand, finding himself excited by her, might be considering the possibility of a sexual encounter! Now the aspirations of both are only too human enough, and while both are exploitative neither are criminally so. Yet having got her into bed and she the following morning learns that he can do little to nothing to further her political ambition, the situation suddenly becomes deadly. She can threaten to go to the media or the police and say he forced himself on her. If he indeed did then he faces a rape charge and ruin. If he didn’t and she was a willing participant she can still maintain that he abused her. Make a false allegation of sexual impropriety, in which case he still faces ruin!

One of the serious problems in a culture of victim and abuser as I have indicated above is that such notions have become elastic in definition. Rudeness, which can be highly subjective, can easily be conceived of as abuse, same as a pass or expression of interest made by a man at a women might be regarded by her as harassment. What one woman might find flattering another might regard as sexual impropriety, both abusive and threatening! So off she goes to the police to make a complaint. In this case a mild expression of interest suddenly turns into sexual harassment, progressing further into sexual abuse. It is the progression of judgement here that is problematic and dangerous in the complexity of interpersonal relationships. When what in reality is one thing quickly turns into another because of the febrile social climate in which such judgements and definitions operate and with it now a clear pressure on the police to investigate.

In a febrile, nervy cultural climate in which individuals are daily subjected to social and psychological pressures, human personality becomes increasingly fragile and potentially damaged. In the face of increasing economic, social and political powerlessness which these days is accompanied by a growing fragility of moral compass, people become ever more likely to misinterpret situations and make faulty judgements. These in turn are only one step away from false allegation, accusation or claim. In such a climate the notion of abuser and victim becomes increasingly complex. Someone claiming they’ve been abused might indeed themselves be regarded as an abuser if their claim is malicious and false, a product of some motive such as revenge or simply that of a personality disorder, in which case the person being wrongly accused is no longer an abuser but now a victim. Suddenly there’s been a switch! Alternatively someone falsely claiming to be a victim of abuse which never occurred, maliciously pointing a finger at others, themselves become the abuser.

Abuser and victim! Here indeed we have a potentially symbiotic relationship, albeit one with devastating legal consequence and implication. Perhaps harmful in the extreme given an increasingly requisite police involvement in which, it should be remembered, they themselves with their often poor standards of literacy, are not immune from making serious errors of judgement. If they often get it right they’re also only too likely to get it wrong. Today they’re working under an avalanche of allegation and claim; made by those who claim they’ve been abused, historically or otherwise, along with those who claim they’re being victimized and abused by false allegation. Indeed by abusers! And it is ever increasingly the case that the legal framework is required to determine truth or falsehood in a fragile society full of powerless, damaged people who feel a need to blame on someone or other for their own misfortune whether genuine or not.

This is by no means to deny that there are people out there who have experienced abuse, whether sexual or otherwise, and have genuine cause for feeling aggrieved and damaged. Perhaps there are many. However even the existence of many does not account for the veritable avalanche of complaints of harassment, sexual abuse or rape in recent times. An avalanche indeed that has established itself as a culture in which every complaint, however mild, is thought worthy of investigation. It could be a new neighbor who isn’t liked for whatever reason and deemed not to fit in. Such a person might be seen to be trouble and worthy of complaint for whatever reason. It might be something said in all innocence that someone else doesn’t like… Right they’re being abusive so let’s call the police! Complaints made for just about any reason, judgements made because of personal dislike or prejudice, someone you now see in a street who’s new and wasn’t there before and suddenly there’s apprehension. What’s this man doing there on his own… we’ve never seen him before… he looks a bit strange don’t you think?  

It’s what a Bristol newspaper recently headlined as STRANGER DANGER… and before you know where you are you’ll have your friends going out with you looking for them, these people you don’t know. People who don’t belong in the area. Recently an entirely innocent Iranian immigrant to the above area was savagely murdered by two youths who thought he was a paedophile but wasn’t! Extremes, unfortunately, have a habit of becoming commonplace in a disturbed society full of insecurity and anger.

Interestingly enough there are other ways of interpreting this culture of abuse, this culture of the victim. Indeed it is perhaps right to ask the question, why are there so many people these days who claim that they’ve been abused one way or another? Could it be that the society we live in is of an abusive nature itself? Let’s consider the question. You don’t need to watch the Jeremy Kyle Show to appreciate that there’s a whole class of people in British society today who on an individual basis are disturbed and experience endless social and psychological problems. You only need to visit Underclass housing estates to witness social and economic deprivation operating in practice. Of people externalizing their anger and frustration all over the place. The Jeremy Kyle program simply demonstrates this on the level of personal relationships. On a much broader level we live in a society increasingly characterized by growing impoverishment, cheap youth labour, inability to pay rapidly rising utility prices, underemployment and economic hopelessness for millions of people on the one hand and the relative social and economic security and wellbeing of the professional middle class on the other. It’s not simply a north-south divide. The great economic catastrophe perpetrated by Gordon Brown and his Labour Government has created deep and fundamental psychological consequences in recent years. It’s ramifications are far more than economic and the divisions it has created run far deeper than class. I’m talking here of the creation of a society increasingly characterized by serious personality disorder. 

People who already have little to nothing have little to nothing to lose. Their daily abuse of each other is just a natural outpouring of frustration and anger. It is those who still have or are ambitious and want more who are most likely to live on the cusp of insecurity. Feel anxious and threatened at every turn by that which is different, unexpected and new. Whose interpretation of experiences and events is as febrile as the insecurity of their existence which in turn is a reflection of the society they live in. Hung over with a vast new national deficit which was not of their creation; hung over with economic uncertainty; hung over with the threat of mass immigration; hung over with the instability of family; with the problems of personal relationships; with the old securities and ties of what was once traditional extended family life broken up and disturbed in these times of one parent families, instability and changing values, fragile chaotic personality has become an only too common phenomenon.

In such an socio-economic vortex, with so many barely able to hold on to anything let alone their emotional stability, there’s a certain inevitability that within the national psyche there has developed a great search for blame and it is only too often that claims of rudeness, along with allegations of harassment and abuse are simply an emotionally disturbed corollary for this far broader psychological malady. With large numbers of distressed people looking around for somewhere to point a finger at, politicians are an easy enough and potentially justifiable target closely followed by immigrants. However on a more instinctively personal level it is other individuals who become a much easier target. A generalization unconscionably whipped up by a baying mass media, themselves only too irresponsible in stirring up public emotion and sentiment. Quite frankly, if they want to talk of abuse, the worst of these rags could do no better than look to themselves when considering abusive conduct such as phone hacking and smearing, printing biased accounts of political events seriously lacking in balance while on a level approaching absurdity, promoting a culture of celebrity in which trivial individuals are given a status they barely deserve.

There are now many different kinds of abuse and abuser, ranging from the institutional down to the personal. On the personal level some may be justifiably regarded as criminal and harmful. Much other abuse however is practiced on a daily basis in what is increasingly considered as acceptable but which is quite frankly often as vile, such as making false, exaggerated allegations or claims of misconduct. All are a form of psychopathy one way or another. A kind of widespread cultural malaise on a continuum of indecent personal conduct. A broad social and psychological sickness that only too often characterizes a society in crisis. Indeed, this culture of victim and abuse should be regarded as a clear sign of a society close to moral collapse. One indeed where social malformation and mass personal maladjustment dance together in an ever sickening ethos that requires a fundamental moral recasting. People unjustly blaming others for little or nothing because of erroneous judgement are on a dangerous slippery slope to fascism. I call them Abuse Nazis because of the harm they cause in order to satisfy themselves. Some personality problem they have that needs to be worked out on others. Abuse Nazis because that in truth is what they’ve become. Creating and operating in a climate of fear.

Nazi Germany emerged from and perpetuated such a psychopathy. It was a situation that as I have indicated above had certain similarities with those pertaining to Britain today. Throughout the 1920s Germany experienced catastrophic economic crises. Initiated by its defeat in the First World War, the cost of making war reparations to the Allied Powers caused hyper-inflation, a situation where money became worthless. This was deepened in the extreme by the Wall Street Collapse of 1929 which plunged the economy into chaos. While its causes were different this was a similar situation to the collapse and huge burden of debt suffered by the British economy from 2008 onwards! During both periods the population of both nations experienced substantial hardship and impoverishment, and furthermore within both, a new social class had emerged. In Germany it became known as the lumpen-proletariat. In Britain today it is known as the underclass. Both to all intents and purposes are identical, as is their origin in an impoverished working class.

Of great interest however are certain extraordinary cultural similarities that suddenly arose within both nations as if out of nowhere. One is the disturbing appearance of instances of child abuse. In Germany, singularly morbid cases of child sex abuse suddenly became widely publicised from the mid 1920s gripping the psyche of the nation. Indeed a famous film was made openly portraying the theme entitled ‘M’ for murderer. Prior to its emergence, both subjects along with paedophiles were barely heard of. Now they shifted to the center of the German nation’s widespread anxiety and became a focal point for Nazi propaganda. In Britain, prior to 2005, such issues were of little national concern. Today, originating around the time of our own great economic crisis, the mass media seems obsessed with little else and we find ourselves right in the middle of the sudden appearance of an abuse culture, particularly that involving children that’s with us almost on a daily basis! The similarities of appearance in 1920s Germany and 2000s Britain are hardly coincidental.

The economies of both nations in each period show striking similarities. Both were governed by parties of the labor movement at the time which helped to foster their crises. The issues of child abuse and paedophiles both appeared out of nowhere for the first time, becoming a focus of national attention and distraction furthered by the morbid attention of the mass media. In Germany the Nazis were steadily emerging from the shadows, ready to begin their historical rise to power on the back of a desperately anxiety ridden population. The German people didn’t need Asian immigrants. They had the Jews ready made for the Nazis to turn into aliens!

Personal anxiety and insecurity are solid psychological planks for an abuse culture. When the Nazis took over in Germany they encouraged the evolution of such personality maladjustment in the shape of informing. Informing on others as a kind of abuse. You just anonymously wrote to the local Nazi chief  alleging that someone you didn’t like was this, that or the other! Jew, communist, trades unionist, social democrat, what did it matter? The Nazis encouraged the practice. It made millions of Germans feel good! That they’d done their bit for society. Exposed some bad person or other so that quietly, within themselves, they felt that they’d done something worthwhile. Suddenly they felt important. In Nazi Germany, informing became a national duty. All those people hiding away under their rocks who’d abused the nation were now being dragged out into the open! You’d always wanted to do something about them and now you have!

We don’t yet have this kind of informer culture in Britain. Instead we’ve got something else. Something in a way similar that’s a symptom for something equally nasty waiting there in the shadows.

Saturday 6 December 2014


Last Wednesday police in the Midlands were called to a demonstration of 25 students peacefully protesting at Warwick University about the cost of their fees. Peacefully protesting I reiterate. Little more than a handful of students shouting slogans. Okay, so how do we deal with this lads?

Right, we’ll deal with these people all right! Not long after they arrived out came the CS riot gas and the students were sprayed with it soon after which they were threatened with electrocution by taser. Can you imagine, 25 students, boys and girls lawfully protesting! It was simply too much. Three were quickly arrested and bundled off into vans with their university places threatened.

Yes, the West Midlands ‘finest’ were keeping themselves busy, but it’s nothing compared to the behaviour of the police in America. Okay just imagine it. There you are, black man or white, peacefully driving along some road somewhere or other keeping within the speed limit and doing nothing wrong. Next thing you know there’s a police car siren going off behind you clearly telling you to stop. So you stop. Then a policemen gets out of his car hands on his gun and tells you to open your window. You open your window after which he tells you to get out of your car and lean up against it hands behind your back. And all the while he’s got a hand on his gun. Okay so there you are, up against your own car with your back turned feeling nervous asking him what it’s all about and without thinking you scratch your leg with your hand and the last thing you hear is BANG BANG then you don’t know any more ‘cos he’s shot you dead with his pistol.

It’s definitely an oh dear situation. Far more likely to happen to you if you’re black rather than white but never mind. The officer argues that he thought the deceased, that’s you, was pulling a gun and felt that his life was threatened. AND THE GRAND JURY WHO IS DETERMINING WHETHER HE SHOULD BE PROSECUTED OR NOT FOR ANYTHING AT ALL AGREES WITH HIM. EVERYTHING HE DID WAS JUSTIFIED AND HE WON’T BE PROSECUTED.

It happens on a regular basis in America these days. America’s ‘finest’ killing innocent adults and youths for no reason and so called GRAND JURIES JUDGING THEIR ACTIONS JUSTIFIABLE.

So who are these people? The Grand Jury in America is the American equivalent of the British Crown Prosecution Service, an organisation that prosecutes people over here on the sole recommendation of the police with whom they are closely connected. It was once thought that both they were very different bodies that operated separately but now, with lengthy experience, this is known to be MOST DEFINITELY NOT THE CASE AT ALL. INDEED THE TWO ARE VERY CLOSELY CONNECTED AND THE CPS DOES JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING RECOMMENDED BY THE POLICE.  

Exactly the same situation occurs in the United States. The Grand Jury system existing in most states operates hand in glove with the local police so when the police are accused of killing unarmed black adults or teenagers whether by shooting or in one recent case strangulation, the prosecuting authority unfailingly finds their conduct is justified and that they have no case to answer, their verdict being inevitably the same. No reason to prosecute despite overwhelming evidence, often on CCTV. This explains the riots breaking out all over that country. America’s ‘finest’ along with the millions of nervy crackpots owning guns make it an exceedingly dangerous place.

In America you really don’t need to do anything wrong to be shot and killed. In most other places you do.


It is of little surprise that in recent weeks a senior aide in the Obama Administration referred to Benjamin Netanyahu the Prime Minister of Israel as chickenshit, undoubtedly with the President’s approval. It marked a clear disengagement, steadily growing over the months, between Obama and the Jewish State. The cause   of this fundamental shift of American Administration policy towards Israel from traditional friendship and support to downright hostility was not simply Netanyahu’s refusal to comply with the American President’s demand that Israel stop building Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem but a growing shift in Administration policy led by Obama himself towards Iran, Israel’s main enemy and sponsor of terrorist acts both against Israel itself and Jewish people throughout the world. The bomb attack against a Jewish Community Centre in Argentina which killed many people is a case in point. Obama’s attitude towards Israel and Netanyahu in particular couldn’t have been made more plain by the coldness he displayed on camera at a meeting between the two men not so long back.

The drift of Obama himself and with it his Administration towards a growing rapprochement with Iran has some very clear pointers. Some of these detractors will argue fall within the realm of conspiracy theory. Others are altogether more factual. It is my view that unexplained disappearance of a Malaysian aircraft heading for Peking over a year ago and the endless shift of information pertaining to it by the Malaysian Government then those of Britain and Australia are a clear cover up. Firstly there was a sighting of an aircraft coming down in the sea off the coast of Vietnam on the day plane vanished that has never been investigated though its longitude and latitude coordinates are known. More important however is that two Iranians were aboard the plane, both carrying false passports, and it was they who almost certainly hijacked the aircraft and were ultimately responsible for its loss. Instead a concoction of satellite data led to a great search and rescue operation a great distance away, firstly off the coast of Australia then in the southern Indian ocean. No trace whatsoever of the aircraft has been found in either area to date and it is my view   that under instruction from the Obama Administration the whole affair was covered up because of the Iranian involvement and the determination of Obama to continue his policy of rapprochement unimpaired by any such complication.

Secondly came the discovery, up till then a secret, of a private letter Obama sent to the new President of Iran in which friendly signals were made. This was followed by evidence of Obama placing himself at distance from a member of the Israeli Government visiting Washington who he said he was too busy to meet. Instead the Israeli met with the American Secretary for Defence Chuck Hagel. This in itself is significant in terms of its consequences. In recent weeks Chuck Hagel, a Republican, resigned from office under circumstances shrouded in secrecy. It his resignation meeting and speech at which both men were present the former Secretary for Defence, one of the most important contacts in the American Administration for the Israeli Government, looked strained and there has been much speculation that he was forced out of his job rather than simply resigned. The reason put about was differences of opinion between himself and Obama over how America should pursue its war against ISIS the Islamic State in northern Iraq and Syria. This too I think is a blind. Obama wanted Hagel removed because he was hostile towards Iran and openly pro-Israel, both positons factually true.

Before Hagel’s removal however came the key signal of hostility towards Israel and Netanyahu himself from a senior figure in Obama’s State Department. Indeed, up till that time it was unheard of for any official in any American Administration to be heard describing a Prime Minister of Israel in such an insulting manner.

Obama’s barely contained icy demeanor towards the Israeli Prime Minister at their meeting was followed by the concocted story of the Malaysian aircraft’s disappearance with two Iranians aboard carrying false passports. Then came his secret letter to the President of Iran soon after which he somehow didn’t have time to meet with a senior representative of the Israeli Government because of prior engagements. The sequence ends with the unexpected resignation of Israel’s only real friend in the current Administration, Secretary for Defence Chuck Hagel. Only not quite! In recent days the American Secretary of State John Kerry has publicly applauded Iran’s bombing attacks against ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq. All the evidence clearly points in one direction. Obama has shifted the direction of American foreign policy, moving it away from a support for Israel towards a closer relationship with Iran.

However in addition to the above there is a more disturbing, perhaps more serious pointer to the changing character of American foreign policy in the Middle East. That of its handling of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

John Kerry, together with Baroness Ashton the European Foreign Minister have both played an active role in various rounds of negotiation with the Iranian delegation in talks held in Geneva to determine the extent of Iran’s nuclear intentions. These talks have been going on for years. Meanwhile the Iranians have been racing ahead developing nuclear facilities and weapons grade uranium. Put plainly, throughout all the chatter they’ve repeatedly failed to give anyone any concrete assurances that their nuclear intentions are peaceful which along with a full unhindered inspection of their facilities would have demonstrated their sincerity. Yet both the Obama Administration along with the EU have allowed such talks to drag on with one deadline after another passed without anything actually being achieved. In short they’ve been playing a game knowing Obama won’t call the bluff of Israel’s deadliest enemy, a fundamentalist Islamic regime consistent in its refusal to recognise the Holocaust while repeatedly stating its intention to destroy the Jewish State.

And this is a regime that Barak Obama is keen to develop a rapprochement with and with whose leaders he writes private letters to! I wonder perhaps Mr President, when you wrote to your Iranian counterpart did you by any chance ask him if he accepted the fact of the Holocaust? Again, pardon me for asking Mr President but did you by any chance ask him whether he accepted the right of the Jewish State of Israel to exist?


All of this notwithstanding there’s the additional matter of the Ukraine and the support Obama and his State Department gave to openly Ukrainian Nazis and Nazi gangs of thugs who were out on the streets of Kiev attacking Jews and quite open in their anti-Semitic statements and activities at the time of the Ukrainian nationalist coup d’état. In fact senior officials of the State Department were seen actively engaged in conversation with these people on the streets of the city despite expressions of serious concern from the Israeli Government. These, it is well known, Barak Obama ignored. If he’d taken them on board such open public liaison between officials of his Administration and various Nazi political parties and their members would have ceased.

In summary, with regard to his behaviour towards the Jewish State and indeed towards Jews everywhere, Barak Obama has some serious questions to answer.



What on earth did you think you were doing, Andrew Mitchell, suing the Sun, Rupert Murdoch’s daily yob sheet for libel with the police thrown in for good measure. Didn’t you know that Murdoch, his newspaper and the police all sing from the same hymn sheet. After all it was the goodly Rupert who used the police to attack and break up the picket lines of striking print workers when he moved his newspapers to Wapping? Indeed, their collaboration began back in the days of Margaret Thatcher whose best friends were first and foremost the police along with Rupert himself whose Sun always shone bright for the Tories. Surely you knew they were all nicely connected? I mean what’s going on here? You a leading Tory… having a go Murdoch’s media and the State force of violence into the bargain? Bloody hell Andrew, are you some kind of political virgin or something?

I mean there you are, suing the Sun for libel over a trivial difference you had with the busies and expecting one of the State’s pillars of Criminal Justice to dole out tea and sympathy! Judges simply don’t do that kind of thing where the police are concerned. Quite frankly I am hard put to it to get my head round your political naivety. Didn’t you know that the police and the judiciary are one and the same thing. That they operate on the same continuum as it were. At one end the violence and menaces mob who line up various candidates from the sick and the stupid to those with a zany concern for justice and truth for the judiciary at the other to sink their teeth into. Both aspects of enforcement an integral part of State power. Initially organised by the politicians, managed by the police, and scrutinized by old men in wigs, some of whom it is said wear ladies knickers, stockings and suspender belts in private. And it is the latter, Mr Mitchell, upon whom you relied for some kind of justice.

Well I really do have to ask, from my lowly position as a journalist, someone who believes absolutely in truth and justice and could therefore never get a job on a newspaper… did you really think you could take on the nasty end of the British Establishment and win? Have you completely gone out of your head?


So Gordon Brown has announced that he’s not standing as a Labour MP in Scotland in the General Election of  2015. The news must gladden the hearts of millions. After all, the man himself has caused more damage to the wellbeing of the British people in recent times than Herman Goering and his Luftwaffe. His policies, resulting in the unleashing of a gang of criminal bankers and speculators on the working people of this country caused tremendous damage and harm from widespread unemployment, poverty and impoverishment  to a still current ongoing attack on the living standards of many millions. Endlessly rising prices, endlessly diminishing living standards and the quality of life, hard times for British Universities and rough times of hardship for students. Worst of all perhaps, he was responsible for a widespread attack on all those hardworking men and women who had saved for their retirement, hoping for a little security from the money they’d so carefully put by only to find that the banks and other financial institutions who’d ripped off the country for hundreds of billions were no longer paying any real interest on their money. Just taking it and loaning it out at high rates of interest while paying those savers just about nothing.

Such outrageous practices continue with no individual banker prosecuted to date! Indeed they are well protected by their good friends in Government the Liberal Democrats.

Am I sorry that vile piece of work is retiring from British politics soon? Well it seems that many leading Conservatives are! As for myself, this man single handedly damaged and ruined the lives of too many people. There’s no getting away from it. That’s what he actually did and the harm this man wrought simply can’t be undone. But never mind, on retirement he’ll no doubt find himself a seriously high paying job giving him as much kudos as possible, making him think that he’s really doing something worthwhile. Because, you see, he’s never for one minute thought that as a politician he’s never been anything else but a really great guy and that everyone loves him. He’s someone who’s never actually had the ability to hear the voices of others. Only his own. He has no idea of the damage and misery he’s caused because he’s unable to see or understand anything outside his own fantasy.

And that’s the man who became a British Prime Minister. The mumbling grumbling Dark Gordon Brown who called an old lady a bigot!. Hey, but wait! Don’t listen to me! Listen to the people who really count. The Milipede has described him as “a towering figure,” while Tory Prime Minister David Cameron has said that he had “given a huge amount to public life.” Quite frankly such adulation confronts me with a serious question. Am I living on another planet to these people. Maybe! They’re living on Planet Westminster… You know, the kind of place where all the main Parties say much the same thing while pretending to be different then get together to rob people. Allow large companies to get away with taxation blue murder while fiddling their own personal expenses at the expense of ordinary taxpayers. That’s Planet Politics where rascals scratch each other’s backs. That’s why the Milipede described Calamity Gordon as a towering figure rather than a bloody catastrophe for the British people. Well creepy Ed, if you really, actually think that this person, knowing the disastrous economic mess he created, is actually a towering figure, then either you’re just a plain liar or you’re offensively stupid. Alternatively, maybe you really do think he is, in which case you’re just plain blind to the suffering of millions of British people or else you simply don’t care about it. In which case what are you doing in the Labour Party in the first place.


He’s had the little problem for a long time. I mean being a one-time Tory politician who can’t help shooting his mouth off. And yes he’s been at it again! After most memorably publically showing off his Chelsea credentials with a starlet, this sawn off Boot Boy demonstrated his verbal credentials when as a Tory Office Foreign Minister he laid into a senior member of the Israeli military, lambasting him with false accusations of harsh treatment of Palestinians. His latest round of being unable to keep his mouth shut occurred only recently when, having downed a serious skinful, he got into a London black cab and proceeded to give the driver directions about his route home.

With many years’ experience behind the wheel the driver wasn’t having any of it so the ex-Tory jack-the-lad decided to put him in his place by telling him exactly who he was and impress him with all the terribly important things he’d done in his life! So puffing himself up proceeded to give him the full itinerary! Taking in Mellor’s boozy demeanor the driver remained unimpressed but nonetheless decided to record his passenger’s obnoxious rant. The result is history. Full coverage in the media and the mouthy radio presenter coming across like an obnoxious bullying oaf for which, given the wide and seriously unpleasant publicity, he was forced to make a public apology which was both fulsome, unreserved and generous with a financial donation to the cab drivers association. Nice one David, for giving the public the opportunity to see what kind of person you are, both the foolish and the good.   

There’s a well-known phrase for this kind of thing which politicians of any intelligence should be aware of.  It’s called shooting yourself in the foot, only Mellor wasn’t exactly stone cold sober and once again lost his rag! So go to the back of the class and join all the other arrogant political jerk-offs you find there who think they’re superior to everyone else when they’re tanked up. And whenever you’re ready to repeat the performance just stop and think for a moment and remember that in the great scheme of things you’re just about nothing, same as everyone else. So please, don’t go getting any ideas that you’re some great gift to mankind which you’re most certainly not and get yourself a little humility instead. Then maybe you’ll grow up.


If ever there was a British politician in the early 21st century wanting to be loved it’s the leader of the politically fast disappearing and on their way out Liberal Democrats. It’s possible to tell by the permanent hang dog look on his face but more than anything else it’s the desperate way he’s currently in search of publicity and right now just about any photo opportunity will do. Give him a chance and he’s out there, I mean just about anywhere all dolled up and smart in a suit coming over with all the good stuff that he and his Party have done, joke-joke, in their Coalition Government with the Tories over the last four years. Anything with a whiff of environment or a touch of the greens and yes, the Lib-Dems were out there fighting the nation’s corner for a healthier, better lifestyle! True, all the guff about promising to curb smelly banking practices and the giant bonuses of the financial jerksters is all but forgotten, same as doing anything about the diabolical price rises of the energy sharks. That’s gone out the window with Business Secretary Vince Cable all but gone into hiding. These days it’s anything environmental like roads. Cleaner, healthier road building and all the money that he and his colleagues in Coalition are squeezing out of George Osborne’s Treasury to give us new cone free roads.

To this effect the unloved Clegg appears in what he thinks is a major photo opportunity of the times. That of appearing in a nice blue suit and orange tie swanning around Stonehenge! No, it’s not some kind of joke. He’s there among the stones giving out with the importance of getting rid of a nearby road that’s a wee bit too close to a national treasure and major tourist destination and replacing it with some kind of landscaped tunnel a few miles away so none of the Chinese tourists will see any cars racing across Salisbury Plain. Yes, and he was responsible, the one and only caring-sharing Nick Clegg, for this major contribution to everyone’s happiness and wellbeing! Never mind that his good friend Ed Davey, Lib-Dem Secretary of State for Energy has long been in cahoots with the Big Six energy supplies during which time prices have rocketed out of control. Never mind such trivial stuff! What matters is some poxy little road near Stonehenge that he’s waving away with his mighty hand to bring us all happiness for which he’s playing photo opportunity with all the carefully primed up television cameras who just so happen to be there!

Yes, here I am, Nick Clegg, hand on heart for the national welfare and wanting a little something in return like your love and respect and your vote come the next General Election. And please, give me a few more Stonehenge opportunities to show you what a good guy I am.

Just one little problem. No-one believes you and all that guff anymore. This posing around for goody-goody publicity is no different to all the rest of your miserable opportunism and years of going along with the Tories, sitting on George Osborne’s shoulder and playing make believe that you and your band of third rate vaudeville actors were major political players when all you’ve really been cutting are comedy capers.

Playing the Great Pretender! The one and only Nick Clegg!

Oh yes, I’m the Great Pretender… Pretending that I’m doing well… I seem, to be, what I’m not, you see… I’m wearing my heart like a Clown… Pretending that you’re (the British electorate) still around!


It’s getting difficult these days to know who’s more full of bluster and bullshit, Boris Johnson or David Cameron. The first has always put about a blustering image and remarkably successful he’s been with it, strutting his Etonian public school waffle like an over-blond rag doll. David Cameron on the other hand has had a much tougher time strutting his porkies, making a serious mess of Britain’s EU membership, alienating many of his own MP’s and losing ground to the Demon in the Dark, Nigel Farage. However it’s nothing compared to being caught with his pants off over the issue of immigration. Having promised to reduce this below 100,000 a year for 2013-14 we now have a figure close to three times as much. Some say he lied. Others that he found it impossible to achieve.

The current figure of 286,000 is interesting containing a large number of migrants from outside the EU such as Africa and southeast Asia. It used to be said by those only too ready and willing to justify such an influx that most were escaping some form of persecution or other! That they were all victims and that was good enough! What all of them? That was a time when most of the chatter was about economic migrants. People who came here for purely economic reasons. They were the baddies. Now however, with two million Poles  living in Britain, economic migration has become a quite okay thing and there are countless individuals all ready to jump up on cue and tell us all that they’re all worth their weight in gold!

It’s therefore just a plain fact. Whatever way David Cameron squirms around making excuses or trying to explain reasons for the ever increasing inward flow, he has no answers and either makes promises he cannot fulfill or has no intention of keeping. Either way he’s lying to the British people. Lying and for very good reason. Immigration needs to be considered from a much broader context than numbers. No matter all the pathetic misguided views of countless liberal detractors there is only one viable reason for Governments throughout western Europe to pursue policies of unlimited immigration and that is to bring down the cost of labour. This they see as essential in order to compete with labour costs in Asia and elsewhere. Put simply it has meant creating a reserve army of labour in each of the industrial nations of Europe. And where the EU is concerned it means transferring cheap labour from east to west.

This so called mobility of labour is an essential principle upon which the EU rests, but it has never been something applicable to everyone. Those who run the EU are coy enough about the so called free movement of labour but what it actually means is the movement of cheap labour from one corner of the EU to another. Say from Poland, Rumania and Bulgaria in the east to Germany, France and Britain in the west. This affects and involves the British Prime Minister as much as it does the German Chancellor. Both need cheap labour for their domestic production; home consumption and exports. David Cameron needs it because British business and manufacturing need it. All talk of immigration control into Britain and the complexities of Britain’s membership of the EU in consequence is therefore misleading. Immigration is an economic issue that has serious cultural and therefore political ramifications as we now see ever too clearly with Cameron and his Party looking over their shoulder at UKIP.

David Cameron is torn more than two ways over immigration. His Party won’t leave him alone; UKIP won’t leave him alone; the countries of eastern Europe with EU membership won’t leave him alone and the leaders of western Europe won’t leave him alone either. And worst of all the British electorate won’t leave him alone! They want action to curtail it. They want any promises made to be promises kept and a failure to do so will have serious political consequences.

They want answers and action that poor David Cameron cannot supply. Only squirm around with conjuring tricks of the verbal kind while he walks a greasy political tightrope, knowing that Boris Johnson is waiting in the Library with a Dagger!

Monday 24 November 2014


If madness may be best defined as totally losing any grip on reality would it be right to say that Ed Miliband’s mad? That he’s totally lost it?

Such a question is not as unpleasant or rude as you may think! For example, if I’m a Labour Party supporter, which by the way I’m not although millions of people are, what am I to do if I see a white van passing me in the street? Especially one flying a Cross of St George flag on its aerial? It’s not so much of a joke as you might think because Ed Miliband, leader of the Labour Party thinks that we should all show respect to white vans, their owners and the English national flag, the red Cross of St George on a white background. Now I’m trying to figure out what this means and what I might eventually have to do. I mean, when the occasion arises and a white van passes me by, do I stand rigid on the pavement and bow by head or if it’s the case of my wife does she have to do an immediate curtsey?

And if we see a number of white vans all passing by one after the other do we keep bowing and curtseying or is one time enough? I mean, being decent hardworking people we’re dead keen to get it right and not be seen as anti-English in any way. And especially I might add, displease the dear Labour Leader in any way. So if Ed says show respect that’s what we want to do!

The point I’m making is this. If Ed says we ought to show respect then that’s presumably what he does, only how he does it on a daily basis I’m not sure and require guidance. For example, if Ed’s just leaving the House of Commons and he sees a white van passing does he do a quick bow, even if it means he might bump his head while getting into his car, or does he just stand to attention and give the white van a quick salute?

All this uncertainty comes about in my mind because Ed Miliband has said, in connection with recent events where the Shadow Labour Party Attorney General was forced to resign for what her Leader deemed to be an offensive photo-tweet of showing disrespect for someone who owned a white van and had Cross of St George flags in his house windows, that we should all respect white vans! Well pardon me. Since when have white vans been given the status of a Rolls Royce or Bentley?

Nour, nour, my lad, I can hear my friendly neighborhood policeman saying, don’t you be getting facetious…  Ee’s not talking abourt white vans as motor vehicles themselves, but abourt the people oo’s driving em.

Okay officer, I now understand. In Ed Miliband’s mind the white van is a symbol. It represents ordinary decent hardworking people, and to be disparaging about white vans in any way is to be disparaging about the said decent people. Right, I get the picture. Everyone, yes everyone with a white van is automatically decent, hardworking, and above all, someone that Ed hopes will give the Labour Party their vote at the next General Election. In short, to criticize white vans and their owners damages Labour’s chances of forming the next Government, so if the white van man has got English national flags in the window of his house that means giving them absolute respect  because Ed and Labour will do anything to get his vote. Sacrifice whatever principles they previously had for Essex and Kent’s white van man’s support!

Just consider the possibilities for a new United Kingdom that’s left the European Union! Above all the possibilities for a new reborn England. One that’s dominated by the culture of the white van. And certainly not to be left out of the equation, white van women! Fat, raunchy, hair-lacquered, beer swilling, fish and chip guzzling women. Ed Miliband’s type of women of course. Decent and hard-working. Well given that both white van men and women are both so important in the new England, isn’t it only fair that they should be represented in the national flag? That in each of the four squares of the Cross of St George there’s now a white van as the new national symbol.

The commercial possibilities are endless. For couples getting married a white van on the top tier of the wedding cake with the happy pair having a snog inside. White van wallpaper… some Premier League team having a white van logo on its shirt… baseball caps and clothes carrying the white van logo. Something that every kid wants for his birthday or Christmas. Yes, and every time Ed Miliband’s white van passes by in the street we bow and show respect like we’re all Chinese peasants. Yes, and that’s because he’s just gone and bought one himself!

A far-fetched description of a fantasy dystopia? Maybe not. If the leader of a political party who’s aiming to become the next British Prime Minister says on television that he respects white vans then perhaps it isn’t so far-fetched at all. However it’s not the van itself that’s the real issue here is it but the kind of culture and people it represents. Miliband has elevated the van itself to symbolic status. One coterminous with the working or lower middle class man. The latter, a self-employed tradesman, using it to drive around doing his jobs, in which case why hasn’t he got his name or the name of his company on the vehicle? I’ll tell you why! It’s because this decent self-employed hardworking man doesn’t pay any tax. He doesn’t want anyone to know he’s doing it all on the fly and claiming benefits besides, this fine Ed Miliband-Daily Mail decent hardworking man. Alternatively he drives a white van because he got it second hand cheap and cheerful and nobody wanted it because it looked a piece of shit, only you can’t say that anymore! That’s because thanks to Ed the price of a white van will soon cost you more than a Rolls.

So where is it all coming from? All this mighty peculiar stuff that’s making everyone think that poor old Ed’s finally cracked? Well it’s the view of certain insiders that most of the stuff he’s been coming out with of late is by way of his close political advisers, one of whom was some loopy feminist political confidant to Barak Obama. Oh dear Ed, what made you employ someone like that to tell you what to say? Didn’t it enter your head that British politics is an ideological world away from all the soporific shit over there? They don’t have trades unions, well not anything meaningful anymore and they regard social democracy as something close to communism. As for socialism you can forget it, but then Ed’s not much of a socialist himself anymore. Even so there are many trades unionists and members of the Labour Party who are and politically they’re light years distant from the slimy upper crust blue stocking democrats from millionaire families like those advising you Ed.

White vans! Nationalist flags! Showing respect! It’s American style populist crap that’s enough to make even a Nigel Farage blush. The working people, the poor and the needy who the former New Labour Governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown betrayed want you to talk fairness and equality like you really mean what you say. And the students now being ripped off for nine thousand quid a year need genuine help and a far better deal. If you’re in Government and printing billions of notes why not give some to the people who need it instead of stuffing it back into the pockets of the bankers and financial criminals. What kind of person are you to talk psychological gobbledegook then turn your back on the many and once again fill the pockets of the few.

The Labour Party never came into being to do that so get a grip on reality before it’s too late!

Saturday 22 November 2014


So UKIP won the Rochester and Strood bye-election overturning a massive Tory majority of close to ten thousand and taking the seat with a 2900 majority and 42% of the vote. The Tories got kicked into second place with their share down 14% while Labour got a miserable 6000 for a seat they’d held not so long back. As for the Liberal Democrats well what can you say! A joke vote of 349 behind the Greens and less than one percent of the vote!

Time for the spokesmen of the main political parties to roll out excuses and so they did, but the facts are inescapable. Much as the now desperately cheesy Lib Dems run around wearing the cloak of martyrdom, that they went into Coalition with the Tories to help save the country, no-one believes that kind of bullshit anymore. They did it for themselves and public contempt has rolled over them by the bucket. One of their mouthpieces said on television that they’ll still be part of Government after next year’s Election. That’s plain delusional. As for David Cameron he’s been coming out with the usual guff about it being a protest vote, swearing by all that’s holy to win the seat back for the Tories next May. Fat chance! If you want to play King Canute I recommend the Old Vic or somewhere else in London’s theatre land. As for Labour, after last night Ed and his team are all white van boys and girls. Waving the England flag is compulsory and anyone who doesn’t, gets fired! Running scared after UKIP, Ed’s gone all nationalist these days.

Excuses by the bucket load. Come the next General Election it will all be different sure thing, only most of Westminster’s politicians know that it won’t. Last Thursday’s result wasn’t a blip or a protest. It was the shape of things to come. The old game is over. The Liberal Democrats are dead in the dustbin and David and Ed have got the genuine shakes. Cameron’s come out with his public school bluster while Miliband’s taking Labour soft right. It won’t do at all. On the other hand being seen holding a pint outside Rochester pubs in recent weeks Nigel’s UKIP has taken the seat but more important than that he’s taken Westminster’s cherry and what it says is what counts. He and his party want out of Europe and they want out of uncontrolled unlimited immigration into the UK. In the public mind that’s what they stood for. They’re a powerful wind of fresh air compared to the jaded, corrupt political clique at Westminster with its close to three party alliance supporting EU membership and opposing immigration control. Nigel and UKIP they see, have an uncompromising contempt for the old Westminster order and won’t be intimidated or bullied.

The laconic self-effacing Nigel is their man and UKIP their party of difference. It’s a view that’s been steadily growing and won’t be turned back. It’s strength, however, comes at a crucial time in the unfolding, perhaps unravelling of Westminster politics and what may be best described as old traditional certainties and ties. The Labour Party is in very deep trouble. It’s strength at Westminster has been historically guaranteed by thirty to forty safe seats up in Scotland. At the time of Tony Blair’s election victory for Labour the Tories were all but wiped out north of the border and the Scottish nationalists were only just up and running. From 1997 onwards the policies of Blair and Brown Labour Government closely following those of the Tories brought serious hardship for the people of Scotland, resulting in a fundamental shift of political allegiance. Today the Scottish Nationalist Party forms the Government up there with a majority of seats. At the coming General Election in May 2015 it’s likely that the Scottish Labour Party will lose most of what its’ got left. No more support for Labour from Scotland that it once absolutely thought it could count on. Thirty to forty seats down the drain leaving it likely to be in a permanent minority at Westminster. Worse! Having to rely on support from the Scottish Nationalists with their seriously more radical, even socialist policies, if they hope to form a Government!

Far worse still. Mortal dread! With its traditional working class support increasingly concerned with uncontrolled immigration, and what with Ed Miliband’s nodding donkey support for European Union membership, Labour’s facing a fast growing and steady erosion of its traditional vote in the north of England. There have already been signs plain as the nose on anyone’s face that Labour’s traditional working class base is steadily turning to UKIP. If the recent bye-election result in Manchester wasn’t a serious wake-up call with UKIP running them a deadly close second I don’t know what is and Nigel Farage knows it. On two political issues that increasingly count he’s lined up his party to seriously eat into if not gobble up altogether much of Labour’s heartland with millions of working class votes flowing his way. Ed Miliband’s got Labour stuck in a mold that millions of people simply don’t want. The last three months in politics have given him a real wake-up call and he’s increasingly come out sounding more radical but quite frankly it’s already too late. He’s been facing a steadily growing radical populist tide. Not radical in any ideological sense but radical in the sense of plain pointed difference to what is perceived as traditional Westminster consensus politics. Nigel has positioned his party as DIFFERENT and the public want difference. 

In short, Labour’s facing a double whammy. A powerful body blow from Scotland and a right hook from Nigel. UKIP’s ready and waiting to take Tory votes and probably seats in Essex, Kent, the south and south-west, but the major prize lies in the Midlands and North. If Labour fails to position itself on the issues of Europe and uncontrolled immigration in the next three to four months in the face of a UKIP populist tide,  it’s just about done for! Much also depends on how much support it gets from the populist media. With the Sun and Daily Mail behind it, it could be on a devastating roll. Sharing power with a Tory party fast shifting right over Europe. However a large populist vote doesn’t necessarily transfer into seats. Much depends on the populist media and the Tories all know it. Support from the populist press for a populist party could take Nigel high. If not a Prime Minister maybe a king maker!

David Cameron and his centrist support in the Party have every reason to really run scared. With their loopy Lib Dem Coalition partners round their throats as many Tory MPs increasingly see it, there are an easy hundred or more who’ve had quite enough. Above all they want out of Europe, something that’ll solve the big immigration issue. It’s as populist as they are. As populist as their Essex and Kent constituents have become under a tide of seemingly unstoppable East European and mass Muslim immigration. This Sun and Daily Mail constituency wants out and Nigel will show them the way. The promised land of a new Westminster where promises made are promises kept. A holy Covenant in fact between Nigel’s spiritual colleagues, of the Party itself and an electorate in search of plain speaking. The Tories may be traditionalist but they know a good thing when they see it and Nigel Farage knows that they know! If the dominoes are falling many will want to jump on the bandwagon fast before it’s too late. The UKIP bandwagon that is not a Thatcherite Tory Party. Nigel says what many of them want to hear. It rings a chord in their populist gut!  

Right now though I want to talk about the England’s flag and the greatest supporter of the idea that everyone should have one in their window to show what a genuine patriot they are. Yes you’ve guessed it, the Milipede! Now let’s follow it through to its logical conclusion in our new totally patriotic Great England. It has to be every window on every street and in every town so let’s start with Bath! The town census has been poured over by an army of clerks and lists have been made. One for every street, mews and alley. Every house numbered with the names of everyone living there… on the list. Okay, it’s time for the people of Pulteney Street. Everyone out their houses, line up and proceed to the flag collection point where your name will be called. Now here’s your flag. White background with a red cross on it.

It costs you a fiver but never mind. It’s the price you’re willing to pay for your patriotism. The policeman standing next to the clerk ticking your name on the list smiles affably. Right, now off you go sir, and make sure it’s in your window by three. Our hofficer will be round soon to check that it’s there.

By two o’clock every house in the street and every flat in every house has got a flag in the window. The whole house bursting with patriotic pride, and it’s the same in every street all the way through the town, and in every town and village all the way through the country. But not in Wales or Scotland ‘cos they’re not English you see! So now the whole of England’s bursting with flags and everyone’s now properly English. But wait, there are exceptions. Windows found without the English flag in them and reported to the police. The names of their occupiers passed on to the Daily Mail and the Sun so you can read them on the front page. And if they should go out in the morning they’ll find people waiting there. Oi, is it you ‘oos living ere. So why ‘avent you got a flag in your window. Well, if you’re not English what are you doing ‘ere then?

What, you’re refusin to put up the flag. Well we all know your sort don’t we. You gotta be from Romania or something… Come over ere to take our jobs is it? Well I can tell you mate, thank god we all voted for Nigel. Well e’s running the Government these days. In Coalition with Ed Miliband! It was ‘im ooh said we all ‘ad to ‘ave flags. Well I don’t have to tell you. There are places for people like you. I mean where you get sent for correctional training. They’ll teach you to put your English flag in the window all right!

Now haven’t you read it all in the Mail? All the new compulsory training. Your England Independence-New Labour Government insists that everyone must learn to drive a white van. The Government’s message is simple. If you can’t drive a white van you’re not English!

So now you’ve got an England flag in your window and a white van outside your house or in the driveway. And soon your beloved leader will be visiting the town. Crowd yards deep on the pavement. Parents holding up their kids. Your teenage son or daughter a member of the Milipede Youth Movement! You get it don’t you? Or maybe not! You’re living in a white van country with a flag in every window sporting the cross of St George. Well maybe you don’t get it because you are part of it all and can’t think outside the box anymore. That’s the England Independence-Milipede Box! Either that or you’ve been sent to some boot camp in Essex run by special squads of police for retraining. Knock all that middle class shit out of you so that you’re suitably white van people. The new working class or better still underclass and suitable to re-enter society in which Nigel is everyone’s hero. The founding father of the New England with the Milipede his devoted Young Apprentice. I can hear it all even now… A low cackle then the words, yes my Master!

The scenario of low volume discontent was set up years ago in the early nineties with increasing immigration that turned into a flood under Blair and New Labour. And with it came ridiculous decisions by the Judiciary on the rights and national status of immigrants with an arsenal of crazily misguided lawyers  fancifully believing they were the conscience of liberalism and the last word in human rights pleading for the rights of Islamic hard liners and terrorists. In the early 21st century the tide was purposefully nurtured and allowed to turn into a flood which coupled with permitted financial criminality, economic collapse, national instability and a national anxiety that ran ever deep, a hard, insular nationalist reaction was inevitable. The position of the English working class as a thoughtful often left leaning social entity collapsed into a white van characterization of what it had once been with Labour Party politicians scurrying at breakneck speed to give up every decent value of communality they ever held. Enter UKIP with its nationalist certainties and a tide of crosses of St George and English identity running fast ever since.

The English nationalist box is now well and truly open with millions of people racing headlong towards it. Lower middle class Essex and Kent, the working class of the Midlands and North and a relatively new underclass of just about everywhere are leaving traditional ideology and politics for Nigel and UKIPS own ever confused, own ideological conflicts and uncertainties. For many, voting for UKIP has become like some kind of salve. Because you think you know what it stands for and know where it’s going it’s like taking a pill. Something that will relieve all your anxiety. All your uncertainty. Nigel knows what he wants and where he’s going…

It’s like taking a nice sugary biscuit. Nigel’s yum yum and UKIP something tasty and certain. A man and his party who understand all your anxiety, about Europeans, about immigrants, about Islamic terrorists slicing your head off. Suddenly there are bogeymen everywhere but then there’s Nigel and UKIP, handing out sugary balm and relief. Yes, a vote for Nigel will make you far more relaxed. Make you feel better and what is more you’ll know that you’ve done the right thing!

Oh really? Since when did you stop being British and give up the right to think?