A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 6 December 2014


It is of little surprise that in recent weeks a senior aide in the Obama Administration referred to Benjamin Netanyahu the Prime Minister of Israel as chickenshit, undoubtedly with the President’s approval. It marked a clear disengagement, steadily growing over the months, between Obama and the Jewish State. The cause   of this fundamental shift of American Administration policy towards Israel from traditional friendship and support to downright hostility was not simply Netanyahu’s refusal to comply with the American President’s demand that Israel stop building Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem but a growing shift in Administration policy led by Obama himself towards Iran, Israel’s main enemy and sponsor of terrorist acts both against Israel itself and Jewish people throughout the world. The bomb attack against a Jewish Community Centre in Argentina which killed many people is a case in point. Obama’s attitude towards Israel and Netanyahu in particular couldn’t have been made more plain by the coldness he displayed on camera at a meeting between the two men not so long back.

The drift of Obama himself and with it his Administration towards a growing rapprochement with Iran has some very clear pointers. Some of these detractors will argue fall within the realm of conspiracy theory. Others are altogether more factual. It is my view that unexplained disappearance of a Malaysian aircraft heading for Peking over a year ago and the endless shift of information pertaining to it by the Malaysian Government then those of Britain and Australia are a clear cover up. Firstly there was a sighting of an aircraft coming down in the sea off the coast of Vietnam on the day plane vanished that has never been investigated though its longitude and latitude coordinates are known. More important however is that two Iranians were aboard the plane, both carrying false passports, and it was they who almost certainly hijacked the aircraft and were ultimately responsible for its loss. Instead a concoction of satellite data led to a great search and rescue operation a great distance away, firstly off the coast of Australia then in the southern Indian ocean. No trace whatsoever of the aircraft has been found in either area to date and it is my view   that under instruction from the Obama Administration the whole affair was covered up because of the Iranian involvement and the determination of Obama to continue his policy of rapprochement unimpaired by any such complication.

Secondly came the discovery, up till then a secret, of a private letter Obama sent to the new President of Iran in which friendly signals were made. This was followed by evidence of Obama placing himself at distance from a member of the Israeli Government visiting Washington who he said he was too busy to meet. Instead the Israeli met with the American Secretary for Defence Chuck Hagel. This in itself is significant in terms of its consequences. In recent weeks Chuck Hagel, a Republican, resigned from office under circumstances shrouded in secrecy. It his resignation meeting and speech at which both men were present the former Secretary for Defence, one of the most important contacts in the American Administration for the Israeli Government, looked strained and there has been much speculation that he was forced out of his job rather than simply resigned. The reason put about was differences of opinion between himself and Obama over how America should pursue its war against ISIS the Islamic State in northern Iraq and Syria. This too I think is a blind. Obama wanted Hagel removed because he was hostile towards Iran and openly pro-Israel, both positons factually true.

Before Hagel’s removal however came the key signal of hostility towards Israel and Netanyahu himself from a senior figure in Obama’s State Department. Indeed, up till that time it was unheard of for any official in any American Administration to be heard describing a Prime Minister of Israel in such an insulting manner.

Obama’s barely contained icy demeanor towards the Israeli Prime Minister at their meeting was followed by the concocted story of the Malaysian aircraft’s disappearance with two Iranians aboard carrying false passports. Then came his secret letter to the President of Iran soon after which he somehow didn’t have time to meet with a senior representative of the Israeli Government because of prior engagements. The sequence ends with the unexpected resignation of Israel’s only real friend in the current Administration, Secretary for Defence Chuck Hagel. Only not quite! In recent days the American Secretary of State John Kerry has publicly applauded Iran’s bombing attacks against ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq. All the evidence clearly points in one direction. Obama has shifted the direction of American foreign policy, moving it away from a support for Israel towards a closer relationship with Iran.

However in addition to the above there is a more disturbing, perhaps more serious pointer to the changing character of American foreign policy in the Middle East. That of its handling of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

John Kerry, together with Baroness Ashton the European Foreign Minister have both played an active role in various rounds of negotiation with the Iranian delegation in talks held in Geneva to determine the extent of Iran’s nuclear intentions. These talks have been going on for years. Meanwhile the Iranians have been racing ahead developing nuclear facilities and weapons grade uranium. Put plainly, throughout all the chatter they’ve repeatedly failed to give anyone any concrete assurances that their nuclear intentions are peaceful which along with a full unhindered inspection of their facilities would have demonstrated their sincerity. Yet both the Obama Administration along with the EU have allowed such talks to drag on with one deadline after another passed without anything actually being achieved. In short they’ve been playing a game knowing Obama won’t call the bluff of Israel’s deadliest enemy, a fundamentalist Islamic regime consistent in its refusal to recognise the Holocaust while repeatedly stating its intention to destroy the Jewish State.

And this is a regime that Barak Obama is keen to develop a rapprochement with and with whose leaders he writes private letters to! I wonder perhaps Mr President, when you wrote to your Iranian counterpart did you by any chance ask him if he accepted the fact of the Holocaust? Again, pardon me for asking Mr President but did you by any chance ask him whether he accepted the right of the Jewish State of Israel to exist?


All of this notwithstanding there’s the additional matter of the Ukraine and the support Obama and his State Department gave to openly Ukrainian Nazis and Nazi gangs of thugs who were out on the streets of Kiev attacking Jews and quite open in their anti-Semitic statements and activities at the time of the Ukrainian nationalist coup d’état. In fact senior officials of the State Department were seen actively engaged in conversation with these people on the streets of the city despite expressions of serious concern from the Israeli Government. These, it is well known, Barak Obama ignored. If he’d taken them on board such open public liaison between officials of his Administration and various Nazi political parties and their members would have ceased.

In summary, with regard to his behaviour towards the Jewish State and indeed towards Jews everywhere, Barak Obama has some serious questions to answer.

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