A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Thursday 25 December 2014


Yes, I can already hear the raucous complaints. Sense all the hot under the collar indignation. Coming from all the smelly self-righteous politicians of the main parties, center, right or anything else because there’s certainly nothing on the left, along with the equally self-righteous religious and judicial establishment of the middle and upper classes… What on earth is this writer doing, damn his hide, associating our most sacred British institution, the very apex of royalty, with something as awful and people as dreadful as those who appear on the Jeremy Kyle Show? Something that has the equivalence of casting the most lustrous of pearls among a host of truculent swine. How dare he!

Yet I have to tell you that there is a certain connection between what is our most sacrosanct institution and this Show, in its own way already on the cusp of becoming one of the country’s most popular and interesting television programs. Something that’s on the verge of becoming an institution in its own right, albeit for its endless revelation of awfulness and what has become an ever growing feature of modern British life, namely the trials and tribulations of Britain’s Underclass. So let me say it as it is. Underclass families who appear on the Show air their problems, yet the Queen and her royal family also have their own problems in spades. Yet are you likely to see Her Majesty appearing on the show to talk about them? Have a televised chat with Graham behind the scenes to work out a solution? Not a chance! They all had to be hidden best as they could from public gaze because those so magnificent cannot be allowed to be thought of as people with problems. A “problem family” if you will!

Indeed, do we ever see anyone from the middle or upper classes appearing on the Show to talk about their own problems? Problems such as addiction, infidelity, betrayal and violence. And why not? Are they immune from issues and experiences portrayed on the Show as characterizing only those at the lowest  socio-economic level of our society, those at the bottom of the social heap? I think not. But it’s only those in the Underclass who unfailingly and remorselessly appear, anguished and full of distress about such issues as those stated above. Adult family members experiencing and having to cope with the behaviour and conduct of those in their teens. Teenagers engaged in harmful or self-harming behaviour, and adults themselves conducting their lives in an entirely irresponsible manner. Yet isn’t this simply a middle class interpretation of what others do, they might justifiably argue, and that just about everyone in our society behaves in much the same way, only it’s hidden, just because Jeremy Kyle doesn’t want any of them on his Show? So why direct your comments at us?

Yes, all those at the top have got the same problems, and they’re also fucked up same as we are!

Well actually they may have similar problems but they’re not quite so fucked up as you are because they’re better at dealing with them and they’ve got more money to help them. They’re better at hiding their anguish and more often than not drown it in whisky. You externalize yours all over the place. Onto other family members and into the wider society in general. In any case, the Jeremy Kyle Show is a show. One that puts people from an instantly recognizable social class up on public display. Whether intentionally or not, it feeds these people, these members of a social class at economic rock bottom to the wider society for what is essentially public contempt. Turns them into a showcase that only too often reveals their cultural character as problem people in general.

Of interest here is the physical characterization of many of those who appear. Endlessly obese teenage girls who are simply plain ugly… desperately skinny teenage and adult males who look as though they could have stepped out of Belsen… Furious and uncontrolled individuals full of verbal filth, abuse and threatening conduct. All of the latter clearly the only way they see as resolving their problems and the situations they find themselves in. Often putting themselves about on stage in a manner that is quite frankly ludicrous and entirely unselfconscious of the spectacle they make of themselves. And here the audience reaction is interesting. Granted that such audiences are carefully selected for their appearance and social class character, mainly of the working and lower middle class with a handful of the Underclass thrown in, there’s a marked difference of appearance between them and the likewise carefully selected people who appear on the Show, those beset with desperately serious difficulties, dilemmas and problems. People whose behaviour these audiences clearly find shocking due to the televised close scanning of individual audience reaction.

The Jeremy Kyle Show wouldn’t be where it was, high up in mass entertainment if it wasn’t for the problems and appearance of the Underclass. The show’s portrayal of these problems, with a heavy accentuation on infidelity and drugs, may or may not characterize the whole class but the problems and situations conveyed are often extreme. How typical they are is another matter. One that is not given to audiences or viewers to question. They are just endlessly portrayed as being Underclass problems. Those of obese, often foul mouthed girls, skinny primordial looking youths, desperate mothers and semi-literate adult men. It’s always the same desperate showcase material. Incapable problem-people with a generalised vile temperament. Just imagine getting members of the middle class onto the Show… Getting some stockbroker or banker lie detector tested or lady so and so DNA tested for the bulge in her belly. Or indeed having a Jeremy Kyle show only for members of the middle and upper classes! Now wouldn’t that really be fun. I mean the Chief Executive of some bank or other, front page story on a national daily for shagging a black girl at his luxury hotel while he’s away on a business trip somewhere in Africa, she having gone to the local newspaper nine months later holding the baby and his wife lady so and so NOW ON THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW coming out waving her hands and screaming abuse! And there’s Jeremy with the results of the DNA test!

Now how about such a scenario for viewer appreciation? If Jeremy can do the unemployed and the van drivers why not the House of Lords, the Judiciary or the Financial Sector. It might be such fun! Having fat and skinny underclass audiences being shocked at the sleazy disgusting behaviour of their betters!

And then if you will, imagine the Queen appearing! Oh you know it was so hard on the Family… My sister and all that… Princess Margaret being at drugs and LSD parties… Photographed with married men every five minutes and drunk and sweaty all over the place…

More about the Windsors later on. For now there’s the whole dynamic of the Jeremy Kyle Show with its endlessly desperate people and their problems with the man himself adopting the role of an active well-meaning psychotherapist trying to resolve complex and desperate situations involving the often plain bad behaviour of willful teenagers making mistakes and adults doing things for which they ought to know better but clearly don’t. He’s television’s equivalent of a newspaper agony aunt but with a crucial difference. The agonies of people are widely open to broad consideration as a function of public entertainment in which he plays the part of a do-gooding healer for all the world to see. Indeed where human problems are concerned he is a man for all seasons, forever immersing himself in dodgy situations involving the Underclass and  particularly with individuals whose conduct has been harmful to family members who simply don’t know what to do anymore. In a way, with his caring manner and genuine concerns only too palpable, he might be considered as something of a one off in our society where only too increasingly no-one seems to care about anyone else!

But let’s be clear about the one thing. As I’ve said, this is an agony show involving only one sector of society, the Underclass… a social class comprising often unemployed people from families already burdened with problems and poverty who’ve lived a troubled lifestyle since childhood for a generation or more. Key here is the apparent lack of example from older family members or evidence of patient long term guidance from parents unable to do anything, either because their own lives are out of control or a fragility in surrounding family background circumstances. The Underclass is often comprised of one parent families. Familial situations fraught with instability and lacking example that might have come from a closely knit extended family situation of grandparents, uncles and aunts, even parents, able to provide the example of stability. Such families that once characterized the working class are virtually a thing of the past. The Underclass indeed has grown and developed out of the impoverished lower end of that class and taken on broad cultural characteristics of its own, often only too apparent in appearance and manner.

And it is these people who appear on the Jeremy Kyle Show. Maladjusted and agonised people, their agony aunt show-master, the well-tattooed heavies there to stop them attacking each other and Graham behind the scenes promising concrete help once the psychotherapist showman has diagnosed the root cause of their problems. If it sounds like fun that’s because to millions it is. And to those who think the Underclass and their problems are a singularly British phenomenon well think again! Jeremy’s show is big in America with exactly the same kind of people appearing with almost exactly the same kind of problems. And quite frankly if he were to do a program in Russia or Japan, Germany, China or Italy, you’d still find the same ugly obese girls pregnant in their mid-teens, the same scrawny looking undernourished youths, the same drugs habits, the same infidelity, the same DNA tests needed and the same lie detector requirements with Jeremy or some Russian, Chinese, German or Japanese equivalent holding them up for their audiences to hiss at or jeer. The economically depressed and culturally disfigured working class is now just about everywhere and exactly whose fault is that… that working people internationally have been socially and culturally disfigured so that they appear like pathetic dangerous ghouls on televised shows before a mass media to be considered in mockery?

And this brings me back to the Queen and her own problem family, known in some circles as the wonky Windsors. Join me will you in considering our own dear Majesty’s situation. Absolutely desperate about the situation in her family, she’s finally consented to appear on the Jeremy Kyle Show to talk about all the terrible family troubles she’s known over the last forty years or more. And there she is, being welcomed onto the stage by Jeremy himself to the rapturous cheers of a working class, underclass audience. She looks haggard but slim. That’s because while she doesn’t have to eat all the fatty cheap burgers and chips. All the problems she’s had have quite worn her out, but despite it all she’s still a touch cheery. First up of course is Andrew Duke of York whose affair with Koo Stark nearly gave her a nervous breakdown. How close he was to marrying the trollop caused a real fright so he was shoved off to Fergie. And in he swaggers, all of a fury at having his personal life dragged up. While she’s still sitting in her chair he goes on at her in a rage about it being all over a long time ago and that it’s really no-one’s business but his. In fact he’s so mad that one of the bouncers steps in. Yes Fergie took them all for a ride but that wasn’t his fault, being forced to marry the girl like that. Someone who seemed to spend most of her time eating, and neither was it his fault that she was caught sucking the toes of an Texan millionaire in public at the side of his swimming pool! I mean he did the right thing didn’t he, going through such a horrible divorce in public?

But the two of you didn’t do anything to hide all your troubles, the Queens wails. It makes her son feel even worse. You all forced me to marry her, he shouts, looking as fat as anyone in the audience. The Queen holds her hand up in dismay but Jeremy hurries to push the Show on and turning to the side introduces his next guest, Charles the Queen’s oldest son who bounces out muttering and livid from the side curtain. You really didn’t have to bring me here mother… All that thing with Diana’s well in the past, I’m with Camilla these days… But you always were with Camilla the Queens mutters accusingly. You were having an affair with Camilla all the way through your marriage to Diana! The girl said as much in her television interview. Don’t you remember, about the three of you being in your marriage.

Charles puts his hands to his ears and starts shouting. Why do you have to drag it up now Mummy, in front of all these bloody people? The Queen’s aghast… Charles! I’m nearly ninety you know! How could you speak like that in front of all these people. Soon you’ll be King and they’ll all be your subjects!  Charles won’t be mollified. It’s all her fault. She should never have dragged him out there in the first place. Jeremy is instantly consoling. Yes it’s all in the past. Poor Diana, everyone’s favourite! They should both think about the children! And even if his wife did have all those affairs like she said, they should still think of the children!

Instead of pacifying the situation it makes it all the more worse. Someone in the audience shouts about the Duke of Cambridge and Harry. Did his Royal Highness still think they were both his? Wouldn’t it be better if Harry at least was DNA tested like all the other people who came on the Show? After all the lad looked far more like James Hewitt, one of the men she admitted to having an affair with, than Charles. What with Harry’s red hair and all.

The suggestion causes an explosion, Charles losing it completely. He’s already down in the audience close to punching the lights out of some skinny Underclass swine, swearing out the top of his head and it’s only the bouncer whose rushed down that stops it. Pushed back on stage he’s still coming out with a mouthful and now even the audience are jeering. Jeremy Kyle turns their way in despair. Do they really want Harry DNA tested? He’s such a nice, such a very popular young man who does so much for charity! His intervention seems to have done the trick. The audience has quietened down and the Queen’s clearly glad that they’ve moved on. Edward must have given you all such pleasure, your Majesty, says Jeremy. The Queen approvingly confirms but before she can say anything there’s a long hollow laugh from Charles.

Oh yes, what about all his boyfriends in the theatre, he mutters. He was a disgrace to the whole family… Mummy had to do everything she could to keep it all out of the papers… Philip was hoping he’d go into the marines, the Queen sighs, but no, he didn’t want to leave his friends behind in the theatre. The nervous little laugh from the Queen is followed by more jeering from the audience. Well that was alright wasn’t it, the Duke of York says matter of fact, because he was soon married off to Sophie. Jeremy smiles affably. Well you’ve clearly had pleasure from your youngest son, your Majesty! Let’s bring him on the show!

The Queen smiles nervously. Edward’s antics with his so called friends in the theatre had caused his father to have a near fit more than once. All that and his refusal to join the marines. He’d brought the whole family to the verge of disgrace more than once. Well thank God it was over and he was respectably married. Jeremy takes his cue from her silence, introducing the dashing Earl of Wessex from the wings. From the audience little more than a hush.

Jeremy passes on to much safer things. You must have had such pleasure from your dear daughter, your Majesty! The Queen smiles appreciatively. The Princess Royal… Anne’s always been such a good girl, she enthuses. Charles grunts. Even if she married that nutter Mark Phillips! And you all thought he was such a great bloke. Just because they were both into horses you thought it made him so special… Didn’t everyone say at the time he was just a grinning idiot. It was just another bloody mistake you forced us into, same as me and Diana!

Suddenly there’s a furor coming from behind the stage and a thin cadaverous old man makes a sudden appearance swearing his head off. Phil-eep the Queen wails at the sight of her husband. Jeremy barely has time to introduce his latest guest when the venerable duke lunges at Charles with his tripod. How dare he speak about the Family like that, especially his mother and sister. The Duke’s clearly furious and most of his language is beeped. Furthermore one of the bouncers has now got in the way while Jeremy rushes to calm things. Everyone in the audience will acknowledge that the Princess Royal was a famous Olympian!

Alas to no avail! It didn’t stop her marrying that grinning shit, Charles shouts, pouring even more oil on troubled waters. Well nothing stopped you marrying that dopey Diana, the Duke of York comes in sharp. Even though you always wanted Camilla!

Well at least she wasn’t a fat old shag bag like Fergie, the Prince of Wales snaps back.

Jeremy raises his hands. Our special guest here tonight… Please give a special round of applause to Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal, he says breezily. Anne comes on looking haughty and horsy. She’s heard it all behind the curtain. Her brothers going on and Mamma having to listen. She can’t help herself and gives Charles an admonishing stare. That older brother of hers was always a bit of a bastard. That thing with Mark Phillips. She was much younger then. It was all over long in the past so why bring it up now?

Charles knows how she feels and can’t help a contemptuous stare. That sister of his was always too big for her boots. The Queen sitting in the middle of her family knows just how they feel. Three divorces in disastrous circumstances after three marriages gone badly wrong. And likewise for Margaret her sister. And now there’s scandal washing over one of her grandsons! All of her children out there squabbling, and sooner or later Charles would be king and Camilla his Queen! How on earth could he have preferred her to the much brighter Diana. And that was the worst of it really. She’d always hoped he’d give up the first for the second and he’d been having them both all along. Little wonder the Spencer girl had gone looking elsewhere. Spilled the beans all over television. Betraying her son and disgracing the family like that!

Suddenly as if from nowhere the Queen gives her audience, her Subjects, a warm natural smile and Jeremy instantly picks up on the new audience rapport. Throughout the Show he’d made minor gestures, hoping to bring the family members together but now it was different. With her own single solitary gesture the Queen has demonstrated her unique position. Despite upsetting individual family failures, she herself remained within the heart of her people as the nation’s institutional center and she knew it! Those personal family failures were small compared to the loyalty, indeed the affection of her much greater family. Insignificant really in the far greater context of her prime overriding position as the veritable mother of the nation.

And now with her children smiling around her, all was brought to a much greater quietude and Jeremy Kyle, her host of the evening couldn’t fail to acknowledge. Her Majesty herself had taken over his role, proving herself to be the true psychotherapist of the Show. Turning to her he graciously bows, then pointing to her, acknowledged the fact by raising his arm in gesture to his many millions of viewers. And his working class, underclass audience reciprocates its approval in its broad respectful applause for Her Majesty.

The Show is over and the national anthem is played with everyone joyfully singing God save the Queen. And Jeremy himself is guaranteed an OBE in the New Year’s Honours List!

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