A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 6 December 2014


Last Wednesday police in the Midlands were called to a demonstration of 25 students peacefully protesting at Warwick University about the cost of their fees. Peacefully protesting I reiterate. Little more than a handful of students shouting slogans. Okay, so how do we deal with this lads?

Right, we’ll deal with these people all right! Not long after they arrived out came the CS riot gas and the students were sprayed with it soon after which they were threatened with electrocution by taser. Can you imagine, 25 students, boys and girls lawfully protesting! It was simply too much. Three were quickly arrested and bundled off into vans with their university places threatened.

Yes, the West Midlands ‘finest’ were keeping themselves busy, but it’s nothing compared to the behaviour of the police in America. Okay just imagine it. There you are, black man or white, peacefully driving along some road somewhere or other keeping within the speed limit and doing nothing wrong. Next thing you know there’s a police car siren going off behind you clearly telling you to stop. So you stop. Then a policemen gets out of his car hands on his gun and tells you to open your window. You open your window after which he tells you to get out of your car and lean up against it hands behind your back. And all the while he’s got a hand on his gun. Okay so there you are, up against your own car with your back turned feeling nervous asking him what it’s all about and without thinking you scratch your leg with your hand and the last thing you hear is BANG BANG then you don’t know any more ‘cos he’s shot you dead with his pistol.

It’s definitely an oh dear situation. Far more likely to happen to you if you’re black rather than white but never mind. The officer argues that he thought the deceased, that’s you, was pulling a gun and felt that his life was threatened. AND THE GRAND JURY WHO IS DETERMINING WHETHER HE SHOULD BE PROSECUTED OR NOT FOR ANYTHING AT ALL AGREES WITH HIM. EVERYTHING HE DID WAS JUSTIFIED AND HE WON’T BE PROSECUTED.

It happens on a regular basis in America these days. America’s ‘finest’ killing innocent adults and youths for no reason and so called GRAND JURIES JUDGING THEIR ACTIONS JUSTIFIABLE.

So who are these people? The Grand Jury in America is the American equivalent of the British Crown Prosecution Service, an organisation that prosecutes people over here on the sole recommendation of the police with whom they are closely connected. It was once thought that both they were very different bodies that operated separately but now, with lengthy experience, this is known to be MOST DEFINITELY NOT THE CASE AT ALL. INDEED THE TWO ARE VERY CLOSELY CONNECTED AND THE CPS DOES JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING RECOMMENDED BY THE POLICE.  

Exactly the same situation occurs in the United States. The Grand Jury system existing in most states operates hand in glove with the local police so when the police are accused of killing unarmed black adults or teenagers whether by shooting or in one recent case strangulation, the prosecuting authority unfailingly finds their conduct is justified and that they have no case to answer, their verdict being inevitably the same. No reason to prosecute despite overwhelming evidence, often on CCTV. This explains the riots breaking out all over that country. America’s ‘finest’ along with the millions of nervy crackpots owning guns make it an exceedingly dangerous place.

In America you really don’t need to do anything wrong to be shot and killed. In most other places you do.

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