A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Tuesday 24 June 2014


I start this Post by extending an invitation to all my good friends and readers to join me on a visit to one of the strangest, most fascinating destinations in the entire Universe. Come and make a journey with me to that most wondrous of places… Wayne’s World.

And would you believe it! This strange Stephen Hawking like planet is inhabited by some remarkable people, but then not everyone gets to live there you know. Indeed you’ve got to be special. It’s likewise an invitation only kind of place, so let me introduce you to some of the folks who live there. Who’ve made the grade to be citizens!

Of course you don’t become inhabitants by what are generally considered ordinary means. Oh my goodness me no. Wayne’s World is a Lewis Carroll kind of place. A mirror image of everything you may have thought normal. Among its most favored residents are bankers and footballers. For bankers, credentials for entry are simple. As a Chief Executive, Chairman or Director you need to demonstrate your personal responsibility for causing the bank to lose huge sums of money, causing a major drop in its share price and the unemployment of thousands of its staff, and for doing this you receive your coveted passport for entry to Wayne’s World which is a gigantic annual bonus in cash and shares. And if you do this more than once the Government of Wayne’s World will send you an open invitation to settle.

The second but equally prominent class of citizen are footballers, many of whom have played for England and of course the England Team Managers. The passport for entry by such splendid fellows is the demonstration of gross mediocrity. That’s because Wayne’s World is contemptuous of any real professional skill like accurately passing, kicking and heading a ball, running forward with it and, worst of all, dribbling. Oh no! The criteria for entry to Wayne’s World are putting yourself about by going to nightclubs, regularly appearing in the media and having your agent constantly talking you up more than all that other silly stuff. That’s because in Wayne’s World it’s appearance that counts, not how you succeed on the pitch. In Wayne’s World that kind of success is anathema. Especially if you play for or manage England. Almost contemptible!

Whenever you see footballers on the telly in Wayne’s World, many of them looking like Mister Blobby, they’re all mighty proud of their great achievements like losing or drawing with nonentities. Oh no, you’ll find none of this boastful we’re the best in the world stuff from the footballing stars on Wayne’s World. Such worthy inhabitants of such a very strange place where everything is the opposite of what it should be. That’s because Wayne’s World, first discovered by Stephen Hawking, is down a black hole. A place where all space and time disappears and bankers and footballers and other celebrities can go on living there happily ever after. Free of all worries about being replaced or losing their jobs, and furthermore always being wonderfully paid . That’s because of who they are and what they do!

You see, Wayne’s World is such a free and happy place. There’s no criticism. No pressure on anyone to do better. It’s a place where failure is understood and respected. Just imagine banking executives making good profits and asking that a tenth of their salaries and all their bonuses go to charity. Are you kidding? They’d never get anywhere near Wayne’s World! Same as footballers who make forward runs and score goals. Leave it out! Wayne’s World is a magical place. Full of all kinds of stars. Celebrities you might call them who shine out like beacons of light! And what do most of them do? Why, they keep the great mass of unknown creatures of Wayne’s World amused and entertained. They’re the fun-folk of Wayne’s World who live in the sun. Below them is the vast army of millions who are teachers and transport workers, ambulance men and NHS workers, postmen and women, firemen, carers and cleaners. All that dark underground army on Wayne’s World coexisting with the bankers, footballers and entertainers earning fabulous salaries.

They all inhabit a special island on Wayne’s World called England, and no-one knows how that great army of ants got there, but I do! They were the original inhabitants don’t you see? The ancient aboriginals of Wayne’s World! All the people who worked hard and struggled. Who built and who mined, who taught adults and children and treated the sick. Who worked so hard to provide decent service, only because they actually cared, it wasn’t enough. And then came the time of the bankers and footballers who didn’t. Those and the celebrities who created the New World. Wayne’s World! Where failure and putting yourself about became everything.

And so my friends, welcome to Wayne’s World! Why, don’t you recognise it? Don’t you recognise the shit-hole you live in? Where millions of decent hardworking people earn so little for doing such important and valuable jobs and useless hapless rascals earn fortunes for failure.

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