A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 8 June 2014


If the United States Intelligence Services are monitoring this Post, same as they’ve been bugging the phones, emails and other electronic communications of Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande and most other European Heads of State, just as they’ve done to others round the rest of the world, to say nothing of their own citizens, those of Europe and just about anywhere else, then good! To those who work for your security services I really hope you enjoy what you read. You can add my name to your lists of hundreds of millions anytime. Please, be my guest. I’d consider it an honor!

A few days back, condemning what he described as Russian “aggression” in the Ukraine, American Hellboy Barak Obama said in Warsaw, “How can we allow the dark tactics of the 20th century to define the 21st.” The comment was made apropos what he and his State Department describe as the Russian “annexation” of the Crimea and verbal support for the pro-Russian dissidents in the Donetsk region of the Ukraine.

Looking at the Ukrainian situation factually it is more than clear that the American State Department actively supported a takeover in Kiev by violent gangs of thugs from Nazi political parties to oust the then democratically elected pro-Russian President of that country. A new Government was then installed in Kiev without any elections taking place. After this a democratic election took place in the Crimean Peninsula to determine whether or not the people who lived there wanted to remain Ukrainian citizens or join the Russian Federation. An overwhelming majority voted for the latter. It should also be noted that the Russian Federation had and still has an ongoing treaty with the Ukraine to station the Russian Black Sea Fleet at its Naval Base in the Crimea and allow twenty thousand Russian troops to be stationed there. Finally it should also be noted that the vast majority of the population in the Donetsk Region of the Ukraine are Russian and have participated in various referendums to join with the Russian Federation. The legitimacy of these votes have been denied and condemned, along with that in the Crimea by President Obama, the American State Department and heads of all states in the EU. Currently the so called dissidents of Eastern Ukraine are being bombed by aircraft from the new unelected Government in Kiev and attacked by its ground forces.

None of these circumstances matter to Barak Obama and his State Department whose ultimate aim is to have NATO nuclear forces stationed in the Ukraine right up to the Russian border.

This Post however if not essentially about the situation in the Ukraine and how the Americans view it. It’s about how President Obama and State Department view Russian history of the 20th century. True, there was a great Revolution there in 1917 which freed countless millions of Russians from servitude and slavery, and true, Joseph Stalin, subsequently leader of the Soviet Union for three decades committed many atrocities against his own people one of which was to murder all his old early associates in Lenin’s Bolshevik Party and turn Russia into a semi-fascist State. But then the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany in the Second World War at a cost of 30 million of its citizens and soldiers. So be clear about this American Hellboy Barak Obama, it wasn’t the hundred thousand American troops at ‘D’ Day who defeated the Nazis and captured Berlin but the Russians and citizens of the Soviet Union.

Okay then, if Russia of the 20th century doesn’t altogether come up smelling of roses for your sensitive nose Mr American Hellboy let’s see what kind of record America’s got going for you. Let’s see what you’ve done and what kind of heroes you came up with. First though let me point out that black people in your country were being lynched from trees on a regular basis up till the 1930’s and beyond in most of the southern states of your so called land of the free just because of their colour. Now I’m hoping they’re not the kind of dark tactics you’re referring to Barak Obama or maybe they’ve just gone out of your head.

Okay then, dark tactics. America in the 20th century. Firstly after your war with Spain at the end of the 19th century to break its grip on its former Central and South American colonies you continued your Monroe Doctrine and basically turned these countries into your very own Banana Republics, run by your protégés who were mainly murderous dictators. A policy that continued well into the 1980’s.

Secondly, with the horror of the greatest war the world had ever seen beginning in 1914 and already running for three years in Europe, YOU SINGULARLY FAILED TO INTERVENE, ONLY DOING SO  AS LATE AS 1918 AFTER MANY BRITISH, FRENCH AND COLONIAL SOLDIERS AND CIVILIANS HAD DIED. You stayed out of this war almost till its end in order to see what you could get out of it. Such dark tactics were repeated just two decades later when the United States turned its back on Britain and France, already fighting to the death against Nazi Germany with British cities being bombed on a daily basis. Yes, all those Nazi sympathizers you had in America helped you maintain your dark tactics of isolation. That is until Pearl Harbour, December 1941, when you finally joined up with the British. You stood by all that time, unwilling to join us while our cities and people were being attacked. And then you only came in AFTER the same had happened to you.

Well your War Record in Europe doesn’t smell at all sweet to me Hellboy Obama. Some might call it dark and cowardly tactics. Others less kind might say it stinks.

And in between the two wars weren’t you engaging in some seriously dark tactics at home? Worthy of mention is the long and brutal attack on the Labor and Trades Union movement around most of America by police, state troopers and armed gangs of private security operatives. The use of thugs and strike breaking organizations to attack demonstrations for worker’s rights followed by the gigantic strike by corporate America against its entire working population heralded by the Wall Street Collapse of 1929 in which the bankers and financiers ripped the heart out of the American people much as they did recently are very significant dark tactics. Dark tactics then for ten years or more during which most rural black Americans were living in slavery. But then I suppose none of this is what you’d call dark tactics President American Hellboy Obama because such things don’t qualify as dark when they happen in your own country.

And when the Second World War ended, you know, the one America only entered reluctantly, your political system threw up something real special. You surely remember him don’t you, that very special master of dark tactics, Joseph McCarthy. Surely you haven’t forgotten the long anti-communist witch hunt that gripped your country in the late forties and early fifties. Surely you know about the attack on so many American Jews, accused of being communist not only by Joseph McCarthy but also by one of your very own predecessors, that very eminent master of dark tactics Richard Nixon. Well we really don’t want any of those dark tactics of the 20th century to get into the 21st, now do we? Or did you just forget about all the evil you got up to at home in America Mr Finger Pointing President?

But then let me remind you what you go up to outside your country while all these dark tactics were going on. Firstly what America’s armed forces were doing in Korea in the early 1950’s After installing puppet government of monsters in the south of that country you began dropping endless quantities of bombs on the north. It began a fifty year spree beginning with the ten year bombing of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos which saw American soldiers on the ground engaged in endless killing and massacres of civilians. Soldiers... civilians... It didn’t matter who or what. Just fire-bombing and shooting. But those weren’t dark tactics were they? Those weren’t what you’d call War Crimes because all those people killed were killed in the name of democracy. American democracy!

During this time the world witnessed the splendid behaviour at home of Richard Nixon, earlier master of accusing innocent people who became master of spying on opponents in the Democrat Party. Well I’m sure you don’t want any of that Watergate stuff to get into the 21st century do you Hellboy Obama?

Not long after another of America’s Presidents with help from the State Department and Central Intelligence Agency organised a military coup in Chile led by openly fascist General Pinochet against the democratically elected Government of Salvador Allende. Getting rid of someone who wasn’t much more than a liberal like Allende was a great victory for the CIA. Now they had a murderous fascist running the Government of Chile. A dictator who’d control the world price of copper for businesses back home. Democratically elected Government out, military dictatorship in. Dark tactics? No, surely not! We wouldn’t want any of that in the 21st century. Certainly not in the Ukraine!

Oh wait a minute, I forgot to mention that America sponsored and supplied the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by émigrés and gangsters after Castro took over, then the Iran Contras Scandal in which President Regan secretly supported an invasion of Nicaragua without Congressional knowledge after a socialist Government took over there.

And who came next? Pray help me along! Wasn’t it President Clinton’s favorite intern in the White House. You know the one who regularly sucked his cigar while he was busy dismantling Yugoslavia. As America manipulated a war between the separate states that Tito had united into a single country, using religious and ethnic tensions to pull it apart, Clinton then turned American forces and those of the EU against Serbia, bombing the hell out of the country month after month. Dark tactics? Not a bit of it. They were spreading democracy!

And after Yugoslavia came Lebanon, and after Lebanon the invasion of Iraq, and after that the bombing of Libya and then the Iraq War and ousting of Saddam Hussein. And after that the War in Afghanistan. Now this last one is special. Early in this conflict the Taliban were quickly defeated by an alliance of troops from neighboring states led by General Dostan and his Northern Alliance. The Muslim extremists were all but wiped out but then American stepped in! The Northern Alliance was sidelined and eventually disbanded by the American military and a year or so later the Taliban were allowed to return. This increasingly drew in American troops and a whole multi-national force including the British. All the time the Muslim extremists were increasing their foothold so that today they are back where they were. Very far from being defeated, with the full armed forces of America engaged in a major armed conflict in that country. Just like Iraq, Vietnam, Korea…

Was any of it dark tactics? The kind of thing we don’t want to bring into the 21st century? Why certainly not! Not a bit of it! Once again it was America exporting democracy. Same as it’s now doing in  the Ukraine! Supporting the Nazi-inspired takeover in Kiev by the same kind of nationalists who served as Concentration and Extermination Camp Guards at Sobibor, Auschwitz, Treblinka and elsewhere assisting in the mass murder of Jews during the Second World War. Nice people you’ve got for friends these days Hellboy Obama.

Is it dark tactics for Hellboy Obama and his neo-conservative run State Department to turn the heat up on Putin. Promising to bring American troops into Poland and the Baltic States bordering Russia along with NATO military hardware? No, it’s defending democracy! Is it dark tactics to currently threaten China with serious consequences, namely the American Far East Fleet, in its dispute over territorial waters with its neighbours in the South China Seas?

Well from the point of view of Barak Obama none of the above constitutes dark tactics. America’s conduct both at home and abroad is a beacon of light. Especially now that it’s threatening both Russia and China with consequences

Think of America today. Its civilians shooting each other en masse on a weekly basis. The dark horror of its criminal justice system and program of ritualized state executions. Its State and Federal police openly attacking and beating up civilians on a daily basis and regularly doing the same to working people striking for better pay and conditions, or students engaged in lawful protest. Just think of America today with a minimum wage officially less than 6 dollars an hour. Think of the 5% of the population who own 80% of its wealth and the 40% of its population who go hungry each day.

America we don’t want you to export anything into the 21st century because your record in the 20th stinks. Stop bombing, shooting and killing people actively or by proxy all over the globe and start treating your own citizens like human beings.

Threatening people here, there and everywhere is a sure sign of a nation that’s morally bankrupt. Today America itself is economically bankrupt and with its history of vile behaviour around the world we are living in the most dangerous of times. The world’s people don’t want America bringing any more of its  dirty dark tactics into the 21th century Hellboy Obama so stop lying about everyone else just to hide your long time record of murder, lies and oppression.  

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