A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Tuesday 27 May 2014


About a year back in WALKING THE GREEN MILE, a post I wrote about Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats, I hinted at the man’s political genius after some defeat or other saw the Liberal Democrats go down the drain. Today however I feel compelled, at the beginning of this new Post, to make a confession to my readers. It is that I utterly failed to understand the true brilliance of his new philosophy. A fact brought home to me in the last few days by the voting behaviour of countless millions of people who understood it far better than I. His deeply thought out, awesome political strategy is clearly THAT LOSING IS ACTUALLY WINNING and that the fewer people who vote for him the more successful he actually is! How else can you explain his self-satisfied face after the recent election result and that he never came out on television eating the humblest of pie?

To him the result was a victory! Thus the people of Essex, Kent, the West Country and the North of England who dropped the Lib-Dems like a hot potato really endorsed him and his policies over immigration and Europe after all. Yes, he martyred himself! Did and said the right thing to save us all! Joined in a wretched Coalition with the Tories to save the country. Stood up for EU membership over the interests of the British people as their true savior. So the fact that hardly anyone voted for them in the European election and they lost so many council seats in local government was a great victory! Yes, it was the Lib-Dems who were the Party of high minded political morality over common expediency. The Party who said and did the right thing!

Well actually, if you believe that about a man and his Party who lied about student fees and who’s lied about just about everything since you’ll believe just about anything!

So when the voters of Essex realised that voting for Nick Clegg would help build a new bus terminal for Romanian immigrants using British taxpayers’ money… or pay for thousands of Romanian gypsies to come to London and rob British people in Oxford Street… or support building two hundred thousand new houses for East Europeans to step straight into with full housing benefits soon as they arrived, they all decided to support his brilliant new philosophy that losing was really winning and went out and voted for Nigel Farage instead!

Such a clever fellow. And Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister no less!

Looked at another way the choice for the electorate was clear. What would they rather have? A pint of beer and a fag, something transparent, or a Cleggy style pasty, the contents of which you simply don’t know but is mainly vegetable when British people prefer real chunks of beef. With the Lib-Dems it’s always likely to be white wine and veggies or a cheesy on a stick whereas Nigel’s clearly a full English breakfast bloke.

Nick Clegg however won’t go. Why should he when he keeps on winning like this? Soon he’ll get another serious kicking at the Newark bye election but it won’t matter because all the smoked salmon grandees of his wretched Party will go on telling him what a great winner he is, and he believes it because of his new philosophy you see! Talk about delusional! I suppose that’s why the Tories love him so much. And why at the next General Election he’s toast!       

But okay. If you want to stay with the man in his bunker till the Russians arrive you’re welcome!

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