A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 18 May 2014


In recent days we’ve experienced the dismal almost obscene spectacle of Nick Clegg accusing everyone thinking about voting anti-European in this week’s coming elections of being anti-British and unpatriotic. That’s unpatriotic! Get it? In other words if you don’t vote for what the Liberal Democrats want more than anything else, i.e. Britain staying in Europe, you are being unpatriotic. Yes you tell it to us Nick. If we don’t vote for you and your mob then we’re all being anti-British. Now you really need some nerve telling us that. Quite frankly it sounds like you and your Party are desperate, coming out with that kind of stunt on the eve of the elections. But then as most people know, having collaborated with the Tories for years, you and your Party are at rock bottom in the opinion polls and have every reason to be scared. Scared enough to threaten everyone with the unpatriotic tag if they turn their backs on you and your chums in Europe.

Well you know what they call that kind of thing Nick. Someone already said it before me. Thomas Carlyle if memory serves quite a while back. Patriotism he suggested was the last refuge of a scoundrel. Well patriotism has many faces. Some are good, others that go with plain political opportunism stink. In your case it’s the latter and most of the British electorate as you’ll find out next week will confirm!

The main focus of your attack is Euro-sceptic Dark Knight Rising Nigel Farage, the chief protagonist of the Get Out of Europe Campaign and enemy of just about everyone in the British political establishment right now. Whether it’s come from the left, right or center, he’s been a major target in recent weeks of those  seeking to cause him political or personal damage at every opportunity given. There’s been hardly a day when he hasn’t been under one kind of hammer or another. In the newspapers on a regular basis for something he’s supposed to have said or hasn’t. For making some kind of personal or political gaffe blown up out of all proportion and exaggerated into some kind of major mistake thereby demonstrating his ignorance or ineptitude, or even gleefully showing him being attacked with eggs on the BBC Establishment news channel. Everything carefully done to demean and harm the reputation of a man who has above all kept the major anti-European message of himself and his Party focused and sharp, steadfastly refusing to enter the smelly melee of the British political establishment and its endless dirty dealing.

It is this that has won him the enmity of all the main party politicians who’ve endlessly put out ambivalent or dodgy promises about their Party’s attitude to membership of the EU whereas Nigel Farage and UKIP are unequivocal. THEY WANT OUT OF EUROPE. There is a very real problem for these political leaders with such a message. They know that a very large number of the British people support it and that Farage and his Party could well emerge at the top or very close to it at these coming elections. Something that’s a very clear signal of where the electorate actually stands in its support for Europe! It’s a terrifying prospect for the Tory Party which actually wants to keep Britain in the EU and even more terrifying for Clegg and his Lib-Dem Collaborators who’ve built so much of their political message around wanting to keep Britain in! These people, already expecting a serious backlash for their years of opportunism, are now dreading an additional kick in the teeth for their endless litany of we love immigrants from Europe.  

Thus we have his desperate attack on everyone thinking of voting UKIP, Euro-sceptic and Nigel Farage. It’s unpatriotic he calls it when it’s actually the last refuge of a man in a cold sweat desperate to keep his Party falling off the edge of a cliff.

Well you and your mob are actually going to fall off the edge of a cliff with the electorate doing the pushing. And they’ll be pushing on behalf of Nigel Farage. He’s Britain’s new political dark knight rising. Attacked by the British National Party of all parties for being extremist and racist because he wants to reduce the general weight of immigration into this country, attacked by the Labour Party and Trades Unions for being extremist… in terms of social and economic policy not far from the mark… and attacked by the Tory Party as being someone who wants to take hold of their mantra from the hard right. Actually why no-one has yet compared him to Boris Johnson is something of a mystery. The main message from Farage though is Euro-sceptic and sharp whereas the rhetoric from Johnson is contortionist hard right bumbling bluster. Can you imagine the two working together?

Boris Johnson wants to be populist. Nigel Farage doesn’t have to. His message to the British people is deep rooted and fundamental. It’s based on everything they know and see about Europe today. Except when they’re on holiday there that is! Europeans are silly, different. In the south too often lazy. In the east, nasty. With the exception of the Germans, not very good at doing things. And the French are especially silly! The British on the other hand are a people apart. Living on an island fortress apart! We are we and they are a mixture of they. We really don’t dislike them at all but we just don’t want to be part of them when they all join up together and become THEM. That’s because we’re US. The Tories and Lib-Dems want to be part of THEM for the sake of business opportunity. Labour’s not viscerally sure, not absolutely convinced, but thinks it’s a good idea to stay where we are and mumbles a mixed message to that effect.

The message is economic or social but none of it is emotionally personal. Except that is the message of UKIP and its dark knight. Sure, there are elements of their message that are both, but fundamental and underlying it all is the message of difference. That we are British, living on an island off Europe. There have been times in the past when one way or another we’ve been connected to Europe but that was mainly for royal and dynastic purposes. Never, historically, for the fundamental interests of the British people. If we’re European in any way it’s at best secondary and we don’t want to be part of something that we’re actually NOT. It’s the visceral, emotional character of UKIP’s message that strikes home with such force and correspondence in the mind of the British electorate, particularly the English. It rings the bell of patriotism so very different to that pulled by Nick Clegg. He pulls it for IN for reasons economic, the dark knight pulls it for OUT for reasons emotional.

When the pasty-faced Clegg is attacked for political reasons, he looks pasty faced. When Farage is attacked face to face on television he’s clearly irritated but nonetheless robust in defence. The pressure though is clearly telling and recently his press spokesman piled in to the rescue. Not that his boss needed it. In fact you get the feeling that although seriously cheesed he’s more than capable of looking after himself. What clearly does irritate him if anything is the often pointless, sometimes clearly malicious, Establishment contrived nature of the these attacks. They’re all frightened of him so they all endlessly pile in on a well-calculated feeding frenzy carefully set up to do him in. It’s this that he so clearly resents. That the attacks are so often personal as much as political. He clearly has nothing but contempt for the Establishment, whether it’s political, the media or the State and this Establishment would like to do nothing more than do this major political new boy on the scene well and truly in, only they can’t! He’s irrepressible! The more tricks they try the more he comes bubbling up. His flotation devices the confidence he acquires from the public support of his message on Europe. This Dark Knight Rising has the electorate beneath him. His endless buoyant demeanor riding on a swelling tide of emotion from many millions. His message, their sentiment.

It won’t be long now as to whether we’ll see him fall off his horse.

Having made these observations however it is only fair to say that there is another whole side to the story of the British and Europe. UKIP and its leader draw the bulk of their support from the working and lower middle classes. Those who regularly visit Mediterranean, south European and Turkish resorts for package deal holidays. The disgusting alcohol fuelled drunken, obscene, lewd public behaviour of British youths aged 15-25 from these groups, often physically threatening and violent, is a regular feature of life in beach resorts and cities across Europe and is only tolerated because of the money they bring in to seriously impoverished regions like the Spanish Costas, the Black Sea resorts of Bulgaria and holiday destinations of Greece. The behaviour of these youths, both boys and girls, is offensive in the extreme and only tolerated because of the money they spend. However it has given the British a filthy reputation across Europe. Their adult peer groups alas do little to counter this and quite frankly if anything only enhance it with public displays of personal stupidity, cultural disrespect and gross insensitivity, all very loud and East Enders. You only need to hear them talking to want to get away from them fast.

True, with UKIP at their head they may be contemptuous of Europeans and Europe. True the continent produced a hatful of nasties last century and it took British courage to help sort it all out, but today things are different. As contemptuous as large numbers of British people are about Europeans and their institutions, so large numbers of Europeans really don’t like us at all. They don’t like the way British people behave in their country and they don’t like their loudness and drunken arrogance. Europe and Britain… it actually cuts both ways! A large part of our population doesn’t like them and many of them just don’t like us.

It’s a resentment fuelled over here by UKIP. Their view that so long as Britain remains within the EU family, this United Nations of Europe want to take away our independent sovereign power and subjugate us to their own order. They ask, why stay married at all? A very fair question! On a personal level there’s clearly not a lot of love lost. In terms of the Clegg-Lib-Dem argument of business and jobs, Europe provides a hatful of business opportunities that quite frankly might not last long. Working people and small business won’t get a lot out of it so if there’s mutual dislike and disrespect why bother at all?

That’s the real key to it all and next week the Dark Knight WON’T fall off his horse. Putting it simply we are beginning a time of dangerous days. Support for UKIP is being won on an anti-European stance through the issue of immigration, and it’s being won by a populist with social and economic policies that are definitely anti-working class. The Dark Knight needs the working class vote over Europe after which he’ll need the lower middle class vote in next year’s General Election. After next week all kinds of people will flock to his cause along with plenty of money. He’ll sharpen his act. Develop a powerful machine. Become someone the so called great and the good will all want to know! Especially the media. All reasoned protest against a fast incoming tide dumbed down. Hidden away. His well-guarded rallies growing larger and larger.

Just remember, you were there at the time. At the beginning. When it was all just a jovial popular man and a whisper. You liked the novelty of it all. Sat back and silently watched it all grow. And when you began to feel worried it was already too late. All those boys and girls in their uniforms so you weren’t able to say anything. It was so quiet, the way it all started. You thought the man was quite marvellous yourself. That dapper face. That velvet collar. That half pint of beer.

And now it’s come to this you still don’t know how it happened. Even though you were there at the time. Even though you were part of it all. It was you who let it happen. Don’t you remember? Don’t you honestly remember how you let it all happen? Because you didn’t want to make a difference you stayed silent. Just went along with it all when the Dark Knight became a focus for everyone’s troubles. That’s when the curtain came down and began the dark knight for us all.   

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