A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Saturday 9 November 2013


Well what do you know? After an Honest to God, Cross My Heart and Hope to Die investigation over the last year by the Energy Regulator Ofgem and the Financial Conduct Authority, no evidence has been found of price manipulation in the UK’s wholesale gas market by the Big Six Energy Companies.

Well that settles it then! With friends like these looking after the interests of domestic gas customers I guess we can now all sleep warm and safe in our beds! Or can we? Firstly no-one knows the terms of reference under which these people set up their enquiry. Secondly and much more important few of us know who they  are and how impartial they’ve been. That said let’s take a look at the record of those who are telling us that all is well and above board in gas supply industry. Firstly the jolly old price ‘regulator’ Ofgem. Well unless you’ve spent the last five years locked away in a Siberian Labor Camp you’ll be aware that in all the many times gas supply companies have raised their prices to domestic customers recently, often at double the rate of inflation, no word of criticism or complaint has been heard from this so called ‘regulator’. Not a word of condemnation for the suppliers. Instead a deafening silence! Just a raised eyebrow and a bit of concern but that’s about it. In short they’ve given the suppliers a virtual free hand to stick up prices whenever they liked. That’s the fact of the matter. Oh they’ve behaved like regulators all right!  HELPING TO REGULATE PRICES ON BEHALF OF THE SUPPLIERS. Every time domestic prices rocketed they did nothing. AND THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO WANT YOU TO TRUST THEM! Quite frankly they must be having a laugh. As everyone knows they’re little more than a political put up. A Piss Take.

Oh but wait a moment! How about the Financial Conduct Authority? Alas, the joke’s even worse! Before changing their name they used to be called The Financial Services Authority. Remember the creepy-crawlies who did absolutely nothing to control the bankers and practices of the financial institutions of the City of London during the time of Gordon Brown and his ‘light touch’ regulation? Remember his ‘light touch’ regulation which effectively meant no regulation at all of their illegal practices and swindling. Remember how they awarded themselves huge bonuses for all the hanky-panky they got up with such impunity? So the fact that this so called Financial Conduct Authority has given the all clear to the Energy Cartel for not fixing wholesale gas prices in truth actually means nothing at all! Well actually, come to think of it says just about everything!

Everything unspoken that is! Domestic consumers of gas will know exactly what it means! And as for Ofgem, WELL REGULATORS ARE MEANT TO REGULATE i.e. CONTROL RISING PRICES RATHER THAN GIVING THE COMPANIES RAISING THEM A NOD AND A WINK. Anyway, who is this ‘Regulator’? Does anyone know him or her? Do they live on the same planet as everyone else. But then in Britain and only in Britain, the duty of Regulators is not to control rising prices but to help jack them up!


Okay now everyone knows. American Government spying agencies have been spying on every American. Not just a few thousand criminals or terrorists but everyone! Kids included! Not just a handful of potential ne’er-do-wells but EVERYONE. And it’s lawful so they claim! Just imagine, when Americans aren’t shooting each other they’re all being spied on. Sounds like it’s a great place to live… if you’re an impoverished Mexican that is.

Okay, so how do like the idea of being spied on? From your mobile and computer to the time you’re out in the street, Government wants a piece of your mind, but please understand, they only want to be friendly. In the words of the song… Getting to know you… Getting to know all about you… Let’s bring it all closer to home so that you can be precisely someone’s cup of tea!

Recently three policemen sat in front of the Commons Home Affairs Committee . Today another three monkeys also concerned with security came up before the Committee for Security and Defence. And while the policemen rightly got a serious grilling for telling porkies and came out of it toast, the Security Committee mainly played kiss-kiss with their friends in the business. Given the comprehensive inability of the committee members to ask any serious questions I’d like to ask one myself. What kind of Parliamentary Service was this for the people of Britain? We thought you were supposed to be serving the people. Asking questions of those who are, they acknowledge, spying on us. Actually, come to think of it, why do we pay taxes to have Government Agencies here in Britain spy on us? Don’t you trust us?

Probably not and maybe for good reason. When it comes to national security these people are probably telling the truth when they voice their concern to protect our lives against terrorism. During the recent decade of Labour Government, Islamic fundamentalist were freely allowed into this country to publically preach their hate sermons at will. They were protected by the police and protected by Labour Government Home Secretaries and freely allowed to say anything they liked. Especially if it was anti-Semitic Jew ranting and hatred. The decade was one of uncontrolled mass Muslim immigration into Britain from Asia and Africa and the words and hate sermons of the preachers did not fall on deaf ears but excited and radicalized the minds of countless Muslim youth. Over time thousands of them were recruited abroad for terrorist training to participate in various causes, returning to Britain courtesy of a totally porous immigration checks system which allowed just about anyone through. There was so much turning of blind eyes that it stank. That said, the problems of the various British Security Agencies today are entirely genuine and inherited from these laisser-faire immigration policies of what may best be described as a blind eye to Islamic fundamentalism period of Labour Government. They allowed it to happen and encouraged it. That’s the root of the security problem today. Simple!

Combating the consequences of all this religious fundamentalism has created a serious problem of which the security services are well aware. They need to gather information about those who intend harming us and make use of intelligence gathering services. The fear is that their activities may impinge on the lives of ordinary perfectly innocent civilians and such fears are justified because, as everyone knows, their actions are directed by politicians for whom the public residually have little trust. The heads of the Security Services talk of balance and ask us to trust them. Maybe it’s a good time to start because the terrorist enemy we face is hard-nosed, half crazy and serious. Remember, it was politicians who created the problem, not the general public, so do the work that you’re paid for and after that kindly stay out our heads.


After years of unending bullshit and bluff a new gang of Iranian mullahs and their civilian front men are getting together in Geneva with American, European and British diplomats to try to resolve the problem of the country’s extreme Islamic fundamentalists, led by The Supreme Leader, manufacturing their own nuclear weapons. Never-mind that they’ve been producing weapons grade fissile material for five years or more and that they sharply accelerated their program in the last eighteen months. Never-mind either that, at best, they’re only months away from making a nuclear bomb. That’s alright because in their recent election for President the Supreme Leader accepted the success of what has been euphemistically described as a ‘moderate candidate’. Another joke as he comes from the same stable of religious extremists as The Leader himself, only this one’s more practical.

With Western powers fearful of nuclear was in the Middle East between Israel and Iran and the latter a great potential partner for trade, Governments, especially those of Britain and America, were rightly seen as by Iran as willing to bend over backwards to avoid any conflict. That said and with a new, more ‘practical’ man at the helm of Iranian Government as President, feelers began reaching out. In Western media the new more ‘practical’ man began being hailed as a moderate! It was a first step towards a softening up of diplomatic relations. A moderate ‘practical’ speech at the United General Assembly followed by a few telephone calls from President Obama and his Secretary of State and things got as close to a love-in as was possible with men who believe in the stoning of women and whose declared policy is wiping the State of Israel from the map of the Earth. Things were getting so luvvy that there was almost talk of a thaw in relations.

Never mind that Iran is only months away from producing a bomb. They could well be working on producing one now for all anyone knows. That’s okay! At what is virtually the eleventh hour, certainly for the existence of Israel that is, President Obama has phoned Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, and told him not to worry and that things will work out. That diplomatic dialogue will surely succeed. After all the assurances that Nazi death camp guards gave Jews arriving by train that all would be well but they should first take a shower, it’s little wonder that Israel, the Jewish State partly built on the backs of Holocaust Survivors, should be distrustful and disbelieving. Iran is their stated sworn enemy and has vowed its  destruction. It will soon have the means. Yet American, British and European diplomats are now round a table in Geneva with the Iranians after eight previous years of fruitless, quite frankly useless negotiations with the Iranians stalling on promises and inspection facility through the back teeth… All of it giving them time to produce the nuclear grade materials for making a bomb.

And here once again is a new piece of bluff. Now all will be well with a new ‘practical’ man at the helm. Practical men can see sense. We can do business with new practical men! Everything now down to money! We can exchange reducing or dropping our sanctions in return for your assurances that you will stop producing weapons grade uranium and worse. Just promise you’ll do it and we’ll welcome you back into international diplomacy and the community of nations. Okay, you’ve got to promise that you’ll let us check everything out but after that we help you back on your feet economically and do what you really want to do most… And that’s doing business with us!

As if the Ayatollahs and Mullahs, the religious Shia fanatics who run Iran give a shit about doing business with anyone. Anyone except the Russians who supply them with rockets that is. They regard everyone else, American, European, British, no matter who, as heathen. Unbelievers! Fit only for conversion or destruction. They have a totally different mentality and mind set to everyone else. They regard Western Civilisation with utter contempt and it is a catastrophic failure on the part of Western Government and diplomacy not to understand this. Getting into bargaining postures with religious fanatics and allowing them to create for themselves weapons of true mass destruction which they will certainly use, believing it to be their religious right, is infinitely worse than appeasement. Today the Jewish State has no REAL friends in the world. In order to survive it can only trust in itself and to do that it knows what it must do. Once not so long ago they were powerless to act. Not anymore. The issue of survival is with them all over again.

And if they act, Channel Four, along with the British and American Governments, will quickly have to think of a way of blaming the Jews. To sum it all up it doesn’t look good for Israel but if America and Europe wants to believe that the people who run Iran are a bunch of really nice guys who want nothing more than world peace then what are you going to say to history for letting these people pool the wool over their eyes and help facilitate nuclear destruction? Allowing Iran to have nuclear weapons is madness. They are mostly all the way there and all your talk in Geneva won’t change a thing. You are dealing with an Islamic-Fascist State here, or are you so blind that you can’t see the truth? In case you’ve forgotten the lesson it’s 1939 all over again… just to remind you.

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