A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Sunday 3 November 2013


Yes there have been plenty of revelations in last week’s news about the quite unashamed spying activities of American Government agencies. That said there are other equally interesting stories that deservedly grab our attention. One is the appearance of those who may best be described as the energy monkeys before a Parliamentary Committee along with that of energy monkey in chief, Lib-Dem Secretary of State Ed Davey, elsewhere in the media. Another is the appearance of the phone hacking gorillas currently on trial for all manner of nastiness. Finally, has anyone heard any more about the GREAT HORSEMEAT SCANDAL and whether any companies or individuals have ever been prosecuted for such wide-ranging criminal activities, or has it all been stuck away in the great freezer of forgetfulness like banking hanky-panky?


The single news item I am dealing with this week concerns the see no evil, hear no evil manner of the Big Six energy monkeys who appeared on our television screens last week protesting the pain they felt when their companies raised their cost of supplying energy to hard pressed domestic consumers at three times the level of inflation  when most workers in the public sector have had their salaries frozen for three years or more! So Sad! So very Sad! You could feel their sorrow, share with them the pain in their faces. All their desperate feelings of hopelessness in the face of rising wholesale energy prices. Something that all of them could do nothing about. Yes, they cared about old people dying of cold in the Winter. Falling downstairs because they couldn’t afford to turn on the lights. They would do everything in their power to help! They would make allowances and exceptions! Cross their hearts and hope to die, their sorrows were the greatest of burdens. Yes, never a day went by without them thinking of all those poor unfortunate pensioners… Each bearing their burdens as though it was their own personal cross!

Alright, now let me tell you quite frankly… If any of you out there was IN ANY WAY assured or convinced by the crap that came out of such a performance then you deserve to have these companies shit all over you the way that they’re been doing. I mean, did you actually believe that these people, possibly with one exception, were sincere or telling the truth? If you did, then I’m afraid that there’s nothing that anyone can do for you and you’ll always go on believing that Nick Clegg is really the Resurrection of Jesus.

That said let’s take a closer look at the situation. Firstly the people the big six energy suppliers sent along were little more than doughboys. No Chief Executives or Chairmen. The contempt of these companies for both the domestic consumer and the House of Commons Select Committee was such that they sent along underlings. British Gas for example is owned by Centrica. Where was the CEO or Chairman of that outfit? No, they just couldn’t be bothered to send along anyone with any real authority but then I guess they didn’t have to. The Chairman of the Committee seemed to behave all the way through like a rag doll who didn’t know what was what most of the time. As for its members, only a bit of questioning from angry Laborites that was misdirected and wide of the mark. Nothing for example about what Big Six energy company executives had been doing over the last year working inside Ed Davey’s Department of Energy. No questioning at all about claims by the energy monkeys that their companies had faced endless wholesale price rises in recent years. Why not? If the committee members had done their work they would have been able to put such claims to forensic examination and revealed them as lies. In the last five years wholesale prices have gone up and down. When they rose domestic prices went up. When they fell and often fell sharply WHAT DO YOU THINK THE COMPANIES DID?  Hands up those of you who think that they reduced customer’s bills? Oh you did? Well then go stand in the corner with your hands on your head.   

If the monkeys said they were helpless in the face of rising costs on the wholesale energy supply markets it went unquestioned and unchallenged by the Committee. Only in truth they weren’t so helpless at all. They just upped their customers’ prices. Increases that paid for fabulous salaries and bonuses given to their top executives and increased dividends for their shareholders. Even worse, they never told their customers when wholesale prices were going down. Why should they? The next part of the racket is all the chatter about switching suppliers, yak, yak, yak… And the BBC parades someone on television to say that he’s easily switched suppliers dozens of times in the last few years and saved a fortune! They must have searched very hard to dig that one up. Then there’s also the great and seemingly unsolvable mystery about energy tariffs with the stupefying consensus engendered in the Committee that it was all very complex with its members making the monkeys promise to sort it all out, and naturally they all agreed to.

Well let’s take a colder look. Firstly as I myself and so many others have experienced, the Big Six energy companies MAKE IT VERY HARD for their domestic customers to switch suppliers. Hard to bordering on the impossible. As for the seemingly intractable complexity about tariffs, well if you actually sit down and subject all the various tariffs to a critical forensic analysis you’ll find that most of them work out the same with little difference in savings all the way across the various companies. It is true to say that all the company and politician engendered chatter (mainly from the Liberal-Democrats) about the huge savings to be made in ‘switching’ IS A PLAIN MYTH. Just something to keep you busy and hopeful. So pathetically Liberal-Democrat. There really is no value in switching suppliers because their prices are all much the same. They operate as a price fixing cartel courtesy of the Department of Energy for whom they work. No-one on the House of Commons Select Committee asked the monkeys any serious questions about the real value of ‘switching’. They just accepted what they were told because none of them had done any serious homework or produced any figures. They let them get away with various claims and promises throughout.

For anyone watching who could see what was going on it was like taking candy from a baby. Yes, promising to do this and promising to do that… It all revolved around trivialities. Meanwhile the domestic prices of gas and electricity continue to rise year on year at 2 or 3 times the rate of inflation, the pay of senior company executives is on an endless roll and the shareholders are creaming it.

But then, exactly who are these energy companies? Well they’re certainly not producers and they’re certainly not consumers. They actually stand in the middle. They are suppliers. What you might call middlemen. The best description of this Big Six Energy Cartel is that they’re actually brokers. A bit like the company in between you and your insurance company. People in the middle who supply the service at a nice tasty price, or profit if you will. They are, effectively, parasites. Parading like virtuous hard done by people who are only doing their best! Who just can’t help raising your prices!

What a delightful performance they gave on our televisions. Nearly all of them at the mercy of wholesale price rises… in an uncontrolled energy market let it be said. But then let it also be said that Britain is the only country in Europe where an uncontrolled energy market operates. Every other country somehow operates very strict controls over their energy suppliers and markets. Britain is the exception. Perhaps that explains why overseas energy companies like to operate in Britain and indeed control most of the Big Six Energy suppliers here. The Germans are in big and so are the French. Nice work if you can get it on the backs of our poor and our pensioners, with a little bit of help from their oh so friendly Liberal Democrats.

This brings me back to energy monkey in chief, Lib-Dem Secretary of State for Energy, Ed Davey. In and out of the media over the last week. Promising to rein in naughty over-charging energy companies, and get  a grip on their wickedness. Give the public a far better deal. Make switching easier. Make tariffs far more competitive. Introduce a Commission. Oh yes, such a very British Solution! A real live Commission. Actually it means getting a dozen of your mates together, all with titles, OBE’s or other such crap, pay each of them eighty grand a year with three meals a day and as much booze as they can guzzle, and tell them to get out some Report or other after two years when most of them will have died in their sleep anyway and everybody’s forgot who they are. Yes, that’s a Commission! No matter, Ed Davey’s going to set up a Commission. He’ll open the whole market up! There’ll be stacks more competition!

Yes this suddenly energized man had heard the cries of his people. He had climbed the mountain and spoken to God





and so on! Yes, in the last week, with energy making the news and the topic on fire he’s suddenly climbed out of the box where he’s been hiding and proclaimed to an incredulous public that he knows exactly what’s been going on, that he’s now going to make it easier for everyone, that the old, the lame and the sick won’t have to suffer anymore because he’s going to open up the market to competition and that he, Ed Davey, Liberal-Democrat, is going to be the Savior of the Nation this Winter… Sweet Jesus and Hallelujah!

Worst of all however was his appearance on the television program Watchdog being interviewed by Ann Robinson. I watched it with a deepening sense of disgust. No serious or earnest questioning about anything important like his Department employing energy company executives, about the myths of wholesale prices purveyed by the companies, about where he’d been hiding over so many months, about why the so called energy price regulator was never anywhere to be seen let alone heard, challenging energy company price rises, why the British energy market of all those throughout Europe was the only one without regulation.

No, there was nothing like this at all. Only a handful of questions tamely asked about all the usual rubbish… tariffs and switching, competition and the lack of it. It was almost as if they’d got together beforehand to mutually agree the agenda. You could see how easily he dealt with the tame questioning by the grin on his face. Watchdog is supposed to be a consumer affairs program, but when the questioning is rotten the half- truths come only too easy and the Secretary of State was allowed to get away with blue murder.

The Big Six energy companies currently operating a Cartel with the consent of the Tory-Lib Dem Coalition Government are quite frankly a gang of unashamed rascals. Either the Energy Cartel should be broken up soon as possible or else each of these companies should be taken into public ownership. Each nationalized without compensation so that only one gas supply company exists along with one electricity supply company. Each with a single Chief Executive. No more dozens of Chairmen and CEO’s each earning huge salaries and getting dirty big bonus packages. No dozens of Call Centres and useless Customer Service Departments with countless people in each being regularly rude to the public and telling them lies. Just one company for each service as it was back in the days when everything worked fine and there were very few problems.

Be warned you energy rascals. Keep raising your prices and the general public will seriously start talking nationalization!

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