A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 17 November 2013


The main news story of the last week has been about the typhoon that hit the Philippines. Yes, everyone in the country has been lashed by 24/7 gale force coverage via the newspaper and television channels of every tiny detail of death and destruction not to say mayhem! Oh how the journalist media monkeys on unlimited expenses must love a disaster! I mean a really good one. And if you’re a disaster junkie, getting off on cities all busted up, crying kids and jonnies on the spot telling you how it all is than the Philippines was your kind of thing. Every sorry little detail going round and round in your head till your eyeballs were floating. Well if that’s what you get off on don’t worry! There’s plenty more climate calamity out there waiting to happen. Incidentally, Disasters Reporting is a great career for any budding journalist. In this one you got a rundown on every sack of aid and bottle of water all the way down to the last grain of rice, along with each country donating plus all the ships and planes coming in. Yes, you could even venture outdoors, put your fifty pence in a box and feel you were part of the international relief effort!

No doubting it, disasters have got something for everyone. They’re functional for lower middle class Daily Mail readers who watch all the natives on television and think how lucky they are that their house values in Essex won’t be affected and yet maybe, on the downside, that there’ll be millions of them all coming over here looking for jobs and housing! Yes, they’ve all got to be housed, all 11 million of them! In Essex! Then there are all the journalists stirring the pot and reporting it up, the talking Aid Heads, politicians putting on their caring and sharing make-up, the aid mob themselves, the rescue wallahs, the charity brigade and tin shakers. Even the crying kids who love being on camera. Yes, everyone loves a disaster, but also big on the news was the Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference in Ceylon, that’s Sri Lanka to you Godfrey Bloom! The island nation, ethnically divided between Sinhalese and Tamils, recently went through a big  civil war full of full of endless Tamil terrorism. The Sinhalese Government hit back with its army terrorizing the Tamils, killing and torturing many. And David Cameron comes along and sticks his head into it all with Prince Charles acting as dummy, hoping the Government in Colombo that had to terrorize the terrorists in order to defeat them will hear him out, loud and good, when he asks for an enquiry into it all.

Yes, David Cameron, as British Prime Minister representing the supposed center of the Commonwealth, goes to Ceylon with Jon Snow and the Channel Four mob to talk about War Crimes and ask the Government there to investigate. That’s the other big story across all the news media. The shiny faced Dave telling his hosts what’s what with the sallow Jon Snow on his shoulder. Well the Channel Four boys weren’t allowed to go anywhere on the island while Dave was surrounded by police most of the time. Never mind, that’s real public school cheek for you! The ex-Eton boy going on a conference to some foreign country and telling his hosts what to do while the media back home is baying for blood. It’s like some French President coming over to Britain during the IRA campaign of violence and telling the Government over here how to behave!

These are probably the two big things of the week but they are not the stories I want to concentrate on. To my mind there’s some altogether more serious stuff at home. The Philippines and Ceylon may have been battering your head but that’s the pleasure of journalists and their media, and ultimately political masters. For a whole week or more that’s what they wanted to shove down your throat but in all truth what the heck is all that to you? Well the following is my choice of news. Firstly the statement from the National Audit Office that bills for domestic energy customers will rise annually above the level of inflation for the next 17 years because they will be required to pay for the complete renewal of the Big Six cartel’s entire supply infrastructure from pipes to power stations. Secondly, the return of undercover police spying activities. This time at Universities on student groups.

I’ll deal with the gangsters of the Energy Cartel first, a major news story that effects everyone getting drowned out by Philippines, mercifully for the Coalition Government. The National Audit Office staffed by faces none of us know (they might be operating out of the Monkey House of the London Zoo for all we know) was set up the current Government. It’s one of their agencies, and has the blessing of the saintly Clegg, and kind hearted and caring ‘friend of the people’ Secretary of State for Energy Ed Davey… just     as much as its statement about domestic energy customers having to pay for the renewal of the suppliers infrastructure would ALSO have their knowledge and blessing. Why, are you surprised? Did you ever think that either of these Lib-Dem monkeys were virgins? They knew about the whole thing long ago with Ed keeping silent as the grave about the whole thing! After all, he’d worked it all out with executives from the suppliers’ cartel who were working in his Department.

It’s easiest if we consider it like this. Most of the companies that make up the cartel are foreign owned and operate out of overseas tax havens. That means they pay NO TAX over here. Secondly no tax and rocketing energy prices mean fabulous profits for shareholders most of whom are based outside Britain.

NOW HERE’S THE GREAT WHEEZE… WAIT FOR IT… These foreign owned companies registered in overseas tax havens specifically for the purpose of tax avoidance, along with their foreign shareholders expect the energy consuming public over here to pay for the complete renewal of the supply infrastructure for the owners. Pay for a renewed supply infrastructure that is not their property and would not be owned by themselves. NOW WHY SHOULD ORDINARY CUSTOMERS WANT TO DO THAT? INDEED, WHY SHOULD THEY HAVE TO DO THAT OR BE MADE TO DO THAT? They won’t own what they’re  paying for! That’s the real cheek of it! They’re not only paying a rocketing price for the gas and electricity they use but are now being asked to pay for its delivery. Pay for a huge increase in the capital value of the energy companies that they themselves do not and will never own. This is something that Davey and Clegg must have known about, SO WHY THE SILENCE? Why Ed, I thought you were in politics to help people. Help those hard pressed people deal with their energy bills. Isn’t that what you’ve always claimed, as the man who always looks so concerned on everyone’s behalf!

Well Ed? The statement from the National Audit Office is almost a week old and we haven’t heard a word from you about all of this. You’ve stayed silent as the grave you naughty boy. But then that’s Liberal Democrats for you. Politically they’re absolute rascals!

So this is what’s good then for Liberal Democrats. That the Big Six Cartel of Energy Suppliers set up under their guidance, most of whom are foreign owned and registered in overseas tax havens so that they have no UK tax liability, all of them making fabulous profits on the backs of domestic customers over here, ARE NOW PROPOSING THAT THE BRITISH PUBLIC PAY FOR THEIR CAPITAL RENEWAL! It’s as nasty as staff bureaus employing contract workers demanding that they pay them a fee to receive their own salary, or oil terminal workers on the Clyde being told that they have to take a salary cut to pay for the capital renewal of their employers business. To summarize, it’s fast becoming a case of workers coming under attack from employers literally blackmailing them about their jobs or consumers likewise from energy suppliers who make it possible for them to cook, wash and keep warm. Forget the huge profits of these supply companies or the fact that they avoid paying tax. Theirs is an attack on ordinary people supported by the Liberal Democrats so let’s have no friendly concern out of you people, thank you very much.

We all know now that your job in Government is really to facilitate all this attack on behalf of the Tories. That’s the real truth. And now it’s also possible to know who’ll help facilitate all of this. Help deal with any protest, demonstration or opposition to your nasty covert intentions. WHY, IT’S THE UNDERCOVER POLICE! UP TO THEIR TRICKS ALL OVER AGAIN! They’ll help deal with any public protest for you, whether its workers or students, those with jobs or those unemployed.

This is a main news story of The Guardian and rightly so. Not content with having recently infiltrated national protest groups with undercover agents, gaining the confidence of activists, having sex with women members and in general shamelessly betraying the trust given them as well as affection, are continuing with this kind of conduct all over again. They’ve spied on and cynically betrayed decent but naïve people once and got away with it without being punished so naturally they’re engaging in such practices all over again. If they can’t join the groups they’re interested in, they are shamelessly and cynically asking people to spy on their friends. The Police Undercover Unit is dirty and cynical, that we know, but then so are their political masters. If Government is currently engaged in an attack on the poor and unemployed then it will need to deal with protest against their actions and conduct. The security agencies lead the way in this, particularly MI5. The police undercover boys however do the work on the street. Doughboys of dirt you might say.

Let’s take a look at what they’ve been up to. Again it’s a virtually unreported story that in real terms will affect far more people in Britain than a typhoon ten thousand miles away. That’s because everything that the police do over here now that’s political affects people in a bad way. They were never supposed to get involved in politics but here they are. Up to their necks, beginning from the time they helped break the Miner’s Strike. The well documented front page story in the Guardian of November 15 tells how a young political activist in Cambridge with many student friends, though not at the University himself, was approached by a member of a police covert unit and promised rewards for information about their political activities. What was requested was “student union type stuff,” naming students engaging in protest, listing vehicles they proposed travelling in to demonstrations and identifying leading members. The targets of such surveillance were to be UK Uncut (which runs a campaign against tax avoidance and government cuts)  Cambridge Defend Education (which has protested against student tuition fees and education cuts) and Unite Against Fascism.

Police spying on Anti-Fascist organizations is perhaps the most sinister activity of all. Firstly what do the police want this information for? Do they propose handing any information they gather about plans for anti-fascist protest over to fascist organizations which would mean that they’re effectively working for them. This is an exceedingly serious matter and should be of immediate concern to the Jewish Community in Britain for very obvious reasons. The same spying activities by police on Jewish or Anti-Fascist organizations took place throughout Europe during the 1920’s. Information was fed by police forces to fascist groups and eventually the Nazis which led to the arrest and deaths of many Jews and political activists and quite frankly there is nothing to say that it couldn’t happen here. Apart from this, police spying on protest groups campaigning for plain political fairness and justice is quite frankly appalling. Protest and demonstration in this country is not illegal and students or whoever else have a right to do this for causes they believe in, not be spied upon and then questioned, intimidated, have their vehicles stopped and ultimately find themselves being rounded up as has certainly happened in the past.

In the case of police having a spying interest in Anti-Fascist organizations this is understandable enough. Such organizations are invariable anti-racist and the police as is well known have been declared an  institutionally racist organisation. However many individual members almost certainly hold pro-fascist views, something common to police throughout 1930’s Britain and Europe. An example of this today would be police membership of the Nazi Golden Dawn Party in Greece and the support they give it. So the question is a very fair one. Why are undercover police interested in the activities of anti-fascist students and organizations unless it is for politically dangerous and sinister reasons. In fact, more generally, why do the police want to spy on and gain information about students or other ordinary people engaged in political protest activity at all? And who indeed are they doing it for?

As for the attempt to recruit an activist in Cambridge, him going to meetings of organizations like UK Uncut and reporting back, the man told his story to the Guardian who fitted him out with a concealed camera and let him go back to the would be covert police sleuth for further discussion. And there it all was. The undercover political policeman wanting to know about anti-fascist activities and for information holding out a bait of his own,

“You might go to a UK Uncut or Unite Against Fascism meeting one evening, you might get say £30.”

Thirty pounds! For doing such a dirty thing as betraying your friends and causes that are decent. This, I think, tells us everything. Everything about what kind of people they are. Something that should make us realise who is decent and who is not. Make us realise who we are, and whose side we should be on.

These are the stories that I think are important this week. The real question in Britain today is, who cares? Who cares when it’s far easier to give money to disaster causes than think, about how very precious our freedoms are and how important it is to be vigilant.

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