A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Saturday 23 May 2015


The title of this Post is meant to convey something of the flavor of the Liberal Democrats who controlled the council in Bath and whose Member of Parliament represented the City over many years. The things that I describe below perhaps a microcosm for the conduct of Liberal Democrat administration throughout the many cities and councils where they’d formerly had control and received such a thrashing from an angry and deeply disenchanted public in the recent General and Council Elections. 

Previously Don Foster had held the Parliamentary seat for the Liberal Democrats with a majority of over 12,000 while his Party had controlled Bath and North East Somerset council with another handsome majority. In the recent elections the Conservatives blew away hopes a new Lib-Dem candidate with a swing of 15,000 plus votes and took control of the Council with many Lib-Dem councilors losing what they once thought was political office for life. Throughout the whole area the voters gave them a massive thumbs down. It wasn’t a bit of pinprick disgust here and there. The electorate turned their backs on them wholesale so let’s take a look why.

There were many policy issues in recent years that taken together caused deep disenchantment and despite Liberal Democrat seemingly do-good intentions began to smell of serious arrogance. Their councilors took on an air of aloofness to various public concerns. They simply appeared to be unable to listen. Understand the nature of public disquiet. In recent years, as part of a so-called money saving exercise, they began closing the great majority of public toilets in the City of Bath and throughout smaller towns in the area, doing it without any form of public consultation. They simply didn’t think to ask anyone. It never entered their heads that large numbers of people who might be disabled or had urgent medical reasons for needing to use them would be seriously disadvantaged. Instead they privatized their use, handing out the contract for servicing them to a company who’d charge them for use and if you didn’t have the right coin with you at the time wherever you were you could be in serious trouble.

This may seem a small thing only it wasn’t. It created genuine inconvenience to many people disadvantaged by age or medical reasons. No consultation, no consideration of a very personal interest. To save money employing their own maintenance staff they simply closed or privatized toilets and too bad about that. It was a similar situation in the Council’s hiring out of public spaces and amenities for private use to make extra cash. Parks and Gardens were given over to private events from which the local public was forcibly excluded by private stewards on gates or the fencing off of spaces in parks. Those who’d paid money for their upkeep out of their rates were kept out with all the unpleasant arrogance of private property. Kept away and kept out with their pleasure in being able to use what they’d rightly thought of as being a civic amenity available for their use now taken away. It went down badly with people and stank.

One of the worst assaults on public sentiment however was the extraordinary Liberal Democrat policy of extensive long term road-works both within the City and many other small towns in the area and here let me say immediately that my use of the word extensive is no exaggeration. The Council took a decision to kind of modernize and make kind of pedestrian friendly a vast swathe of the main London Road leading east out of the City while at the same time adopting the same style for a main route leading south-east towards Bristol. Contracts were awarded for these ‘improvement’ schemes to the same company which alas, in the early stages of works announced it was bankrupt leaving huge swathes of uncompleted works and chaos in crucial areas of road traffic movement. Most unfortunately it seemed, the road works arm of the company had transferred most of it assets to other areas of business leaving it unable to complete the huge program it had signed up for. These now incomplete schemes left the transportation system of the City in a diabolical mess with gigantic traffic queues endlessly clogging up the City throughout the day and Council seemingly unable to rectify the situation. Excuse me… Don’t blame us for it all!

The fury of the motoring public of Bath knew no bounds, particularly when, immediately prior to the elections, the Liberal Democrats published a leaflet saying how well they’d done with local road traffic improvement schemes, promising many more and especially infuriating, guaranteeing they’d turn crucial areas of road space over to cyclists, naturally saying nothing of course about how their schemes of recent years had completely stuffed up road traffic in the City. The leaflet, showing the grinning face of the Council Leader along with a photo of the new Lib-Dem Parliamentary candidate with the arm of the former MP round his shoulder was like waving a giant red rag to a bull. Motorists throughout the City were infuriated, particularly when for the last six months there’d been little sign that the works would be completed. Both areas mentioned above resemble gigantic coned off drilled out building sites with great quantities of material strewn just about everywhere. In the London road, amazingly, completed works show a vast extension of pavement area for pedestrians and a serious narrowing of the roadway from four lanes down to two and furthermore the works having been completed at one end have now extended east towards the City! More interesting than anything perhaps in respect of these works is that for months on end while negotiations between the Council and the ex-company dragged on, no constructions workers were to be seen anywhere doing anything to the palpable fury of tens of thousands of motorists.

On election day then with the Liberal Democrat controlled Council trumpeting its pride as responsible custodians of the City’s road traffic, its inhabitants saw fit to tell many of its councilors exactly where they could stick it!

In this respect I have my own small contribution to make. Interested in the fact that for many years the Council Health and Safety Department has allowed various Polish shops within its area of control to sell perishable meat, fish and dairy products without labels in English stating their content, sell by date or storage instruction, this being a criminal offence, I decided to make an enquiry and telephone a Liberal Democrat councilor whom I thought might provide some advice. After a brief conversation my enquiry was brought to a halt by the good lady’s insistence that I address her as COUNCILOR… Councilor this and councilor that but insistently and most definitely as COUNCILOR in a splendid, entirely unselfconscious manner. I didn’t pursue the enquiry with her but noted that in the elections the public had booted her out on her arse!

In Bath and North East Somerset, with its toilet closures and road-works the Liberal Democrat Council had literally pissed all over the people, and with the elections my friends the people had actually pissed back all over you! It wasn’t an accident. That’s what you got for your stupidity and arrogance!

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