A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Saturday 23 May 2015


Quite frankly it’s a waste of time saying that from 1997 to 2007 New Labour was the Party of uncontrolled mass immigration, mainly from Pakistan and Bangladesh. A waste of time because if you didn’t already know you must have spent your time living on the Space Station. At much the same time and on to 2010 it was likewise the Party of uncontrollable mass immigration from Poland and elsewhere in East Europe. Uncontrollable because EU policy on the free movement of labor throughout Europe demanded it and British Labour politicians were hot to bring down the price of labor in this country and make it cheap as they could.

Throughout this period Blair and Brown had the full support of the Liberal Democrats to make the British labor market cheap as they could and supposedly competitive, never mind that it was against the policy of the Trades Union movement and took away millions of jobs from British workers. In doing so it was met with the politically orchestrated and well rehearsed lie that British workers were lazy and didn’t want to do the jobs that immigrants were taking. Nothing was further from the truth. It was just another way of creating a false image to denigrate British workers so as to justify the ever increasing cheapening of labor in Britain. Employers organizations along with politicians and their friends in the media joining together to tarnish working people with the same dirty brush as a precursor to making them face the unemployed of East Europe ready and willing to work for half rates of pay and send taxpayer funded benefits back home in Romania and Poland.

From 2010 however and a new Tory led Coalition Government there was going to be a new game plan. Cross his heart and hope to die David Cameron was going to control and bring down mass immigration. If he hadn’t sworn on his mother’s life, British people were assured he’d be doing his best. A bit like the boy scouts! Of course, don’t you know, nothing happened. The story put out and making the rounds was that he was kind of hamstrung by the Liberal Democrat Coalition partners he was sleeping with and alas at the mercy of European Union free movement of labor regulations. So sorry… so very sorry, there was little to nothing he could do! It was like a joke regularly making the rounds. Prime Minister Cameron’s hands tied. Nothing he could do about the endless flood coming in but from the point of view of the public those working at points of entry supposedly policed by the Border Control Agency were just waving them through!

Day after day after day… Waving them through with a smile without checking their pieces of paper. Millions of immigrants who knew all too well what lay ahead! No need to make up any excuses that they were facing severe persecution from Mongolia to Manhattan, not any more. If they’d come from the Philippines looking for work with a nursing qualification printed in Xerox Alley, no problem. They could get a job killing patients in NHS hospitals somewhere up north! Never mind. Salvation was at hand. Tory Prime Minister Cameron had promised to check the flood and after his election victory of 2015, with any Liberal Democrat obstacle to immigration control ditched he could go sailing ahead. He’d carry on the good work at the border controls. Keeping promises!

Suddenly mid-May the already well known truth struck home. Despite all those promises, immigration into the UK had just about doubled in the last 12 month period! Three hundred and eighteen thousand new immigrant arrivals over emigrant departures in 12 short months! Sounds bad but don’t you worry, BBC News has already been busy justifying it all with their carefully selected expert opinion, same as they get their Islamic terrorist friendly experts to comment on the latest murderous atrocity.

Oh dear, oh dear! Poor David Cameron! His immigration control pledges and promises all torn to shreds. and not worth a stuff! And there’s poor Mother Teresa at the Home Office, her face more lipsticked and contorted than ever somehow trying to justify the rat-shit statistic. But wait for it, time for a speech. Dear David promising to make things good soon at the EU. He’ll control benefits… confiscate wages paid to illegal immigrants… have stricter checks on those coming in. Yes, he’ll tell them all in the EU what Britain wants. After all, he’s just been re-elected! He’ll tell them all what he’s going to do or else he’ll reconsider our membership!

Yes, we’ve all just heard the promise he made on television. He’ll act to control benefits, control the wages paid to illegal immigrants working in Britain of which according to the BBC there’s just a few hundred, joke joke! Yes, in the light of those shocking figures he’s sounded the bugle… he’s going to act! Can you see a picture of him in your mind’s eye, wearing a hard hat somewhere up north munching on a stale sausage roll! It’s his version of Churchill’s fight them on the beaches stuff only unlike the war leader it’s simply plain bollocks. The uncontrollable immigration forced on Britain by the EU is one thing, but what about the unchecked and welcomed hundred and fifty thousand or more coming in from every patch of shit over the globe?

Besides, did you see him at the summit of EU leaders in Latvia? He was going to tell them exactly what reforms Britain was insisting on regarding immigration. You only needed to see some of their faces to know that they thought he was having a bit of a laugh!

In a way it’s a bit like getting on a first class intercity bus travelling in India. You pay for 4 seats. You, your wife and two extra for baggage so you won’t have 10 people sitting on top of you! Well the journey starts fine. Every legitimate seat taken but then at the first stop a lot of other people get on and the gangway is packed. Next stop the people who occupied the gangway are now sitting on the floor with people standing on them! Two stops later the driver’s compartment is packed to the rafters. Okay, the journey continues. By the time you’ve passed through another two stops there are twenty people up on the roof. Well that’s alright, it’s a bit like the EU. But then suddenly things begin to get serious. At the next stop there’s a new influx. Out of the blue there are three people sitting tight next to you and a fourth with her body perched on your lap and holding a baby. And even worse it’s the same for your wife! Well at least all your luggage is safe… or so you thought. The last influx has picked it up off the seats and put it on their knees, so the four seat space you’d booked and paid for is now occupied by ten people or more with two or three trying to sit on yours truly! And furthermore the baby’s arse is all shitty! But never mind, it’s all okay, you’re British and a liberal democrat!

This story will be familiar to anyone who’s travelled by a first class Intercity bus in India but it’s not as far -fetched at it might seem. Britain is a small island. Its population has grown by ten million in forty years most of whom never spoke English. Ten million people whose cultures, values and religion are fundamentally alien to ours and who’ve made little effort to integrate into the wider British society but prefer to keep themselves to themselves. The influx may be great from an employer’s perspective of creating a dirt cheap labor economy but from a historical point of view of maintaining traditional British values and a culture traditional to this island it signals a serious threat. Immigration has proved useful in the past bringing with it new ideas, new skills and new cultural characteristics. Today however, with a notion of Britain being multicultural forced on its indigenous British population by politically motivated ethnic politicians among others and a deeply misguided liberalism, mass immigration has become a very real danger to all the good things that have formed part of our island’s heritage. That’s the truth of the matter whether you like it or not.

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