A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 9 November 2014


Okay, I want you to think hard. I mean really hard and see if you can name any person in public life who you could describe as good. I mean a really good decent human being? I’m not talking about someone you  personally know like a friend or acquaintance who’s quietly done many fine things for others and made their lives so much better. No, I’m not talking about someone who’s done these things quietly, privately and unknown. Someone that many of you out there just happen to know and are aware of all the good things they’ve done for others in their lives, unheralded and without thinking too much of it or themselves. No, I’m talking about someone who may best be described as a public figure. Whose decency and humanitarian deeds are known to us all one way or another through the media. A public figure. Someone we can all point to as a shining example of genuinely decent humanitarian behaviour.

What I’m asking here is whether can you think of anyone like that A fine man or woman who’s long been in the news. Okay, maybe someone from the world of politics, entertainment  or sport. Maybe from the world of work, or industry and finance? Some philanthropist or other? In fact anyone! Anyone at all who hasn’t got some dirty secret stuffed away in their shoe that some journalist might dig up and expose to all the world for being a plain dirty rat underneath all their do-gooding. Okay then, so can you think of any public figure who you could turn round and say was truly virtuous and decent?

Well I’m still waiting! What, no-one! Not even some politician somewhere who’s not crawling up his Party leader’s backside or believes somewhere in his head that he’s in it because he really thinks he can make a real difference. Well come on… come out here and name someone and give us all a laugh.

Well the public may know a few. People like Labour MP John Mann, who’s done some fine and honorable things in his time and there may be others elsewhere but truth is, these solitary figures are nowhere near any of the levers of power and neither are they’re allowed anywhere near them by their party hierarchy. Can’t have any of that sort of stuff! I mean people doing really important things for the masses or those who are needy! Making the lives of millions of people so much better. I mean what kind of place do you think this is mate, a charity? Okay, so forget about 99.99% percent of politicians anywhere in the world. They’re just professional liars or worse. People who started out with honorable intentions then sold out on everything they believed in mainly because they bought into some story whispered in their ear… if you really want to make a difference and change things my friend then you’ve got to compromise and work with the guys at the top… And so they do and next thing you know they’ve sold out on their principles, done the dirty on millions and retired to a nice little farm in the country.

One of the worst case stories in this regard and such examples are endless is that of Cyril Ramaphosa, leader of the South African Mineworkers Union who early on in his career fought for his workers then after apartheid ended was given a directorship in one of the big mining houses and became Deputy President of the ANC so when the South African police shot and killed dozens of striking mineworkers a few years ago he was there helping them along on behalf of the company!

No, decent public figures are like hens teeth the world over but they can still be found. I’d like to nominate two for my category of THE GOOD… One is the President of Uruguay Jose Mujica known generally to the people of that country as Pepe and commonly acknowledged as the poorest President in the world. He lives on a small ramshackle farm that belongs to his wife off a dirt road outside the capital Montevideo where they grow flowers together. Laundry is strung on a line outside their small house, their water comes from a well full of weeds in the yard and there are only two policeman on guard. As is well known he gives away 90% of his monthly salary of around £7,500 to charity and refuses to live in any kind of state palace. Now can you imagine ANY politician in Europe or America doing this, let alone any party leader? I mean, can you imagine any Labour leader living in a council house and working an allotment let alone any Tory?

My second nomination for a single public figure who’s done a great and good thing is the American Edward Snowden, now forced to live permanently in Russia. The thing he’s done for the people of the world, for everyone no matter who they are, is to let them know that they’re all being spied on one way or another by the intelligence agencies of the United States and Britain. That it’s not just a matter of governments spying on each other world-wide or their military doing the same. I mean the usual thing with the Americans spying on the Russians and vice-versa. No, this goes much wider than politicians or the military or industrial and commercial secrets. What I’m talking about here is EVERYONE being spied on. Just about all of us! Now that’s something new altogether.

Edward Snowden, who used to work for various American government and commercial spying agencies has revealed to everyone across the globe whether political leaders, corporate figureheads or just you and me that they’re all being spied on! And I’m not talking about any justification here like doing it for national security purposes or the prevention of terrorism, things that are indeed undoubtedly justified. No, what Snowden’s revealed is a total blanket invasion of personal privacy along with its methods, targets and perpetrators operating within national state security services. What he’s exposed is a huge world-wide dark web of secret intrusion into the personal lives of people across the whole planet. People who might have thought they were simply of no interest to anyone are uncannily on record as being persons of potential interest. And here we’re talking of databases of billions of people.

For his action in exposing these facts Edward Snowden earned the condemnation of the entire British and American political and civilian administration. So why was that? Why didn’t this narrow band of British and American secret society want us to know that they had the ability to check all of us out on a regular basis? Was it simply a lack of faith or trust in everyone all over the planet?

So now you know and such knowledge can’t be undone. That is the power of Edward Snowden’s revelation and the reason why the American Justice Department is so deadly keen to get their hands on him and dispense their own kind of justice somewhere in secret to someone who’s revealed a great truth. And if they are so incensed by his deed which they of course regard as a betrayal  it’s because he’s revealed their fundamental and deep lack of trust for those elected politicians who allow it to happen. Who are supposed to serve the people’s interest, not their own.

The rarity of individual GOOD aside, the real Good in our society are the hundreds of thousands of people who work for the NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE whether as doctors, nurses or ambulance drivers, cooking and cleaning staff, porters or anyone else who does a caring day’s work. All of these together make up a collective force of THE GOOD. They are the people who one way or another help to make the health of people in our society better and improve their wellbeing. And there is the wonder of it all really. These  people who do this good thing do it for little reward and are badly treated by those who could if they wanted reward them far better. I refer to the elected Members of Parliament many of whom cheat the public in falsifying their expenses claims. These politicians who treat THE GOOD so badly with a one percent or less annual pay rise are themselves famous for fraudulently claiming expenses from the public purse.

Who then are these people who habitually treat this slim strata of THE GOOD in our society so badly? Who claim there is no additional Government money to give them when they hand the banks billions of pounds for shoring up their finances and ensuring that their already wealthy investment jockeys receive great sums of public money as a reward for doing nothing. Why are such people and institutions so rewarded when THE GOOD in our society are told that there’s absolutely no money for them? Who then are they who are preferred and rewarded? Are they the good and decent people in our society who help save lives and help make us well, or are they part of what may best be described as THE UGLY?

So far I have gone some way towards establishing and identifying THE GOOD. This done I now turn my attention to THE BAD. Who are those we can say are the really bad people in life? Please, I’m not just talking about your nightmare neighbor from hell and goodness only knows, everyone seems to have one living next to them these days especially if you’re from Essex. I mean if it’s not his pit bull poodle pissing on your flowers after sneaking in under a fence it’s their cat having a shit on your hand crafted cabbages. But then I’m not talking about handfuls of minor nasties here and there. The kind of underclass beauties you see on the Jeremy Kyle show or the jerk-offs who screw a living out of politics or working in finance which simply put means lying to and cheating the general public. No, I’m not talking about the little league BADDIES like the Government that hacks into your savings and gives you a shit pension or the criminals from East Europe and the Baltic States who do likewise to your banking details and credit cards.


That said, come take a trip with me to Mexico! Ah Mexico! Sounds all romantic doesn’t it? Well Mexico is now governed by something that used to be like an old socialist party. Believed in fairness and justice for the poor. That kind of thing. Now it’s all different. The old party’s still there and a President rules, but to help him do it Governors are elected for all Mexico’s various states and in each of the States there are towns and cities which have elected Mayors and local politicians round them. And in all these little towns and cities there’s a local police chief with all his friends round him too and once upon a time everything was happy and easy. You slept in the afternoon then got drunk and made romance in the evening. Alas, the oil and mineral rich economy that could have created prosperity for everyone never really got going.

So what you have instead is a country sandwiched between Colombia to the south, the drug producing epicenter of the planet and the United States of America, its main consumer market, to the north. In time the States of Northern Mexico became key in the drugs transit trade. First the drugs cartel gangsters bought the politicians, from Governors down to Mayors with the huge profits from the trade. The politicians then bought the police and other law enforcement agencies. In short the drugs cartel gangsters placed the control of the drugs transit trade ultimately in the hands of the politicians and the police. Now forget about these gangsters shooting and killing each other all over the place in what are described as turf wars. These killers are of no loss to anyone. Recently however things have changed.

Hundreds of thousands of people all over Mexico, revolted by what the gangsters are doing have begun fighting back. And so too have the gangster friendly police and politicians! Leading the fight against the vile drugs trade that has destroyed the lives of so many of their fellow Mexicans are Mexico’s students. A few months back a large party of them, 45 in all, travelled to Iguala, a town in the northern state of Guerrero to join a major anti-drugs demonstration. Prior to their arrival the Governor had been alerted and notified the town Mayor that they were coming to demonstrate. Such an event was likely to cause a bit of a  problem so the politicians decided to act. The Mayor contacted the Chief of Police who got together with his best officers and sensibly decided how to deal with the problem. Why not let their friends handle it? Why not indeed? When the students arrived the police rounded them up in their cars and took them away for safekeeping. To places where their friendly gangsters were waiting. After that the 45 students disappeared.

Days and weeks passed and none were heard from again. Families, parents and Universities began making enquiries until suddenly things became serious. Mexico’s President, politicians and lawmakers began getting involved! The Governor of the State was asked questions, then the town Mayor, then the Chief of Police. They in turn all disappeared after which the Federal Police were called in and large numbers of gangsters arrested. Some talked. All 45 students handed over to the gangsters by the police were murdered. Many choked to death, many just shot. All of them buried in dirt graves by the road. Meanwhile the Mayor and the Police Chief along with their wives are still hiding out. Enough said. That’s what I call THE BAD.

One other example of the seriously BAD has emerged from Latvia in the last week. Latvia’s one of the Baltic States many of whose citizens collaborated with the Nazis in perpetrating atrocities against civilians in the Second World War. Indeed, what astonished the Germans when they arrived was that so many Latvians, along with Lithuanians, volunteered to perpetrate and participate in these atrocities without having to be asked! Indeed in major towns and cities of these countries local police squads were busily occupied rounding up Jews or anyone else the Germans wanted to murder and interestingly enough, in Latvia today, former Latvian members of the Nazi SS receive a wartime pension from the Government for such services.

The really nasty news however has to do with a play now being performed in the capital Riga glamorizing the life of Herberts Cukurs a Latvian aviator and member of the notorious Arajs Kommando unit responsible for the mass murder of tens of thousands of Latvian Jews. He’d been actively present at the clearing of the Riga Jewish Ghetto and personally committed many atrocities there. He’d also assisted in the burning of a synagogue on Stabu Street, Riga, dragging many Jews out of neighboring houses and locking them inside the building before shooting them with his revolver after they’d broken windows trying to escape the smoke. Added to this is his active presence at the death pits of Rumbula with other members of the Arajs police Kommando where close to eleven thousand Jews were murdered.

After the War this fiend walked into Germany disguised as a soldier then escaped to Brazil via France. Soon he had a successful business career going, never trying to hide his identity. In 1965 he was lured to the Uruguay by the Israeli Mossad and assassinated in Montevideo  in February 1965. Since his timely death various attempts have been made in Latvia to rehabilitate this mass murderer as a national hero. The play now on glamorizing his life is one further Neo-Nazi effort which the current Latvian Government justify in the name of free speech.

In contradistinction to those whose activities justify them being called  THE GOOD, people like this and the murdering drug gangsters of Mexico justify being labelled plain BAD along with those who seek to glamorize their evil. They are all, to my mind, THE BAD…

THE UGLY however are another story and for some reason my thoughts keep drifting to the perpetually grinning or scowling face of Ed Miliband. There’s something unnatural about it. About the grins anyway. It’s like they’re contrived. Desperately over the top. A mad Miliband grin that always appears in times of adversity. Something purposeful, as if to say, no there’s nothing wrong at all mate. Everything in the garden is lovely, except you know that it’s not and it’s something put on because someone’s been gunning for him. In short he’s putting it on. Showing that absolutely nothing is getting to him! Trouble is it just isn’t working and everyone can that it’s plain artificial. In its own way plain UGLY, a bit like Gordon Brown trying to smile!

Well that’s really something! What, Gordon Brown jovial? A Merry Man? Please, pull the other one! The very idea is absurd. Something that doesn’t come natural. Something he just doesn’t mean. In fact he doesn’t really like you at all. Doesn’t like having to justify himself to a plain little shit like you. That’s not a spontaneous warmth in his face, more like an underlying distaste.

The smiles of both men are forced. Neither are naturally at ease with themselves and Gordon Brown in particular is clearly ill at ease with himself in public. It’s a very noticeable existential clash and a really bad birthmark for any public figure, especially a politician. Despite this, the man has done pretty well for himself and if the public have noticed it they haven’t reacted. Not even when his deeply flawed economic policies caused such catastrophic collapse in most people’s fortunes as well as that of the nation!

Gordon Brown’s ugliness is that he’s never thought his political actions were wrong. Perhaps he simply doesn’t have the mechanism to be self-critical. He’s undoubtedly responsible for causing a great economic catastrophe that’s inflicted such damage to the lives of so many people yet he simply won’t acknowledge the fact. Ed Miliband’s ugliness is possibly more serious. Though from a Jewish background, his Judaism has been a real problem for him, particularly with regard to his relationship to Israel. To an extent this has been conditioned by his fiendishly pro-Palestinian mother, a notorious enemy of the Jewish State. Dave Miliband, Ed’s older brother revealed her influence when as British Foreign Secretary, he showed his hostility by imposing export embargoes on certain trade areas between the two countries. Ed on the other hand, as current leader of the Labour Party has recently linked it to supporting the creation of a Palestinian State. What this effectively means is supporting a Palestinian leadership committed to terrorist acts and atrocities against Jewish men, women and children, not only in Israel but everywhere else. This is particularly true of the Fundamentalist Islamic movement Hamas which does not recognised Israel and has vowed to destroy it. These terrorists who politically control Gaza and recently rejoiced in the murder of a three month old Israeli child seek to form the leadership of Ed’s desired Palestinian State.

By committing the Labour Party to support for a Palestinian State run by Islamic terrorists and achieved through terrorist means is the worst kind of ugliness imaginable. These terrorists are not only completely hostile to socialism they are totally intolerant religious fundamentalists, yet Ed Miliband has committed the Labour Party to supporting these people against the existence of the democratic Jewish State. For my part I can think of few things more Ugly than this.

Equally depressing however is that this gormless individual, seemingly bereft of any political outlook or wisdom, is fast running his Party into the ground by his total lack of leadership on most of the important economic and political issues of the day. He has consistently refused to acknowledge the fact that the current great economic crisis the country finds itself in was directly caused by the policies of the previous Labour Government in which he served and therefore bears responsibility for them. He furthermore refuses to commit himself when and if elected to office in 2015, to radically improving the lives of the neediest people in our society, the working people and poor. He refuses to lay down any policy to tackle uncontrolled immigration and unreservedly supports Britain’s continuing membership of the EU. Perhaps this is why the vast majority of people in the United Kingdom have no confidence in his political leadership. He’s barely a social democrat let alone a socialist. In fact, truth to tell, he simply doesn’t seem to be anything at all.

There are just two things about this UGLY personage that stand out in memory. Firstly his ludicrous grin. Secondly, that in the best tradition of Labour Party leaders all the way back to the beginning he doesn’t talk about the working people or poor. The very people that the Labour Party are supposed to represent. What he does talk about however, in best tradition of Labour leaders is the country, or the nation. In this he’s exactly the same as the Tories. How very patriotic of you Ed! To so many British people now, along with Nick Clegg, you represent THE UGLY face of British political life. Not Nigel Farage but you!

Nick Clegg is indeed dreadful. You Ed Miliband ARE THE UGLY. You don’t even make a good political pistolero. Your ugliness lies in your simple plain awfulness.





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