A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 15 November 2014


Hey, wait a minute, did I say lands? Well actually it kind of fell onto the surface then bounced a kilometre back into space before being pulled back down by gravity and falling on its side into a dark crevice next to a rock face where no sunlight can get to power the battery. Result, no battery, no program of science experiments no nothing! Now this occurrence don’t you know is being hailed as a fabulous and stupefying achievement by mission scientists at the European Space Agency! When they got a radio signal that it had initially touched down it was ear to ear grins, hi-fives and everybody kissing and hugging. It was described as a miracle and a first. A major achievement in all manner of things. Now a couple of days later the whole thing’s close to being a dead duck.

If none of the science experiments that took twenty years in the making work then what’s the point? But never mind. The scientists high on their own bullshit have desperately looked round and come up with something they think they can crow about. Well at least it got there! Having followed the comet or whatever they think it is through space over millions of miles they manoeuvred the probe into orbit then successfully detached a small landing craft. Yes, that was indeed an achievement but it was only a small part of the mission which was to land, conduct scientific experiments and send back data. And so far it’s done little to nothing except kind of crash!

Let’s start from the beginning. The European Space Agency Mission to land a vehicle on a Russian named piece of space debris took twenty years to put together. Twenty years of carefully planned space engineering science which gave employment to hundreds of scientists, technicians, engineers and administrators at a very considerable cost. These people weren’t GCSE candidates, they were supposedly experts. The vehicle that was supposed to land on the fast moving body whose surface surprisingly turned out not to be ice at all was constructed in the UK by a company which specializes in turning out space satellites. Trouble is, satellites travel in space. They’re not supposed to land on fast moving low gravity bodies and attach themselves to surfaces of unknown composition. Given the extreme difficulty of achieving this one might have thought that the primary task of its designers would be to find an absolutely fail safe way of achieving a permanent fixed anchorage. Instead they came up with what can best be described as a Heath-Robinson solution, that of firing harpoons from the landing craft’s feet into the surface in the hope of gaining a firm attachment.

What happened we are told is that the harpoons didn’t work. They either failed to fire or failed to penetrate the surface material. Which they haven’t told us. Success here was crucial for getting the craft to stay on the surface after it landed. Given this failure one needs to ask a number of questions. First, was the firing mechanism repeatedly tested during the lengthy period of the landing craft’s construction? Secondly was it tested on a wide variety of surfaces of different hardness and density? This being an absolute requirement in the scientific preparation for achieving the all-important successful anchorage. As things turned out this wasn’t achieved and the landing craft bounced off. So before the Mission scientists made with the self-congratulation and high fives maybe it was something they should have first and foremost tied down!

But now they’re saying it was simply bad luck! What, after all those years of preparation at considerable taxpayers’ expense these so called space scientists are saying it was bad luck that when the craft came back down after its initial bounce, the details of which were at first coyly hidden by Mission Control, somewhere they hadn’t intended. Furthermore it was lying on its side in a crevice next to a cliff in shadow, somewhere its solar powered batteries wouldn’t work because no sunlight could get to them. Oh dear, oh dear… It doesn’t sound like science to me. More like some place where politicians go to get their excuses for fuckups.

Actually it’s all fairly straightforward. In order to achieve any science at all the craft had to successfully land somewhere on the rock in sunlight for its batteries to work. That came first above everything. From there came the science, the real objective of the Mission. Now the jokers at the European Space Agency in Germany are saying that the real goal was to get the Orbiter to keep pace with the rock and get into orbit round it. Well yes, that was for starters but it wasn’t the fundamental purpose of the Mission. First, orbit had to be achieved then a successful landing only after which the Mission could really get moving. Well it didn’t and part of the fiasco is not just that it failed but the fact that the scientists and administrators involved have been treating the taxpaying public who funded their work with disrespect by continually spewing out half-truths and bullshit.

You numpties failed, so please don’t keep making excuses and trying to tell us you didn’t. You had twenty years to put it together and billions of euros and you fell at the second or third crucial hurdle. If everything depended on achieving permanent touchdown then why didn’t you nail it? The harpoons failed to fire… Now what kind of rubbish is that? When were they supposed to fire? Was it when sensors in the lander feet were instantly activated by the immediate proximity of hard surface? If so why did they fail to penetrate that surface and finally what process was used to exert downward force in close to zero gravity conditions?

There is alas another way of looking at things. The Lander was put together in the UK. Trouble is, while we were once great designers, builders and engineers, that was a long time ago. Since Thatcher and Blair did away with much of our industrial and manufacturing sectors we’ve become a nation given over to other things like financial services and cheap labour service occupations with consumerism and a bit of history and heritage chucked in. Sorry to sound a cynical note but what we’re good at doing in the UK these days is Remembrance, Heritage and Swindling which in our cheap labour GCSE economy means zero hours contracts, tax dodging galore by the rich, the labour of our youth being grossly exploited and demeaning. These are the things that characterize the world of work today for many British people, not scientific and technical excellence, so a space vehicle lander that doesn’t actually land isn’t much of a surprise!

In Britain today appearance is everything with substance and excellence of secondary value. Perhaps that’s why our spacecraft are no good at landing where they should or else disappearing altogether. The fiasco not so long ago of a British Mars Mission run by Colin Pillinger, otherwise known as Pillinger the Pillock is a case in point. With the landing all hyped up by the BBC as a great British space triumph and the Duke of York all hot and ready in the studio to give it his royal blessing, contact was suddenly lost with the Lander which mysteriously vanished as it was about to touch down, never to be heard from again! Oh dear! It wasn’t long before the good duke himself disappeared in a puff of smoke when the whole fiasco became evident! But then there was always a chance that contact might be re-established, or so it was put out, only the hours ran by and it wasn’t. Maybe it was just a bad landing. If so no-one seems to have figured out what went wrong and learned from the mistake because here it is all over again. A bit like England’s performance at the Football World Cup. Disastrous, but never mind that. Talk it up! Talk it up as a learning experience!

Saturday morning 15th November. As I predicted the battery’s dead and the much vaunted comet lander just a useless piece of junk stuck on a rock doing nothing. Oh there’s been talk of its instruments drilling into the surface but no further information to go with it! There’s also been talk about somehow shifting the craft into the sunlight but nothing substantial about that either! It’s all the usual Mission Control bullshit! Well let’s hope the scientists and engineers stuck in their seats will show a little remorse after their recent cock-a-hoop antics and wait till they get some serious results from the science before any more bragging kicks off. After all, it was the taxpayer’s money you stuffed in the dustbin with your ill thought out project so in future let’s have a little more modesty, and don’t keep on telling us how well you all do when you quite plainly don’t!

And if you thought you was sending into space… to find another race… well you can kiss it. You people have got a whole lot of serious thinking to do before sticking out your hands and asking for money.

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