A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Saturday 11 October 2014


If there’s anything that’s come out of the Lib-Dem Party Conference it’s this. whether it’s for by-elections or next year’s upcoming General Election in May, they’ll say or do anything for your vote. Promise you just about anything either on television or on the doorstep. Yes there’s nothing they won’t do, no promises they won’t make, no lies they won’t tell just so you can think, oh they’re really going to do all this for us. Well what really nice people they are.

Well they’ve actually been doing it for years. Making all those promises! That’s why they’ve got 60 MPs! Because so many people believed everything they said. Funny though… how they went into Coalition with people they keep on calling THE NASTY PARTY! That’s what the Lib-Dem leadership kept on calling the Tories at their annual conference this year in Glasgow and it’s no use you keep on asking why, if they think the Tories are so nasty, why they so quickly pulled off their knickers four years ago and jumped into bed with a gang of dirty old men without so much as a blush. But then we all know why don’t we? They did it because they could ameliorate all those dirty Tory intentions and the message they’ve kept on putting out is how they actually stopped them being really nasty! Why, if it wasn’t for us they’d have stuffed the economy and the National Health Service and given everyone the pox. It’s because of the Liberal Democrats that they were a bit less dirty than they were!

Well quite frankly if you believe that then you’ll believe anything. Over the last four years or more Nick Clegg and his 60 MPs have gone along with just about every attack the Tories made on the Welfare State and voted for every cut they made to the welfare benefits paid to the poorest and most needy members of our society. It’s a damnable lie to keep on putting it across how much they did to stop these Tory attacks or make them less swingeing. Indeed it’s quite fair to say that without Liberal Democrat support the Tories would never have been able to make their attack on the Welfare State in the manner they did yet these entirely opportunistic political pimps effortlessly and without any conscience keep on putting out the same bullshit. Yes, without us Britain would be a far worse place than it is!

Now tell me Mr Clegg, and that crazy looking Scarecrow you wheeled out of the mop cupboard he seems to have been in for such a long time, are you actually having a laugh? Exactly who do you think the British people are so you can keep wheeling out this shit every time there’s a Lib Dem Party Conference and there you are up on the stump with your begging bowl for our votes. Only this time, your last Party Conference before a General Election, you’ve been pumping it out more than ever! How you and your lovely Lib Dems had to make the moral sacrifice and turn yourselves into a pack of Jesuses so you could save us all from the nasty party! How you jumped into bed with them because you love us all so much! And that NO, it wasn’t for all the juicy ministerial salaries you were getting or the ministerial cars and all the rest of the perks that went with office. No, it was because you love us all so much and thought you could do good! That it was all done for OUR benefit, nothing else.

Please, pull the other one, it’s got bells on it. The perfect example of your real behaviour is the conduct of Ed Davy, Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for Energy setting up an Energy Suppliers Cartel right at the heart of his Department. Since his time in Coalition Government the British people have seen their Energy Bills rocket. So why don’t you tell people whose vote you’re after Nick Clegg, who was actually responsible for this? Was it the Tories or was it your Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for Energy who seems to have kept so quiet at the Party Conference this year, his major contribution being about all the wonderful things he was planning to do about helping you insulate your loft! Indeed, Mr Energy had little to say for himself and it wasn’t for nothing that he was kept well in his box throughout Conference. Instead you let the Scarecrow out to give us a twirl and tell us all just how nasty all the Tories were. It’s the first anyone’s heard of him for ages, and out he pops, like a cat on a hot tin roof, promising to make sure that apprentices will be paid more if his Party forms part of the next Government.

Well that’s about it really. Promises and more promises if the Lib-Dems are part of the next Government after the General Election in 2015! But then we all know what Lib Dems do with promises don’t we! Anyway, promises are cheap. Opportunists like the Liberal Democrats know they can promise the moon because there’s no obligation to keep them. They’re the real tarts of British politics. They can get into bed with whoever promises them the most. That begs the question, the most what? Well you already know that political opportunists are likely to say… stuff that actually means nothing like getting the country back on its feet again! Well if it’s the Tories it would mean recapitalizing the banks - after they blew everyone’s money on rotten investments and rewarded themselves with huge executive bonuses for doing the job – with more public money obtained from slashing public services, slashing welfare benefits, slashing the National Health Service. That’s the way of the dirty old thieves they’re currently in bed with.

Okay then, what happens next year if Labour have the most seats but not enough to form a Government? Right, they do what’s best for the country, YES IT’S ALWAYS THE COUNTRY, they get into bed with the Milipede. Well what does that mean? It’s no problem really. Since any Labour Government from the time of Harold Wilson has always spent its first three years in office carrying out Tory policies, to get the country back on its feet… is the well-known mantra used, the Lib Dems will have no trouble with that either. That’s because one way or another all the political parties do what’s best for the country which means carrying out Tory policies with working people getting a crust at the end, if they’re lucky that is! Alas however. It didn’t happen under Blair and his sidekick Dark Gordon. For the first five years they carried out Tory policies then Gordon stuffed everything up by giving banking executives carte blanche to help themselves with public money so at the end working people got nothing. That was the so called New Labour Party. Then in came the Tories and had to clean up the New Labour Mess which meant making the poorest people in our society pay! In short, it doesn’t matter to Liberal Democrat political opportunists just who they get between the sheets with just so long as they’re there.

Labour however would be fine. Recent Labour Governments had a well-established record of uncontrolled mass immigration and this well fits official Liberal Democrat policy as they too believe in what they call the virtues of mass immigration into Britain. Coalition Government by Labour and the Lib Dems next year would undoubtedly see a major new influx of immigrants with all its potentially terrorist friendly consequences. The Liberal Democrats, as the Scarecrow said in his Conference speech, believe that mass immigration into Britain brings benefits. What these are exactly is debatable, unless you believe in the value of cheap labor.  

So with their pre-General Election Conference twirl over and Nick Clegg and his delightful colleagues promising the British people just about everything, and the beloved leader telling them all to hold their heads high over all the morally worthy stuff they’ve done in Coalition Government, the important question to ask is how have the British people reacted? Well in the two by-elections on Thursday they’ve just had the chance to say what they think!

Oh dear! So very sad! After hearing about all the noble Liberal Democrat deeds in Coalition over the last four years repeated time and again at the Conference, and all those wonderful promises of such a rosy future for everyone if they got another chance next May, voters in Clacton and Manchester gave their opinion. At Clacton they got three hundred and fifty votes and fifth place behind the Greens. In Manchester they got 1457 votes and fourth place. In both seats they were completely wiped out by UKIP.

What this says is simple enough. You don’t need to be a magician to understand that no-one trusts you anymore or believes in your promises, or thinks you’ve done anything beneficial for them while you’ve been in Coalition Government. What they do think however is that basically you’re just a gang of opportunistic rascals. In other words you’ve done nothing for anyone except yourselves and everyone’s now washing their hands of you and getting the smell off. You are a doomed political party on a fast track course oblivion and that no smiles on your faces, no endless giving yourselves high-fives for being good guys and absolutely no nothing can put you back together again. You’ve been sussed for being a bunch of lying tossers and the British people have done with you. They don’t want any more of your pleas for the benefits of mass immigration and what appears to be your terrorist friendly profile. They want you out and after next May you’ll be down to a small handful of wimps in Parliament and nobody will want you anymore.

Coalition Government? You can kiss it! So goodbye Nick Clegg, it’s off to the House of Lords for you and some job with an Energy Company for Ed Davey. And it’s back to the broom cupboard for the Scarecrow where he can carry on doing what he does best which is scaring the shit out of the mops in the bucket.


Yesterday afternoon my wife was in London giving a consultation and walking down Tottenham Court Road came across a paste table outside Curry’s containing inflammatory Islamic literature manned by youths and adults dressed in Islamic garb all of whom were vociferously shouting JIHAD… JIHAD… JIHAD… at people passing by while rattling collection tins at them. Typically, there were no police to be seen.

Presumably their activity on behalf of their fellow Islamic State murdering terrorist Jihadists or terrorist Jihadi friends of Gaza’s Hamas had the support of the police or else one wonders how would they be allowed to be there? While it may be understandable that such activity would have the support of Liberal Democrats and certainly the Labour Party who allowed such happenings to occur on a regular basis throughout the time of Tony Blair’s Government, it is very much less understandable how such highly provocative and intimidating behaviour in public is permitted by Tory Home Secretary Teresa May.

Against a background of British nationals being publically beheaded by Islamist Jihadists, the British public is tired of such filth. David Cameron and Teresa May please take note. And I suggest you take note that the only political party that won’t tolerate this kind of thing is UKIP and its leader Nigel Farage, and if all three of you are now running scared it’s because of the kind of thing you allow to happen on the streets of our cities. The British people have had enough of it all!

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