A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 26 October 2014


So for firing four bullets into a closed bathroom door and killing his girlfriend, Oscar Pistorius gets an effective 10 months in jail and comes out with his blades on and ready to run. It’s a bit like the story he and his team have been running in Court for many long months in a Murder Trial that’s obsessed much of the world. Did he or didn’t he deliberately intend to kill her? The Judge’s verdict was NO! Despite the fact that she wasn’t there in bed with him right at the time he heard a noise coming from behind the locked door, thought it was somehow an intruder and quickly got out his gun and fired, the Judge felt it was all very much a mistake! Clearly she was very much moved by Oscar’s crying and wailing and long tears of contrition that echoed round the Courtroom over so many months. With the State Prosecution failing to produce a clear and irrefutable case of deliberate intent, tears and contrition became everything.

There have been many round the world who watched the televised trial who felt that all this sobbing contrition was just a performance and that all his behaviour and actions pointed to a deliberate intention to kill Reeva Steenkamp. Why we’ll never know but can only guess. Guessing however is not good enough, same as failing prove intent beyond reasonable doubt. The Judge believed his story and that was good enough. It gave him a short stay in jail and a slap on the wrist. In future don’t get too busy with guns!  

The rest doesn’t concern us. All the many millions of everyone else out there watching the case are only outsiders. We may have our thoughts but none of them matter.

Even if we all have our own thoughts. About his behaviour in Court? Whether it was all just a performance? Whether it was all so self-controlled? All these thoughts and all these questions… None of these really matter. His version of events was believed where it mattered and where it rightly counted. With the judgement of law. Nothing else counts and neither does the view of anyone else. The death of Reeva Steenkamp was an accident and Oscar Pistorius is innocent of murder.

Yet there will always be those who say that such a performance, such a drama, merits the making of a film. A great story best told by Hollywood. And this may be true. In which case who better to play the part of Oscar Pistorius than Oscar himself. I mean, who would YOU rustle up for the part, Di Caprio or Ben Affleck? True, there are many actors floating around who’d be hungry for such a role but I can think of no-one better to play it than Oscar himself. I mean, with Oscar himself starring, who could give a better, a more realistic performance? After all, who could know better, make it more lifelike than the man who went through it himself?

So it might be that not so far into the future, Oscar’s Agent might get a letter from America, an invitation from some Studio or other for his client to star in a film. Play the leading role for a six figure salary. And with Oscar supposedly down on his uppers what with all the legal fees of the trial, what better than some time served in Hollywood acting out once again his own side of the story? The possibility of Oscar Going to Hollywood isn’t far-fetched. There might be millions world-wide who’d pay to watch him perform all over again or even some famous actor playing the part with Oscar there on hand as a Consultant.

It’s certainly a possibility. Equally interesting would be what might happen if he returned to athletics after serving his time. Comes out and sticks on his blades all over again. Would all his many doubters be prepared to give him a chance, watching him from the stands down there on the track, or would they whistle him off as a liar? Maybe, maybe not. In five years from now he could be a happily married man with a family and there in our hearts all over again. But first I think Hollywood beckons. Well just think of it. A more sincere acting performance one couldn’t imagine.

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