A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 18 October 2014


Whatever kind of gloss anyone wants to put on the social wellbeing of Britain’s small number of Jews, their current situation is bad and their future is undoubtedly dark. Indeed, the Board of Deputies of British Jews reports that ever increasing numbers of British Jews are buying residential properties in Israel and planning to leave the UK. This fact is significant. If this very establishment organisation makes such a claim then its figures are undoubtedly correct. Put simply, British Jews are seriously reconsidering their status as British citizens in the face of what may best be described an increasingly hostile environment. One that is steadily becoming alarming.

The social, economic and political status of British Jewry has been mostly positive from the decade beginning in the 1950s and continuing through to the mid-nineties. With the great majority coming from humble immigrant beginnings they’d worked hard, prospered and become quietly successful while making an unquestioning effort to integrate into British society, busily engaging themselves in innumerable positive contributions to the British way of life. Throughout this time they experienced little if any institutional anti-Semitism and had often actively supported the Labour and Trades Union movement. From the time of the mid 1990s however and the period of Blair-Brown Labour Government from 1997 their situation began to change. The initial decade of Blair’s New Labour saw an influx into Britain of some three million Muslim immigrants, many from Pakistan. Along with this came the astonishing appearance on Britain’s streets of large numbers of radical Islamic clerics preaching race hatred and anti-Semitism in particular with the sale of vicious anti-Semitic literature from stalls throughout British cities becoming an everyday occurrence. This wasn’t all. Extremist Islamic groups began operating openly, vocally disseminating anti-Semitic hatred and vicious anti-Israel propaganda. Such activity received the full protection of the police on the instruction of Labour Government Home Secretaries and throughout this time attacks on Jews along with other anti-Semitic outrages went on at an ever increasing pace.

Particularly shocking in this regard was the continuing support by many British Jews of Tony Blair’s New Labour Party despite the very clear evidence that something particularly nasty had begun to appear, facilitated by permissive Government policy. In this regard let’s take a step back and examine some roots. The support of Jewish immigrants for the labour movement it found on arrival was traditional and best considered when set against the background of their oppression and impoverished circumstances in those countries from which they arrived, so the sympathy was in a way natural. Added to this however is the long history of struggle by the Jewish people against conquest and bigotry. Indeed much of their history has been a blazing struggle against all manner of intolerance. From the 1990s however, the attitude of the British Labour movement to those Jewish citizens living here has fundamentally changed.     

This has been brought on in main by the overwhelming support given by British Jews for the Jewish State of Israel, a nation re-founded in 1948 essentially in response to the mass murder of 6 million Jewish men, women and children throughout Europe from 1933 to 1945. Critics of the right of a Jewish State to exist at all conveniently forget this fact but then such people are motivated more by their natural antipathy towards Jews more than anything else. Never mind that unlike ANY of its Arab or Muslim neighbours, complete freedom of the press is tolerated, a large and powerful Trades Union movement exists, that there are multiple political parties along with complete religious freedom to worship and that all Israeli citizens have that right including its large population of Arabs who serve in its police force, its military, judiciary and in its Parliament. There is no such tolerance for any of these in all the Arab or Muslim nations put together. No matter, despite all of this the entire British Labour movement has turned its back on the Jewish State in a singular cold act of hostility, adopting a policy of outright animosity towards Israel that frankly verges on out and out anti-Semitism.

In this it is joined at the hip with the Liberal Democrat Party. In the last week these two parties united in the House of Commons to support a motion calling for the recognition of Palestine as a geo-political state. That being the case let’s be bold and ask the question. What is Palestine and who are the Palestinians?

The Palestinian people, call themselves what they like, are Arabs and any calls for the creation of a Palestinian State barely existed before 1970! The existence of Palestine as a cause only came to fruition after the foundation of the Jewish State in 1948. From the time it was created, Israel was attacked by all the Arab States surrounding, defeating their combined military strength in its War of Independence. Subsequently it was attacked in 1956, 1967 and 1976 by these Arab States, emerging victorious from each of these conflicts. From then on it has had to deal with a never ending campaign of terrorist attacks by various organisations all of which were committed to the destruction of the Jewish State. Israel has always declared its willingness to live with Arabs and Muslims alike. Arabs and Muslims however have endlessly declared their determination to destroy the Jewish State.

The most recent of these terrorist groups is Hamas, a virulently anti-Semitic Islamic fundamentalist organisation that claims to lead the Palestinians in Gaza from where it has launched endless unprovoked attacks on Israel. Its Islamic anti-Semitism and stated aim to kill Jews, destroy Israel and create an Islamic Palestinian state is well known to all British Parliamentarians.  DESPITE THIS, IT IS TO THIS GROUP  AND TO THE EXISTENCE OF THEIR INTENDED PALESTINIAN STATE THAT THE BRITISH LABOUR AND LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PARTIES IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS GAVE THEIR SUPPORT.

In short these two British political parties voted to support and encourage the existence of a Palestinian State run by an anti-Semitic terrorist group. That now is fact and last Monday both parties joined together in the House of Commons to have the motion passed. This now needs to be clearly understood by British Jews. Such a vote sent a clear message to the large numbers of Muslims living in Britain, many of whose youth are supporters of extreme fundamentalism. It also sent a message to the small Jewish community living here. The first was friendly, the other damnably hostile. Putting the entire Community of Jews here on notice.


The current situation today must be seen as a logical development of the growing hostility towards Jews and the State of Israel by the British labour movement and Blair and Brown New Labour Government from 1997 onwards. This disturbing drift should be put against the fact that certain prominent Labour politicians whose attitudes towards Israel are mixed and badly confused at best would have been defined as Jews by Nazi racial law and that the State of Israel was founded in 1948 to provide a home and a defence for all Jewish people. Indeed it is the only nation on Earth which exists as a principled democratic home for Jews under attack wherever they may be. In this context the flirtation of such Jewish Labour politicians with Palestinian causes driven by undemocratic Arab States, often anti-Semitic themselves and other political regimes that deny that the Holocaust occurred along with anti-Semitic terrorist groupings is puzzling at best to most Jews in Britain.  

Quite frankly, Jewish people in Britain don’t need this kind of crap when they get enough of it already from  the venomous bad mouthing of Liberal Democrat and Tory politicians who endlessly attack Israeli Jewish settlement in so called Palestinian territory. Such people conveniently forget that all this territory was captured by Israel from those Arab countries which had previously attacked the Jewish State and had now been returned in main to Arabs who now called themselves Palestinians. Furthermore, when such politicians support the call of British pro-Palestinian organisations to FREE PALESTINE, exactly to what are they referring? Could it be to the fact that these groupings claim that the entire State of Israel should belong to them and that the Jewish State should disappear? Most British Jews believe this to be the case and see such politicians as nothing less than hostile to British Jews who give their unquestioning affection and support to Israel and, like the Board of Deputies, condemn utterly remarks made by such politicians about the influence of rich American Jews on the policy towards Israel of the American Government. Such snide remarks verge on the seriously anti-Semitic and Jews living in this country have got enough to contend with, what with the drastic increase in physical assaults and anti-Semitic verbal abuse they and their children increasingly experience these days from British left wing activists and their radicalized anti-Semitic Muslim friends.  

Jews, let it be said, don’t get this kind of thing from the vast majority of British people they live among. And get along so well with. Perhaps if anything, because they share the same sense of dark impish humor and love of fried fish. No, most Jews love living in Britain and really don’t want to live anywhere else but there’s a certain element of nasties who are increasingly around making life dark for them and what, with recent European history in mind, making them think twice. So in a message to such nasties I say shut the fuck up and go get a life because you’re not having ours! You don’t frighten us or anyone else anymore!

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