A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 26 October 2014


So the bureaucrats of the European Union suddenly and without warning stick a knife in the guts of the British taxpaying public and tell David Cameron, Tory leader of the Tory-Lib Dem Coalition Government that they want us to pay them an extra £1.7 billion towards the EU Budget. And that’s that, a German Vice President of the European Parliament has said. Cough it up! Nice talk, especially as Germany and France are both getting a tidy financial rebate on their contributions this year from the same mob in Brussels.

From Nick Clegg, David Cameron’s Lib-Dem partner in the Coalition Government, not a word of help or support. Naturally, because he and his Party are up to their necks in a love-in with Europe. The EU could piss all over Britain as far as they’re concerned without any of them uttering so much as a whisper and it’s much the same for the Milipede and Labour. Has anyone heard these people opening their mouths and complaining? Not a peep. So when Cameron tells the bureaucrats in Brussels that he and Britain are not paying a penny he’s virtually out on his own and all he’s got going for him is a sizeable chunk of outraged Tory backbench Euro-Sceptics.

Not paying and won’t pay! the Prime Minister thunders against Brussels. Your surcharge is grossly unfair! Cough up the money by December 1st, the German and French dominated European Parliament insists. You agreed to do it in the small print of the rules you signed up to 6 years ago which themselves go back to stuff you agreed on 10 years ago! Right now, Cameron and most of his Tories are scandalized because it all ties into some agreement about the economies of member states becoming successful and thereby triggering a demand for extra payment to the EU Budget! In other words the more successful a member state’s economy becomes the more it has to cough up a share of its good fortune to the bureaucrats in Brussels. Forget about the poorer people of that member state who suffered while its economy was in a downturn. Forget about them getting any of the benefit when prosperity returns! No! Those who should benefit first are the EU Parliamentarians in Brussels who can take the money and decide which country to give it to. In short, all that those people who worked hard and suffered so much to help their own economy prosper again get is a kick up the arse. And that’s just about it for Britain!

Now one might expect some genuine anger coming Labour, the Party that’s supposed to have the interests  of working people at heart, only what do we hear coming out of their mouths. Why, it’s the usual deafening silence. Well what would you expect I suppose what with the Milipede being a former leading light in Gordon Brown’s Government with him and his Dark Master joined at the hip in just about everything. From Labour then not a word. And as for Cameron’s Lib-Dem cronies in Coalition, well they’ve all been pretty busy hiding away under a rock.

That’s it Britain. You have to cough up! Meanwhile Mister I’m not paying a penny is busy putting out all the Old Etonian bluster he can manage while he and his Tory colleagues are trying to figure out precisely what European legislation the said financial demand originates in and promising hand on heart to protest to the skies and take the whole issue to some European Commission High Court where all they’re likely to get is a  kicking.

There’s only one real winner in all of this. The EU doesn’t really need the money when its Central Bank can just print it off in a couple of hours. No, this isn’t really about money! It’s about the bureaucrats in Brussels showing the EU member states that they have the power to make them do as they’re told. And Britain please note! In Brussels, it’s the Germans and French who rule the waves, not you. Right now your economy might be growing and becoming successful compared to ours but then that’s just little old you. Remember, you’re in Europe now along with all those new member states so if 10 million Poles, Rumanians, Latvians, Estonians and Bosnians all want to emigrate to England that’s fine. They’re entitled to by those EU regulations that your Governments have already signed up to!

Let’s be clear about one thing. This is not a deliberate or intended smack in the teeth. It’s just what the people who run the Club in Brussels say are the rules of membership. You signed up for membership so you obey the rules of the Club. Nothing could be more simple. It’s what Nigel Farage and UKIP have been telling us all along. So many Tories like David Cameron think it’s all personal. That they just got it in for Britain or they don’t like the British. Well yes, that may be true. You’ve only got to look at the Eurovision Song Contest year after year to know what the people of Europe think of us that’s for sure! But actually it’s a lot more than that. You see, when it all comes down to it the Europeans have adopted and made their own a singularly British thing. That fine old very British Institution known as THE CLUB. It’s great once you’re in and if you’re not, tough shit! But once you’re in there’s a set of rules. The members make them up and they’re there to be obeyed. You can’t be a member and disobey them! You definitely can’t have it both ways! When you’re in everyone expects you to behave! You recognise them don’t you Mr Cameron? It’s so very British, so very public school! When the Club asks you for your membership fees you have to pay up and play the game!

So when the EU Club you’re in asks you to cough up a bit extra you have to cough up. It’s nothing personal Mr Cameron, as they say in the Mafia. It’s business!

It’s all very simple. Either you want to stay in the Club which means you HAVE to do as you’re told, or you can leave. Now why don’t you just understand that. It’s all very simple. Nigel Farage and his Party had been telling everyone for years. YOU CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS. If you stay in you have to eat, sleep and shit European. Now when looked at from the standpoint of all the many smaller nations that now make up Europe, it’s a much bigger, much better thing than having dozens of separate countries many of which don’t have much of a history or were well in with the Nazis in the Second World War. For places like these sunk in poverty it makes pretty good sense to be part of something much bigger and screw what you can out of it. For Britain and the British however there’s genuine resentment at having their history and culture shoved to one side and sublimated under rules and regulations coming from Brussels telling them what to do and how to behave!

The United Kingdom Independence Party isn’t just a party of Separatists or Narrow Minded Little Englanders. Their vision is cold, narrow and clear and its leader a realist. The nightmare faced by the leadership of British politics is the realism and clarity of two sharp alternatives. Most British people genuinely like to be considered as European, but not European insofar as it suppresses their national culture in all its many senses both serious, idiosyncratic and silly. The British want to be part of Europe as long as they can also be themselves only the bureaucrats of Brussels refuse to allow this. Membership of the club requires them to give up much and become altogether more inclusive and it is the reality of the alternatives that Farage and UKIP are clear about and clearly point out. Farage is very much a Devil in the Dark for all three of the main political parties and the questions he poses cut through so many others. The rift that the question of national status poses for British politics is symbolized by the fast growing strength of his Party with UKIP likely to take ever increasing support from Tories, Labour and the Lib-Dems in coming elections,  especially with the increasing sheer bloody minded cheek of European bureaucrats like former Portuguese EU President Barroso who continually sticks his finger up in the direction of these islands while himself hailing from a country permanently up to its neck in debt and having to beg for gigantic EU loans and bailouts at the expense of just about everyone else!

Nigel Farage has never really been a devil in the dark for most British people. He’s just been a politician that establishment politics has long chosen to ignore. However with the increasing intolerance of a national state Europe rearing its head the question being posed is getting deeper and deeper and few politicians can stand aside anymore. The time for pretend is over. Labour and the Lib-Dems have nothing to offer. They both want Britain IN no matter the cost. Ten years of Labour Government saw Britain turn into a cheap labour economy. Continuing the process means supporting unending immigration from Europe. The two go together and both Parties would be happy continuing the process. Farage however has his hands on much deeper issues and his sights on a much broader electorate. Because of Europe he’s capable of directing the entire working class into a nationalist corner and that’s the real Devil in the Dark facing most decent people!

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