A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 26 October 2014


So for firing four bullets into a closed bathroom door and killing his girlfriend, Oscar Pistorius gets an effective 10 months in jail and comes out with his blades on and ready to run. It’s a bit like the story he and his team have been running in Court for many long months in a Murder Trial that’s obsessed much of the world. Did he or didn’t he deliberately intend to kill her? The Judge’s verdict was NO! Despite the fact that she wasn’t there in bed with him right at the time he heard a noise coming from behind the locked door, thought it was somehow an intruder and quickly got out his gun and fired, the Judge felt it was all very much a mistake! Clearly she was very much moved by Oscar’s crying and wailing and long tears of contrition that echoed round the Courtroom over so many months. With the State Prosecution failing to produce a clear and irrefutable case of deliberate intent, tears and contrition became everything.

There have been many round the world who watched the televised trial who felt that all this sobbing contrition was just a performance and that all his behaviour and actions pointed to a deliberate intention to kill Reeva Steenkamp. Why we’ll never know but can only guess. Guessing however is not good enough, same as failing prove intent beyond reasonable doubt. The Judge believed his story and that was good enough. It gave him a short stay in jail and a slap on the wrist. In future don’t get too busy with guns!  

The rest doesn’t concern us. All the many millions of everyone else out there watching the case are only outsiders. We may have our thoughts but none of them matter.

Even if we all have our own thoughts. About his behaviour in Court? Whether it was all just a performance? Whether it was all so self-controlled? All these thoughts and all these questions… None of these really matter. His version of events was believed where it mattered and where it rightly counted. With the judgement of law. Nothing else counts and neither does the view of anyone else. The death of Reeva Steenkamp was an accident and Oscar Pistorius is innocent of murder.

Yet there will always be those who say that such a performance, such a drama, merits the making of a film. A great story best told by Hollywood. And this may be true. In which case who better to play the part of Oscar Pistorius than Oscar himself. I mean, who would YOU rustle up for the part, Di Caprio or Ben Affleck? True, there are many actors floating around who’d be hungry for such a role but I can think of no-one better to play it than Oscar himself. I mean, with Oscar himself starring, who could give a better, a more realistic performance? After all, who could know better, make it more lifelike than the man who went through it himself?

So it might be that not so far into the future, Oscar’s Agent might get a letter from America, an invitation from some Studio or other for his client to star in a film. Play the leading role for a six figure salary. And with Oscar supposedly down on his uppers what with all the legal fees of the trial, what better than some time served in Hollywood acting out once again his own side of the story? The possibility of Oscar Going to Hollywood isn’t far-fetched. There might be millions world-wide who’d pay to watch him perform all over again or even some famous actor playing the part with Oscar there on hand as a Consultant.

It’s certainly a possibility. Equally interesting would be what might happen if he returned to athletics after serving his time. Comes out and sticks on his blades all over again. Would all his many doubters be prepared to give him a chance, watching him from the stands down there on the track, or would they whistle him off as a liar? Maybe, maybe not. In five years from now he could be a happily married man with a family and there in our hearts all over again. But first I think Hollywood beckons. Well just think of it. A more sincere acting performance one couldn’t imagine.


So the bureaucrats of the European Union suddenly and without warning stick a knife in the guts of the British taxpaying public and tell David Cameron, Tory leader of the Tory-Lib Dem Coalition Government that they want us to pay them an extra £1.7 billion towards the EU Budget. And that’s that, a German Vice President of the European Parliament has said. Cough it up! Nice talk, especially as Germany and France are both getting a tidy financial rebate on their contributions this year from the same mob in Brussels.

From Nick Clegg, David Cameron’s Lib-Dem partner in the Coalition Government, not a word of help or support. Naturally, because he and his Party are up to their necks in a love-in with Europe. The EU could piss all over Britain as far as they’re concerned without any of them uttering so much as a whisper and it’s much the same for the Milipede and Labour. Has anyone heard these people opening their mouths and complaining? Not a peep. So when Cameron tells the bureaucrats in Brussels that he and Britain are not paying a penny he’s virtually out on his own and all he’s got going for him is a sizeable chunk of outraged Tory backbench Euro-Sceptics.

Not paying and won’t pay! the Prime Minister thunders against Brussels. Your surcharge is grossly unfair! Cough up the money by December 1st, the German and French dominated European Parliament insists. You agreed to do it in the small print of the rules you signed up to 6 years ago which themselves go back to stuff you agreed on 10 years ago! Right now, Cameron and most of his Tories are scandalized because it all ties into some agreement about the economies of member states becoming successful and thereby triggering a demand for extra payment to the EU Budget! In other words the more successful a member state’s economy becomes the more it has to cough up a share of its good fortune to the bureaucrats in Brussels. Forget about the poorer people of that member state who suffered while its economy was in a downturn. Forget about them getting any of the benefit when prosperity returns! No! Those who should benefit first are the EU Parliamentarians in Brussels who can take the money and decide which country to give it to. In short, all that those people who worked hard and suffered so much to help their own economy prosper again get is a kick up the arse. And that’s just about it for Britain!

Now one might expect some genuine anger coming Labour, the Party that’s supposed to have the interests  of working people at heart, only what do we hear coming out of their mouths. Why, it’s the usual deafening silence. Well what would you expect I suppose what with the Milipede being a former leading light in Gordon Brown’s Government with him and his Dark Master joined at the hip in just about everything. From Labour then not a word. And as for Cameron’s Lib-Dem cronies in Coalition, well they’ve all been pretty busy hiding away under a rock.

That’s it Britain. You have to cough up! Meanwhile Mister I’m not paying a penny is busy putting out all the Old Etonian bluster he can manage while he and his Tory colleagues are trying to figure out precisely what European legislation the said financial demand originates in and promising hand on heart to protest to the skies and take the whole issue to some European Commission High Court where all they’re likely to get is a  kicking.

There’s only one real winner in all of this. The EU doesn’t really need the money when its Central Bank can just print it off in a couple of hours. No, this isn’t really about money! It’s about the bureaucrats in Brussels showing the EU member states that they have the power to make them do as they’re told. And Britain please note! In Brussels, it’s the Germans and French who rule the waves, not you. Right now your economy might be growing and becoming successful compared to ours but then that’s just little old you. Remember, you’re in Europe now along with all those new member states so if 10 million Poles, Rumanians, Latvians, Estonians and Bosnians all want to emigrate to England that’s fine. They’re entitled to by those EU regulations that your Governments have already signed up to!

Let’s be clear about one thing. This is not a deliberate or intended smack in the teeth. It’s just what the people who run the Club in Brussels say are the rules of membership. You signed up for membership so you obey the rules of the Club. Nothing could be more simple. It’s what Nigel Farage and UKIP have been telling us all along. So many Tories like David Cameron think it’s all personal. That they just got it in for Britain or they don’t like the British. Well yes, that may be true. You’ve only got to look at the Eurovision Song Contest year after year to know what the people of Europe think of us that’s for sure! But actually it’s a lot more than that. You see, when it all comes down to it the Europeans have adopted and made their own a singularly British thing. That fine old very British Institution known as THE CLUB. It’s great once you’re in and if you’re not, tough shit! But once you’re in there’s a set of rules. The members make them up and they’re there to be obeyed. You can’t be a member and disobey them! You definitely can’t have it both ways! When you’re in everyone expects you to behave! You recognise them don’t you Mr Cameron? It’s so very British, so very public school! When the Club asks you for your membership fees you have to pay up and play the game!

So when the EU Club you’re in asks you to cough up a bit extra you have to cough up. It’s nothing personal Mr Cameron, as they say in the Mafia. It’s business!

It’s all very simple. Either you want to stay in the Club which means you HAVE to do as you’re told, or you can leave. Now why don’t you just understand that. It’s all very simple. Nigel Farage and his Party had been telling everyone for years. YOU CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS. If you stay in you have to eat, sleep and shit European. Now when looked at from the standpoint of all the many smaller nations that now make up Europe, it’s a much bigger, much better thing than having dozens of separate countries many of which don’t have much of a history or were well in with the Nazis in the Second World War. For places like these sunk in poverty it makes pretty good sense to be part of something much bigger and screw what you can out of it. For Britain and the British however there’s genuine resentment at having their history and culture shoved to one side and sublimated under rules and regulations coming from Brussels telling them what to do and how to behave!

The United Kingdom Independence Party isn’t just a party of Separatists or Narrow Minded Little Englanders. Their vision is cold, narrow and clear and its leader a realist. The nightmare faced by the leadership of British politics is the realism and clarity of two sharp alternatives. Most British people genuinely like to be considered as European, but not European insofar as it suppresses their national culture in all its many senses both serious, idiosyncratic and silly. The British want to be part of Europe as long as they can also be themselves only the bureaucrats of Brussels refuse to allow this. Membership of the club requires them to give up much and become altogether more inclusive and it is the reality of the alternatives that Farage and UKIP are clear about and clearly point out. Farage is very much a Devil in the Dark for all three of the main political parties and the questions he poses cut through so many others. The rift that the question of national status poses for British politics is symbolized by the fast growing strength of his Party with UKIP likely to take ever increasing support from Tories, Labour and the Lib-Dems in coming elections,  especially with the increasing sheer bloody minded cheek of European bureaucrats like former Portuguese EU President Barroso who continually sticks his finger up in the direction of these islands while himself hailing from a country permanently up to its neck in debt and having to beg for gigantic EU loans and bailouts at the expense of just about everyone else!

Nigel Farage has never really been a devil in the dark for most British people. He’s just been a politician that establishment politics has long chosen to ignore. However with the increasing intolerance of a national state Europe rearing its head the question being posed is getting deeper and deeper and few politicians can stand aside anymore. The time for pretend is over. Labour and the Lib-Dems have nothing to offer. They both want Britain IN no matter the cost. Ten years of Labour Government saw Britain turn into a cheap labour economy. Continuing the process means supporting unending immigration from Europe. The two go together and both Parties would be happy continuing the process. Farage however has his hands on much deeper issues and his sights on a much broader electorate. Because of Europe he’s capable of directing the entire working class into a nationalist corner and that’s the real Devil in the Dark facing most decent people!

Saturday 18 October 2014


Whatever kind of gloss anyone wants to put on the social wellbeing of Britain’s small number of Jews, their current situation is bad and their future is undoubtedly dark. Indeed, the Board of Deputies of British Jews reports that ever increasing numbers of British Jews are buying residential properties in Israel and planning to leave the UK. This fact is significant. If this very establishment organisation makes such a claim then its figures are undoubtedly correct. Put simply, British Jews are seriously reconsidering their status as British citizens in the face of what may best be described an increasingly hostile environment. One that is steadily becoming alarming.

The social, economic and political status of British Jewry has been mostly positive from the decade beginning in the 1950s and continuing through to the mid-nineties. With the great majority coming from humble immigrant beginnings they’d worked hard, prospered and become quietly successful while making an unquestioning effort to integrate into British society, busily engaging themselves in innumerable positive contributions to the British way of life. Throughout this time they experienced little if any institutional anti-Semitism and had often actively supported the Labour and Trades Union movement. From the time of the mid 1990s however and the period of Blair-Brown Labour Government from 1997 their situation began to change. The initial decade of Blair’s New Labour saw an influx into Britain of some three million Muslim immigrants, many from Pakistan. Along with this came the astonishing appearance on Britain’s streets of large numbers of radical Islamic clerics preaching race hatred and anti-Semitism in particular with the sale of vicious anti-Semitic literature from stalls throughout British cities becoming an everyday occurrence. This wasn’t all. Extremist Islamic groups began operating openly, vocally disseminating anti-Semitic hatred and vicious anti-Israel propaganda. Such activity received the full protection of the police on the instruction of Labour Government Home Secretaries and throughout this time attacks on Jews along with other anti-Semitic outrages went on at an ever increasing pace.

Particularly shocking in this regard was the continuing support by many British Jews of Tony Blair’s New Labour Party despite the very clear evidence that something particularly nasty had begun to appear, facilitated by permissive Government policy. In this regard let’s take a step back and examine some roots. The support of Jewish immigrants for the labour movement it found on arrival was traditional and best considered when set against the background of their oppression and impoverished circumstances in those countries from which they arrived, so the sympathy was in a way natural. Added to this however is the long history of struggle by the Jewish people against conquest and bigotry. Indeed much of their history has been a blazing struggle against all manner of intolerance. From the 1990s however, the attitude of the British Labour movement to those Jewish citizens living here has fundamentally changed.     

This has been brought on in main by the overwhelming support given by British Jews for the Jewish State of Israel, a nation re-founded in 1948 essentially in response to the mass murder of 6 million Jewish men, women and children throughout Europe from 1933 to 1945. Critics of the right of a Jewish State to exist at all conveniently forget this fact but then such people are motivated more by their natural antipathy towards Jews more than anything else. Never mind that unlike ANY of its Arab or Muslim neighbours, complete freedom of the press is tolerated, a large and powerful Trades Union movement exists, that there are multiple political parties along with complete religious freedom to worship and that all Israeli citizens have that right including its large population of Arabs who serve in its police force, its military, judiciary and in its Parliament. There is no such tolerance for any of these in all the Arab or Muslim nations put together. No matter, despite all of this the entire British Labour movement has turned its back on the Jewish State in a singular cold act of hostility, adopting a policy of outright animosity towards Israel that frankly verges on out and out anti-Semitism.

In this it is joined at the hip with the Liberal Democrat Party. In the last week these two parties united in the House of Commons to support a motion calling for the recognition of Palestine as a geo-political state. That being the case let’s be bold and ask the question. What is Palestine and who are the Palestinians?

The Palestinian people, call themselves what they like, are Arabs and any calls for the creation of a Palestinian State barely existed before 1970! The existence of Palestine as a cause only came to fruition after the foundation of the Jewish State in 1948. From the time it was created, Israel was attacked by all the Arab States surrounding, defeating their combined military strength in its War of Independence. Subsequently it was attacked in 1956, 1967 and 1976 by these Arab States, emerging victorious from each of these conflicts. From then on it has had to deal with a never ending campaign of terrorist attacks by various organisations all of which were committed to the destruction of the Jewish State. Israel has always declared its willingness to live with Arabs and Muslims alike. Arabs and Muslims however have endlessly declared their determination to destroy the Jewish State.

The most recent of these terrorist groups is Hamas, a virulently anti-Semitic Islamic fundamentalist organisation that claims to lead the Palestinians in Gaza from where it has launched endless unprovoked attacks on Israel. Its Islamic anti-Semitism and stated aim to kill Jews, destroy Israel and create an Islamic Palestinian state is well known to all British Parliamentarians.  DESPITE THIS, IT IS TO THIS GROUP  AND TO THE EXISTENCE OF THEIR INTENDED PALESTINIAN STATE THAT THE BRITISH LABOUR AND LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PARTIES IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS GAVE THEIR SUPPORT.

In short these two British political parties voted to support and encourage the existence of a Palestinian State run by an anti-Semitic terrorist group. That now is fact and last Monday both parties joined together in the House of Commons to have the motion passed. This now needs to be clearly understood by British Jews. Such a vote sent a clear message to the large numbers of Muslims living in Britain, many of whose youth are supporters of extreme fundamentalism. It also sent a message to the small Jewish community living here. The first was friendly, the other damnably hostile. Putting the entire Community of Jews here on notice.


The current situation today must be seen as a logical development of the growing hostility towards Jews and the State of Israel by the British labour movement and Blair and Brown New Labour Government from 1997 onwards. This disturbing drift should be put against the fact that certain prominent Labour politicians whose attitudes towards Israel are mixed and badly confused at best would have been defined as Jews by Nazi racial law and that the State of Israel was founded in 1948 to provide a home and a defence for all Jewish people. Indeed it is the only nation on Earth which exists as a principled democratic home for Jews under attack wherever they may be. In this context the flirtation of such Jewish Labour politicians with Palestinian causes driven by undemocratic Arab States, often anti-Semitic themselves and other political regimes that deny that the Holocaust occurred along with anti-Semitic terrorist groupings is puzzling at best to most Jews in Britain.  

Quite frankly, Jewish people in Britain don’t need this kind of crap when they get enough of it already from  the venomous bad mouthing of Liberal Democrat and Tory politicians who endlessly attack Israeli Jewish settlement in so called Palestinian territory. Such people conveniently forget that all this territory was captured by Israel from those Arab countries which had previously attacked the Jewish State and had now been returned in main to Arabs who now called themselves Palestinians. Furthermore, when such politicians support the call of British pro-Palestinian organisations to FREE PALESTINE, exactly to what are they referring? Could it be to the fact that these groupings claim that the entire State of Israel should belong to them and that the Jewish State should disappear? Most British Jews believe this to be the case and see such politicians as nothing less than hostile to British Jews who give their unquestioning affection and support to Israel and, like the Board of Deputies, condemn utterly remarks made by such politicians about the influence of rich American Jews on the policy towards Israel of the American Government. Such snide remarks verge on the seriously anti-Semitic and Jews living in this country have got enough to contend with, what with the drastic increase in physical assaults and anti-Semitic verbal abuse they and their children increasingly experience these days from British left wing activists and their radicalized anti-Semitic Muslim friends.  

Jews, let it be said, don’t get this kind of thing from the vast majority of British people they live among. And get along so well with. Perhaps if anything, because they share the same sense of dark impish humor and love of fried fish. No, most Jews love living in Britain and really don’t want to live anywhere else but there’s a certain element of nasties who are increasingly around making life dark for them and what, with recent European history in mind, making them think twice. So in a message to such nasties I say shut the fuck up and go get a life because you’re not having ours! You don’t frighten us or anyone else anymore!

Saturday 11 October 2014


If there’s anything that’s come out of the Lib-Dem Party Conference it’s this. whether it’s for by-elections or next year’s upcoming General Election in May, they’ll say or do anything for your vote. Promise you just about anything either on television or on the doorstep. Yes there’s nothing they won’t do, no promises they won’t make, no lies they won’t tell just so you can think, oh they’re really going to do all this for us. Well what really nice people they are.

Well they’ve actually been doing it for years. Making all those promises! That’s why they’ve got 60 MPs! Because so many people believed everything they said. Funny though… how they went into Coalition with people they keep on calling THE NASTY PARTY! That’s what the Lib-Dem leadership kept on calling the Tories at their annual conference this year in Glasgow and it’s no use you keep on asking why, if they think the Tories are so nasty, why they so quickly pulled off their knickers four years ago and jumped into bed with a gang of dirty old men without so much as a blush. But then we all know why don’t we? They did it because they could ameliorate all those dirty Tory intentions and the message they’ve kept on putting out is how they actually stopped them being really nasty! Why, if it wasn’t for us they’d have stuffed the economy and the National Health Service and given everyone the pox. It’s because of the Liberal Democrats that they were a bit less dirty than they were!

Well quite frankly if you believe that then you’ll believe anything. Over the last four years or more Nick Clegg and his 60 MPs have gone along with just about every attack the Tories made on the Welfare State and voted for every cut they made to the welfare benefits paid to the poorest and most needy members of our society. It’s a damnable lie to keep on putting it across how much they did to stop these Tory attacks or make them less swingeing. Indeed it’s quite fair to say that without Liberal Democrat support the Tories would never have been able to make their attack on the Welfare State in the manner they did yet these entirely opportunistic political pimps effortlessly and without any conscience keep on putting out the same bullshit. Yes, without us Britain would be a far worse place than it is!

Now tell me Mr Clegg, and that crazy looking Scarecrow you wheeled out of the mop cupboard he seems to have been in for such a long time, are you actually having a laugh? Exactly who do you think the British people are so you can keep wheeling out this shit every time there’s a Lib Dem Party Conference and there you are up on the stump with your begging bowl for our votes. Only this time, your last Party Conference before a General Election, you’ve been pumping it out more than ever! How you and your lovely Lib Dems had to make the moral sacrifice and turn yourselves into a pack of Jesuses so you could save us all from the nasty party! How you jumped into bed with them because you love us all so much! And that NO, it wasn’t for all the juicy ministerial salaries you were getting or the ministerial cars and all the rest of the perks that went with office. No, it was because you love us all so much and thought you could do good! That it was all done for OUR benefit, nothing else.

Please, pull the other one, it’s got bells on it. The perfect example of your real behaviour is the conduct of Ed Davy, Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for Energy setting up an Energy Suppliers Cartel right at the heart of his Department. Since his time in Coalition Government the British people have seen their Energy Bills rocket. So why don’t you tell people whose vote you’re after Nick Clegg, who was actually responsible for this? Was it the Tories or was it your Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for Energy who seems to have kept so quiet at the Party Conference this year, his major contribution being about all the wonderful things he was planning to do about helping you insulate your loft! Indeed, Mr Energy had little to say for himself and it wasn’t for nothing that he was kept well in his box throughout Conference. Instead you let the Scarecrow out to give us a twirl and tell us all just how nasty all the Tories were. It’s the first anyone’s heard of him for ages, and out he pops, like a cat on a hot tin roof, promising to make sure that apprentices will be paid more if his Party forms part of the next Government.

Well that’s about it really. Promises and more promises if the Lib-Dems are part of the next Government after the General Election in 2015! But then we all know what Lib Dems do with promises don’t we! Anyway, promises are cheap. Opportunists like the Liberal Democrats know they can promise the moon because there’s no obligation to keep them. They’re the real tarts of British politics. They can get into bed with whoever promises them the most. That begs the question, the most what? Well you already know that political opportunists are likely to say… stuff that actually means nothing like getting the country back on its feet again! Well if it’s the Tories it would mean recapitalizing the banks - after they blew everyone’s money on rotten investments and rewarded themselves with huge executive bonuses for doing the job – with more public money obtained from slashing public services, slashing welfare benefits, slashing the National Health Service. That’s the way of the dirty old thieves they’re currently in bed with.

Okay then, what happens next year if Labour have the most seats but not enough to form a Government? Right, they do what’s best for the country, YES IT’S ALWAYS THE COUNTRY, they get into bed with the Milipede. Well what does that mean? It’s no problem really. Since any Labour Government from the time of Harold Wilson has always spent its first three years in office carrying out Tory policies, to get the country back on its feet… is the well-known mantra used, the Lib Dems will have no trouble with that either. That’s because one way or another all the political parties do what’s best for the country which means carrying out Tory policies with working people getting a crust at the end, if they’re lucky that is! Alas however. It didn’t happen under Blair and his sidekick Dark Gordon. For the first five years they carried out Tory policies then Gordon stuffed everything up by giving banking executives carte blanche to help themselves with public money so at the end working people got nothing. That was the so called New Labour Party. Then in came the Tories and had to clean up the New Labour Mess which meant making the poorest people in our society pay! In short, it doesn’t matter to Liberal Democrat political opportunists just who they get between the sheets with just so long as they’re there.

Labour however would be fine. Recent Labour Governments had a well-established record of uncontrolled mass immigration and this well fits official Liberal Democrat policy as they too believe in what they call the virtues of mass immigration into Britain. Coalition Government by Labour and the Lib Dems next year would undoubtedly see a major new influx of immigrants with all its potentially terrorist friendly consequences. The Liberal Democrats, as the Scarecrow said in his Conference speech, believe that mass immigration into Britain brings benefits. What these are exactly is debatable, unless you believe in the value of cheap labor.  

So with their pre-General Election Conference twirl over and Nick Clegg and his delightful colleagues promising the British people just about everything, and the beloved leader telling them all to hold their heads high over all the morally worthy stuff they’ve done in Coalition Government, the important question to ask is how have the British people reacted? Well in the two by-elections on Thursday they’ve just had the chance to say what they think!

Oh dear! So very sad! After hearing about all the noble Liberal Democrat deeds in Coalition over the last four years repeated time and again at the Conference, and all those wonderful promises of such a rosy future for everyone if they got another chance next May, voters in Clacton and Manchester gave their opinion. At Clacton they got three hundred and fifty votes and fifth place behind the Greens. In Manchester they got 1457 votes and fourth place. In both seats they were completely wiped out by UKIP.

What this says is simple enough. You don’t need to be a magician to understand that no-one trusts you anymore or believes in your promises, or thinks you’ve done anything beneficial for them while you’ve been in Coalition Government. What they do think however is that basically you’re just a gang of opportunistic rascals. In other words you’ve done nothing for anyone except yourselves and everyone’s now washing their hands of you and getting the smell off. You are a doomed political party on a fast track course oblivion and that no smiles on your faces, no endless giving yourselves high-fives for being good guys and absolutely no nothing can put you back together again. You’ve been sussed for being a bunch of lying tossers and the British people have done with you. They don’t want any more of your pleas for the benefits of mass immigration and what appears to be your terrorist friendly profile. They want you out and after next May you’ll be down to a small handful of wimps in Parliament and nobody will want you anymore.

Coalition Government? You can kiss it! So goodbye Nick Clegg, it’s off to the House of Lords for you and some job with an Energy Company for Ed Davey. And it’s back to the broom cupboard for the Scarecrow where he can carry on doing what he does best which is scaring the shit out of the mops in the bucket.


Yesterday afternoon my wife was in London giving a consultation and walking down Tottenham Court Road came across a paste table outside Curry’s containing inflammatory Islamic literature manned by youths and adults dressed in Islamic garb all of whom were vociferously shouting JIHAD… JIHAD… JIHAD… at people passing by while rattling collection tins at them. Typically, there were no police to be seen.

Presumably their activity on behalf of their fellow Islamic State murdering terrorist Jihadists or terrorist Jihadi friends of Gaza’s Hamas had the support of the police or else one wonders how would they be allowed to be there? While it may be understandable that such activity would have the support of Liberal Democrats and certainly the Labour Party who allowed such happenings to occur on a regular basis throughout the time of Tony Blair’s Government, it is very much less understandable how such highly provocative and intimidating behaviour in public is permitted by Tory Home Secretary Teresa May.

Against a background of British nationals being publically beheaded by Islamist Jihadists, the British public is tired of such filth. David Cameron and Teresa May please take note. And I suggest you take note that the only political party that won’t tolerate this kind of thing is UKIP and its leader Nigel Farage, and if all three of you are now running scared it’s because of the kind of thing you allow to happen on the streets of our cities. The British people have had enough of it all!

Friday 3 October 2014


To the more sombre of my fellow citizens, you know the kind, moralizing politicians who’ve been fiddling their expenses, or the majority of people who live in the center of Bath who’ve got their heads so far up their arses that they can’t be pulled down again, or come to think of it just about everyone in Yorkshire, yes and all those BBC national treasures like Stephen Fry and Brian Cox always showing everyone how nice they are and how much they know about everything… to all these so very propriety people the phrase dickhead is almost certainly likely to cause offence. Perhaps it’s because it describes them so perfectly and in their heart of hearts, underneath all the image presentation shit which they’re so good at doing, they know it! Know that they’re dickheads, particularly in the minds of young people who perhaps not so deluded as they once were can take a cool razor sharp cynical edge that instantly cuts through the crap and perceives things how they really are. That underneath all the Mister Nice Guy stuff they put over to try and convince you that hey we’re just like you really, honest we are, the real truth is different and that they’re actually plain unvarnished dickheads.

Okay, let’s take the recent exploit of Brooks Newmark, a Minister of the Crown no less who openly and without any hesitation showed his cock and balls over the Internet to someone he thought was a Swedish model without even considering for a moment what he was doing or even thinking to check her identity. Well it just makes you wonder. What kind of a dickhead is that? Well Brooks Newmark may sound like a propriety brand of men’s underwear you can buy in any of the big retail outlets only he isn’t. He was a man specially chosen by the British Prime Minister for his political ability, tact and wisdom to be a Minister in his Government. Nice choice Mr Cameron! In which case one should ask, who actually is the real dickhead in this matter? Is it Brooks Newmark, Minister of the Crown, for committing the serious criminal offence of publically flashing his dick for the whole world to see or is it the Tory Prime Minister who specially chose him to represent Government policy to the British people? Or are they both just a pair of dickheads together?

Dickhead? David Cameron? How dare you sir? I can hear the whole silver-haired gang of Tory MPs or Tory Party Conference blue rinses bristling with outrage and high dudgeon at any slur intended or not against their beloved leader but it must not be forgotten that this so called gentleman came close to permanently giving away a large part of the United Kingdom to just 12% of its population without asking the rest of us, that’s you and me, the other 88%, what they thought of it. In other words, actually destroying this country as we all know it! Indeed, without asking the great majority of democratically elected MPs in the British Parliament what they thought of it! Now quite frankly, is that the action of a dickhead or isn’t it?

Actually the Brooks Newmark affair is just a case of two dickheads singing from the same hymn sheet, only has anyone heard so much as a word from the other two leaders of the main political parties about David Cameron’s judgement? Not a peep! Perhaps it’s because they too are seriously deficient when it comes to making serious political judgements. Let’s take the case of the saintly Ed Miliband. Well who was it Ed who allowed Gordon Brown, you know, Dark Gordon, former Labour Prime Minister and possibly the greatest dickhead in modern political history to dictate Labour Party policy over Scottish Independence, make promises all over the place supposedly on behalf of Labour and just about everyone else when this grossly discredited lummox who came so close to bankrupting Britain by turning the nation’s finances over to a gang of criminally cheating bankers. Yes you, dickhead Ed, handed over Labour Party policy in this matter to a man who was literally allowed to say and promise anything he liked! And furthermore, didn’t need to keep any of the promises he made because he’s a totally discredited backbench nothing at Westminster, and you allowed this dark, glowering, mumbling no-one to say anything he fancied!

So tell me Ed Milipede, was allowing this totally discredited dickhead to completely take over the Labour Party agenda on Scotland and say anything he liked without consulting the British people what you might call democracy?

On another dickhead digression altogether, why is it that whenever I catch a glimpse of David Cameron’s Secretary of State for Community Affairs Eric Pickles I see a kind of cross between Cyril Smith and Heinrich Himmler. There’s something about those narrow sinister eyes in that fat chubby face and his droning on in that flat Yorkshire peasant accent which of course Himmler never had. But then his tone is actually lyrical compared to the fearful rasp of Yorkshire Amoeba William Hague, once Margaret Thatcher’s favourite schoolboy and Party Conference sweetie. His hectoring just about everyone in his Yorkshire cheese grater along with his sharp, main chance capacity to pose with celebrities out on do-gooding occasions has made him a political dickhead for all seasons. Alas he recently disappeared overnight from the Government’s third most senior job. One minute he and his venomous close comrade in arms Bomber Kerry were threatening Russian President Putin with just about everything. The next he was down in the shit pit as Leader of the Commons. Perhaps he was just too hostile towards Israel in the recent Gaza conflict. It wouldn’t be the first time he couldn’t keep his mouth shut in that direction, allowing his Arabist Foreign Office prejudices to get the better of him.

Even so, as a dickhead he was nothing compared to national treasures such as Stephen Fry, Brian Cox and Jamie Oliver. People who know everything there is to know about everything from art, science and culture, atoms, the stars and the Universe, and what we and our children should or should not eat and why. The endlessly televised wisdom of these great fountains of knowledge, initially interesting, has now swung full circle. The public has now had enough of them and its patience at having them endlessly shoved in front of their eyes, particularly by the BBC, as affable communicating professors of everything has worn thin as a rag and they are now perceived for what they actually are. Tedious dickheads who haven’t yet got it into their heads that their jovial knowledgeability, their over the board universal know-all presentation and their strictures and admonitions are now boring the pants off everyone. People have had enough of fat, skinny or hand waving encyclopedias and the dickheads of program planning at the BBC who really believe they know what the nation wants haven’t yet cottoned onto the fact.

Much the same thing is happening with football and ITV. Those likely lad footballing commentators with all the same carefully geared working class patter for what once used to be an out and out working class sport all dress the same way because they’re told to, and do their best to talk the same way because that’s what they think people expect. Well actually lads they don’t. Just a bit of intelligent comment at the interval if you are able without all the promotion and egging up of players’ performances for the transfer meat market. And please, no analysis of performance strategy like you think you’re actually capable of serious strategic consideration, and yes, try and cut out one piece superfluous bullshit after another like you’re trying to impress the viewing public just how knowledgeable you are when what you’re actually doing is putting yourself over as worthy of hire by the company for another season’s business. All the old cockney dropping of ‘h’s here and there along with a working class London accent has run long enough and is now wearing thin on anyone who’s not a plain football moron. You may not know it lads but you’re beginning to sound like dickheads more than anything else.

Now that’s okay for people like Nick Clegg and Vince Cable. People know what they’re like! They’re political salesmen. Selling the nation their Party line and naturally full of bullshit. It’s what they do. They’re wired that way to tell people lies and make them believe that they’re really good guys. They can’t help themselves. Even though people are fully aware that they’re dickheads, they just keep on going, sincerely believing they can convince you. It’s like they’re high on their own lies. Peddling their bullshit because they really believe it! Yes, we’ll do this and that when really they haven’t got the slightest intention and if they once had, well, they can always say they ran out of money and cop a knighthood three years later! That’s Vince Cable’s future. From Scarecrow to Knight of the Realm! Just wait and see!

Dickheads are people who are so full of themselves and their shit that they simply don’t know it anymore. They’ve lost any self-consciousness they might have once had. Can’t see themselves as others might see them. Don’t know what they’ve become… pontificating self-righteous prats that have earned the scorn of young people who they think they can patronize. They firmly believe that they know exactly what people want and how to talk to them. Really and absolutely believe that they’re not talking down to them and in thinking that way THEY ACTUALLY ARE because when you lose the self-consciousness of who and what you are, that’s what you actually come to do. You become separated from people in general. Become a creature for yourself and for your own aspirations and wisdom. You begin talking across to people as someone imparting your own views rather than having a dialogue with them, and theirs. You become self-contained. A presenter of who you are and what you believe yourself to be. And the more separated you become the more you turn into a showman. Your very own politician or television celebrity. You become a dickhead.

It works for a while. Like you become a kind of novelty. Have a kind of novelty effect that’s promoted on a regular basis. But in time you’re perceived as a peddler. A know-all. You don’t know that you’ve become a dickhead, and that you’re not everyone’s favourite pack of savories anymore. You try and become a little more human. Reveal a few little secrets about yourself. A few catchy home truths about what you did in your youth and how you got to be where you are. You know that something’s not right and you try to adjust. Try to put yourself over as a bit more human. Hoping you’ll make people love you again, but they won’t. You’ve shot your bolt. Become an absolute dickhead in the mind of the public and you can’t be anything else. They’ve had quite enough of you and are moving on. To the next nascent dickhead if necessary, but not you. You can’t be un-dick-headed! Can’t get rid of your squirmy dickhead image! The public have swallowed you whole and pooped you out into the cesspit of old news, old faces and old tedium. You’re a has-been in the chicken coop of dickheads. Yes, that’s where you are, and when someone walks by you in the street and gives you a certain look then you’ll definitely know that you’re plain fucking ancient.

The politically ancient dickheads get knighthoods or top jobs on company boards. They grope a few secretaries in lifts and that’s just about it. Maybe an autobiography or a novel if Rupert Murdoch thinks they’re worth it. The celebrity national treasure dickheads just disappear, then re-emerge twenty years later in some vile court case scandal. The sporting dickheads piss off to Spain or Italy running some racket or other or eventually turn up in Barnsley selling vegetables where no-one under thirty’s heard of them. The state of being a dickhead doesn’t last. It’s what modern society, modern culture turns people into. They consciously or unconsciously become permeated with something they’re initially not. They become imbued with the spirit of believing that they’re somehow, someone different, something better than anyone else, and their heads, their whole being is full of it. They’ve become overwhelmed by their own testosterone. Their overweening biological mechanics has literally gone to their heads.

So when you hear about them in the news, or see them pontificating on television, full of themselves anywhere in fact, please, give them a little more understanding. A little less scorn! They really can’t help themselves. They’re controlled by their own impulses to be what they are! Some of you might say that they all just need locking up and the world would be a much better, much safer place without them. For myself I tend to disagree. That the political dickheads are dangerous might be the case, but on the whole I like to think that they bring colour, showmanship and vitality to an only too often drab existence. Where on earth would we actually be without them I wonder? Indeed, our society, our world would be an altogether more boring place.  

Altogether then I only urge this. That we take them all, everything they say and do with a big pinch of salt. Dickheads are easily recognizable so let’s enjoy all their bullshit and keep our guard up so we don’t allow them to take over our lives. That’s their true function really. It’s not to entertain, to persuade or convince. It’s to make each and every one of us more aware. More conscious of ourselves. Much bigger and better human beings capable of helping each other. Capable of dealing wisely with all those difficulties that emerge in our lives. Quickly seeing bullshit for what it is and treating it with scorn!