A Conspiracy of Trash

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Thursday 2 January 2014


Right now on January 2nd politicians of the two main parties along with sections of an unsympathetic if not downright hostile media are wringing their hands sorrowfully over impending large scale immigration into the UK of people from Romania and Bulgaria. Other groupings of the political and media establishment however are cheering it on. The major supporters and apologists for these coming large scale new arrivals are the Liberal Democrats, the BBC, and a small section of the Parliamentary Labour Party. Here the Lib-Dems are universally pro and vociferous. The BBC, typically sly and slimy, only has reportage and interviewees from those with an supposedly independent caste of mind but who invariably turn out to be in the pro camp providing an endless litany of rationalization about how mass immigration has always benefitted and will continue to benefit the British economy with immigrants providing the Government with increased tax revenue and the country at large with all the delights of cultural variety. Yes, they’ll all be paying tax, making a great contribution to the economy with all their amazing skills and besides, there’s always the new and tasty food they’ll be introducing us to!

Quite frankly, there are millions of people out there who’ve heard all this stuff time and again over the last thirty years and now quite rightly believe that they’re getting more and more of the same old crap from the same kind of people who’ve got nothing to do with the vast majority of the working population who live north of London. So having said that let’s take a look.

Most of the immigrants that came to Britain between 1870 and 1950 were Jews, Irish and Italian. The Irish helped build our roads and railways, the Jews the garment, food retail and light entertainment industries while the Italians contributed to our service sector. The Irish and the Jews were not economic migrants. They came to escape persecution. The Jews at the hands of the Russians, appalling treatment at best. The mainly Catholic Irish who suffered at the hands of British prior to Irish independence. At its maximum they accounted for a combined total of no more than three quarters of a million people spread over a period of some seventy years. The decade 1955-1965 saw the arrival of another half million immigrants, mainly from the Caribbean, who often took up employment in the transport and national health service sectors, generally making a positive contribution to British society. It is when television and media panelists along with politicians speak favorably about the benefits of immigration it is these groups to which they refer as a basis for reportage about the benefits of immigration.

Indeed, it is from this perspective that they view recent immigration into Britain over the last three decades. The trouble with this sleight of hand is that immigration into the UK over the last thirty years has been entirely different to what it was in the past, significantly both in volume and cultural character. It is the sheer volume that is glossed over more than anything else. We are not talking here of a quarter million Jews or four hundred thousand Irish over fifty years but over four million arrivals from Pakistan, Bangladesh and India in not much more than half that time along with another half million from Africa! To most people living in the Midlands, the North or Scotland and Wales before 1960, seeing such people was more occasional than anything. Today, most sizable cities north of London have large communities of Asian immigrants who in some cases outnumber the indigenous population.

This mass arrival of Asians in such a short period of time is now paralleled by another wave of mass immigration from East Europe, the main weight of which has been the arrival of one million Poles in the  last less ten years and the impending arrival of possibly one million Romanians and Bulgarians from East Europe’s poorest societies. Given these facts it might be useful to consider the political and historical circumstances surrounding these two great waves of inflow. There can be no doubt that this great influx of people began during the latter end of Margaret Thatcher’s political rule but increased without check or hindrance whatsoever during Tony Blair’s time in office and the Labour Party’s continued governance under Gordon Brown, ultimately turning into an avalanche. To supporters of unchecked mass immigration the use of this word is only too often branded as a heresy, or racist, fascist and worse. I’m sorry to tell you however that such labelling, snarling and finger jabbing is only too typical of an unresolved fascist mentality itself. The facts are plain enough. What is important however is to examine their causes and perhaps ask yourself why a situation of rapid, unchecked mass immigration exists.

Towards the end of its life the Thatcherite Government turned a blind eye to a steady trickle of immigration from Asia. As soon as Tony Blair’s Labour won its first election in 1997 however, this immigration was positively encouraged. In the great majority of cases these immigrants were Muslim. Before 1980 the sight of mosques proliferating in most British cities was unheard of. From the time of New Labour Government they became commonplace. Equally important, from the time of New Labour Government a remarkable new phenomenon appeared on our streets. Muslim fundamentalist clerics, allowed into Britain without let or hindrance by British Home Secretaries like David Blunkett, were allowed to preach race hatred against Jews and white people in general to large crowds of followers in streets outside mosques and along with this followed the unchecked sale of disgusting Muslim race hate literature. To all of this the police for no understandable reason turned a deaf ear and a blind eye. New Labour permitted and encouraged it all.

And with the fundamentalist race hate preaching came the radicalization of large sections of young Muslim listeners. The same youth who are today fighting for Islamic jihad and fundamentalism in Syria, throughout the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia. It is well known indeed to British security services that Muslim terrorism is a main British export round the world and a clear consequence of New Labor’s policy of turning a blind eye to unchecked immigration. So why did Tony Blair and his Home Secretaries permit it? Allow the UK to become a haven for mass South Asian immigration? The taxation and economic benefits argument doesn’t hold water. Most women arriving were unskilled and couldn’t speak English. In this respect things haven’t changed. If they did work it was within small family shops supplying south Asian products for their local community, the great majority of their husbands and other male relatives doing likewise, so the notion of economic benefit is simply a myth.

More important than anything else though is that the many millions of Asians who came were not fleeing from any form of persecution. To claim that is false. They were in main economic migrants and came to Britain purely for economic reasons.  

This first great wave of mass immigration under New Labour has brought no real economic benefit at all to the UK. What it has brought however is cultural diversity and with it on the downside a climate of tension and terrorism into our homes and onto our streets. Such a downside includes a plainly racist attitude to those among whom they live and their cultural values such as equality between sexes, rights of women, tolerance towards people of other races and differences of sexual gender along with a general belief in equality and democracy. In the case of the above first wave of mass immigration, New Labour Government was under no legal obligation to admit such numbers. They did it as a matter of policy. It has been suggested that this was done to create greater competition in the labour market. Something that an undoubted Thatcherite like Tony Blair might have wished to do. Greater competition of course being a euphemism for cheap labour or cheapening the cost of labour. This is hardly likely as the vast majority of Asian arrivals were hardly more than small shopkeepers or employees in the services industries at best. Another view, that of attacking the British working class by diluting its cultural integration and cohesiveness so soon after its battering by Margaret Thatcher and her police is more tenable.

It is now generally felt that New Labour, over its more than a decade in Government, did little to nothing for British working people and was generally hostile to the Trades Union Movement. Indeed, Blair himself is often called Tory Blair and recognised by many in that Party as a political descendant of Thatcher herself. His successor Gordon Brown certainly was. Both men and their Governments it is recognised did little to nothing for the poor and the working people of Britain. In fact the consequences of their financial policies has been a great impoverishment of most British people. After Thatcher most working people in Britain expected something far better from Tony Blair and New Labour. Instead what they got soon after Thatcher and Major was a huge wave of Asian immigration into their towns and their cities. The latter it has been suggested is hardly coincidental in that piled onto their weakened position in economic depression was having to contend with a vast and challenging immigrant influx occupying their minds and their thoughts. In my view this kind of ploy is a typically New Labour thing. A kind of Social Democrat neo-Toryism which Blair and his acolytes certainly were.

However it wasn’t the end. From his mid-term in office Tony Blair turned towards Poland, newly admitted into the European Community, with Community law regulating the flow across Europe of labour. Poles were now able to circumvent all employment and travel restriction. However not to worry, we were all told by New Labour at the time, and BBC pundits of course! Labour’s expert statisticians assured us that no more than 15 thousand, 20 at most, would arrive each year and furthermore they would all be highly skilled people, so no fears for employment on that score! Yes, they would all be highly skilled so the tens of thousands of unemployed men, women and teenagers in Britain need not worry! If ever there was a damnable lie that was it! In the first five years of Blair’s open door policy over one million Poles have arrived. It is now an all too common joke that Polish is the first language of dozens of towns and cities throughout the south of England and West Country. But then the Poles are really great for our economy so we are told! They can be taxed on their high British wages and they buy so much food from our shops… except that they don’t! They buy from their own Polish shops of which there are thousands all over the place, and then in the building industry in which many of them are employed, they mostly work off the books! THEY DON’T IN MAIN PAY TAX AT ALL!

With Poland having EC membership, their population could choose to work just about anywhere so why did a million choose England? No problem at all! It was the best place for easy cheap council housing and free financial benefits anywhere in Europe, thanks to Tony Blair and New Labour. No such open arms, however, for young workers here. With an influx of one million Poles in five years New Labour assurances and statistics were all shown up as lies. However, it’s a cheering fact that in the last year some ancient New Labour Grandees from past times have crawled out the woodwork and admitted they’d made a mistake and got it all wrong!

Oh dear, oh dear… They’d got it all wrong! They’d made a little mistake about immigration! But then as most British people now know, if they’ve made such an acknowledgement it’s only because they’re red hot to be elected in 2015 with Ed Miliband at the helm. Dear old Ed… one of the architects of Gordon Brown’s policies of mass immigration! What actual benefit did the immigration of one million Poles and along with Latvians, Lithuanians, Slovaks and others bring to the UK. Well, and here is the other very well prepared answer… They do all those jobs that most young British people would never do. And that is because all those young British people are LAZY… they simply won’t do that kind of work… They want to earn lots of money for doing nothing!

Yes… they want to earn lots of money for doing nothing… I can read in so many downright reactionary newspapers… Hear it from the lips of so many miserable old bastards!

Yes, let’s run our own youth down and call them all lazy! They want to earn lots of money for doing nothing! Well I for one can’t hear you saying that about the scumbags in banking and finance who’ve cheated us all. All I can hear is you turning your spleen on our own kids and calling them lazy when they won’t pick vegetables for two quid an hour or scrub plates in a kitchen for less. So why did Tony Blair and his political friends let them enter in droves? The answer’s more than clear. They’re simply cheap labour, especially in unskilled occupations such as the building trade or clerical doughboys working for banks and insurance companies. Have a mind for them though. Most work hard and mean well. It’s tough leaving your parents, family and friends for somewhere many don’t want you to be!

Romanians and Bulgarians. Great! As long as they’re not on our street! Well if Boris Johnson has any say they’ll all be working in London! Surely not all of them begging down Oxford Street, Boris? Maybe you ought to think of taking some of those kids in prams home with you! With one of their mothers as wet nurse, or maybe two or three, all scamming food out of your kitchen!

YES, BUMBLING BLOND BORIS LOVES ROMANIAN BABIES! So we suggest that you all look him up when you arrive and pay him a visit. But please don’t worry! If you can’t find where he lives then you can start asking around. Ask our lovely police first. You can be sure that they’ll help you! Then you can go on working in Oxford Street with your fingers real itchy. Please don’t worry! All our best BBC liberals and friendly Liberal Democrats think you’ll be making a real contribution to our economy. Helping with the free circulation of money. From our pockets to your bank account in Bucharest. And good luck to your wives and your two dozen babies all begging. You see, that’s what we British all like. Seeing all you good folk coming here and working so hard. And if you want to park your Mercedes in our drive than you are welcome. Or if you need a short term loan may we suggest you give Wonga a miss. Just look up the Liberal Democrats Executive Committee, make a list of their names then go pay them a call. Holding up all those Oxford Street babies with television cameras present that you’ve arranged to be there! May I suggest to you good Romanian or Bulgarian folk that you go pay that really nice man, Nick Clegg and his wife, a visit… Or better still Mister Vince Cable. Yes, the minute your coach arrives in London why not try looking them up?

And after that there’s always Ed Miliband and his family. They’d really love to have you all camping in the back garden. That’s why they’re bringing you all in. So you can camp on everyone else’s! But actually, our politician who wants to see you most of all is a lovely lady called Teresa May. All her tens of thousands of immigrant well-wishers call her Mother Teresa!

And don’t any of you forget now. You’ve all got the support of the Bulgarian President who recently said that Britain can’t turn you away because we’ve got no right to. Isn’t that really nice. Our Government refuses to let the British people have a vote on whether to stay in the EC or get the hell out, so your President can actually say that, you see. He knows that you Bulgarians and Romanians have got more political rights and freedoms than we have in Britain! He knows that you’ve got the right to take a coach over here from the shit-hole you live in over there, put your feet down and fuck over the British.

By the way, has anyone told you? There are one hundred and thirty thousand Romanians and Bulgarians living in Britain already and the flood gates haven’t yet opened. And they are all such lovely people! If you don’t believe me just listen to BBC television, or better still Channel 4!

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