A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 25 January 2014


Recently the talk in the media has been about the unfortunate Liberal Democrat Peer Lord Rennard. I say unfortunate because no-one knows, as yet, the precise nature of most of the historical allegations made against him by a number of women, added to which is the fact that the police have investigated these and  see no reason to recommend prosecution. Right now then he is innocent. Never mind that his otherwise good name has been blackened in the press and on television on a regular basis. How must that feel for him and his family? Especially if he did nothing wrong! So on the basis of unproven innuendo and unknown allegation it seems all too easy to destroy a person’s reputation and character these days. And it seems all  too easy to form an opinion based on speculation and gossip without having any hard fact.

There was a time not so long back when making a pass if that’s what he did was simply just that. A man chatting to a woman and expressing his interest, or a woman doing the same to a man. Now such interest is interpreted in a different and highly negative manner. It is viewed as coming onto that person. Let’s consider the phrase. In today’s parlance it means that the person expressing interest is imposing himself or herself on the other and that furthermore such imposition is always unwarranted.  A man however might chat to a woman or a woman to a man simply because they like them or find them interesting and intelligent. They might find themselves attracted and this may be harmless enough. They might even find themselves sexually attracted, and this in itself is neither unpleasant nor nasty, nor is it a crime. It’s just an attribute of the human condition, but to generally infer from any such conversation or interest a purely sexual intention is both perverse and injudiciously judgmental. Ultimately it becomes a barrier to normal human relations and is a part of the dogmatic moralizing that has come to characterize a new kind of morality. One that broadly seeks to stamp itself on personal relationships by ideologues seeking to load their own personality deficiencies onto others.

Making accusations or allegations has become easy these days in a judgmental climate of gutter press morality inspired by narrow intellectual value judgment by those with their own ideological axes to grind all of which are only too enthusiastically propelled forwards by politicians whose fundamental interest is control. The times we live in are indeed judgmental and dangerous, Yet it is the conduct of many of these politicians that is itself irresponsible, indiscreet and a thoroughly bad example from those who seek to govern us and set an example.    

And it with this in mind it seems to me that some more than others have failed to show us the way. The Liberal Democrats in this respect have had much to answer for in recent years most of which has now quietly dropped from public view. The reputation of this Party has always been susceptible to one kind of naughtiness or another. Well quite frankly you might say, what would you expect of a political party that jumps into bed with the Tories on a promise. Did I hear the word tarts? Well that’s how the British people now see them though there are those who might be less gracious with their language! But for the Lib Dems alas there are far more things in the background than this. Indeed the whole Party seems to have been uncommonly prone to sexual indiscretion. Perhaps failing to keep things quiet and under wraps might be an alternative way of looking at it.

Let’s take a look. Years back before the Liberal Democrats there was the matter of Jeremy Thorpe, leader  of the Liberal Party and his relationship with naughty male model Norman Scott. Oh dear, it involved the death of a favourite dog among other things for the media and was a notable political sex scandal of the time, causing his resignation and departure from politics. It was a long way for a political leader to fall. More recently however one of the first leaders of the Liberal Democrat Party, the worthy Paddy Ashdown, gave cause for a bold front page headline in the Sun Newspaper, PADDY PANTS DOWN after being revealed having an affair with a respectable lady. Never mind, both he and the Lib Dems toughed it out for a while but the little indiscretion stuck and he was replaced.

Another considerably worse oh dear was to come. Chris Huhne, Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for Energy now in a Coalition Government with the Conservatives was having a secret affair that once uncovered most displeased his wife Vicky Pryce who according to a recent claim in the press gave him a black eye and chucked him through a plate glass window because he’d left her for his bisexual publicist Carina Trimingham who she’d described as a man and said he’d done it because he was a closet homosexual and had “been engaging in that activity again.” The whole thing had gone hand in hand with Huhne asking his wife to take penalty points he’d incurred for a motoring offence and she, confronted with one betrayal after another blew her top and let it all out. Consequences, jail time for both and an acrimonious bust up in public. So there it all was. Another top Liberal Democrat who couldn’t keep his flies buttoned up.

And speaking of flies, hidden pleasures seem to accompany Liberal Democrats wherever they go. Immediately prior to Chris Huhne there was the worthy David Laws, Lib Dem political high flier who for reasons best known to himself, claimed Parliamentary expenses on behalf of a gentleman lover whose existence might otherwise have never been known. Oh dear! The Parliamentary high flier not only outed as gay, not a crime in itself, but wrongly if not naughtily claiming expenses for someone he shouldn’t. Why do it for a few hundred quid one might ask if you wanted to keep your love life a secret? Wasn’t he earning enough? If he wanted to keep his relationship secret for whatever reason why take the risk? Result… put to the sword in the media and made to look like the arse that he was for the appreciation of the general public. Time though has passed and all been forgiven. He’s back in high office as a Junior Minister so there is political life after a scandal!

More recently however, even post Rennard, there’s been another Liberal Democrat sex splash. Another oh dear! This time just an ordinary Member of Parliament, Mike Hancock, allegedly being seriously indiscreet with a lady constituent and a damning Report on the matter just released. Dear, dear… And this is a Party that wants us to trust them running the country! That claims to be a model for sobriety and discretion! I mean, betraying the public who voted for you is one thing but as a politician, betraying the personal standards you set for yourself, something quite different.

And so back to Lord Rennard? The Daily Mail has called him a ‘groper’ on a front page recently and Liberal Democrat Party Leader Nick Clegg has demanded that he apologize for what is supposed he had done which he’s refused, claiming that he’s done nothing wrong and has nothing to apologize for. This seems to have caused a general furor among countless numbers of ambitious women who all now claim to have been abused at one time or another by male senior colleagues in work situations. What all this actually means is that we are witnessing the birth of an entirely new culture. What I would term The Abuse Culture, in which just about any man or woman may be liable to be accused of ‘abuse’. This extension of the increasingly neurotic character of the society we live in with its out of control bike riders and dogs being used as love objects or attack weapons and protest against just about anything being stifled by extraordinary police powers, is psychologically symptomatic of the manner in which economic depression impinges itself on otherwise rational judgment and brings out in people a whole number of demons all of which are a prey to those with emotional and ideological axes to grind.

And indeed, there are many decent individuals who, in the coming years are likely to be ground up in the process at the hands of the psychologically disturbed. We are living in an increasingly divided society. Fortunate for those who seek to govern and control us who are undoubtedly glad of such divisions in our national life. The lower middle class of the Daily Mail and the Sun against the unemployed, the poor and the benefit claimers; the indigenous white British poor against a tide of mass immigration; the police against public protest, especially that of students (at times it actually seems like the police against everyone who isn’t lower middle class) and, increasingly as it seems, a calculated and devastating division between the sexes. Turn people against each other. Divide and rule. It’s simple enough.

The prognosis is bad and there are dark days ahead. 

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