A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 12 January 2014



The Inquest Jury into the police shooting of Mark Duggan has finally given its verdict that he was killed lawfully. Oh thank heavens! It means that most Daily Mail, Express and Sun readers can now rest safely in their beds all happy and contented. The entire police and Independent Police Complaints Commission investigation into his shooting and the Inquest itself has brought into public view some remarkable facts. Firstly that the evidence given by various police present at the incident was remarkably similar with statements written up at the time made by the officers sitting together in a single room without anyone else present. These were contradicted by a single independent eye witness who viewed the incident from a 9th floor flat across the road at short distance whose statement told an entirely different story altogether. More disturbingly perhaps was the conduct of the Independent Police Complaints Commission in this matter. It has long been known that the supposed independence of this body has become seriously compromised in respect of its impartiality with regard to investigation of complaints about police conduct. Indeed to call it ‘independent’ in any way has become something of a joke and now we learn that the senior investigating officer of this body in respect to the shooting of Mark Duggan is himself a former policeman!

It is a fact that soon after the shooting, this supposedly independent body publically put out the false and incendiary suggestion that Mark Duggan had himself fired a gun at police officers. Furthermore they failed to inform his family for a considerable length of time after his death then somehow failed for no known reason to have any member of their organisation present in the room when the police wrote up their statements. Given these well-known facts it is only the readers of the above mentioned newspapers that can go on believing in the impartiality of this body which means in fact that the public at large has absolutely no protection whatsoever from the conduct of the police. Equally important, where it comes to the matter of police evidence, an English jury are far more likely to believe what the police say than anyone else despite the extraordinary volume in recent years of police misconduct. This is particularly so in the case of a considerable variety of ethnic minority or other campaigning groups. Anyone in these groups is undoubtedly disadvantaged in respect of the conduct of the British police.

Let’s not mince words. Given recent so called justified killings by armed police, it is today extremely dangerous for any member of the public to walk around the streets carrying anything in a carrier bag resembling a small piece of wood or a chair leg and similarly dangerous for anyone to hold a mobile phone in their hand. This is because in recent years the police have clearly adopted a shoot to kill policy in the case of people they believe to be carrying weapons, instructing their armed officers to act accordingly in the full belief they have immunity to do so. In the case of the Mark Duggan killing this assumption has turned out to be correct.

So with assessment often only too brief, sometimes even instant, by armed police who are often poorly educated, the life of just about each and every member of the public is at genuine risk, a fact not at all helped by our knowledge that the Independent Police Complaints Commission is now generally thought to be a police front, employing in its ranks former police officers to carry out its investigations! In short, the general public have absolutely no protection whatsoever from the police who with the Mark Duggan verdict will now feel they have carte blanche to behave in any manner they like.  It is only the readers of the three cited news-rags who will go on believing that they live in a free country when everyone else, perhaps, might take the view, if they haven’t done it already, that they live in a police state. Because that’s what a police state actually means. Somewhere the police can do anything they like to anyone and get away with it. Have their extreme actions regarded as lawful. In Europe it was recently Jews, trade unionists and socialists along with members of other ethnic and religious minorities. In Britain today it’s ethnic and social minorities. Soon it’ll be YOU and it all starts with the police. Police attacks against students… police attacks against workers and trades unionists on strike… police attacks on members of ethnic minorities;  individually or in groups.      




Yes you’ve heard David Cameron say it and George Osborne too! And Nick Clegg and Vince Cable! Oh how wonderful. They all love hardworking people.

That means people who work hard… not anyone on benefits or working AND collecting benefits. Sorry, all those people out of work and on benefits. Nobody loves you! And even if you worked hard for ten, twenty or thirty years and paid your National Insurance Contributions throughout, in other words paid for your unemployment benefit, it still doesn’t matter. You’re getting benefits so nobody loves you!

Let’s take a closer look at these good folk who love hardworking people. Firstly it is only fair to ask who these hardworking people are? Are they people who’ve worked hard all their lives, been frugal and saved up money for their retirement? Sounds like they’re righteous to me! The kind of people that David Cameron loves. Surely! Well in that case why are these good hardworking people who’ve saved up their money getting sweet fuck all interest on their savings these days, Mr Cameron? Why are most only getting 1% or less on the money they’ve saved, far below the rate of inflation, when it’s being loaned out by the building societies and banks they’ve put it into at a rate of 3-4% on mortgages? As you well know Mr Cameron, it was the financial institutions who caused the current economic crisis so why are you allowing them to rip of your beloved hardworking people all over again with these rotten interest rates? Have you no respect for those hardworking people you say you love who’ve carefully saved money all their lives for their retirement in order that those other friends of yours, the lazy and incompetent financial institutions can rip them off in the way they’re doing right now?


Okay, maybe the good hardworking people that you’re talking about are young or middle aged. Well in that case what on earth is the point of these people saving money if all they’re getting in return is virtually nothing … unless of course the truth is that you simply want them to spend everything they earn on mortgages to create another artificial  price rise bubble in the housing sector so that everyone feels good all over again till the bubble bursts the way it did during the time of the Thatcher Dictatorship, or else spend it  on cheap crap goods out of China!

I’m talking about those good hardworking people you say you love David Cameron and George Osborne SO LISTEN UP. Those good YOUNG hardworking people of yours… are they all agency workers or kids on minimum wage? Are they part-timers or kids on work experience FORCED TO WORK FOR NOTHING OR ELSE BE DENIED BENEFITS? Are these the young people to which you refer WHO WORK HARD FOR VIRTUALLY NOTHING IN YOUR WRETCHED CHEAP LABOR ECONOMY?

Oh, but that’s only one side of it all isn’t it? Let’s look at the other. At those good hardworking people in the Inland Revenue who work very hard indeed trying to reduce the tax liability of multinational corporations by giving them the best possible private advice WHICH SAVES THEM BILLIONS OF POUNDS EVERY YEAR AND TAKES IT AWAY FROM THE BRITISH ECONOMY AND YOUNG BRITISH PEOPLE. But then many of these corporations are registered overseas in Ireland and so contribute little to nothing to the British economy or the welfare of its citizens anyway. But then saving these multinationals any contribution they might make as taxpayers is considered far more important than those good hardworking British people that David Cameron and George Osborne, Nick Clegg and Vince Cable say that they love.

Right. So let’s have the truth! The good hardworking people rhetoric that comes out of the mouths of these leading Coalition politicians is quite frankly just so much shit. It’s fodder for those who read the Daily Mail and the Sun who not only hate young people but hate just about everyone, EXCEPT OF COURSE THE POLICE, those whose business it is to keep order. Soon the experience of a much tighter kind of control and order will appear in our lives!

The good hardworking people rhetoric crap is plainly symbolic. A counterpoint to young people without work. To anyone who complains. To anyone who protests about what is happening in our society. The unemployed are simply LAZY, the complainers are simply troublemakers and the protesters are commies or anarchists! They should be made to do useful community work or locked up in detention centres or correction facilities for re-educating. Naturally by the police!

Soon, very soon, there will either be good hardworking people or the deliberate idle. Good hardworking people get to pay tax, eat junk food, get fat, go to watch Premier Football, read the Sun, Express or Daily Mail, watch East Enders and get to live in Essex. The unemployed lazy in the other hand get to eat chips, feel depressed, experience hopelessness and violence and get to be even fatter. The middle class on the other hand will only get to look on and wonder… About when it will be their turn to be loved or unloved!



So, Jack Straw has returned from yet another trip to his beloved Iran! This time pleading for British and American tolerance and patience to the supposedly softer more liberal current regime! Now if there was ever any major Western politician who appeared more friendly towards the fundamentalist Islamic State of Iran then it has been Jack Straw, or Ayatollah Straw as most Iranian dissidents called him due to his frequent visits as British Foreign Secretary to Iran in the aftermath of the 9/11 attack on New York.

As Foreign Secretary from 2001-2006 he was always chummy with Iranian diplomats and political figures appointed by the vociferously anti-Semite President of Iran, Holocaust Denier, Ahmed Amadinajad who piloted Iran’s nuclear weapons program, endlessly promising to destroy the Jewish State. Nonetheless, despite its condemnation by the United States as the world’s leading sponsor of international terrorism, Ayatollah Straw has consistently offered it verbal support.      

In 2006 he was shifted from his post as Foreign Secretary by Tony Blair and reshuffled to Leader of the House of Commons. In connection with this Wikipedia has commented , “It is believed that Straw’s public opposition to potential military actions in Iran during his tenure of Foreign Secretary was one of the main reasons for his demotion.” Indeed, he seems to have had a peculiarly strange relationship with this hard line fundamentalist anti-Israel, anti-Semitic Islamic state, being technically a Jew himself through his mother, yet nonetheless declaring himself as a Christian. However, why he should have adopted such a friendly disposition to the major international enemy of Judaism and Israel is difficult to fathom though in 2013 he was accused by an Israeli politician of making anti-Semitic remarks at an international conference to the effect that it was the monetary wealth of American Jews that promoted the selection of Israel-friendly politicians to the American Congress. Something he has always denied.

However it is a fact that his time as Home Secretary in Tony Blair’s Labour Government between 1997-2001 was marked by the appearance of fundamentalist Islamic preachers delivering sermons outside mosques, the content of which were often grossly anti-Semitic and which the British police were for reasons best known to themselves unable to stop. This period too also witnessed the growth of openly racist anti-Semitic literature being openly sold on the streets of London and elsewhere.

Altogether, what Jack Straw is politically, despite his lifelong service to the Labour Party is a whole mixture of things, his career being marked by a number of different bees in his bonnet which have come and gone with the times. One however has flourished throughout and that has been his friendly disposition towards a viciously anti-Semitic political regime whose Holocaust Denial made no impression on his choice of political friends. Why is that one wonders? Why too has he never publically condemned the threats by Islamic Iran to destroy the Jewish State of Israel.

The British Labour Party has always had a mighty peculiar and mixed relationship with British Jews. Most Jewish immigrants to Britain have given it their tireless emotional and practical support and there have   been not a few Jewish MP’s and Party activists. The current Leader of the Labour Party in Parliament is a Jew. Even so, one of the most notorious anti-Semites in modern British politics was a former leader of the Transport and General Workers Union, Ernest Bevan, and there have been many others. It is also the case that one of the forefathers of the Labour Party itself, Henry Hyndman, expressed anti-Semitic views.

But then Labour Party politicians have always been known to express strange and peculiar views as well as being strange and peculiar people, no more or less a percentage of the rest of the British population! So if Jack Straw wants to be Iran friendly let him be so. It doesn’t make him an anti-Semite, just another peculiar opportunist political dickhead who seemed to be politically very important, or thought he was, for a short space of time before disappearing up his own arse. Someone who was more than red hot to flush his own vestige of Judaism down the toilet best and fast as he could rather like that other political creep of recent times, Catholic convert Nigel Lawson. The two were political contemporaries and both thought they were  so terribly important and that was only natural you see, because they were politicians and arrogant enough to think they could make a real difference to people’s lives when they actually couldn’t. Only mess them up far more than they already were by sticking their noses into history.

Ayatollah Straw will always be known with that name and historically no friend at all in the great Jewish story. However, I shall always think of him as Iranian Jack!

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