A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 29 June 2013


In the last week the British news media has been full of two things. Firstly the conduct of everyone’s favourite group of people, the police. Secondly Oxford Tory-Boy George Osborne’s swingeing benefit cuts attack on the poor and the unemployed on behalf of the former Labour Government which, together with the Financial Services Sector, were responsible for causing the current catastrophe in the British economy. Sorry all you strawberry and cream tennis sillies but I’ve left Wimbledon out of the equation.

The police of course have been up to far more than their usual criminal violence and general naughtiness of attacking and beating up striking miners, students and other workers, fitting up innocent people and sending them to jail, colluding with journalists to illegally hack into the mobile phones of celebrities and others, causing the deaths of innocent people in police stations, falsifying statements and lying about both the living and dead of the Hillsborough Tragedy and, of course, completely stuffing up the original investigation of the racist murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence. Well, you may say, it’s hard to do any more than that. You’d have thought that after all they’ve been up to in recent decades they’d have stepped up to the plate and become shining examples of virtue but alas, sad to say, it just hasn’t happened. Various numbers of them are now exposed as spies and despicable ne’er do wells.

It’s one thing secretly investigating people and groups who are into violence, criminality, murder and mayhem; really bad people intent on causing serious harm such as drugs dealers, terrorists, gangs who exploit and molest children and the quite dangerous people who adulterate food. It’s quite another, however, to spy on people and infiltrate groups who are opposed to racism and fascism. Please note, I didn’t say spy on those who SUPPORT racism and fascism but those who OPPOSE it! No, the Metropolitan Police, already branded as ‘institutionally racist’ by a judicial report in recent times apropos their conduct in the Stephen Lawrence murder, then turned their attention to spying on and infiltrating anti-racist campaign groups in order to smear individuals and their work and similarly the family of the murdered teenager itself. A more despicable thing you could hardly contemplate yet there is worse! Infiltrating and spying on peace and other activist campaign groups wasn’t enough. They got into the lives of their supporters and in the cases of various women added sexual penetration and procreation to the list of their achievements. As has recently been shown, some of these very special boys in blue working under deep cover were already married with children while active on the job elsewhere. One of their victims has already said in televised interview that it was like she’d been raped by the State.

Good work if you can get it some might say but then who are the filthy people who would say such a thing? Spying on peace groups and their activists, on anti-racist groups and on groups campaigning for justice on behalf of victims, both white and black, of violence and intimidation in police stations is dirty in the extreme and stinks of fascism, and the police at senior level are under serious fire for permitting such conduct. To brand senior officers in this way, however, is unfair. They only facilitated such filthy conduct and let their juniors do all the work just like they did the dirty stuff throughout Nazi Europe 1933-1945. True, they may have liked doing it then and they may have enjoyed doing what they did now but the real responsibility surely lies with the politicians of whatever Government who asked them at senior level to do it. It almost certainly lies with various Home Secretaries for the periods involved and their Police Ministers. They were the people who secretly sanctioned such conduct starting from the top then down through the ranks to the doughboys. No-one is questioning the various politicians involved, only the conduct of the wretched police.

It’s just like the British Intelligence Services spying on the British and European domestic public. Why attack them alone for poking their filthy noses into our private lives when they’re only doing what Government politicians pay them to do… Trying to get their noses up everyone’s arse. Well it’s dirty work make no mistake and the kind of thing for which they are clearly eminently suitable. In any case, quite frankly, why should British people really mind when they are, after all, themselves the most spied upon people in Europe with CCTV cameras on just about every street corner in every village, city and town and down every drain-hole? They never really complained about that kind of filthy intrusion into their privacy so why complain about such invasiveness now? For a people who have, in a very general sense, such an apparently low sense of self-esteem and self-worth and who spend so much time complaining against each other and informing on so many of their neighbours to the police and who are also, by the way, generally uninterested in the human rights of others let alone their own, why on Earth should they be interested in the activities of a few cheesy coppers when the real dirtiness belongs much higher up.

And just one additional thing. Did Tony Blair’s New Labour Government or that of the Dark Lord who followed him use the police spying service to spy on or infiltrate the trades union movement and the Trades Union Congress itself?


So on to Gorgeous George Osborne and his Welfare Cuts. The main thing to understand in all this is not that he’s attacking the poorest, most deprived section of our society on behalf of the seriously dirty financial services sector who cheated and robbed the British public solely to benefit themselves. Oh no! He’s doing it because he knows he knows he CAN do it because he has the support of all three of the main political parties. They are all in it together so if you don’t like it too bad. You’ve got no other political party to turn to! They are all united together in making you pay for the economic crisis they caused!


Historically we can expect such conduct from the Conservatives. It’s okay! The poorest most needy sections of our society know what they’re about. There’s no shame in it. They’re just the filthy dogs who represent the large numbers of British people who don’t give a shit about anyone except themselves. No harm in that. We know you for what you are… The kind of people who take your dog into a public park where children are playing to have a shit and think it’s causing no harm… And furthermore you think you’ve got a right to do that kind of thing. Okay, we understand you, and furthermore you’re not the only ones to blame. Legions of working class dog owners do it along with the multitude of benefit loving cider-crusties. Okay, you are all understood! Much more difficult to understand are the other two parties, Lib-Dems and Labour.

But then how true is that really? The former were nothing more than a gaggle of opportunists who ditched their manufactured ideals that came from neither social class nor personal conviction as soon as they got near the smell of Government. Down the plug-hole went the silly ideas and with it their gobby youth movement. Okay, it’s quite understandable! These people, without any real social class behind them, were nothing more than a manufactured gang of pissy little chancers. You can excuse them. Just put a finger up to your temple and give it a twist. You know what I mean! Delusional and dangerous with it… But Labour? A Party that once had a mighty working class for its constituency! Well such a Party no longer exists! The middle class usurped it and it no longer represents anyone in Parliament except itself.  It just carries the name, Labour Party under what may best be described as false pretense. Why else would it support every cutback on the welfare and benefits payments to the poor, the real VICTIMS of the economic crises by Tory Chancellor George Osborne?

So the second major prong of news this week tells us that a large proportion of the electorate of this country are disenfranchised. In political terms they have nowhere to go. No political party they can turn to for help so the question is, which of these is the dirtiest? The one that always does the same thing, the one that goes sniffing after its arse or the one that still goes under its old name but no longer believes in what it used to believe anymore, in fact doesn’t even know what equality and justice is, let alone decency!

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