A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Saturday 29 June 2013


After this delightful week’s news let me turn to a more heartwarming subject, what I would call the Crystal Imperative. This might sound like the title of some cheap novelette, the kind of crap they make into films or put on television for bored glassy-eyed people to watch while they’re eating cheap pizza or preparing a campaign for fingering their girlfriend on the sofa. No, it’s not that at all. What I have to tell you is much more exciting. It’s all about the connection that you and many other people have with Royalty when it comes to crystals.

Yes, you DO have a connection with Royalty where crystals and crystal healing is concerned. And not only with Royalty but with all the crowned heads of Europe together! Now isn’t that something. Yes, you have a historical connection with Kings and Emperors, Monarchs and Popes. From the Borgias to the Habsburgs… From Napoleon to the Czars. From Queen Victoria to our very own Elizabeth herself! But how can this be true I hear you saying? Well it is. You have a great thing in common. Those Kings and Emperors often possessing it even more powerfully than you! Indeed, they were perhaps the first to recognise its Spirit. What I wish to call the healing character of crystals, or more deeply perhaps, the crystal imperative.

Let me start at the beginning. Try and make it all simple so that you will understand! What is it that all the illustrious people mentioned above loved and still love today, just as much as so many of you who are into crystals and crystal healing love? What is it that you all have in common? Well SURPRISE, you all share the same love of crystals. It’s absolutely true! I mean, they all have their favourites just like you have yours. They got and still get the same pleasure in them, the same excitement, just like you do.

Let’s look at the situation in detail. They love Diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires and Rubies just as much as you love Rose Quartz and Amethyst. They find healing properties in their crystals and minerals such as Lapis Lazuli just as much as you find the same healing powers in Sugilite,  Moldavite and Apophylite. Indeed, as I have recently shown, rulers like the Habsburgs may have understood and benefited from the same healing qualities of Sugilite placed in the Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Emperor they wore for ceremonial occasions just as much you do wearing it in a much coveted pendant. It was just the same for these hereditary rulers as it is for crystal healing adepts and believers today! And to take the view a step further, Moldavite a precious green crystal with undoubted healing qualities was worn by the medieval rulers of Bohemia and Moravia who associated it with the Holy Grail. It was even earlier, since ancient times, associated with good fortune and fertility. You may wear it today, if you’re lucky to get hold of any, because of its exceptionally high vibration which clears blockages and aligns the chakras into a harmonious whole and use it to transfer in your journeys between lives, going back into those of your past and onwards into the future, and likewise, it helps sensitive people deal with suffering and their emotions. An interest in these spiritual qualities, along with those of Sugilite, you would undoubtedly share with some of eminent persons mentioned above.

However, apart from such important connections, of which many more undoubtedly exist, there can be no denying that all these crowned heads and rulers either had a passion for their own favourite crystal or perhaps even more than one. The monarchs and senior clergy of Spain for example, felt a very real spiritual affinity with emeralds which they obtained from various places in South and Central America. The British monarchy on the other hand had a great fondness for diamonds and sapphires collected specially for them from colonial territories such as South Africa, Burma and India. They certainly had a passion for those huge South African diamonds!  However it was not so much a case of where these crystals came from, more their spiritual rapport with them. They gave the same pleasure, promoted the same feeling of spiritual wellbeing for Queen Victoria and the monarchs who followed her as the healing, calming, loving, spiritual power of Rose Quartz does today for the many millions of adepts and followers who believe in crystal healing. Why should the spiritually healing effect of diamonds on Queen Victoria, one may ask, be any different to the specific healing effect say of Rose Quartz on the many who believe in its spiritual capacity today? Is it not all part of the same thing. Just because it’s diamonds on the one hand and quartz on the other really shouldn’t make any difference. I mean, should we cynically, snobbishly censor someone’s passion just because they are a Queen or an Empress and accept it in a Commoner, an actress like Liz Taylor whose fondness for diamonds was well known?

The problem lies with all the many cynics out there who might want to turn these higher spiritual questions into issues of value rather than accept that the spiritual confluence of healing runs with the same flow through everyone, no matter who they are. It is the healing capacity of crystals themselves that is the universal spiritual force that belongs to us all, that unites us, binds us into the one universal spiritual family. Why then politicize crystal healing when this power ultimately belongs to the higher realms of spiritual energy?  Napoleon may have loved rubies and the Borgias, sapphires, but is the healing relationship between them and their crystals any different to those that connect so many of us today to Apophyllite or Rose Quartz? We are entitled to ask this question now that this healing connection is so much better understood in our time when crystal healing has become as much a science as an art.

We know so much more today and can look back on the great Renaissance Popes, the Habsburgs, the later Crowned Heads of Europe from the spiritual wisdom of crystal healing in modern times. And taking it much further back why was Lapis Lazuli so beloved of the pharaohs? For one thing it is a protective stone that contacts spirit guardians, facilitates spiritual journeying and stimulates personal and spiritual power. This confirms everything we know about the pharaohs themselves, especially their relationship to the spiritual world after death and their journeying through it. Many were buried with their lapis lazuli treasures, their mummified casts bright with the dye from the stone. Is our wisdom today therefore any greater than theirs? Perhaps only in character.

In summary then it is clear that the great and the good of history no matter who they were also had their own personal affinity for crystals just as much as the many numberless folk of today. A correspondence of energy levels between crystals and kings just as much as the correspondence of energy levels between crystals and the great multitude of men and women who make up our world. Rose Quartz and Amethyst, Onyx and Obsidian have healing qualities and provide energy levels only for those who may need them and the same may be said for crystal forms such as Diamond, Ruby and Emerald, both the latter to be found as Beryl and Zoisite. Statistically it is understood that these have greater spiritual efficacy for those whose custom is to rule while the spiritual energy of Rose Quartz, for example, has a residual empathy for those involved in all the contradictions and problems of life. For the many rather than the few. That one set of crystals is rare and expensive and therefore available only to the few who can afford them is misleading. Even if they were available to the many it would not necessarily mean that they might be effective. On the contrary, the natural order of things would dictate otherwise, or else why would the rich and the powerful love and seek to possess only the most precious and expensive crystals. Answer, because only these work for them, not the more common semi-precious stuff so beloved of the crystal healing fraternity! In any case, these days it is the many who strive to possess the rare and precious Sugilite, those large brilliantly violet pieces which are beyond the dreams of princes.

This then is the Crystal Imperative. To strive for the healing energies to which we belong. To reach the converging spiritual confluence between our own personal need and the crystalline structures before us. And that is the task of crystal healing. To understand that convergence and fulfill it in all of us. It is, indeed, a CRYSTAL IMPERATIVE. Think of that when you consider buying a crystal!

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