A Conspiracy of Trash

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Friday 21 June 2013


Now I want to talk about the HABSBURG HEGEMONY.

The what? I tell you it’s about the Habsburg Hegemony, or the domination of Central European royalty and history by the Habsburg family for 800 years. Well actually, the post is entitled…


                                   THE HABSBURG HEGEMONY AND SUGILITE

The Habsburgs, bless their little purple cotton socks, ruled much of Europe for a very long time, going back one way or another to the 10th century, with lands that eventually extended from Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, large parts of France including Burgundy and Lorraine, Germany, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Croatia and the Balkans along with sizeable areas of Italy, the Low Countries…what is now Holland and Belgium, and elsewhere. They occupied the throne of the Holy Roman Empire for example from the mid-15th to the mid-18th centuries! They were a kind of extended family with uncles and aunts controlling territories with titles of margraves, counts, dukes, archdukes, kings and emperors with palaces all over the place stuffed with crowns, orbs, sceptres and jewels. You name it they had it! And that wasn’t the half of it. Through family connections they doubled it up with the influence they had. Napoleon didn’t like them one bit and set about doing them over from the end of the 18th to beginning of the 19th centuries. But then they recovered, even after the little Frenchman dissolved their Holy Roman Empire and Garibaldi kicked them out of Italy, with good old Archduke Maximilian shot for good measure in Mexico. What did for the House of Habsburg finally was Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary siding with Germany in the First World War, losing and having most of what remained of his little Empire broken up into modern day Republics. The real question here is what started off the final collapse and why?

As every schoolboy knows, it all kicked off in Sarajevo in 1914 when a couple of Serbian nationalists decided to assassinate Archduke Ferdinand which they did along with his wife. One thing led to another with Europe forming into two blocs and before you knew where you were there were trenches in every direction from the Mediterranean to the North Pole! So a guy in a car gets killed by a couple of radicals and its 30 million plus dead. Simple it seems looked at through the well-trodden lens of history. An established tale with a well-known formula for war only it all seems too pat. Like the story was being rehearsed. For a lot of people the whole thing doesn’t add up and many have felt quite frankly that there had to be something more to it than that. One side joining another then another and its bang-bang. Indeed, many people now think that there definitely was something more going on and I am now able to say they were right.  A strange discovery has been made only recently. A connection so intriguing, so mysterious, that only now, after much patient research can the truth be revealed. One that can at last be brought to the attention of a wider public in what can only be described as THE HABSBURGS AND THE SUGILITE CONNECTION.

The first thing one needs to consider and indeed wonder at is how this family dominated Europe for so long with a gene pool the size of a pea pod. They were all interconnected through a series of dynastic intra-family marriages where genetic disorders and other disabilities were passed on with such stunning regularity that it led to the wholesale extinction of family lines such as that in Spain. Something you could tell at a glance just by looking at the portraits of the monarchs while most of the Austrian line vanished in the 18th century.

Well they did most of it through intermarriage and conquest. A kind of family based territorial looting operation. Taking over one place after another with armies and arms, acquiring wealth along the way then sucking it dry.

It was all most charmingly dynastic! The display of title and power across vast regions run by lesser lords amid a vast sea of peasants locked down by religion and feudal obligation with all the symbols of that power displayed in thrones, crowns and jewels. A crystallization of that power, indeed, yet as will soon be made evident, in more ways than one that in a sense is still pertinent today if you consider the symbolic significance and potency that The British Crown Jewels, on display for all to see in The Tower of London, still have today. I refer here though to only one sense of that significance. For the Crown Jewels of the Habsburgs there was another. I refer in particular to the Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire.

From 1438 The Holy Roman Empire centred in Germany was ruled by the House of Habsburg and contained a vast Treasury including the Crown, all of which are now on display at The Imperial Treasury in the Hofburg Palace, Vienna. Interestingly, they were originally kept at Nuremburg then removed because of the advance of Napoleon but returned in l938, exactly 500 years after the Habsburgs took over, by that keen disciple of the occult, Adolf Hitler. Nuremburg as is well known being the scene of his Nazi political rallies. So the Imperial Holy Roman Crown of the Habsburgs had its seat of symbolic power in Germany, left there for Vienna for a while, was returned to Nuremburg by Hitler, disappeared during the Second World War, was found by American troops and eventually returned to Vienna. That’s the known history, but what of its power?

Symbolic? Undoubtedly! And yet something far more. Over many decades admirers of the Imperial Crown have marveled at its many magnificent jewels but, it should be said, merely as tourists. Passive bystanders as it were. Recently however there has been a very different kind of interest altogether! From the end of the 1980’s and throughout the 90’s certain observers with a keen knowledge of crystals and crystal healing have sensed a strange personal magnetic empathy with the artifact. As though in some way they felt drawn to it. Though this was known it was never seriously considered until recent times when a few prominent adepts of healing individually turned their attention to the object. It was then noted on closer examination of some of the jewels that what at first appeared to be an odd kind of transparency was nothing of the kind but had far more of a dense opaque quality and was strangely purple, not even resembling amethyst of emerald at all. Modern knowledge soon clarified the confusion. Though unable to conduct any close examination of the stones or undertake any kind of chemical analysis, it nonetheless became clear, as much through sensing than anything else, that some of the material under consideration was undoubtedly Sugilite.

This was a huge surprise to those in the healing profession who had the experience, if not a shock, and was kept from the Austrian authorities to whom such knowledge would have been meaningless, also bringing possible scorn! The discovery of Sugilite and its exceedingly significant powers has been of great benefit for crystal healing but it has only come in recent decades. The Palace authorities in Vienna wouldn’t have had a clue about its importance and the fact, as mentioned in a previous post, that it had an energy level equivalent to the 12th power. In short, the discovery of the mineral in the Imperial Crown of the Habsburgs was kept very much in the shadows. The real questions now are as follows. Firstly how on Earth did the mineral find its way into the Crown? Secondly, were the Habsburgs in any way sensitive to its energy levels and powers, and thirdly and much more intriguingly, was there anyone else likely to have had that knowledge?

To answer the last question first. Obviously, at any time in the past such as prior to the First or Second World Wars no-one could have known of Sugilite as the mineral had only been ‘discovered’ in Japan during the 1970’s by Professor Sugi. However, having said that could the Habsburgs or anyone else for that matter have seen it and been aware of its remarkable powers? Thought that it was something quite different to any of the known run of the mill gemstones?

To return to the first question. How did the mineral find its way into the Imperial Holy Roman Crown? This is a real problem. The mineral itself is extremely rare. It’s source of ‘origin’ was Japan and only recently a fresh find was made in the Cape Province of South Africa, both locations quite outside the possibility of discovery for Medieval Central Europeans. So where else it is likely to have come from and how did it get into the Crown when guys like the Habsburgs liked traditional jewels. The bigger the better! The answer, though seemingly improbable, may not be so hard to find. The Habsburgs were the richest most powerful family in Europe. Their wealth was enormous and their contacts universal. They had the best jewelers making stuff for them all over the place. There might have been a tiny source of the material somewhere in Europe or in any of their overseas territories. If any had been found, however small the source, its novelty would have aroused great curiosity. Would have been drawn to the attention of the Ruler, might have found its way in the Crown as a kind of MUST HAVE piece of stone. As a kind of talisman for example, much as greenish mineral Moldavite had been for Medieval Monarchs as a kind of Grail Talisman.

The idea of such a strange violet coloured mineral finding its way into the Crown of the Holy Roman Emperor may not be altogether far-fetched. A more interesting consideration is what effect it might have had on the Habsburg Rulers themselves? Could they have in any way understood its vast energy levels, its very own tremendous power? This to my mind is particularly intriguing. The symbolic significance of the Crown was well known to a whole succession of Habsburg Emperors who only used it for crucially important ceremonies such as Coronations. Even so, their domination of European politics from 1438 till 1806 through it says much. Without necessarily being into crystal healing they somehow must have sensed its spiritual power. Regarded it as not merely a symbol but something more. Something with special qualities. Today they would have understood better and been adepts of the power of Sugilite. Back then they must have surely known that the purple stones in their Crown contained some kind of force that gave them the power of understanding. An ability to rule and command.

This Crown then was part of the regalia that remained in Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph’s Imperial Hofburg Palace during the early years of the 20th century and was due to be passed to his son, the Archduke Ferdinand when the old man, already well into his 80’s, was dead. Ferdinand would receive not only the symbol of that power but the actual power that went with it. Something the Serbian assassins certainly knew. They were fanatics. Theirs was the struggle of Serbian nationalism. For a Serbia free from the age old domination of Austria. The power of the Imperial Crown was everything they hated. They or their colleagues had certainly seen it. Something out of a German Holy Roman past and being slavophiles themselves everything they despised. There was its mesmerizing power, locked away in an Imperial Palace that had dominated slavophile Eastern Europe for centuries but what to do? Destroy the well-guarded Crown or kill the man who would wear it?

They too must have sensed its power. Its majesty, the authority of its gems at the apex of everything they reviled. Destroying it there in the Palace wasn’t entirely impossible. They might well have considered it but then there was also the man, the hereditary ruler. They knew of the turbulence their actions might cause. Kill the man, destroy the Crown! Destroy the Crown and break up the Empire. Free Serbia. It was never going to happen. The Archduke was killed and the assassination drove Austria’s politicians and old Franz Joseph into the arms of the Kaiser. After the War another Austrian got hold of the crown and began building an Empire, only one that didn’t last either. Even so, those pieces of Sugilite have been at the centre of European power for 500 years. They were deliberately put into the Crown and that’s where they’ll stay, waiting for someone else with ambition to sense their power.

If you visit Vienna on holiday go take a look at the Hofburg Palace. The authorities won’t let you get anywhere near the Imperial Crown but if you are in any way into crystal healing you’ll get the message. And if you’re wearing a Sugilite pendant, watch out. These might not be the crystals that started the First World War, not directly that is, but there’s an undoubted causal relationship. All things have a cause and effect, all things some place of their own in history. Crystal healing adepts see things their own way and their ideas are often just as new, just as exciting as those of accountants who design tax avoidance packages for Google, Amazon, Starbucks and Vodaphone.

If you found this post thought-provoking, why not try some of my e-books, published on Amazon. Samples are free and the full downloads less than £1! One of them, WITH MALICE, is a powerful novel which deal with the above topic. Another, A CONSPIRACY OF TRASH, is a black satire giving the lowdown of the English Literary Profession and what you need to do to get a book published!

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