A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Thursday 12 February 2015


Below you will find some observations and comments on a handful of current stories. I hope you find them interesting and different to the usual slush found in the news media.









It wasn’t so far back that Germany was busily engaged in the Ukraine. They were there in force in 1941, the German army, Nazi SS Divisions and murder squads once having invaded the territory, became fully committed to the mass murder of endless numbers of civilians, captured Soviet soldiers and as many Jews as they could get their hands on. Prompted by Nazi policy back in Berlin their conduct was aided and abetted by gangs of Ukrainian nationalist thugs led by Ukrainian Nazi collaborator Stepan Bendara. At the time many of these people willingly joined the SS and volunteered to work as guards at Concentration and Death Camps scattered throughout nearby Poland where they readily engaged in appalling brutality and atrocities against millions of victims. They were, indeed, an  integral part of the mechanized mass murder process that killed six million Jews.

After the defeat of the Nazis in the Ukraine by the Soviet armies between 1943 and 1945 many of them simply disappeared, blending back into the landscape. Recently however Nazi collaborators returned to prominence, playing a key role in the Ukrainian nationalist takeover in Kiev. In fact it was Ukrainian Neo-Nazi parties comprised of large numbers of well-armed thugs, political descendants of the old wartime collaborators that did the business of putting a new anti-Russian regime in place in Kiev backed up by support from the American State Department and the Government of Poland both of which helped supply them with arms.

Angela Merkel’s Germany, while not directly involved in the nationalist coup in Kiev, played what may best be described as a waiting game. The Germans have always had an interest in the territory but having committed shameful atrocities there not long ago and been comprehensively booted out and defeated by Moscow had thought it best to return from the sidelines, this time as so called peacemakers from the European Union along with France. So German Chancellor Angela Merkel turns up in Moscow alongside President Hollande and together put a peace plan to Putin which they’d worked out in Kiev in company with John Kerry, the most warlike and threatening Secretary of State of any American Administration for the last fifty years together with Ukraine’s current President, chocolate manufacturer Poroshenko.

And there she sat in Moscow, the German Chancellor, making demands on the Russians on behalf of the United States and their mutual military arm in Europe, NATO. Remember what the abbreviation stands for! North Atlantic Treaty Organisation… Yet the Ukraine along with Poland, the Balkan States and Turkey are thousands of miles away from the North Atlantic! What all of it actually means is the United States putting troops on the ground along with serious military hardware on territory bordering Russia. With the Administration of erstwhile liberal Barak Obama leading the way with intimidation and threat, the Germans had returned to the Ukraine as surrogates. They took the territory before but couldn’t hold it. Now in their new guise as nice guys they’re offering the Russians peace plans! No need to look over any shoulder this time when you’ve got a knife in your pocket for the old enemy.

But then it’s only Russia, not Greece! So how did Germany get itself into such a delightfully moral position of being able to put peace plans to Moscow with NATO menaces and putting itself forward as guardians of economic sobriety to Greece. Where the latter’s concerned the answer’s fairly straightforward. Greece, as a nation of easy-come easy-go sun loving funsters who make nothing and do nothing had to put themselves at the mercy of a gang of loan-sharks with the morality of weasels and when the money ran out adopted an attitude of no intention to pay. Alas, they’re quickly learning that the other side in the game has got very sharp teeth. Similarly, if Putin thought that the dumpy lady who sat down with him at a flower bowl table had only got a tourist trip of the Kremlin in mind then comrade watch out! She’s a surrogate for a new kind of fascist. One buried not so deep in the State Department in Washington with its table top spokesman in so called liberal hell-boy Barak Obama.


They make the headlines on a regular basis. Especially in lower middle class anger rags like the Daily Mail and Daily Express. It’s those contemptible benefit scroungers again! Yes they’re always there on the front page one way or another. You know the type! The underclass creep with 18 kids and his scrawny wife claiming and getting seventy thousand a year on benefits and not even doing a day’s work for it either. Just waiting for the postie to bring in that cheque every week so he can leg it down to the boozer. And as for that wife of his, hairdo on a regular basis, fancy clothes and always out at some club or other with her mates. And as for those kids, you’d just better believe it. The older ones at twelve doing drugs and most of the rest truanting. With hair cropped down to the bone they’ll all be on the Jeremy Kyle Show sooner or later.

Yes we know where all the money’s coming from. It’s out of the taxes we pay. It’s you and me who pay for their lifestyle. Sun or Daily Star… that’s the sort of people they are and just about everywhere with it.

Just imagine Essex and Kent getting up every morning on the commute and getting a regular front page eyeful of those benefits scroungers. Brought to them by the Mail and the Express. The people who really know how rotten Westminster politics are with all those expenses cheats, soft touch do-gooders and gays running the show. Whereas the likes of us have to get up and take the train into work every morning them and those benefits cheats get away with blue murder. The Labour Party? You’ve got to be kidding! And as for the Tories they’re all lefty these days in with those fucking Liberal Democrats. Yeah, they’re all the same, those benefit friendly creeps at Westminster. If they’re not covering up some paedophile scandal or other they’re either doling it out to the idle stay at homes or topping up the wages of millions. And it’s all out of our taxes!

You can’t hear it but it’s buzzing around in their heads like a stirred up nest of bees! It’s all coming out of our taxes to pay for that bastard on the front page and his slag of a wife to have another half dozen on benefits!

Maybe that’s why so many of them will soon put their cross against UKIP! Maybe, but one thing they won’t do is think about why these ten and twenty kids families come up in the Mail or the Express. Won’t wonder whether they’re being cherry picked for a purpose and maybe that these large families are one in a hundred thousand and they’re deliberately put there to get you into an unjustified lather. That without knowing it their misfortune and lifestyle are part of a political game that you’re being roped into so easily. That of misplaced envy and wrath. If you thought about it for two minutes instead of letting your emotions run off the charts you’d know against whom your anger should really be placed.

The question I’m asking here is who are the real benefits cheats? Who are the really serious, serial big time scroungers? Well I’ll tell you. The people with big families or those who are genuinely needy are small time players in a far bigger far dirtier game. We suffer from two major economic problems in our society. British workers are among the lowest paid in Europe thanks to Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and New Labour. Thirteen years in power and they never bothered to make sure that working people in this country were paid A LIVING WAGE. Secondly, tax avoidance by big companies and multinationals that operate here but are registered in tax reduction havens like Luxembourg is rife. Countless big name businesses earning outsize chunks of money in the UK pay ultra low levels of tax elsewhere. The usual thing we hear from these people is that they contribute to the British economy by employing large numbers of workers and if they had to pay them more they’d up sticks and go where labour is cheap like East Europe. We’ve heard all this blackmail from business before. Actually it’s those cheap labour British workers that make them their profits most of which are of little benefit to the economy because they can’t be taxed.  

Our British tax regime is purposefully filled with countless loopholes which makes tax avoidance easy. Businessmen, firstly say thank you Gordon Brown and New Labour; and then to Coalition partners, Scarecrow Vince Cable and Bullingdon Boy George Osborne for keeping it that way!

SO WHO IS IT THAT GETS THE BENEFIT FROM SUCH A SEE NO EVIL AT BEST TAX REGIME operated by the Inland Revenue? And I’m talking billions in Euro and Sterling here, not just a few million in salary top ups or social welfare benefits. Billions in corporate revenue that’s kept out the tax loop by clever accountants who play mister fix it for some of the world’s biggest earners. No, I’m not talking about the underclass wonder who’s production line makes front page on the rags whenever it’s time to whip up lower middle class bile but the high-tech internet money machines so beloved of that techie legion of latter day nerds. The kind of people who sit on their bums pressing buttons rather than roll liquid metal out of a steel mill to make things! And let it be said, tax avoidance technology is a serious and lucrative business. Price Waterhouse, major league players in accountancy have, according to a Report from a House of Commons Committee chaired by the indefatigable Margaret Hodge, been active in a serial capacity for helping many big corporations relocate their head offices to countries like Luxembourg whose tax regime saves them serious sums of money that otherwise might have found its way into the British Exchequer.

And if you think that’s bad, wait for it! Really nice guys these accountants. Really go out of their way to help people, I mean the right sort of people like Labour Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls and Shadow Business Secretary Chuka Umunna who together have received half a million in ‘research aid’ from the said firm. No such ‘research aid’ of course for mister nineteen kids on the front page of the Mail. You’ve got to be a top Labour politician to get that kind of money!

Mega tax avoidance activity by business and in not a few cases, businesses failing to pay workers even the statutory Minimum Wage. Furthermore no payment of a Living Wage for millions who need to top up their pay with benefits. Indeed if companies paid their employees a Living Wage then those employees wouldn’t need to apply for those benefits.

So actually who is it who’s getting the REAL benefits here? I MEAN THE BIG TIME BENEFITS? In other words who are the REAL benefits scroungers? Is it working people and the unemployed, or is it big business, those who pay a small fraction in the pound tax?

You don’t need much imagination to get the real picture. Just think for a moment and you’ll know who the real scroungers are! And the point I’m making is this. Who is it that our Government really cares about? Is it students whose finances are done to death for years having to take out loans to pay for huge tuition fees, a debt collectable by private companies to whom the Government has sold off their loans soon as they’ve finished their studies and got jobs? Is it the millions of working men and women whose employers don’t even pay them enough to live on while themselves getting away with daylight robbery paying seriously reduced levels of tax. Quite frankly, under both so called New Labour Government and the Tory-Liberal Democrat Coalition this country is more like a South American Banana Republic than a modern Western  European society. With the Tories it’s understandable. But with Labour? The Party’s policies today are a complete and shameful betrayal of everything it once stood for.  

Yes we all know who the real benefit scroungers are. So what is tax avoidance really if it isn’t actually theft? Legal theft that is. Oh so very legal!


In recent days we’ve seen the entry into pre-election politics of three former political stalwarts from a time of previous Labour Government… Peter Mandelson, Lord Levy and Tony Blair. You remember that last Labour Government don’t you? Dark Gordon Brown with a permanent scowl on his face always sucking in the cheeks on his ugly mug. And then the time of Tony Blair and Jack Straw before him. Thirteen long years during which Labour did nothing for the working people of Britain while making life splendid for bankers and businessmen, Russian millionaires living in London and expenses thieving politicians getting away with blue murder and swimming in loot at Westminster. Yes you remember them don’t you! Well two of them who’ve recently slimed their way into daylight are Peter Mandelson, otherwise known as Mandy, and Tony Blair’s political fundraiser Little Lord Levy. Both very important to Labour because of their contacts with big business on behalf of whom they’ve just opened their mouths.

Looked at sanely for a moment what on earth have either men got to do with working people and socialism in the first place. Neither have ever done a day’s hard work themselves or had any genuine heartfelt desire to create social equality in Britain. I mean, put Lord Levy to work in a steel foundry or collecting rubbish on a dust cart and he wouldn’t last two minutes, and the same goes for Mandelson, a long time Party officianado and member of the champagne socialist circle. A political sprog with historical roots in Labour Party aristocracy, his mother being the daughter of Herbert Morrison, Home Secretary in Clement Atlee’s Labour Government 1945-1951. Now there’s pedigree for you! In the 1980’s he became a political confidant and bosom pal of big cheese reformist figure in the Labour Party, Tony Blair. Like peas out of the same pod both men were determined to change the Party’s policies in order to make it more acceptable to the lower class vote and a mass media led by diehard Thatcherite Rupert Murdoch. This they believed would make it electable after all the long years of Thatcher and Major. Their reformist views meant ditching Labour’s old style socialist values and belief in social equality and justice and in this they succeeded. Under their guidance the Party changed direction, loosening its historical ties with the Trades Union Movement and turning instead towards business.

Peter Mandelson, a social democrat if anything, played a key role in the process for which he was rewarded with the job of Business Secretary by Blair in the first New Labour Government. Think of those words, New Labour Government! They’re actually what they say! New Labour… nothing to do with the old. In a sense the great electoral landslide voters gave them in 1997 was a bit of a fraud because if they really wanted genuine change after Thatcher and a happier easier society, they weren’t going to get it. No reform of her anti-trades union legislation; no reform of a rotten and corrupt criminal justice system and no putting controls on an out of control police service. It’s difficult to figure out what Tony Blair’s first New Labour Government actually did for the working people of this country except to say that Mandelson was its key link with business which virtually did what it liked during this time.

A key indicator of this was the steady and unfailing support for the Blair government from business, from the Murdoch media empire and Sun newspaper in particular! The labour movement however was not entirely amused, particularly the trades unions which had always acted as financial backers for the Party and were still generously handing them large sums of money. However dissent was in the air with the unions becoming increasingly unhappy with Labour’s new bedfellows. Blair however, with his nose finely tuned, was alert to potential union pressure. Its financial support for the Party might compromise his intentions. An alternative source of funding was urgently needed. Well business was full of adroit friendly types ever-ready to sniff out an opportunity. All he needed was a way in and who better than a friendly insider. Enter closet champagne socialist Levy to help round up some business friendlies and soon it was Lord Levy no other!

Today both men are once again busy, selling a Milipede Labour Government after May’s General Election as business friendly. In short, assuring business that any future Labour Government will betray the working people who voted for them. That’s why both are being currently featured so regularly and prominently in the press. Peter Mandelson, who everyone thought was dead as he hadn’t been heard of in donkeys years suddenly appears out of the mist and pompously proclaims on the future direction of his old Party. And Little Lord Levy? It’s like someone presses a lever and up he pops like a jack-in-the box out of his current residence in Israel where he’s been busy on behalf of his old political master Tony Blair, currently EU representative in that country, and assures British business that they can rely on the Milipede to be business friendly if Labour wins the coming General Election.

Forget about working people… Forget about fairness and social justice… Forget about campaigning for a Living Wage… These political creeps are out on the town promising the tax avoiders, promising employers who don’t even pay the Minimum Wage, promising the companies and banks who cheat the hard working people of Britain out of billions that they’ll be alright under Labour!

Don’t you feel just a trifle disgusted?


You’ve heard of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation haven’t you. Well if you’ve forgotten that recent scandal when they were caught with their hands in the drugs tin then your memory must be a bit thin! Don’t tell me you can’t remember reading about their lucrative activities in the laundry business? Idiot! I’m not talking about sheets and pillowcases! I’m referring to the time when they were caught hoovering huge sums of money for South American drugs cartels into their banks on the American continent. The papers were full of it. All those good people who ran HSBC swearing on their mothers lives that nothing so awful would ever happen again. In the immortal words of Tom Sawyer, may they drop down dead and rot!

Yes, cross their hearts and hope to die, HSBC was now going to be an ethical bank! A caring bank for its customers! It would support all kinds of good causes like promoting clean well managed nursing homes for aging black widow spiders, set up a charity for past England team football managers, and more recently promised to organise a charity race for Liberal Democrat MPs made homeless and unemployed after May’s general election. Yes, HSBC would promote a whole new set of humanitarian values! Be the bank that everyone in the Green Party would go to and that every one of its branches would have a little bowl of water just inside its entrance doors for customers’ dogs to refresh themselves with and a mat they could piss on just behind the Customer Services Desk.

Now that would show the world wouldn’t it. HSBC, the ethical, caring bank. But instead, horror of horrors, what do we find? Documents made public by a whistleblower eight years ago have suddenly caught the eye of the BBC and with it the British Government. Oh goodness gracious me! Well fancy that, they set up their own private bank in Switzerland! Where? Did someone say Switzerland! That disgusting country without  morals or values that doesn’t give a fuck about anything except making money without asking too many  questions, even if it’s gold teeth yanked out of the mouths of dead Jews in the Nazi Death Camps and melted down into bars. Well the bank was very private you see. The kind that no-one knew anything about and no-one could use except their very best friends. Special invitation only in fact.


I mean, very much better than HSBC paid its depositors in Britain or anywhere else. Yes, we know you’re a deserving Old Age Pensioner and we’d like to pay you ONE PERCENT on your deposit but unfortunately we can’t… Our hands are tied. We’re controlled by the Bank of England Base Rate!

Just the same kind of verbal tosh that banks dish out to all their High Street Customers these days. Same old shit for the High Street Customers but special rates for countless deposits many of which are undoubtedly illegally earned or money simply stolen and deposited in the Swiss HSBC vaults to avoid any tax liability! That’s the main thing. Sitting unknown in the private bank with no outside access by anyone, the money isn’t liable for taxation.

No questions asked where it came from. No questions asked about how long it will be there. It’s private and hidden. Could be Mafia. Could be drugs cartels. Could be stolen art loot. Could be the proceeds of church collections over the last fifty years. Could be Arab oil money. Whoever it belongs to, it’s not you and me. It’s just there at HSBC in Switzerland. Like some foreign country hidden away under the pavement! HSBC, the ethical bank that promised never to do anything wrong ever again. And guess what, not so far back David Cameron recommended a knighthood for its chairman, a gentleman who now sits on the Tory benches in the House of Lords even though this fascinating piece of HSBC naughtiness was well known at the time!

So what do you propose doing about it David, or is it okay to have one of your friends formerly in the banking business playing pokey with the tax authorities? But then it’s all okay now you see because HSBC has just said that it doesn’t do that kind of thing anymore. Well that’s okay then. A bit like the drugs money laundering scandal that they’re definitely not doing anymore so they’ve said! But then there’s that list from the whistleblower with thousands of names on it. Seven thousand at least from David Cameron’s upper crust Britain. In fact it is now believed that their clients in Switzerland numbered 100,000 people from 12 different countries all of whom they helped avoid paying tax and could potentially be named and shamed as tax dodgers.

Jammy dodgers in fact because the Tories and their Liberal Democrat friends in Coalition have no intention of letting anyone know who the names are. Only one out the thousands of Brits on the list has so far been prosecuted and almost certainly no more ever will, but just think of the political consequences of such a scandal so close to the May General Election! Goodness Gracious, some of the rascals might even turn out to be major contributors to the Conservative Party’s election fund!

But in Parliament right now everyone’s accusing everyone else for letting it happen. True it began during the time of Dark Gordon but Cameron and his Clods have known about the List of HSBC Rascals for five years or more and done nothing about it? Well, they’d say that they’d put it all in the hands of the Revenue, our very own tax authorities, so that’ll be alright then, JOKE- JOKE!

As for myself I’d like to think that they’re really very nice people over at HSBC. People who only wanted to help others and just got led astray for a while and should be forgiven. It’s not easy earning money these days you know so if any of you out there can think of a way of helping banks like these make loads of money in their time of need perhaps you should give HSBC a call and offer your services. You could even tell them that you’re some big noise in the Labour Party who specializes in business matters!


In the last week the Government of Malaysia has made an official statement saying that the Boeing aircraft that went missing in March is officially lost. All the searches in areas where it was supposed to have disappeared have found nothing so the 160 men, women and children have been written off as dead. Gone without trace. It’s really no surprise that all those searches in the southern Indian Ocean and close to Australia have discovered nothing but it’s as I predicted in my post of 4th April 2014.  From now on there’ll be no more looking. The whole tragedy written off and the incident now officially under the carpet which governments and authorities all over the place hope will finally bring the matter to an end once and for all. Incident sadly, so sadly closed!

Shame that all those searches were made in the wrong place, but then as I pointed out in my Post of 4th April 2014   THE LOST MALAYSIAN AIRCRAFT :  A SERIOUSLY STINKING COVER UP  … it really had to be that way because finding the aircraft and recovering the black box and fight data might reveal all kinds of nasty truths, primarily that the aircraft and its passengers were the victims of an Iranian hijack and that it came down exactly where I said it did, or rather where it was seen coming down on fire by New Zealand oil rig worker Michael Jerome McKay. Here again is the email he sent the Malaysian Government giving the precise Latitude and Longitude of his sighting.

To date no-one’s seen any official acknowledgement from the Malaysian Government confirming that they’ve received the email and perhaps even more interesting, no comment whatsoever from any of the Governments involved in the search whether British, Australian, Malaysian or the United States about such crucial eyewitness evidence on the very day the plane disappeared.

No comment from the political authorities and no coverage in any of the news media of these countries. It’s a kind of blanket turning of a blind eye to a potentially crucial piece of evidence and all one can ask is why? Why such a total disregard of the only eyewitness evidence on the very day of the disaster? As I said before, the whole thing stinks of a serious cover up. A blanket news manipulation and disappearance act that rivals the tragedy itself that was instigated by the Obama Administration and supported by his allies to hide Iranian complicity, and precisely at a time when he made rapprochement with the regime part of his new political strategy. Forget that Iran is still one of the main instigators and supporters of international terrorism and that its leaders officially deny the Holocaust, the Obama Administration is determined to develop friendly ties and things like the hijacking of aircraft or the blowing up of Jewish Community centres by its agents have to be put to side for the sake of much bigger things, like helping America get back into Iran!

Well now you’ve seen the email and map, what do you think?    



In the last few days the Prime Minister threw a ball, well actually a party for wealthy friends of the Conservative Party, but because everyone dressed up, especially the ladies, and everyone was introduced to everyone else who they already knew anyway, and there was a buffet with posh canapes and champagne all over the place and people were talking with very Berkshire accents and there was dancing, the papers are referring to it as a ball. A kind of Tory upper crust society get together..

Now the only purpose of organising such things and carefully making sure all the right names are on the guest list is MONEY. An invite to a Tory election fund raising bash is special. I mean do you think that Cameron’s pencil sharpening staff at Downing Street went looking in doorways down Charing Cross Road or checked under Waterloo Bridge? Please! We’re talking guys in dinner suits here with businesses registered offshore and accountants pally with the Inland Revenue. People who’ve got the police in their pockets when it comes to dealing with a strike at the factory. No, this was a get together for Tory boys and girls with serious money in some bank or other somewhere.

And the object of all of this agreeable socializing? Well it certainly wasn’t a Mafia style shakedown. The party establishment doesn’t do things that way anymore! Obtaining financial support for the Conservative Party before a General Election is much more genteel. You might want to call it coaxing rather than squeezing. On the contrary this is a very establishment ritual and we see in the news media that certain blandishments have been on offer. No I’m not talking about suave teenage tarts that some of the older daddies pick up at the posh nightclubs and pay for on tax scams. These offerings are strictly political or more like strictly for the consumption of those who actually believe that this is what Cameron and his chums in Tory Bash Street are offering donors. Like for example, a shopping trip with Teresa May looking for lace knickers down Regent Street or tea and biscuits with Michael Gove or some other wretched type contact with creepos like Ian Duncan Smith. Quite frankly such offerings are more likely to scare the pants off any self-respecting City of London banker than anything.

In truth they’re handed out by the Tory Press Office for public consumption. You know a weekend’s pheasant shoot for fifty grand with country houses and men in tweed knickerbockers thrown in. The kind of traditional images that everyone associates with Tories. Well forget it! The people who go to these parties aren’t there for that kind of shit. Do you honestly think that Cameron and his organising cronies raised three million quid in one night for the Conservative Party’s election campaign by offering up a chat with some party political turd or even chubby cheeks Cameron himself? Please, spare me your staggering naivete. We’re talking men and women here who’ve been fucking over the Inland Revenue for donkeys years, have a direct phone line to the police, send their children to Oxford or Cambridge and have millionaire friends just about everywhere. So why do you think they’ve been invited to David Cameron’s little bash? Yes of course they’ll be donating money to the election campaign but was it just that? Were they there just to hand it all out and if so what on earth do you think these people are, charity campaigners? Let’s get it straight. IF THEY DO GIVE ANYTHING THEY SURE AS HELL WANT A WHOLE LOT MORE BACK. The Conservative Party believes in the same things that they do so in a way they see it as their very own kind of charity! A charity in reverse. An organisation that does things FOR THEM! That’s the truth of it really. They’ll donate money to get the kind of Government they want that will do the kinds of things that they want. Things that are good for them. A Government that will act as their very own charity and turn a blind eye to everything they do that’s in any way naughty.

Let’s not put too much of a gloss on it all. If they can donate large sums of money to the Tory election campaign it might have been money they’d saved by not paying it in tax. Now that’s really smart thinking. Save paying tax to the Exchequer who’ll only squander it in benefits to those who earn jack! The important thing is being free to give it to whoever we like and yes, we choose to give it to the Conservative Party hoping it will help them win the election so they’ll let us do what we like all over again.

What an absolute joy it must be to know that they’ve got him and his Government in their pocket, and with all that free champagne thrown in too. And yes, of course, don’t forget the knighthood or peerage that gets chucked every time it’s her majesties birthday.

Top Tory Boys at the Party. Quite a few with Swiss Bank accounts at HSBC!

Didn’t you know? It’s like the parrot says… That’s the way to do it!

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