A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 1 February 2015


In the last year there have been a whole number of signals coming out of the White House indicating the attitude of President Barak Obama towards the State of Israel and the Jewish people in general. What could always be counted on in the past as friendliness and support from the leader of United States Government has now turned positively sour if not downright hostile, and I do not refer here simply to Israel. In recent weeks the signs have been only too self-evident. Firstly the failure of Obama or any senior member of his Administration to attend the recent great international solidarity demonstration and march of world leaders in Paris in a show of support for the victims of the Charlie Hebdo massacre of journalists by Islamic extremists and the murder that followed of four Jews shopping in a nearby kosher supermarket. Most political leaders of the Western world were there but Barak Obama and the head of his State Department were conspicuously absent. Perhaps they didn’t want to be seen anywhere near the Prime Minister of Israel in the front row. Secondly and altogether more damning was the failure of anyone from Obama’s Administration to attend the 70th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony of the Liberation of the Auschwitz Death Camp in January 1945 held on the site in Poland and attended by large numbers of survivors along with many of the world’s political leaders.

Barak Obama wasn’t there and neither was any senior member of his Administration. So where then was the so called leader of the western world? Well on the day in question he had a far more important matter to attend to than being present to commemorate a key anniversary date relating to the mass murder of Jewish people in Europe. Instead he and the First Lady, debonair and smiling were descending the steps of Air Force One onto Saudi Arabia to attend the funeral of its recently deceased monarch and ruler. Forget the great humanitarian Commemoration at the killing ground Concentration Camp in Poland. The President and his wife were in Saudi Arabia to pay their respects and mourn for the loss of its king!

Let’s consider the situation. 1941-1945, the occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany and the setting up in that country of a whole number of killing grounds for the automated mass murder of millions of European Jews the chief of which was Auschwitz –Birkenau. There, between those dates, millions of people were beaten, tortured, hung, mutilated, whipped, dehumanized, raped, shot or gassed. You name it. The majority of the victims were Jews including hundreds of thousands of children. It was the scene of the greatest crime in world history but the truth was that the Holocaust of the Jews started much earlier, in fact from the minute that Hitler and the Nazis came to power in 1933 and soon after set up the Dachau Concentration Camp. There thousands of Jews were beaten, tortured, humiliated and murdered and the process continued for the Jews of Germany and Austria in the following years with a whole raft of vile anti-Semitic legislation that took away most of their rights. In Vienna, after the Nazi takeover that was welcomed by millions, Jews were publically forced to scrub the streets on their knees and attacked and humiliated in countless ways. In 1938 many thousands were murdered throughout Germany and their businesses and homes destroyed during the infamous night of smashed glass during which most of their synagogues were desecrated.

Let’s further be clear. This persecution and murder of the Jews that began in the early 1930’s was well known to the Governments of Britain and the United States and the media of those nations. After all, the Daily Mail Newspaper was a keen supporter of Hitler and the Nazis! Yet despite extensive official requests and pleas they steadfastly refused to allow any sizeable entry or immigration of these persecuted people throughout this entire period. So what numbers are we talking about here? Maybe three hundred, four hundred thousand at most into Britain and the United States. Entry refused by American President Roosevelt and Prime Ministers who included Winston Churchill. Only later towards the end of the decade were a few thousand admitted most of whom were regarded as German aliens, some even being sent to barbed wire camps in the deserts of Australia… that’s the truth.

So before the actual mass murder kicked off in Poland in 1942 the Governments of Britain and America were already turning their backs on the Jewish people and along with it a blind eye to their persecution. As for the Death Camps in Poland they were made aware of the truth as early as 1943 but steadfastly refused to acknowledge it. However, most appalling of all, the main Death Camps for Jews, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Treblinka were within range of British and American bombers from early 1944 but the Governments of both countries refused to attack and destroy these camps. It was argued that they were bombing sites with no military value and would divert the War effort besides which, any such attacks might also kill many of their inmates! With such a decision the War leaders of both nations have the deaths of millions of Jews on their conscience.

Okay, so nobody important cared about the fate of Europe’s Jews at the time. With that in mind let’s take a look at Saudi Arabia. It’s a country that’s been ruled by one family since 1924. It has no Parliament, no political parties or independent media. Its judicial system is strictly Islamic. Punishment for anything deemed a crime is often stoning culprits to death, amputating their limbs for minor offences such as stealing a loaf of bread, and beheading for others. All such punishments being conducted in public. And of course there’s the frequently used whipping or lashing. Recently a journalist who published a blog deemed to be critical of Islam was sentenced to 1000 lashes, part of his sentence being carried out just before the President arrived!

Presumably neither he nor that other strong and erstwhile supporter of the Saudi regime, British Prime Minister David Cameron, were invited to meet the man during their attendance of the funeral ceremony! However when one thinks of whipping and lashing, of beheading, amputation and torture one might also be reminded of the Auschwitz Death Camp. And when one thinks of the attendance of President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron at the funeral in Saudi Arabia of a ruler who permitted such atrocities and human rights violations AND THOUGHT IT MORE IMPORTANT TO BE THERE THAN AT THE COMMEMORATION CEREMONY IN POLAND TO MARK THE 70th NNIVERSARY OF THE LIBERATION OF THE AUSCHWITZ DEATH CAMP then I can but wonder about the attitude of both men towards the State of Israel and Jews in general. Their conduct was both an insult to the murdered and an insult to the survivors who attended.      

The focus of the Obama Administration Middle East policy has strategically shifted away from any support for Israel, formerly a friend, towards the current two main economic players in the region, Saudi Arabia and Iran, and why not? Both are fabulously oil rich, their territories are strategically centered and have much to offer in terms of international trade. Israel has little to nothing. Supporting its security and right to exist as a Jewish State is more a matter of conscience than anything and quite frankly such a thing isn’t worth a plugged nickel where the strategic economic interests of the United States and Europe are concerned. It’s only the political activity of America’s Jewish population that maintains even the smallest vestige of interest by America’s political administration in Israel and without it they wouldn’t give a diddly squat so when you evaluate the Holocaust against paying your respects on the death of a serious strategic partner there’s only one winner. Forget that he ruled the country like a tyrant! Forget that the place is a modern hell hole with few human rights. It behaves like a friend whereas Israel won’t do as it’s told anymore and give up much of its territory to Islamic terrorists determined to destroy it with political backing from countries like Britain.

Of course, as David Cameron knows only too well, same as Tony Blair’s Government before him, Saudi Arabia has been the main financial supporter and benefactor of Muslim immigration into Western Europe in recent decades, contributing extensively to the building of mosques and Islamic community centres as well as paying for their upkeep; such activity also extending to the United States, Canada and Australia. Indeed the influence of Saudi Arabia in the social and economic affairs of many countries runs deep and the wealth of the ruling family elite through oil revenues has given it considerable leverage. The visit of the Obamas is a fair indication but let’s not forget the affable friendship of Charles, future British monarch, about to embark on yet another visit there shortly. That said, this man of conscience and scruples attended the recent Auschwitz Commemoration Ceremony in London and has always been a friend to the Jewish people of Britain.

Barak Obama however is a very different kettle of fish. He felt slighted by the intransigence of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu when the man wouldn’t go along with his heartfelt determination to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict by handing over a fair and strategic part of the Jewish State including much of Jerusalem to its enemies, the terrorists who control the West Bank of Jordan and Gaza. It didn’t matter of course that Israel itself unilaterally gave the Gaza strip to the Palestinians only to have thousands of rockets fired at them from that territory in return! And of course it didn’t matter that the official policy of Palestinian political leadership calls for the annihilation of Israel. That’s quite okay! What counted was the refusal of Israel’s Prime Minister to give him an undertaking that no more Jewish settlements would be built to protect the heartland of Israel prior to handing so much territory over to a bunch of Arab gangsters and terrorists. That was Jewish defiance and Obama, who likes to think of himself as a great humanitarian, felt slighted. Who did this little upstart of a country the size of a Big Mac think it was? Israel and all the shit he was getting from American Jewry was more trouble than it was worth. Fuck the whole lot of them, he was going Iranian and Iran of course, would be a serious strategic investment and prize if it could be politically levered away from the Russians!

Forget about Iran’s fundamental Islamic political leaders denying that the Holocaust ever happened. That never stopped Labour’s Jack Straw going over there and getting friendly time back. The Holocaust was one thing and America’s strategic interests were another and he, Barak Obama, was President of the United States and speaking for all of America! Israel and the Jews were only bit players in a much bigger game. Actually, looked at strictly from that point of view he’s right. The story and future of the world’s 12 million Jews set against the aspirations and concerns of 6 or 8 billion people all over the planet is a no brainer. Being realistic, conscience and humanity have to take their place on the back burner if you’re the world’s leading nation, America having much bigger fish to fry than get itself eternally involved with a handful of irritants! It brings me back to one hard consideration. The Jewish people of this world now have nobody to help them except themselves, and of course a big handful of friends with a conscience who love them as spirited, talented, dynamic and moral people. They have no friends and when the chips were down throughout history they never had. They are their own best means of survival. They’d better know it and better live with it and hold out a hand of friendship from strength to the peoples of nations, not their leaders.

The modern State of Israel exists in very large part because of the Holocaust. Toward the end of the 1940s the Government of the United States helped support its creation. Not so the British! Its control of the territory was colonial. A Mandate to govern Palestine derived out of victors’ spoils from the First World War. When the Second World War ended, tens of thousands of desperate, starving and sick Jewish survivors from the Concentration and Death Camps, again refused entry into Britain and the United States and having no homes to go back to anywhere in Europe turned their eyes to their ancient precious promised land that as yet didn’t exist as a State. As yet modern Israel hadn’t been born!

So how did the British Government deal with these countless desperate survivors of the Nazi horror who sought to get into Palestine mainly by sea? Well they blockaded the ports and the Royal Navy boarded and took over their ships. And what do you think the British Government did then? Well both ships and their refugee passengers were transported to Cyprus where what was left of the living were locked up for months on end in barbed wire camps SOMEWHAT SIMILAR TO THOSE IN GERMANY AND POLAND THEY’D JUST COME OUT OF but without the murder machinery, and there those people were left to rot until they were finally transferred out to care and rehabilitation in that promised land by their own fellow Jews and their agencies who were waiting for them. No-one else. And there not so long after some of them fought for the existence of Israel in a War of Independence.


So when you failed to attend the 70th Anniversary Ceremony marking the Liberation of Auschwitz Prime Minister Cameron and President Obama and think it more important on the day to do homage to a dead tyrant please be absolutely sure that all those Jews who survived the Nazi Death Camps know in their hearts exactly what kind of people you are and when you talk about taking their Jewish State away from them and handing a large part of it over to a gang of thugs, trust me, they know where you’re coming from.

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