A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Saturday 21 February 2015


The figure in the title refers to the one put forward by apologists for Islamic extremism who say that the vast majority, ninety-nine point nine, nine percent of those who practice the Muslim faith are entirely peace loving and that only tiny minority support extremist views and Islamic terrorism. These apologists are to be found just about everywhere in Western society ranging from those in the legal profession busily engaged in defending perpetrators of vile acts of terrorist murder from shooting and beheading innocent civilians along with the many young Muslims who willingly go abroad to be trained for such purposes, to deeply misguided politicians among whose number are academics who can’t apologize quickly enough for being white, Western and liberal thinking. Many of these misguided, tragically naïve individuals are frequently heard mouthing their guff on BBC television which provides them with excellent opportunity for justifying their views alongside spewing out vile propaganda for those they defend, often of the anti-Israel variety which is actually shorthand for anti-Semitism so beloved of the Corporation itself.

If it all sounds like manna from heaven to some, it’s peculiar and sickening to others and in this respect these apologists remind me of fanatics of another kind, namely people who are blindly committed to defending police conduct and practice which is often illegal or semi-legal at best. For those who defend all aspects of the Muslim faith and its adherents, those who perpetrate acts of barbarity are only the tiniest of tiny percentages, best described by that well known phrase, the one rotten apple. What this actually refers to is one rotten apple in a barrel and its meaning, significantly, is that it only takes one rotten apple to infect and damage all the rest. Colloquially however this original meaning has changed and the phrase is now widely used to refer to only one bad or corrupt thing out of many so that in terms of police behaviour and conduct let us say, it is only one corrupt or badly behaved policeman who spoils the good reputation of all the rest! The one rotten apple… In short, most policemen are great and their conduct beyond reproach except for that rare and solitary example of rottenness spoiling the reputation of all the others!      

As far as police conduct is concerned it’s become quite a well-known and famous justification so eagerly seized on by apologists for a simply staggering tranche of appalling behaviour in recent decades. Similarly the same phrase has become open to misuse by those who either defend indefensible Islamic terrorism or vile behaviour in the name of the Muslim faith i.e. that these killers are just solitary plain rotten apples in an utterly peace-loving religion practiced by 99.999% of its peace-loving adherents.

Considering the police for a moment such indefensible conduct in the last four decades includes gross physical assault on detained suspects such as the Birmingham Six and Guildford Four, false imprisonment, repeatedly lying in court under oath, endlessly tampering with witness statements and evidence, improper sexual activity, the illegal detention of children, killing innocent civilians in public or police custody, failing to adequately investigate cases of murder or violence such as that of the Stephen Lawrence affair subsequent to which they were branded as institutionally racist, refusing to investigate endless complaints of child abuse… and of course the planting of false evidence! The list of illegal conduct is endless yet there are millions of people in our society who it is stated, mostly by police organisations themselves, have absolute faith in their conduct! Whether this is actually true or not is another matter but during this time when their behaviour has been open to much wider scrutiny, the one rotten apple mode of justification for abuse has worn somewhat thin and these days goes with a nudge, nudge, wink, wink, kind of expression. In plain terms far fewer people believe it anymore. Nonetheless, there are many in our society who believe that the police in general are good as gold and won’t be dissuaded from that opinion. They’ll stick to it no  matter what, almost as if their lives depended on it and remain committed to defending an indefensible view. For them the conduct of most policemen or women is and has always been perfect and above reproach… except of course for that one rotten apple!

In similar fashion it’s the same when considering the situation of the Muslim community living in Britain or throughout Western Europe and the rest of the world. That the vast majority are entirely peace-loving is a fact determined by their faith and that those who do wrong things that make the media headlines are the one rotten apple who have a warped view of the faith. Well let’s take a look at the situation for a moment…

Of the five million or so members of the Muslim community living in Britain…

… how many have condemned the horrific murder of soldier Lee Rigby by Muslim extremists on a London street not long ago, expressing their anger and outrage in public?

… how many have publically expressed their moral indignation and wholeheartedly condemned the brutal sexual assaults committed by Pakistani adults and youths on underage white girls in cities throughout the United Kingdom such as Oxford and Rotherham?

… how many have condemned British Muslim youths who’ve travelled to the Middle East for terrorist training and committed vile acts of murder there including public beheading?

… how many have openly condemned the recent mass beheading of 40 Coptic Christians in Libya by the fundamentalists of their own faith?

… how many of our British Muslim community came out and condemned the recent murders of journalists and Jews in Paris by French Islamic terrorists, or in Belgium not so long ago and even more recently in Denmark?

In fact how many of this large community of Muslims living in Britain do we see openly condemning the indefensible behaviour of their co-religionists that is so deeply hostile to British values… much as British people would take to the streets and demonstrate on their behalf against attacks on them and their faith by the British National Party or English Defense League? Pardon me for asking but I don’t see any reciprocity here!

What I do see are British people acting as apologists for indefensible conduct by Muslims while the vast majority of Muslims themselves do little to nothing to condemn beheadings, floggings, judicial execution by stoning and the refusal in so many Muslim countries to allow women to be educated or participate in politics. Even allow them  to vote. All we hear from the vast majority of Muslims living in Britain is a deafening silence. Yet it’s nothing to the silence we hear from the wretched apologists who fail utterly to condemn the anti-democratic practices and medieval values that dominate daily life throughout so much of the Muslim world… Societies that deny freedom of religious worship on pain of death… deny a free press… deny freedom of expression… deny women the right of political expression… have no toleration for multi-party politics… Deny so much of what we in the Western world take for granted as our natural right.

But then so much of the Muslim world is so very different to our own. Ours is a world of industrial production and manufacturing, a world of work and workers, of trades unions, of large scale commercial and business enterprise, of political and civil society, of a mass media and free expression. Theirs is a world dominated by autocratic or military rule, one without any large scale industrial production, a world dominated by small trade, one without any mechanism for financial investment but above all a world where the process of education and learning is dominated by religious thought and practice from school all the way up to university rather than any serious consideration of science.

Muslim society, from Pakistan to Indonesia, from Saudi Arabia to Algeria, Iraq and Iran is so very different to our own whether it be in terms of economy, politics, social structure and organisation, culture, education, religion or values. In our Western society women are regarded as equal to men and have full equal rights. In Muslim society such notions are regarded as abhorrent by the vast majority of their male population.

These are some of the differences but there are many more. How difficult it must be then for so many Muslim immigrants coming to live in Western Europe to have any tolerance for our values when those that had shaped their lives elsewhere are so very different to ours. When there is so little insistence by our politicians, so generous in allowing them entry, that they integrate into the culture and way of life of the countries they come to rather than remain locked into their own tight knit native communities, separate and isolated from mainstream British life and culture and ultimately demanding more privilege for their own. Yes, that’s right, more privilege and ultimately remaining steadfastly bound to the ties of the medieval faith of the places they came from. A demanding, sullen and separated community whose children, clinging to the alien family faith that nurtured them, grow into anger filled isolates alienated from a wider society and only intent on destruction. In main this youth can only look inward to religion and resentment because no attempt was ever made to turn their minds outwards to other faiths, ideologies and views… to socialism, to science, to politics, to the big wide Western world out there so full of interest, opportunity and imagination.

Instead, pullulating with anger, this Muslim youth festers in fury. They’re not a tiny minority anywhere anymore and have nothing but contempt for the wretched apologists who rush to defend them. They’re so fearful of looking outwards to the wider society that they desperately cling to their own narrow faith because, in truth,  that’s all they have to hold onto, only it’s the kind of creed that makes anything else impermissible… Indeed, any vehicle that fosters freedom of any kind, ideas of any kind, must be destroyed. Hence their hatred of freedom of expression, freedom of discussion along with their hatred of humor, and particularly cartoons lampooning their prophet. Where a faith is above criticism all else is blasphemy! To these sinister jerk off jihadis all freedom of thought is an abomination! In this sense beheading is symbolic. It is the severing of other people’s freedom of thought.

It is quite untrue to say that such youths have become radicalized and that their vile conduct is a distortion of the beliefs and values of the Muslim faith. On the contrary their anti-Semitism among other things is central to it as is their total intolerance of all other views. The free thinking Jew then becomes doubly a blasphemy and valid target for attack. Thus for Muslim youth, with their parents and families living within the ambit of Western society and its dangerous values, on the cusp of integration as they undoubtedly see it, it is incumbent upon them to take up the flag. For the old ways and for the faith. They are not being radicalized away from the faith but taking up the commitment and banner of unconditional loyalty! This is what all the apologists and defenders of Islam utterly fail to understand. Islam is not a peace-loving faith. It is a faith at war with all others and a failure to acknowledge this simple truth is fatal for the stability of Western society.

There is no such thing as a 99.999% peace-loving majority. It’s a delusion put out by politicians desperate to achieve some form of coexistence, well understood by the veritable legion of rage boys out there all hot to grab hold of the apple cart and tip it into the gutter with jihad, beheadings and any other terror outrage they can lay their skinny mitts on.

Israel is the Jewish State, created after the recent mass murder of the Jewish people. So if you hate Israel you also hate Jews, actually, along with everyone else! But then not to worry! Many of your Western liberal minded apologists also hate Israel and also hate Jews and actually it’s good to have friends, people who’ll apologize for your delusions and violent intentions no matter what.

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