A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 23 August 2014


The Jewish Chronicle has been and is the British Establishment mouthpiece for British Jews. The Jewish Establishment may think that the paper is THEIR VERY OWN MOUTHPIECE! A kind of authentic Jewish voice, but it's not! It's editorial staff and financial backers sing from the same hymn sheet as the British Establishment. If they didn't they'd quickjy be put in their place. Back in their box so to speak where they could all coo together about aspiring to what for thdm is the highest and most noble form of human existence possible for any human being on Earth, namely that of an English gentleman or lady.

The history of the paper is singularly dirty. In the 1930's they urged the Jews of London's East End not to demonstrate against fascist leader Oswald Mosley or support any such demonstration. From the 1880's onwards they castigated poor Jewish immigrants from Russia and Poland as being uncouth and dirty. At the same time the paper endlessly gave their support to Jewish sweatshop employers in the garment industry against Jewish workers striking fof better pay and trades union recognition.

It's current outrage that has incensed and offended almost the entire Jewish Community in Britain has been to publish an advert by a campaigning group calling for donations for Palestinian civilians, adults and children, injured or displaced in the Gaza Strip as a consequence of the current conflict between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist organisation, Hamas. What has offended so many Jews is that this broad campaigning group comprises a large number of organisations who are openly hostile towards the existenceof the Jewish State of Israel while these along with others areopenly supportive of one of Israel's greatest enemies, Hamas. What then is the Jewish Chronicle doing publishing an advert to collect money for Palestinians that was created and promoted by groups hostile tothe Jewish State? Organisations which, by the way, have no sympathy whatsoever towards Jewish civilians under attack by Hamas rockets. For these people that's quite okay!

The excuse for running the advert we are told by the paper's editor Stephen Pollard is that it doesn't reflect it's editorial policy towards Israel! Is that some kind of joke Mr Pollard? I mean, did someone tell you to say that or did it just come straight out of you arse? If its sentiment wasn't the paper's editorial policy it wouldn't have been published in the first place! So to the 99% of British Jews who support Israel fight to survive against a deadly fascist enemy this advert was a huge insult. A slap in the face for almost every Jew and a great betrayal of the Jewish Community in Britain.

The paper has now apologised to its readers and to the Jewish Community as a whole but it's already too late. Few people will be reading too much of your anti-Israel terrorist friendly shit anymore Mister Pollard. While Jewish soldiers have been giving their life's blood, you only want to show sympathy too other's. You may think that your sentiments are noble but because of the company your paper keeps they are actually disgusting.

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