A Conspiracy of Trash

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Friday 8 August 2014


The Hamas political and military movement which controls the Gaza Strip is an anti-Semitic, Islamic-Fascist organisation implacably opposed to the existence of the Jewish State of Israel and Jews everywhere. So let’s be clear. It’s fundamentalist in its Islamic outlook and fascist in its political disposition. Opposed to all forms of democracy, liberalism, socialism, trades unions, women’s rights and human rights in general. It’s views are at odds with those of many Arab States and it’s regarded as a terrorist organisation by Britain, America and all the nations of the European Community. It denies the occurrence of the Holocaust and the right of Israel to exist. Nonetheless it has its sympathizers, supporters and fellow travellers in Britain, many of whom have emerged in recent weeks to condemn Israel’s actions in Gaza while others have been busy running a hate campaign of close to the mark anti-Semitism.

These critics of Israel have not always appeared to actively support Hamas itself but if the truth be told that is what it actually amounts to. The Israelis were not in Gaza for a celebration or a party. They entered the territory to stop Hamas firing endless rockets into Israel and to destroy the vast network of tunnels dug into Israel for the purpose of infiltration, kidnap and murder. Hamas for its part has described the territory it  controls as ‘occupied’ because Israel has imposed an economic blockade to stop materials from entering the Strip used for terrorist purposes. However if that was the aim of Israel’s blockade it has clearly failed. Hamas has still been able to acquire its munitions and rockets. Almost certainly by night across the porous Egyptian border and mainly during the time its sister organisation, the Muslim Brotherhood, recently ruled Egypt.

It is a fact though that when Hamas refers to ‘occupied territory’ what it actually means is the whole of Israel, not simply the West Bank and Gaza strip, the two territories which the Palestinians control. This is something that Hamas’ British sympathizers no doubt appreciate but like all tacit enemies of the Jewish State refuse to acknowledge. In public at least! If therefore the Israelis are in Gaza to stop endless attacks on its population by Hamas Islamic Holocaust deniers, who then are those people in Britain willing to lend them an ear by vociferously condemning Israel for causing civilian casualties when attacking the Hamas tunnels, rocket launching sites and political premises, most of which are more often than not are hidden in hospitals and schools, civilian community centres and housing complexes?

The siting of such ordnance, done deliberately for achieving propaganda victories that accuse Israel of being a civilian aggressor. Something that allows BBC Television to regularly make suggestions and allegations of Israeli War Crimes! The effectiveness of such propaganda cannot be minimized as Hamas is well aware of the hostile anti-Israel disposition of these anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian sympathizers in mass media organisations like BBC and Channel 4 Television along with sections of the Press and the British political establishment. Within the latter may be counted senior figures in the Labour Party, Liberal Democrats and Tories. These Hamas ‘friendlies’ vary from those who turn a blind eye to their political and religious views and where they’re positioning their weapons to those who criticize Israel for disproportionate military action such as the Milibands along with Liberal Democrats from Ashdown and Clegg all the way down the Israel-hating spine of the Party. And now it’s the turn of those Tory Party Muslims themselves. Those who usually wear soft colors when voicing condemnation of Israel through surrogacy.

Surrogate criticism and malice towards the Jewish State has developed into a fine art in British politics. You attack Israel by criticizing others who don’t criticize or attack its conduct too much or even adopt a balanced approach when considering its actions. Thus Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and lady come lately Baroness Warsi have attacked David Cameron for not sufficiently condemning Israel’s conduct in the Gaza Strip and the Baroness very publically resigning as a Muslim Foreign Office Minister from his Government. A fact not unnoticed by Palestinians in Gaza who have applauded her support. When these people accuse Israel of using disproportionate force against civilians there’s never a mention  of the Hamas terror organization’s deliberate siting of missiles and tunnels in civilian areas. NOT A WORD OR A PEEP!

With BBC and Channel 4 Television inferring that civilian casualties are deliberate, indeed turning the accusation of malevolent intent into gospel with barely a word broadcast to counter this bigoted and thoroughly malicious anti-Israel presentation, it quite frankly takes on an anti-Semitic character. No initial condemnation of Hamas for firing its rockets and no stating the fact that Israel gave the territory to the Palestinians as a gesture of reconciliation and friendship. Instead you get an easily created dichotomy of Israeli-Jewish aggressors and poor Palestinian victims. It’s not only an easy wave for the Hamas fellow travellers to surf, it’s also an easy way for them to ride their anti-Israel, anti-Semitic emotions.

We’ve all seen Ed Miliband busy on airwaves in recent days. Proclaiming that he’s Jewish himself. Being seen in Israel laying a wreath at the Holocaust Memorial. Mouthing his friendship… etc. etc. But let’s look a bit deeper. Ed and David Miliband come from an interesting background. Their mother has been a lifelong enemy of the Jewish State, actively campaigning against it for many years with the most vicious kind of propaganda possible, opposing her Marxist academic socialist views to those of even the mildest Zionist kind. Everything about Israel to her is hateful, never mind the practical operation of socialism in Israel by the kibbutz agrarian movement. That’s the kind of background her sons grew up in. A self-hating Jewess who put her socialist ideology above everything else, never mind the fact that there have always been socialist parties in Israel, also a country with a strong labour movement. And never mind that Karl Marx’s daughter, Eleanor, no less was very proud of her own Jewish heritage.

No, like Hamas, Mrs Miliband wants to see the destruction of a Jewish State. Holocaust or no Holocaust she never had any time for the idea of Jewish people living in their own land and her son, now leading the Labour Party which, by the way, was founded by a notorious anti-Semite, keenly opposes the right of the Jewish people to defend themselves by proposing an arms export ban from Britain to Israel! Shame Ed Miliband that you’ve learned nothing from history and wind up giving moral support to a gang of Muslim fascists. With ‘friends’ like you and your brother, the State of Israel doesn’t need enemies!

The usual way for terrorist friendly fellow travellers to attack Israel is through the allegation of disproportionality. It creates a high odor factor for little expenditure. All kinds of words have been bandied about from the Secretary General of the United Nations to the American State Department and President Obama himself. Brutal… barbaric… murderous… You name it! And you’d also better say while you’re at it the care that the Israeli forces took before they bombarded civilians areas to regularly keep those civilians informed of their intentions well in advance. There were few if any purposeful and indiscriminate Israeli attacks made without warning and for the television media to suggest this through its correspondents in Gaza endlessly stating and repeating such Palestinian claims is despicable, with BBC and Channel 4 Television in on the act.

These media outlets are enemies of the Jewish State as much as Hamas and it’s time that Israel and British Jews recognised it. Both channels are allowed to broadcast from Israel. A generous gesture seeing what they’ve been doing but then Israel is a democracy, which is more than the views of its enemies are from plain downright hostile to Hamas terrorist friendlies. That’s friends of Israel hating terrorists to me and you!

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