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Tuesday 19 August 2014

Anti-Semitic Attacks on British Jews

In the month of July, at the height of the Israel-Palestinian conflict in Gaza, a poll taken of a fair sample of British Jews has revealed a staggering five fold increase in the number of anti-Semitic incidents experienced by them ranging from physical assault to serious or mild open verbal abuse. The emotions behind these attacks clearly relate to the Gaza Conflict and the identification of Britain's Jews with the Jewish State of Israel and their support for Israel's conduct. In this respect the killing of Palestinian civilians, almost entirely accidental, and incidental on Israeli attacks on Hamas military targets sited in areas of dense civilian population has clearly angered sections of the British population, particularly those initially hostile to Israel before the current conflict such as the broad spectrum of the British Left and many members of the Muslim community who were already supporters of the Palestinian terrorist organization, Hamas, along with many others now sensitized to the Confict and drawn towards supporting this group by the vehemently hostile anti-Israel so-called reporting by specific sections of the British media, specifically BBC and Channel 4 television along with the Guardian and Independent newspapers together with clearly remarks from Labour Party and Liberal-Democrat politicians.

When all this hostile to Israel reportage is added up and taken together it effectively provides a context. British Jews are instantly identified with a cruel and barbarous Jewish State that kills innocent civilians and children, and because the vast majority have deep sympathetic ties with Israel and give it their moral support, they are also deemed cruel and inhuman. Worthy of castigation and attack. They are attacked and abused not simply for being supporters of Israel but because they are Jews as many of the verbal remarks indicate.

Let's not try and hide the situation for what it is or cover it up under a pretext of anti-Israel, anti-Zionism or even pro-Palestinian support (even though the organisation itself is anti-Semitic). All this is simply a mask for anti-Jewish sentiment, in a phrase plain anti-Semitic racial hatred and those making these attacks are plain anti-Semites whose attacks in every aspect are no different in any way to Nazi attacks on Jews in Hitlerite Germany and elsewhere in Europe from 1933-1945. Don't kid yourselves, you people who are assaulting or abusing your fellow British citizens who happen to be Jews, your actions are no different whatsoever to the conduct of Nazis. No matter whether you call yourselves socialists or liberal democrats, you are members of the fascist left; no matter that you are Muslim you are fundamentalist bigots guided by racial hatred; no matter whether you are just plain a-politically British your attacks on Jews are guided by hatred and ignorance stirred up by the media which has provided a venomous and bigoted interpretive context fof your sentiments and filthy conduct. To all of you now attacking Jews a spade is a spade. You are behaving like Nazis and your condemnation of Israel's conduct in Gaza, however much you don't like it, is no excuse whatsoever for your filthy behaviour.

The context provided by the two television channels mentioned above is not simply dirty and provocative, it is, no matter what its news editors and editorial staff may think, by creating that context for anti-Semitism, anti-Semitic itself. You create a context for anti-Semitism and you are anti-Semitic yourself. If you do it without thinking about the monster you create then you are irresponsible and ignorant and have learned none of the lessons of history so your conduct is shameful. If you create such a context knowing its potential consequences then you are plain racists and Jew haters. Simple as that. Either way you are a disgrace and need to be shown up for the anti-Semitic bastards you are.

It's no use trying any glib rationalisation for your conduct in attacking, threatening, verbally abusing or bullying Jewish people by saying that your conduct is justified because they support Israel and therefore attacks against innocent civilizns in Gaza. It's like saying that ALL Jews are vermin, in best Nazi style. Neither can there be any excuse for the twisted, grossly distorted and unashamedly biased presentation of news stories about the Israel-Palestinian Hamas conflict in Gaza by BBC and Channel 4 Television. By your vicious and intended distortions you are creating a context for anti-Semitism and racial hatred of Jews in Britain. Your conduct is racist but please don't worry. You have nothing to fear in the way of prosecution by the police or condemnation by the British political establishment, and as for those who physically assault or verbally abuse Jews, please don't worry either. You can do it with impunity because you have nothing to fear from the police. Should any Jew complain, they'll spend ten years looking into it then find absolutely no evidence on which they can act! After all there are only 220, 000 Jews left in the UK set against a population of 5 million Muslims.

Many of those Jews questioned in the poll who'd experienced anti-Semitism recently expressed the view that they were now considering their status as British citizens. In this they may be right. Britain's Jews, now seriously under threat from the entire British Left along with large numbers of Britain's Muslim population feel themselves to be marginalised. Britain without doubt is definitely no longer a safe or happy place for Jewish people to live and those who think otherwise are only kidding themselves.

And there's the irony of it really. Between 1880 and 1910 Britain's immigrant Jews became the stalwarts of the Left, both as socialists and Labour Party activists during the first half of the 20th century. In it's second half, particularly between 1990 and 2014, they became they became the enemy of the liberalism they had helped to create. And when individual Jews and their families make the choice to live elsewhere, as so many have already done in recent decades, there will be few to raise a lament.

British Jews, your place may soon be elsewhere! But where? You are no longer welcome in Europe it seems. This will leave certain television channels and media outlets with a problem! They'll have no-one left to marginalise or contextualise anymore... But please don't worry. Poland and its Poles are still virulently anti-Semitic even though 99.9% of its Jews have been murdered, so the Jewish enemy lives on for anti-Semitic scoundrels to curse and get their teeth into, whenever and wherever.

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