A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 22 September 2013


Three weeks ago before I went on holiday to delightful Cornwall most of the national and international news was dominated by the impending bombing of Syria with Bomber Hague, Bomber Kerry, and Bomber ‘Frenchy’ Hollande riding high in the saddle with the BBC standing out from all the other bomb them now media in its bigoted one-sided reporting and advocacy for attacking that country over its regime’s supposed use of chemical weapons against rebels. Today, after the intervention of the United Nations and opposition from the Russians, all the drummed up immediacy for military action  has been put on a backburner and its desperado-like proponents have emerged from the whipped up spin for bombing looking and sounding like heavy-handed gung-ho twerps who couldn’t control themselves.

That’s all gone with the Americans and Russians rubbing shoulders in Geneva and playing high fives about what they might or might not do in the future, the French back in their box and gobby William Hague well out on the sidelines playing Noddy to just about anything. As for the BBC and other news media, like the story-hounds that they are they’ve gone sniffing for action elsewhere. Anything hot and they’re onto it and there’s nothing hotter to emerge in recent days than the Liberal Democrats’ Party Conference, revelations about dirt and filth in the Labour Party and last but not least Godfrey Bloom, the Jack the Lad who’s just  pissed on UKIP’s Annual Conference Parade and the hopes of his Leader Nigel Farage!

My latest post has dealt with the first. If Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats look like something that crawled out of a can of Romanian dogmeat, its nothing compared to the nastiness surrounding Gordon Brown and the now published revelations in the Daily Mail coming from his former personal media advisor Damian McBride who has openly admitted to having smeared goodly Gordon’s former political Cabinet colleagues Charles Clarke and John Reid by threatening to reveal damaging allegations about them at the time of the race to succeed Tony Blair as Labour Prime Minister. These smearing tactics, already described by Harriet Harman as ‘vile’ have shocked and disturbed many current senior figures in the Labour Party and although McBride has claimed that his former boss knew nothing about them the matter is now being hotly debated. The big question is this. Why on earth would he have done these things if he hadn’t been instructed to do so?

At issue is the so called toxic culture surrounding the ex-Labour Prime Minister and some of his close political associates, Ed Miliband and Ed Balls, towards the end of Tony Blair’s Premiership. Both men were part of the inner circle of Gordon Brown loyalists and an integral part of his political operation to succeed Blair and worked closely with smears spinner Damian McBride although both would claim that they actually knew nothing about what he was doing. This view however has been questioned, for example, by former Labour Cultural Secretary, Harman, who to quote the Daily Mail, “said she was sure Mr Miliband knew about the underhand tactics.”

Much more will undoubtedly be revealed as slime-boy McBride publishes his memoirs in the Mail but clearly much knifing and dirt-bagging went on during the time immediately before and after dark Gordon’s Premiership. For me, however, there is something more simple, more expressive that reveals his personal and political character. There was always something forced, something uneasy about Gordon Brown’s manner. Whenever he smiled it seemed like he was making an effort to do so. Like it was something that didn’t come easy or natural. It was something artificial and laboured rather than organic and from within. There was no real humor about the man. It was almost as if any light within him was dark. His manner was heavy, almost brooding, and he could be brutally dismissive with those who disagreed with him. It was like there was an either you’re with me or you’re against me aspect about him and this, coupled with this brooding inner secretiveness, the man seemed to have much that me of another major political figure with the same demeanor of recent times.

When I consider the darkness, the brooding and what seems to me the deviousness of the man, I am much reminded of former American President Richard Nixon, another dark lord from the past whose political psychology was conditioned by years of resentment against those with greater wealth who’d earlier achieved greater success, like the Kennedys. Maybe the same applied to Brown’s relationship with Blair… a sense of inferiority breeding an inner resentment… Something that fuelled a deep and bitter determination to succeed whatever the cost. Richard Nixon, as everyone no knows, used smear tactics of the worst kind to damage his political opponents. That’s history! What then will be revealed about New Labour’s dark master of politics in more recent times? It’s a treat waiting to happen!

In the meantime let us consider this. That for a considerable time leading figures in Labour Government were more concerned to do dirty things to each other for personal gain and cared more about their own personal advancement than the welfare of the poor and the unemployed and all those who needed their help. When they abandoned their traditional core values the Party became dirty and still stinks like a sewer.

I move now to another unsavory political story, one involving king sized cockroach of the UK Independence Party Godfrey Bloom. At a fringe meeting of his Party on the eve of its Annual Conference, interestingly enough entitled Women in Politics and attended by the wife of its leader, the dear Godfrey was taken to task by Jane Collins a former UKIP by-election candidate who, responding to comments he’d once made about women never cleaning behind their fridges, said pointedly, “ I have never cleaned behind my fridge,” to which he replied, “THIS PLACE IS FULL OF SLUTS…”

Now why, one should ask, should he have generalised the adjective and referred to most or all of the women present, including the wife of Nigel Farage, as a slut? It’s a fair question.

Afterwards, Mr Bloom said, presumably attempting to minimalize the misogynist character of his remark, “we all had a jolly good laugh. Everyone in the room thought it was funny.”

Mr Bloom, let it be said, had already made mention of his knowledge of sluts having confessed to visiting various brothels in the Far East. However he has recently been accused of sexual harassment when visiting a Brussels hotel by a female rugby player who has said, “Bloom is undeterred when his sexual advances are not reciprocated, and when I am able to secure testimony from others who were present I will seriously consider referring this matter to the Belgian police…”

The immediate reaction of Party leader Nigel to Gobby Godfrey’s latest gaffe was initially to say…
“he has a sort-of rather old fashioned Territorial Army sense of humor that does not translate well in modern Britain,” but later added that the episode had “destroyed” the party’s annual conference and robbed it of the chance of positive press coverage.

Now what does this mean, Bloom having a rather old fashioned Territorial Army sense of humor that does not translate well in modern Britain? Well to begin, such humor is juvenile, schoolboy smutty and in your face geriatric. In a word lower middle class Essex. It’s got no style or class. And if Mr Farage wants to turn away from a modern England to one where a military manner dictates sexual propriety, I suggest he’d have no better place to look than the fascist disposition.

Bloom’s manner has a certain psychological character. It has the smell of impending impotency searching for lost vigor through an aggressive and authoritarian disposition. For example, when confronted outside the fringe meeting by a male reporter as to whether he had just called the women sluts he said that he couldn’t remember, then added, yes, he had, but it had been a joke, “was there a single woman in there who didn’t laugh, you sad little man?” This in itself is also interesting. To defend himself in this way by aggressively demeaning a stranger clearly shows the particularly nasty and aggressive character of the man. He’s neither  fun nor a bag of laughs at all, as many of his UKIP defenders may claim. Such a disposition is more bullying than anything else besides being seriously stupid. In the full glare of publicity at this time of Annual Conference and with the eyes of the British public upon them, Gobby Godfrey lets the cat out the bag and gives us a clue about the real psychological nature of the party and much of its membership.

It’s anti-immigration, anti-European Economic Community, fundamentally anti-European, anti-Jonny foreigner… It’s far more nationalist than the English Defence League or the British National Party. It’s expertly Populist, deriving most of its support from the social classes possessing tattoos and aggressive dogs en masse. The condition for the dictatorship of this new lumpen-proletariat through its representation by UKIP has been in creation for more than a decade. Just imagine if you will a dozen or more Godfrey Blooms running our relationships with other countries, our Criminal Justice System, our Social Services, our Education, Trade and internal Community relations and you’ll know what you’re getting.


If you've enjoyed reading this post and others in the series, why not try reading some of the novels I've written? One is a highly enjoyable black satire about the English Literary Racket and what unknown writers have to do to try and get their work published. It exposes the whole dirty world of literary agents, celebrity writers, journalists and publishers and it tells you the truth. I know, I've been through it all.

A CONSPIRACY OF TRASH is a story that Rupert Murdoch's book publishing company Harper Collins, the largest in the UK, refused to publish. You can download the Foreword on Amazon for free if you like, and if you want to read more it will cost just 99 cents or around 75 pence. Above all I hope you enjoy it and that it makes you laugh because I enjoyed writing it.

The story has many different characters and one or two heroes. It also has a serious message. About the people who really control publishing and the kind of books they allow you to read. All the publishers refused to give this black comedy a public hearing. They pose as liberals, believers in free speech but they're nothing of the kind and the thing they fear most is satire. If you read A CONSPIRACY OF TRASH you'll understand why.

Another great read is my Science Fiction novel THE ADVENTURES OF A MAROONED SPACEMAN told in two parts. It’s a story about a human being’s struggle to survive after being dumped on an alien world after his Starcruiser is attacked by space pirates. It’s a real thriller about human endurance and the triumph of a man against all the odds.

Finally you’ll really enjoy my exciting human interest drama THE BROTHERS PAGE, A VERY ENGLISH NOVEL, about a working class family up north, two brothers and their sister, who make it out of a tough grinding background to achieve happiness, fame and fortune. Through it all the guiding spirit is Ma Page, who nurtures her family through many adventures. This is a story full of happiness and romance where true love is found. A great family tale full of hard work and ambition, optimism and hope. Something that will warm the hearts of those who find life tough and dispiriting today. You can likewise get some free download from Amazon to experience the spirit of the story and to buy it is cheap. I promise you’ll enjoy it!

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