A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Saturday 28 September 2013


Over the last decade ever increasing numbers of women have been turning to crystals and crystal healing as a means for reducing tension, easing stress, to help them relax and to help them find meaning. Even to help them find love. Somehow the idea that crystals can replace many of the traditional avenues that brought personal fulfillment, emotional satisfaction, comfort and human warmth has taken hold and gained ground in the psyche of women who feel that their lives are running by empty, without purpose, without warmth and without satisfaction. For most, the solace and assurances that religion once provided has in recent decades finally come up smelling of nothing. Likewise the assurances and promise of politicians as a means for change and better times has been exposed as a fraud. Men have their football, their tattoos and their booze; and their women often feel ‘taken for granted’. Whatever this well-known phrase actually means, what it actually covers, is a whole world of complaint. Men more often than not aren’t into crystals but women are! So what’s going on here?

Religion on its way out, except for the Muslims who want to bomb or convert everyone else. Unless you’re over sixty and desperate, the dummies in dog collars have little that’s new to say to anybody except the same old message seasonally dragged out of its coffin and freshed up with oil of Ulay. Yeah, yeah… everyone knows. He died for us all so put it back in its box. That’s not blasphemy, it’s part of the new social, economic and political reality supplied by Gordon Brown and the financial swindlers of the City of London. And now the Liberal Democrats have been spewing the same dirt and chewing the same cud with the Tories while pretending they’re virgins, in Government for the first time and still learning to open their legs.

Women turning to crystals? In the last week we’ve heard from the Liberal Democrat cheesies, the UKIP nasties and what used to be Labour, and soon we’ll be hearing from the dag-arsed Tories. But wait, let’s stop and dwell for a moment about what any decent, intelligent woman might have made of it so far. And I’ll try to be brief.  

So what do you get from Nick Clegg that will make you turn away from the promise of crystals and the healing balm of Rose Quartz. I suppose it’s all spoiled in the first place because we all know that the Lib-Dems are a bunch of plain liars. But just let me add a couple more things to help you want to go out and buy crystals. Talk about quartz crystals giving you ‘energy’, Ed Davey, the Lib-Dem Secretary of State for Energy was a very quiet man at Conference and for good reason. While he’s been on the job the suspicion has grown that the big six energy suppliers have got together to form a price fixing cartel. Many of their executives now work within his Department but nobody quite knows what they’re doing there! Furthermore, a major report about price fixing in the Energy Market due to be released some time back seems to have disappeared! What we do know however is this. Energy prices on the wholesale market from the producers to the suppliers have fallen by some 30% in the last two years only none of it has been passed on to domestic users! Instead, prices of gas and electricity to domestic consumers from the time the Lib Dems took over at Energy have risen by some 20%. No wonder so many women are turning to crystals for a source of energy when they can’t get it cheap from the Lib-Dems in Coalition running the show.

In his Conference speech Nick Clegg told the big lie that his Party had effectively checked Tory Party excesses. For years the Lib-Dems made a big splash in the media that they were against excessive bankers bonuses in the Financial Services Industry and would determine the direction the Government took in the matter. Now as we see in the news, the Tory-Lib Dem Coalition Government is taking the European Commission to Court over its recent legislation, supported by every nation in the EC except Britain, to curb bankers bonuses. Effectively, the only Government in Europe against it is the Tory-Lib Dem Coalition. Little wonder that most women would rather rub a crystal than rub shoulders with a rascal like Clegg!

And now UKIP! For one thing women don’t like being called sluts, Mr Farage, and your intention of putting our system of criminal justice into the hands of the police is equally nasty. To make the police responsible for deciding who is or is not to be prosecuted under the law is to forget the ghastly things they’ve been up to in recent times. The shootings, the beatings, the deaths in custody, the manipulation, manufacture and falsification of evidence and the countless miscarriages of justice for which they were responsible… Never mind Europe! Your domestic policies here at home are as reactionary as your attitudes to women. It’s easy to talk about replacing the Lib-Dems as Britain’s third largest Party in coming elections when you know they’re a pushover anyway. They may be liars but your gang are as equally unsavory and no substitute for the solace of Rose Quartz or the balancing qualities of Bloodstone. The mirror of British politics may be cracked but people still won’t go for a mob who are quite frankly politically crackers unless of course the entire population’s from Essex.

As for the Labour Party Conference, Ed Miliband it seems has acquitted himself admirably. Not long ago he showed character and courage by being instrumental in refusing to take the British people into a War with Syria. At the Conference he spoke for millions of ordinary people by standing up to the Energy Suppliers’ Cartel and announcing a Labour Government, if elected in 2015, would freeze energy prices for 2 or more years. He well knows what these rascals are doing. Endlessly raising prices to domestic consumers while wholesale prices are falling and passing their vast profits to shareholders who rake in the cash on the backs of the poor.

So what kind of people are they who run the Energy Companies? Within hours of Miliband’s speech they were threatening cuts in energy supplies if a Miliband Labour Government cut their prices. A cut in energy supplies? A power blackout? Now what does such a threat actually mean? I’ll tell you. It means cutting the supply of power for cooking, heating and lighting, and the use of water and toilet facilities to tens of millions of people, many of them elderly and sick. It means cutting the supply of heating and lighting to hospitals. WHAT IT ACTUALLY MEANS IS HOLDING THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY TO RANSOM! 



In the hours after Miliband’s announcement the news media were on the rush on behalf of the Energy Companies to call him Red Ed. It’s the usual kind of slur they reserve for any politician who says anything ‘left’ of Margaret Thatcher, particularly the ex-Nazi friendly Daily Mail! Firstly what Miliband said was neither socialist nor ‘red’. Socialist would have been a message to the Energy Cartel… LOWER YOUR PRICES AND STOP BEING HATEFUL TO YOUR CUSTOMERS OR WE’LL NATIONALISE YOU WITHOUT COMPENSATION! But Ed Miliband’s a Social Democrat not a Socialist and the Labour Party today, such as it is, is the Party of people like Peter Mandelson who only days later publically urged his Party leader to be cautious.  

However Miliband’s announcement was something important. And as equally important perhaps was to see the decent, warm, caring working class women who’ve worked in the social services of this country most of their lives, speaking out against the attacks made on the NHS, the Welfare State and its Social Services and care provisions by the Tories and their Liberal Democrat allies in Government. And likewise the caring responsible and humane interest and concern of Trades Unionists about the pensions of workers rather than concerns to protect Executive Bonuses by Vince Cable and the Liberal Democrats.

Here, briefly in front of our eyes, we had those who were GOOD standing out against those who were BAD and others like UKIP who were frankly plain UGLY.

However in defence of Cameron’s Tories, it should be said that these people are not bad or evil. They are who they are. They care about the City Speculators, they want to break up and destroy our Welfare State and likewise our National Health Service which they want to turn over to greedy money-makers. In their own eyes they’re fine. They regard financial speculators and company executives as creators of wealth. These are the people they care about, not working people who make things. Tories are Tories, it’s the Liberal Democrats who are BAD. They tell lies and are endlessly scheming for power.

UKIP on the other hand are simply plain UGLY so let’s look at their affinity for crystals and crystal healing. Okay, can you imagine anyone in UKIP, men or women, being into crystals. Firstly can you imagine Nigel Farage wearing a Quartz crystal pendant or Godfrey Bloom one of Rose Quartz? What beer swilling healthy male member of UKIP could ever believe that crystals would help him get rid of Europe? UKIP women, on the other hand all look as if they need solace, but not from crystals. It’s the warm hand of paternalistic companionship they seek, the traditional values of pipe smoking Britishness, not any New Age liberal-type values. For members of UKIP crystals and the old style of Britishness don’t go. Crystals are ‘European’, they’re an unzip-a-banana kind of Frenchiness leeching out to corrupt plain British common sense values. Call us UGLY if you like but we want to be British and we don’t want your softy healing shit!

Okay, how about crystals and the Tories? For Tory male Parliamentarians, members of the Party or most of their voters, many with compulsory tattoos and aggressive bull terriers, crystals and crystal healing aren’t on. For those with the Essexite mentality in particular, it’s the stuff that pansies are made of, and can you imagine any of the Tory Front Bench wearing crystals in public let alone Chris Grayling believing in healing! For middle class Tory women on the other hand, a little Rose Quartz or Amethyst crystal set in silver on a silver chain as a gift from their husband is at least a possibility. Forget the healing side of it though. It’s got to be decorative, charming. Just a touch of the ‘liberal-Camerons’ if you will revealing the softer side of Toryism! Definitely not for lower middle class women who prefer a Rose somewhere else. Generally speaking crystals and Tories don’t go, and crystal healing and Tories definitely don’t go. The healing side of it smells of spirituality, of aspects of the soul, and if they need that kind of thing they’ll chat to the vicar.

Let’s move on to Liberal Democrats! Okay, Simon Hughes wearing a crystal, or Vince Cable checking up on his chakras? Really! When Liberal Democrats aren’t scheming or lying or deluding themselves are they really likely to walk around wearing Quartz Crystals hoping to boost their energy levels. Or if it’s Rose Quartz hoping to spread love. No, their faith is entirely political. A sure belief that they’re doing an important job keeping their Tory partners in check. A political faith that everyone in the country will love them because they’re honorable! That they’re doing what’s right for the country, joke, joke! Why should they need any healing when they’re continually being healed by their own political self-righteousness? Okay, you might get some forthright Lib-Dem lady wearing a bit of ‘Rosy’ at a cheesy-on-a-stick party just to show her fellow corporate executives or lawyers just how eclectic Lib-Dem values can be, but it never goes as far as any of the healing shit.   Oh my goodness me no! That means other people getting into your head and that’s only reserved for The BELOVED leader!

Finally Labour! Try to imagine Peter Mandelson if you will wearing a crystal on a leather thong when he meets up with his Russian billionaire businessmen friends! There he is by the pool on some yacht, in tight little trunks wearing his crystal! Now really? And it’s the same for any of Labor’s Front bench boys in the Commons or Lords, the same for any of the Trades Union Leaders, officials, or main Party workers. Crystals? Crystal healing? We’re serious people here. Fighting for a better Britain. A Britain for Everyone. Suggest you take yourself off to The Green Party or Friends of the Earth. They’re interested in rocks and vegetables! And of Labour’s electorate? Well most of its still from the traditional working class Midlands and North, not the underclass there who don’t vote. Working class men, wherever, are pragmatic. They’re not interested in the decorative charms of crystals and besides, they’ve got spiritual interests and alliances of another kind once every Saturday that the media make sure last for a week. Healing is when the team win or cod & chips fills a gap. And they can’t be bothered indulging their wives or girlfriends with something pretty on a silver chain, not least till Christmas, because they haven’t the money for it. Season tickets don’t come cheap you know. Besides, healing is bollocks. If there’s something not right then go to the doctors, not someone talking energy shit! Labour’s electorate, together with its decent, caring, hardworking membership who keep the NHS and Social Services running don’t have time for abstractions outside of reality. They’re concerned with real people and for them, the way to heal the spiritual sickness of finance destroying the health of our country is to work to get rid of the Tories, not walk around wearing a crystal or think that crystal healing will make anything better.

In summary, discounting the membership and electorate of these political parties, who is it that buys and wears crystals and believes in the power of crystal healing? If it’s a growing number of people as I’ve claimed in an earlier post then it is indeed a fair questions. Who then are these people?

Well now let me tell you! They are neither emphatically Tory, Labour, Lib Dem or UKIP. They may be a little bit of one or a little bit of the other and maybe even a little bit of each but the party they spiritually belong to, whose values they more or less accept, where they may find in one another a growing inner subscription to the new belief of the healing power of crystals is The Crystal Healing Party. Its electorate is  a growing force in our society and sooner or later it’s inevitable that politicians of all the main established Parties take cognizance of it and recognize its growing power as a force in our society. We do not as yet seek political power. The leaders of the main political parties, indeed the political establishment may rest assured… there is no current intention to field candidates for either local, national or European elections.  However the voice of crystal healing is being increasingly heard. The spirituality and values of its adherents becoming increasingly known around the fringes of the party political system. We ask for nothing. Neither that you listen, nor that you accept. Our enlightened system of healing is a growing popular view. Something that one day you may have to consider. We are the new faith. The new coming force to be reckoned with. Benign, enlightened, individualistic yet communal.

Should any of the leaders of the main political parties seek to look to the future, be part of the dawn of the growing enlightenment then you are welcome to write to me. We can talk, and understanding your needs I would be happy to send you a crystal!
If you've enjoyed reading this post and others in the series, why not try reading some of the novels I've written? One is a highly enjoyable black satire about the English Literary Racket and what unknown writers have to do to try and get their work published. It exposes the whole dirty world of literary agents, celebrity writers, journalists and publishers and it tells you the truth. I know, I've been through it all.

A CONSPIRACY OF TRASH is a story that Rupert Murdoch's book publishing company Harper Collins, the largest in the UK, refused to publish. You can download the Foreword on Amazon for free if you like, and if you want to read more it will cost just 99 cents or around 75 pence. Above all I hope you enjoy it and that it makes you laugh because I enjoyed writing it.

The story has many different characters and one or two heroes. It also has a serious message. About the people who really control publishing and the kind of books they allow you to read. All the publishers refused to give this black comedy a public hearing. They pose as liberals, believers in free speech but they're nothing of the kind and the thing they fear most is satire. If you read A CONSPIRACY OF TRASH you'll understand why.

Another great read is my Science Fiction novel THE ADVENTURES OF A MAROONED SPACEMAN told in two parts. It’s a story about a human being’s struggle to survive after being dumped on an alien world after his Starcruiser is attacked by space pirates. It’s a real thriller about human endurance and the triumph of a man against all the odds.

Finally you’ll really enjoy my exciting human interest drama THE BROTHERS PAGE, A VERY ENGLISH NOVEL, about a working class family up north, two brothers and their sister, who make it out of a tough grinding background to achieve happiness, fame and fortune. Through it all the guiding spirit is Ma Page, who nurtures her family through many adventures. This is a story full of happiness and romance where true love is found. A great family tale full of hard work and ambition, optimism and hope. Something that will warm the hearts of those who find life tough and dispiriting today. You can likewise get some free download from Amazon to experience the spirit of the story and to buy it is cheap. I promise you’ll enjoy it!

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