A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 14 July 2013


Well here my considerations on some of the news stories of the week.

So Andy Murray won the Men’s Singles Tennis Title at Wimbledon and his years of hard training, ambition and dedication paid off. Good for him! Every year when Wimbledon’s on, BBC Television froths at the mouth and no more so than this year after his victory. Old champions now fat and ugly get dragged out to commentate and usually foreigners who always do the jolly old British Establishment proud by saying how much they love to be here and other little niceties that the middle class tennis following love to hear. For the days’ patriots the red of the Union Jacks go nicely with strawberries off a barrow that are somehow not your common East European migrant pickings at three quid an hour but very definitely middle class strawberries nicely going down the very middle class gobs. And how do most people get seats for the Centre Court on Finals Day? Well if you think it’s a queuing thing think again! It’s celebrity time and the ‘A’ list. Politicians, entertainers and corporate executives. The rest sit outside on a hill, watch a screen and think they’re just like everyone else in there only they’re not!

The boy did well and he deserved the media adulation that followed, only he was a Scotsman from Dunblane a small town where a crazed gunman murdered many kids at the school he attended Sand much as the Establishment would have loved him to be English he wasn’t. Tennis at Wimbledon once a year, like the Proms at the Albert Hall, the Henley Regatta and Test Match Cricket at Lords are annual pinnacles of the British Establishment at play. Most of their following is straight out the shires. Ten bedroom country cottages or town houses in Chelsea, one of the most understated shires in London! It’s not for the underclass of Liverpool or the working class of Widnes. Likewise the Durham Miners Gala isn’t for those out of Kensington! These people don’t even watch tennis on tele. It’s not traditionally their kind of sport. Never mind, when anyone British wins anything at Wimbledon, the BBC, leading the mass media, make sure they do it for ‘the nation’ so when Murray won we all became middle class only that’s not Andy Murray. He’s a modest, dedicated self-effacing sportsman who also won the Olympic title on home soil. It means the Establishment will give him a knighthood and make him one of their own.

Perfect if he wants to be a BBC Wimbledon tennis commentator but hopefully not. It’s a fate worse than death. A bit like being a schoolteacher when you should be researching!

The other big news of the week, the funeral of soldier Lee Rigby is strangely connected. Andy Murray’s home town was victim to a terrible attack, Fusilier Lee Rigby was likewise a victim of a shocking outrage.  Much has been written and spoken about the life of this courageous and affable young man who fought for his country abroad, almost to sickening excess in the lower end media and the BBC, the latter describing his death as a killing rather than the filthy murder it was. Some have described it as senseless, however it wasn’t really senseless at all. Not to his murderers. From their point of view, as a soldier, he was a murderer himself.

Let’s look at this clearly. The hateful assault on him outside the military barracks at Woolwich was a product of uncontrolled rage fuelled by Islamic hate propaganda. This wasn’t a simple stabbing for god’s sake. They overpowered this man and tried to cut off his head with a knife. That’s because the filthy hate propaganda that took over their minds preaches that all non-Muslims are ‘dhimmies’. Inferiors. An inferior species of being, and that’s the real irony. According to such teaching, chief among these inferiors, after Jews, are black people themselves! How was it then that these two black murderers, both British who’d been schooled in this country, one with a Nigerian background who’d gone to University here, could have become so rapidly radicalized? And much more than radicalized! They’d deliberately gone out to murder that day and driven round searching for victims, murdering entirely in the name of Islam and so very clearly proud of it. They hadn’t tried to escape after their butchery but hung around, waiting to be caught for the sake of the publicity it would bring. This a particularly filthy kind of fanaticism. Entirely unashamed and redolent of Nazi’s openly murdering Jewish babies and children.

Both men, so clearly proud of their deed, were well educated, so their conversion to hatred seems illogical, but not if you follow the logicality of this fanaticist teaching. Put one foot on the path of its warped twisted ideology and you begin killing single individuals thought inferior, thought enemies of everything you are taught to believe is good and right and later you wind up killing many because you now identify with countless others of the faith and become part of something much bigger than yourself. So now you have to murder everyone on the other side, those you think are doing your brothers harm here and overseas. The perfect target for you therefore is your main enemy, a soldier. That’s why you’re proud. That’s the filthy logic of it all.

How come that these two men were so entirely susceptible to such teaching? That they forgot whatever else they were taught had learned and embraced such twisted views so completely? Could it be because such teaching is so utterly true? Surely not if it condemns two thirds of humanity out of hand as inferior. The fact that it took hold of them lies perhaps in their psychology. That they themselves felt inferior and their lives without meaning so sought meaning and empowerment elsewhere. The path that brought them to Lee Rigby might have been accidental that day but their murderous intention wasn’t accidental at all. In a way it was part of a product of good old New Labour intention.

Remember New Labour? Remember how soon after the time of the first New Labour Government in 1997 the streets of London were filled with Muslim hate preachers with large numbers of followers around them spouting venomous racial hatred against minority groups such as Jews. There were many of these people, standing up in the streets, protected by the police, with New Labour Home Secretaries allowing them to say whatever they wanted. It was exactly with the advent of the New Labour Government that anti-Semitic preaching on the streets of London became commonplace. Yes, we all heard the tight lipped excuses. There was nothing they could do about it. It was entirely lawful. It would alas require a major change in the law to stop it. All the New Labour Home Secretaries wringing their hands over the following decade. Oh dear, oh dear… how on earth did it happen? Well it happened because Muslim-happy New Labour Government wanted trade with the Arab world. Anyway, there were only a few hundred thousand Jews in the country and the many millions of Asians their immigration policies had allowed in. So the preachers radicalized hundreds of thousands of youth in Slough and the Midlands, many of whom left to fight British soldiers in Afghanistan while two who stayed murdered Lee Rigby!

Now, many more are leaving for Syria, radicalized by a philosophy of hatred. The Middle East one minute, Britain the next. The signs are only too evident. Well done New Labour! Lee Rigby’s life might have been honorable but his death certainly wasn’t. His funeral however, with his brother soldiers around him giving him the respect he deserved was indeed something better. Something worthy. Something altogether more honorable than anything those so called brothers can give to their own fellow murderers who fight to stop women and girls being educated. Who want to stop children learning to read and to write. These so called brothers need everyone else to be ignorant so they can only swallow their message of hate. That was what Fusilier Lee Rigby was fighting for. To help educate kids so that they’d become better people. The noble choice of an honorable man.

The other big story of the week is a return to Ed Miliband! The spat between the Milipede and Len McClusky of the Unite Union last week should have given the latter a wake-up call that something nasty was going to happen only he was still having a nap. There was Len, still calling the Milipede ‘Ed’ and making out that he was somehow misguided and just ‘got it wrong’, right up to the eleventh hour when the Parliamentary Labour Party leader turned round and told him he didn’t give a shit about his Trade’s Union financial donations, nor the support of its affiliated members. In fact he broadened it out to say he didn’t give a monkey’s about any kind of support from the Trades Union Movement at all and that they could stick all their money!

I suggested last week that this might well happen. The Milipede wants to complete the work of his predecessors, the two Dark Lords of New Labour, and dissociate the Party from its working class foundation and support. Make it an entirely middle class entity with policies little different from the Tories. The Milipede, actually Florence the Snail from the Magic Roundabout, wants any connection with the Trades Unions to be entirely on his terms and quite frankly he understands the Union Leaders only too well. There’s the wretched McClusky still making speeches of support for Florence and the Labour Party at the Durham Miners Gala when Florence had already stuck two fingers up and told him to stick it! How very strange Len! No repeal of Anti-Trades Union legislation from Florence should he be elected to power and no reversal of Tory Spending Cuts. Actually whatever you think it is Len it’s actually NO NOTHING for millions of working people from New Labour and NO NOTHING for you and the Trades Union Movement. Yet you are still talking about your good friend Ed even though he’s telling you to get stuffed and you’re still promising this Party money from the subscriptions of working people to your Union who, if they come to Government, will only give 1% annual pay rises while they allow their corporate friends in finance and industry to avoid paying taxes.

Now exactly what kind of Trades Union Leader are you Mr McClusky, just politically ignorant or simply an unconscionable political coward? Or do you think that all trade unionists are stupid?

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